Bachelor of Social Work
Dear BSW Applicants and Candidates:
As Coordinator for the BSW Program, I am pleased to welcome our incoming students, as well as invite prospective students to apply for a position in our highly regarded BSW program. As ongoing students can tell you, our faculty members are bright, energetic, and well connected to the social work communities in south Florida. Our students are offered a solid program of academic courses and hands-on training and experience in our field practicum program. Our graduates are prepared for entry-level social work positions in a broad range of settings (e.g., child welfare, criminal justice, schools, gerontology), as well as for entry into an MSW program. Some of our graduates also move onto other fields of professional graduate education such as law, political science, and administration. Our program (accredited by the Council on Social Work Education) is based upon the Generalist Intervention Model, which uses a strength-based approach to working with individuals, families, groups, and communities.
The goals of the FAU School of Social Work are to provide students with a curriculum that will adequately prepare them for beginning generalist social work practice, graduate study in social work, and effective participation in community processes. The content of the social work practice curriculum relates to:
- Client systems of various sizes and types;
- The diverse populations of southeast Florida;
- Societal, community, and agency contexts, and their changing natures, the behavior of organizations, and the dynamics of change;
- Values and ethics of the social work profession, and;
- Emphasizing awareness of the responsibility to continue professional growth and development.
For more detailed information about our program, please see the following web pages:
- Admission Requirements
- Degree Requirements
- Courses
- FAU Undergraduate School Application
- Nondiscrimination Policy
- Standard Course Syllabus Policies
For more information about our faculty and students, please see:
- Faculty Bios and Web Sites
- Faculty Contact Information (Email, Phone and Offices)
- Directions and Maps to Campuses

The School of Social Work offers BSW classes at two sites (click on a location for maps and directions). Contact personnel are listed below.
- Boca Raton – Social Science Building Room 308 – Executive Administrative Assistant: Tod Marshall (561) 297-6494
- Davie – Advising: (561) 297-1162
If you have any questions or comments, I would be pleased to discuss these with you. Please call me at (561) 297-0385 to set up an appointment. You can also reach our Executive Administrative Assistant at (561) 297-3234 to check on my current office hours, request an information package or put you in touch with an academic advisor at the learning site that is most convenient to you. Finally, feel free to browse and look to your left under “Current BSW Student Information” for further information.
Dr. Precious Skinner-Osei
Coordinator, BSW Program
Planning Ahead for Advanced Standing Status
If you achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher in your final 60 credits of your BSW degree, you are eligible to apply for Advanced Standing and go on to receive your Master of Social Work (MSW) degree in as few as two semesters. See full details and how to apply.
We're Here to Help
For any questions regarding the Bachelor of Social Work degree program, please contact Dr. Precious Skinner-Osei, Coordinator, BSW Program at 561-297-0385.
For questions about advising, please contact the Advising Services at 561-297-2316. To make an appointment with your advisor, please log on to the Success Network/Starfish.