Academic Units

Academic Units
The mission of  Assessment  is to provide university support for the assessment of student learning outcomes, planning and reporting on assessment activities, and continuous improvement activities at the course, program, and institutional levels. Moreover, Assessment strives to collaborate with faculty, administrators and other staff to develop and sustain, across the university, a community-supported and endorsed culture of assessment.
Center for eLearning

Center for eLearning  is committed to increasing access to education, improving student-learning outcomes, and holding constant or reducing instructional costs by effectively utilizing technology in course delivery redesigns.

The Center for eLearning aspires to be an internationally recognized leader in the new higher education landscape for its success in utilizing technology and instructional design to increase access and student learning while decreasing instructional costs.

Office of Information Technology
The mission of  OIT  is to plan for and provide high-quality information technology resources in support of research and teaching across all campuses, and to facilitate the efficient execution of administrative and public service functions of the University. OIT is headed by an Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Jason Ball, who reports to Strategic Planning and Information Technology. In addition to providing FAU vital general computing and telecommunications services, OIT serves as a consultant and coordinator for more specific information technology activities and projects carried on by the various University colleges, departments, administrative offices, and research groups. Each unit is assisted in accomplishing its own goals, and at the same time, OIT ensures that overall institutional goals are being met.
Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis
The mission of the  Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis (IEA)  is to provide accurate, relevant, and timely information for use by the university community and external constituencies. Reporting directly to the Division of Strategic Planning and Information Technology, IEA is the university's central point of contact for data and information requests. In addition, IEA designs and administers survey instruments, conducts special studies on issues of significance to the FAU community, and assists academic departments and academic support units in assessing, reporting, and improving the effectiveness of their programs.
The Graduate College
FAU's  Graduate College  is a service college dedicated to supporting graduate student success on our multi-campus research university. We aim to pursue excellence in graduate education by working closely with graduate students, graduate faculty, and academic colleges with graduate programs across the university. FAU's Graduate College aims for excellent and accessible graduate education, providing ample resources and support for graduate students to ensure success at our multi-campus research university.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Founded in 1971, Florida Atlantic University's  Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute  is a research community of approximately 150 marine scientists, engineers, educators, and other professionals focused on Ocean Science for a Better World. The institute drives innovation in ocean engineering and exploration, coral research and conservation, marine drug discovery, estuarine and coastal ecology and observation, marine mammal research and conservation, ocean dynamics and modeling, aquaculture, and marine science education. To support these efforts and fulfill its potential as a public institution, Harbor Branch seeks to develop collaborations with life science and technology organizations and other entities, placing particular emphasis on intersections of environmental, societal, and economic benefits. The site comprises 32 buildings set on 144 acres along the Indian River Lagoon estuary. 
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
The  Osher Lifelong Learning Institute  at Florida Atlantic University is dedicated to offering intellectually enriching educational experiences to adults of all ages. We offer non-credit courses in a welcoming atmosphere with state-of-the-art facilities. This community for seasoned learners enjoys a diverse and creative curriculum, along with concerts and entertainment. In establishing this program, FAU recognized the still unfulfilled demand for educational and intellectual stimulation for adults who are beyond the traditional university years.
The mission of Florida Atlantic University's  Division of Research  is to expand and support the University's academic and research programs by promoting the research, scholarly, creative, and collaborative activities of faculty and students; encouraging national and international partnerships for workforce development and commercialization of research endeavors; enhancing the research infrastructure of the University to support the community in an ever-changing world, and providing an environment for timely production of graduate degrees through an educational experience of national and international excellence.
University Libraries
FAU Libraries  promotes academic excellence by providing opportunities for intellectual and personal development to a diverse academic community. The Libraries fulfills this mission by collecting and providing access to a unique and extensive collection of research materials and services which support scholarly research; promoting a dynamic and multifaceted information literacy program; maintaining cooperative dialogue with the scholarly community; developing creative programming; encouraging active public engagement and increasing awareness of FAU Libraries in the local, regional, national and international communities.
Undergraduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies, a division of Academic Affairs, is headed by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies who reports directly to the University Provost and Chief Academic Officer. Its mission is to assure that Florida Atlantic University provides baccalaureate degree programs which are of the highest academic quality irrespective of their location or method of delivery within the distributed campus structure of FAU. This is achieved through participation in the planning, implementation, review and periodic revision of those programs which include the general education curriculum, and discipline-specific majors.

Advancement of this mission is supported by a number of ancillary academic services which, under the supervision of the dean, make major contributions to the enhancement of the undergraduate experience. They include: Center for Teaching and Learning (encompassing the Center for Learning And Student Success, Math Learning Center, the Director for the Scholarship of Teaching, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry, the University Center for Excellence in Writing, and Writing Across the Curriculum Program); Student-Athlete Center for Academic Excellence; Testing and Evaluation; University Advising Services, and the University Honors Program.

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