ISSN 2167-8790

"An Online Journal Addressing Attitudes, Anxiety, Confidence, and Best Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics Pre-K and Beyond"
Online Showcases
Exploring, Learning, and Creating with GeoGebra
Teacher Trish Smith at Cardinal Newman High School in West Palm Beach uses Geogebra to get students familiar with certain aspects of groups of graphs. While doing this, she noticed that it would be fairly simple to create "pictures" on the GeoGebra software and so it began. At Christmas time she gives her students the basic shape of a tree and they have to "decorate" it with functions that her students are learning about in class. At Easter time, she gave her students the basic shape of an egg and they had to "decorate" it with functions that they are learning at that time. For the "extra creative" students, Trish encourages them to use multiple functions to create a new picture within the tree or egg. GeoGebra is a great tech tool to turn students on to math, help them learn, and let them create.
GeoGebra is free software, a multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that joins geometry, algebra, tables, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package (Hohenwarter, Hohenwarter, & Lavicza, 2009). GeoGebra has a large international user and developer community with users from 190 countries. The software is currently translated into 55 languages and attracts close to 300,000 downloads per month. It can be downloaded for free and accessed at:
Check out FAU's Math Day
- A day to celebrate mathematics, to have fun with mathematics, to show off your mathematical talents.
- Compete for cash and other prizes in three competitions.
- Find out about careers in mathematics.
- Meet the mathematics faculty at FAU
- Find out about secret codes and network security and why actuaries have more fun.
For details, and for registration, please see our website at:
(Registration is now open)
For more information call:
Prof. Tomas Schonbek
(561) 297-3355
Ms. Emily Cimillo
(561) 297-3342