Student Research Highlights
Student Research Awards Student Research Publications Partner Research & Directed Independent Studies Student Thesis & Doctoral Capstone Studies Conference & Symposia Presentations Getting Involved
Research is integrated across the curriculum at the College of Social Work & Criminal Justice. From classroom and field projects, partner research with faculty, the FAU Undergraduate Research Journal, symposia, conferences, and more, we encourage all Social Work and Criminal Justice students to get involved in research, early and often.
Nicole Tartal (2022): Distinguished Student of the Year
This competitive award recognizes the outstanding academic, scholarly and service achievements of a single student from across the entire university. Nicole was a BSW student in the Phyllis & Harvey Sandler School of Social Work at the time the award was given.
Robin Jimenez Bean (2022): Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
This competitive award recognizes the research-based contributions of an undergraduate student from each College. Robin received this honor for her project titled “Perceptions of Posttraumatic Growth Among Adults with Lived Experience in Foster Care.”
Angemie Mathieu (2022): Student Scholar of the Year
Erika Stone (2021): Symposium 2nd Place Oral Presentation (Behavioral, Educational, & Social Science Division)
This competitive award recognizes presentation distinction at the 11th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at Florida Atlantic University. Erika received this honor for presentation titled “Revenge porn: A critical content analysis of the Nation’s laws and reflection upon social science research”.
Erika Stone (2021): Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
This competitive award recognizes the research-based contributions of an undergraduate student from each College. Erika received this honor for her under peer-review co-authored journal article exploring revenge porn legislation.
Mariya Josiah (2021): University Scholar
This competitive award recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of an undergraduate student from each College. Mariya received this honor for her data collection efforts on several in progress, under review, and published journal article exploring human trafficking, sexual assault, stalking, and revenge porn legislation.
Erika Stone (2020): Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
This competitive award seeks to support students and faculty research collaborations through student stipends and equipment. Erik received this fellowship for her project titled “Criminal justice Legal Analyses”.
Alexandria Remillard (2019): Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
This competitive award recognizes the research-based contributions of an undergraduate student from each College. Alexandria received this honor for her in progress peer-review co-authored journal article exploring hate crime legislation.
Alexandria Remillard (2018): Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
This competitive award seeks to support students and faculty research collaborations through student stipends and equipment. Alexandria received this fellowship for her project titled “Legal Analysis of Victim-Suspect Relationships in Sexual Assaults”.
Caralin Branscum (2018): Symposium 1st Place Oral Presentation (Behavioral, Educational, & Social Science Division)
This competitive award recognizes presentation distinction at the 8th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at Florida Atlantic University. Caralin received this honor for presentation titled “Voluntary victim intoxication in sexual assault: A summary of the Nation’s state statutes”.
Caralin Branscum (2017): Southern Criminal Justice Association’s Tom Barker Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award
This competitive award recognizes exemplary student achievement among students enrolled within Southern Criminal Justice Association’s regional institutions. Areas of scholarship, leadership, and public service are judged alongside grade-point average and the student’s contribution to his/her academic program, college, and community.
Caralin Branscum (2017): Undergraduate Researcher of the Year
This competitive award recognizes the research-based contributions of an undergraduate student from each College. Caralin received this honor for her in progress peer-review co-authored journal article exploring voluntary victim intoxication in sexual assault legislation.
Caralin Branscum (2017): Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
This competitive award seeks to support students and faculty research collaborations through student stipends and equipment. Alexandria received this fellowship for her project titled “Sexual Assault Legal Analysis and Reform”.
Ellison, J. M., Cain, C. M., Baker, B., & Paige, B. (2022). The dangers of short-term confinement: Indicators of safety risks among jail inmates. International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology.
Osuna, Amanda, Garcia, Krystal, Fallik, Seth, & Markevitch, Taylor, (2023). Victimization in juvenile sexual assault legislation: A critical content analysis of state laws in the United States of America. Youth Justice, 28 pages.
Fallik, Seth, Stone, Erika, Victory, Danielle, Markevitch, Taylor, Salvo, Rolando, Mallalieu, Alexis (2022). Revenge porn: A critical content analysis of the Nation’s laws and reflection upon social science research. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law, & Society, 23(1), 1-22.
Jesilow, P., Burton, B., & Sun, D. (2022). Healthcare fraud. In Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology, Ed. Beth M. Huebner. New York: Oxford University Press.
Matsuzaka, S., Avery, L.R., Stanton, A.G. et al. Online Victimization, Womanism, and Body Esteem among Young Black Women: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Sex Roles (2022).
Douds, A. S., Ahlin, E. M., Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Posteraro, M. (2021). Noble intent is not enough to run vet court mentoring programs: A qualitative study of mentors’ role orientation and responsibilities. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, 10(2).
Atkin-Plunk, C. A., Armstrong, G. S., & Dalbir, N. (2021). Veteran treatment court client perceptions of procedural justice and recidivism. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 32(5), 501-522.
Park, J., & Herron, C. (June 2021). The effects of movement-based mind-body intervention in managing symptoms in older adults with osteoarthritis: Gender, age, and living arrangement differences. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 27(3), 111-123.
Johnson, D., & Barsky, A. E. (2020). Preventing gun violence in schools: Roles and perspectives of social workers. School Social Work Journal, 44(2), 26-48.
Cooley, M. E., Womack, B., ϮRush, J., & Slinskey, K. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences among foster parents: Prevalence and association with resilience, coping, satisfaction as a foster parent, and intent to continue fostering. Children and Youth Services Review, 109, 104679.
Stahnke, B., Blackstone, A., & Howard, H. (2020). Lived experiences and life satisfaction of childfree women in late life. The Family Journal. 28(2), 159–167.
Jean, Borina, & Sloas, Lincoln B. (2020). The roles and responsibilities of the participating team members in drug treatment courts. Florida Atlantic Undergraduate Research Journal, 9, 17-22.
Cain, C. (DIS Faculty Instructor) and Radaker, K. (2022). Boys will be boys and victim blaming: Exploring the pink self-defense movement amidst a culture of fear.
Atkin-Plunk, C. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Collupy, K. (Student). (2021). Homelessness and Reentry.
Atkin-Plunk, C. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Fernandez, T. (Student). (2021). Youth Reentry in PBC.
Cain, C. (DIS Faculty Instructor), Howard, A. (Student). (2021). Human Trafficking.
Cesar, G. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Gorman, H. (Student). (2021). Courtroom Working Group Study.
Cesar, G. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Horsey, K. (Student). (2021). Community Justice and Music Festival.
Dario, L. (DIS Faculty Instructor), Albrecht, E. (Student). (2021). Wrongful Convictions.
Dario, L. (DIS Faculty Instructor), Robertson, J. & William, G. (Students). (2021). Narco Corridors and Violence.
De la Torre, F. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & August, A. (Student). (2021). FL Stand Your Ground.
Fallik, S. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Gardner, S. (Student). (2021). Simulator Decision-Making.
Fallik, S. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Mallalieu, A. (Student). (2021). Simulator and Decision-Making.
Fallik, S. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Thalerand, E. (Student). (2021). Simulator Coding.
Guastaferro, W. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Alvarez, M. (Student). (2021). Justice on Demand.
Guastaferro, W. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Cuevas, S. (Student). (2021). The Discovery Project: Drug Court Participants and Recovery Master’s Thesis.
Guastaferro, W. (DIS Faculty Instructor) & Scott, A. (Student). (2021). CSI Effect on Crime Scene Investigations.
Park, J. (PI) & Tolea, M. (Co-I) (2017-2018) Effects of Chair Yoga in Older Adults with Dementia Effects of Chair Yoga in Older Adults with Dementia. Florida Atlantic University (2017-2018), Division of Research, Institute for Healthy Aging and Lifespan Studies. The purpose of the research project was to assess the feasibility of conducting three nonpharmacological interventions with older adults with dementia, exploring the effects of chair yoga (CY), compared to a music intervention (MI) and chair-based exercise (CBE) in this population.
Park, J. (Co-PI) & McCaffrey, R. (Co-PI (2013–2014). Effect of Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga on Community-Dwelling Elders With Osteoarthritis FAU Seed Grant. A quasi-experimental design study was conducted to produce pilot data on the effectiveness of the Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga Program for older adults with osteoarthritis. Participants were assigned to an intervention group (Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga) or a control group (Health Education Program). Two manuscripts from this project were published in peer-reviewed journals.
External Reader, Dissertation Committee, Brittany Ripper (Defended, 2022). Formerly Incarcerated Women’s Reentry, Employment, and “Rehabilitation. American University.
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Bridget Schneiderman Tuttle. (Defended, 2022). Examining the Correlation of Self-Compassion and Compassion Fatigue in Social Work Interns.
Dr. Morgan Cooley, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Member, Thesis Committee, Kevin Lopez. Crime Analysts’ Use of Social Media. Chair: Dr. Lisa Dario, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University. In progress.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Hannah Gorman. (Defended, 2022). Prosecutorial Discretion: A Focal Concerns Perspective
Chair, Thesis Committee, Maria Alvarez. (Defended, 2022). Justice on Demand: A Qualitative Case Study of Virginia Artrip Snyder
Member, Thesis Committee, John Robertson. (Defended, 2022). Narcocorridos and Violence. Chair: Dr. Lisa Dario, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Selena Cuevas. (Defended, 2022). Drug Court Narratives
Member, Comparative Studies PhD Program, Katherine Haggar Untitled. In progress.
Member, External Dissertation Committee (Purdue University). (Defended, 2022). Parents’ Experiences, Engagement, and Outcomes in Child Protective Interventions: A Mixed Methods Exploration.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, T. Vitolo. (Defended, 2022). Beliefs, Attitudes, and Knowledge About Complementary and Alternative Interventions Among Licensed Clinical Social Work Practitioners.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, Bridget Schneiderman Tuttle. (Defended, 2022). Examining the Correlation of Self-Compassion and Compassion Fatigue in Social Work Interns.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, E. Manresa. (Defended, 2022). Older Adults’ Perception of Relational Empathy in Their Healthcare Provider and its Relationship to Medication Adherence.
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Hill-Thompson, K. The Relationship between Spirituality and Severity of Conduct Disorder in Male Juvenile Offenders. In progress.
Dr. Danielle Groton,
Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Chair, Thesis Committee, Kevin Lopez. Police departments and the use of social media for investigations. In progress.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Emily Albrecht. (Defended, 2022). Racial disparities in statutory and civil compensation for the wrongfully convicted.
Member, Thesis Committee, Maria Alvarez. (Defended, 2022). A qualitative case study of Virginia Artrip Snyder: Local justice leader.
Member, Thesis Committee, Hannah Gorman. (Defended, 2022). Prosecutorial Discretion: A Focal Concerns Perspective.
Chair, Thesis Committee, John Robertson. (Defended, 2022). Narcocorridos and Violence.
Member, Thesis Committee, Scott Gardner. (Defended, 2022). The effects of implicit bias in simulated police-community interactions: A pilot study. Chair: Seth Fallik, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University.
External Reader, Dissertation Committee, Jonathan Bastian. Body Worn Cameras and Law Enforcement Discretion During Traffic Stops. University of Louisville. In progress.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Scott Gardner. (Defended, 2022). The Effects of Implicit Bias in Simulated Police-Community Interactions: A Pilot Study.
Member, Capstone Committee, Shelley Kavanagh. (Defended, 2022). Unintended impacts of sex offender policies: An inside look into understanding how family members of registered citizens experience the sex offender registry and residency restriction laws.
Dr. Heather Howard, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Elizabeth Delgado. (Defended, 2022) Effectiveness of eye movement desensitization reprocessing on addiction cravings: An intervention pilot study.
Dr. Juyoung Park, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Member, College of Education PhD Program Committee, J. Patricia Gustafsson. (Defended, 2022) The relationship between emotional intelligence and perceived stress among low-income Brazilian single mothers.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, Yehudah Alcabes. An examination of therapists’ discomfort in the treatment of problematic pornography use. In progress.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, Rochelle Epstein, The relationship between skepticism and knowledge and accurate diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder by licensed clinical social workers. In progress.
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, Hill-Thompson, K. The Relationship between Spirituality and Severity of Conduct Disorder in Male Juvenile Offenders. In progress.
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Elizabeth Delgado. (Defended, 2022) Effectiveness of eye movement desensitization reprocessing on addiction cravings: An intervention pilot study.
Dr. Juyoung Park, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Chair, Capstone Committee, Shelley Kavanagh. (Defended, 2022). Unintended impacts of sex offender policies: An inside look into understanding how family members of registered citizens experience the sex offender registry and residency restriction laws
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Yehudah Alcabes. An examination of therapists’ discomfort in the treatment of problematic pornography use. In progress.
Dr. Manny Gonzalez, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Rochelle Epstein, The relationship between skepticism and knowledge and accurate diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder by licensed clinical social workers. In progress.
Dr. Manny Gonzalez, Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University
Chair, DSW Capstone Committee, Elizabeth Delgado. (Defended, 2022) Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing on Addiction Cravings in Adults with Substance Use Disorder: Pilot Study
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Kathryn McCormic. (Defended, 2022) Factors Associated With Academic Achievement in At-Risk High School Students. (Defended Summer 2022)
Member, College of Nursing Ph.D. Dissertation, Somi Panday. Lived Experience of Older Nepalese Women With Urinary Incontinence. In progress.
Member, DSW Capstone Committee, Tina Marsicano. (Defended, 2022) Beliefs, Attitudes, and Knowledge About Complementary and Alternative Interventions Among Licensed Clinical Social Work Practitioners.
Member, College of Nursing, Erin Etheridge-Bagley. The Lived Experience of Families who Donate Their Neonates Organs. In progress.
Member, Thesis Committee, Emily Albrecht. (Defended, 2022). Racial disparities in statutory and civil compensation for the wrongfully convicted. Chair: Dr. Lisa Dario, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Selena Cuevas. (Defended, 2022). Drug Court Narratives
Committee member, DSW Committee, Shelley Kavanagh. (Prospectus defended, 2020). How mothers of registered sex offenders experience the sex offender registry and residency restriction laws. Chair: Dr. Heather Howard , Sandler School of Social Work, Florida Atlantic University.
Committee member, Dissertation Committee, Mijin Kim (Defended, 2019). Behavioral effects of restrictive housing on prisoners. Chair: Dr. Jeff Mellow. Graduate Center, City University of New York & John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Chair, Dissertation Committee, Laura Lutgen. (Defended, 2018). Assessing the outcomes of a jail-based substance abuse treatment program: A quasi-experimental approach. Graduate Center, City University of New York & John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Selina Cuevas. Recovery in drug courts. School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University. In progress.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Maria Alvarez. Justice on demand. Co-Chair with Dr. Gabriel Cesar , School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University.
Chair, Thesis Committee, Alexandra Scott. The CSI-effect on crime scene investigators. School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University. In progress.
Member, Thesis Committee, Katie Collupy. Homelessness and Reentry. Chair: Dr. Cassandra Atkin-Plunk , School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University. In progress.
Member, Thesis Committee, Hannah Gorman. How does prosecutorial discretion impact a defendant’s right to due process and equal protection? Chair: Dr. Gabriel Cesar , School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University. In progress.
Member, Thesis Committee, Caralin Branscum. (2020, defended). Combatting human trafficking with the law: A content analysis of state laws and recommendations for reform. Chair: Dr. Seth Fallik, School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Florida Atlantic University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Janhavi Dubhashi. (2019, defended). The relationship between parental criminal history and substance use on child mental health. Chair: Dr. Dan Whitaker, School of Public Health, Georgia State University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Jeffrey Holiday. (2018, defended). Predictors determining the successful completion of the DeKalb County Drug Court program. Chair: Dr. Dan Whitaker, School of Public Health, Georgia State University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Rabab Zahidi. (2017, defended). Relationship between self-report and observed parenting among parents with and without substance use disorders. Chair: Dr. Dan Whitaker, School of Public Health, Georgia State University.
Member, Thesis Committee, Carolyn Malone. (2017, defended). A comparison of parent and child mental health outcomes, parenting skills and family functioning of adult treatment court and family treatment court participants. Chair, Dr. Dan Whitaker, School of Public Health, Georgia State University.
Rocco, R., & Atkin-Plunk, C. A. (2022). Prison-based animal programs: Student perceptions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Wilson-McCoy, K., & Dario, L. M. (2022, November). The competing roles of legal and social oppression on Black Americans. Accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology: Atlanta, GA.
Goldenberg, Lea & Sloas, Lincoln B. (2022, April). Intrinsic drunkenness in auto-brewery syndrome: A systematic review. Twelfth Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida.
Lai, B.S., Guastaferro, K., Osborne, M., Aubé, S., Guastaferro, W.P., & Whitaker, D. (2021, November). Parent and child reports of parenting behaviors. In Silverstein, M. J. (Chair), Utilization of novel research methods to examine parents’ role in children’s post-trauma recovery. Presented at the annual International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies Conference. Virtual Conference.
Randall-Kosich, O., Whitaker, D., Guastaferro, W.P., & Rivers, D. (2021, October). Predicting drug court graduation: Examining the role of individual and programmatic characteristics. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
López, R., Cooley, M. E., Thompson, H. M., & Newquist, J. (2020, November). Parenting behaviors and parental stress among foster parents. Presentation at the annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations, online conference.
Marcus, R. W., Tuttle, B. S., Cooley, M. E., & Asbury, K. (2020, January). A mixed methods study of vicarious trauma among mental health professionals. Presentation at the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington DC.
Spadola, C., Groton, D., Lopez, R., Burke, S.L. Hilditch, C.J., Pandey, A., Littlewood, K., Zhou, E.S., Bertisch S. (2020, June) Preliminary impact of a sleep health educational module for social work students. Sleep 2020: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA.
Spadola, C., Groton, D., Lopez, R., Burke, S.L. Hilditch, C.J., Pandey, A., Littlewood, K., Zhou, E.S., Bertisch S. (2020, June) Investigating social workers’ sleep health knowledge: opportunities to promote sleep health among underserved populations. Sleep 2020: Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA.
Spadola, C., & Wilks, C. Promoting Sleep Health to Promote Mental Health 5th Annual Behavioral Health Conference, United Way of Broward County. May 2019.
McCormick, B. T., Lewis, T., Gonzalez, K., Horton, G., & Barsky, A. E. (2018, June). Dialogues on race, religion, oppression, and social justice. Annual Conference of the National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter (poster presentation). Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
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Have unanswered questions? Please email your areas of interest and questions to our Associate Dean of Research, Marianna Colvin, Ph.D.: