ISSN 2167-8790

"An Online Journal Addressing Attitudes, Anxiety, Confidence, and Best Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics Pre-K and Beyond"
Contributor Information
Appropriate Submissions
Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators is intended to provide a formal forum for the dissemination of the research results, insights, and ideas of professional educators and mathematicians on the wide variety of issues that pertain to math attitudes, math anxiety, math confidence building, and overall best practices for teaching mathematics to Pre-K and beyond. Thus, Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators encourages submissions in the form of high quality manuscripts from 5 to 15 pages, single spaced, 12-point type font. Submissions may include research and expository articles, essays and thought pieces, or professional observations and discussions which focus specifically on issues of content and pedagogy, philosophical and practical, related to math attitudes, math anxiety, math confidence building, and overall best practices for the teaching of mathematics to Pre-K and beyond.
The Submission Process
To submit a manuscript for consideration with Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators, please send the manuscript via E-mail to one of the journal's editors:
Joseph M. Furner, Ph.D.
Editor and Chief, Mathitudes Online
Teaching and Learning
College of Education
Florida Atlantic University
Jupiter, Florida 33458
Please be sure to include the names and affiliations of all authors, along with a 50 to 100 word abstract of the article on an individual sheet. This will help to contribute to the anonymity of the refereeing process of manuscripts submitted to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators.
Submission Deadlines
Manuscripts will be accepted for review from September 1st to February 1st of each academic year.
The Refereeing Process
Manuscript submissions will be reviewed in a blind referee format by professional educators and mathematicians which will be chosen by the editors according to areas of specialization for appropriateness of the topic, validity of the research results and/or conclusions, general interest in the topic while keeping in line with the mission of the journal, and overall adherence to generally accepted standards of good writing.
The Publication Schedule of Articles Accepted
All articles accepted for publication on Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators will be published online as they are accepted by the editors, once the editors have received the final print version with edits/revisions recommended by the reviewers/editors and the journal has obtained joint copyright it will be placed online. Each online article will be assigned a volume, issue, and page numbers.
The Submission Formats
When an article is accepted for publication on Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators the author(s) will be expected to provide it in final form to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators in one of the following electronic formats:
- WordPerfect® Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Microsoft® Word Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Rich Text Format
Graphical images and photos which are part of a manuscript need to be submitted in one of the following formats:
- Camera-ready Copy
- Encapsulated PostScript File
- Tagged Image File Format (TIF file)
The Submission Style
When an article is accepted for publication on Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators the author(s) will be expected to provide it to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators in the general style adopted by Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators. It is preferred that all manuscripts are in the APA style format.
The Abstract
When an article is accepted for publication on Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators the author(s) will be expected to provide the abstract and biographical sketches of it, in separate files, to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators in one of the following electronic formats:
- WordPerfect® Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Microsoft® Word Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Rich Text Format
The Biographical Sketch(es)
When an article is accepted for publication on Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators the author(s) will be expected to provide brief biographical sketches of each author to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators in one of the following electronic formats:
- WordPerfect® Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Microsoft® Word Document, Version 6.0 or later
- Rich Text Format
For further manuscript details, please see the Tips and Checklist for Authors provided here online by Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators.
Copyright Information for Contributors
The author(s) also will be expected to sign the copyright over to Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators, but will also retain copyright for personal use. Potential authors of Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators must realize that once their article has been accepted for publication and when Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators has received the final print version from the author(s), Mathitudes: An Online Journal for Mathematics Educators and the author(s) share copyright to the article and as part of proper etiquette it should not be submitted or printed in another journal.