
General Notice

FAU regulations and policies provide that the FAU President is the chief executive officer responsible for the organization, operation and administration of the Florida Atlantic University and its constituent units (colleges, divisions, departments, programs, etc., collectively, the “FAU System”). The President's authority includes the approval and execution of all documents on behalf of the University consistent with law, Board of Governors and Board of Trustees resolutions, regulations and policies (“Applicable Legal Authorities”), and in the best interest of the University. Such documents may include contracts, agreements, letters of understanding, and other items regarding legal assurances, commitments, and obligations on behalf of the University. See FAU Policy 11.1.

No person, except as provided elsewhere by the Applicable Legal Authorities or as delegated by the University President, or sub-delegated from such designees, as listed below, is authorized to enter into any agreement, obligation, program, or other legally-enforceable commitment which purports to bind the FAU System. FAU officers, employees, volunteers, affiliates, students, or other persons who do not have signature authority pursuant to this policy or Applicable Legal Authorities and who sign contracts or other documents of agreement or commitment that purport to bind the FAU System may be held personally responsible and liable for any unauthorized signatures.

All contracts, including electronic (a/k/a click-through), must be submitted to the Office of the General Counsel for review and approval as to form and legality prior to execution by an authorized University official. Sufficient time must be allowed for the General Counsel’s office and the authorized signing authorities to review and process all contracts so that proper legal review and document execution can be accomplished prior to the commencement of contemplated activities and expiration of deadlines.

These lists do not apply to signature authority on behalf of FAU direct-support organizations, foundations, alumni associations, college advisory boards, or other related but separate entities. Signature authority for such entities shall be governed by each organization’s own signature delegations. For example, please view the FAU Foundation Policies.


Authority Delegated by Policy

In FAU Policy 11.1, the President delegated to the following University officials the authority to sign certain contracts and other documents, subject to the Applicable Legal Authorities (as defined in the Policy), effective as of April 1, 2021:

Stacy Volnick
Interim University President, Vice President Administrative Affairs, Chief Administrative Officer
Authorized to approve and execute all contracts within his or her area of supervision and all contracts that involve the fiscal affairs of the FAU System.
Dr. Russell Ivy
Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Authorized to approve and execute all contracts within his or her area of supervision and all contracts relating to academic affairs including, without limitation, all instructional, internship, and other educational and clinical affiliation, services, and training contracts received on behalf of the FAU System.
Dr. Gregg Fields
Interim Vice President of Research
The Vice President for Research, or designee(s), including the Director of Sponsored Research, is authorized to approve and execute all contracts within his or her area of supervision including, without limitation, research contracts, solicitations and acceptances of research grants, representations and certifications incidental to research contracts and grants, agreements related to intellectual property, and use of the sponsored research exemption.
Miriam Campo
Assistant Vice President for Research, Sponsored Programs
Authorized to approve and execute all contracts within his or her area of supervision including, without limitation, research contracts, solicitations and acceptances of research grants, representations and certifications incidental to research contracts and grants, agreements related to intellectual property, and use of the sponsored research exemption.
Stacy Volnick
Vice President of Administrative Affairs & Chief Administrative Officer 
The Vice President for Administrative Affairs, or designee(s), is authorized to approve and execute contracts within his or her area of supervision and all contracts that involve the business and administrative operations of the FAU System, including without limitation, authorized capital outlay projects and related services.

Peter Hull
Vice President, Public Affairs


Authorized to approve and execute contracts in his/her respective area of supervision, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).
David Greene
Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Authorized to approve and execute contracts in his/her respective area of supervision, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).
Daniel A. Jones
Vice President of Legal Affairs & General Counsel
Authorized to approve and execute all contracts for legal and related services and all legal and governance compliance certifications on behalf of the FAU System. Additionally, as a Vice President, authorized to approve and execute contracts in his/her respective area of supervision, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).
Brian White
Vice President & Director of Athletics
Authorized to approve and execute all game contracts for intercollegiate athletics contests, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000). Additionally, as a Vice President, authorized to approve and execute contracts in his/her respective area of supervision, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).
Dr. Larry Faerman
Vice President, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
As a Vice President, authorized to approve and execute contracts in his/her respective area of supervision, with financial implications not to exceed Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000). Further authorized to review and approve facilities use agreements for the use of University space by third parties for limited purposes and events.
Maria Bimonte-Yerganian
Director of Procurement
Authorized to approve and execute all contracts for the FAU System for licenses, the acquisition or provision of commodities, goods, equipment, and services, and leases of real and personal property rendered to or by the FAU System.
Linda Marie Golian-Lui
Dean of the University Library
Authorized to approve and execute purchase orders for the acquisition of copyrighted and single source instruction materials, tapes, publications, manuscripts, films and personal library collections acquired from library resource funds.
Audrey L. Pusey
Dean of Students
Authorized to review and approve facilities use agreements for the use of University space by third parties for limited purposes and events.
Corina Mavrodin
Asst. Director, Space Utilization and Analysis                        Design & Construction Services
Authorized to review and approve facilities use agreements for the use of University space by third parties for limited purposes and events.


Subdelegated Signature Authority

FAU Policy 11.1 allows for the above designees to subdelegate their signature authority.  All such delegations, whether temporary or long-term in nature, must be in writing. Copies of all such written designations are retained in the General Counsel’s Office and are linked below. All designees who have been delegated such authority are listed in the chart below, effective as of April 1, 2021.

Dr. Larry Faerman
Vice President, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Stacy Volnick 
Vice President, Administrative Affairs
The Vice President of Administrative Affairs is responsible for reviewing appeals of tresspass warnings issued to non-university persons, and requests for reconsiderations of tresspass warnings issued to university and non-university persons, pursuant to Regulation 7.008. In accordance with the authority set forth in Regulation 7.008, I hereby designate the Vice President for Student Affairs to review such appeals and requests for reconsideration.
Stephen Engle             Associate Provost Russell Ivy
Interim Provost, Vice President, Academic Affairs
As the designee of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, this signatory is authorized to approve and execute all contracts with his or her area of supervision and all contracts relating to academic affairs including, without limitation, all instructional, internship, and other educational and clinical affiliation, services, and training contracts received on behalf of the FAU system.
Jason Ball
Associate Provost, Chief Information Officer
Russell Ivy
Interim Provost, Vice President, Academic Affairs
Delegated signature authority limited to all FCC and related license applications, renewals and other similar actions.
Thomas M. Shorrock
Chair & Associate Professor,   Dept. of Theater & Dance; Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Russell Ivy
Interim Provost, Vice President, Academic Affairs
Delegated authorized signature for all contracts under $5000 to pay actors, playwrights, and other theatre external artists from the Theatre Lab Foundation accounts.   
Nancy Thoman
Director, Sponsored Programs
Stacy Volnick 
Interim President
Delegated signature authority for all Division of Research contracts and grants.
Muriel Industrious
Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
Stacy Volnick 
Interim President
Delegated signature authority for all Division of Research contracts and grants.
Heather Saunders
Director, Research Accounting, Division of Research

Stacy Volnick
Interim President

Delegated signature authority for financial documents on sponsored awards, such as, Financial Reports, Invoices, Final Reports (DD882), Property Reports, Close-out forms and De-obligations that are prepared and submitted by the Research Accounting office in the Division of Research. Authority shall be executed in consultation with and under the supervision of the Vice President of Research, or in the absence of a person filling that position, in consultation with the President.
Michael Simcox
Associate Director, Research Accounting, Division of Research
Stacy Volnick
Interim President
Authority for financial documents on sponsored awards, such as, Financial Reports, Invoices, Final Reports (DD882), Property Reports, Close-out forms and De-obligations that are prepared and submitted by the Research Accounting office in the Division of Research. Authority shall be executed in consultation with and under the supervision of the Vice President of Research, or in the absence of a person filling that position, in consultation with the President.
Patrice Cochran
Senior Award Administrator
Stacy Volnick        
Interim President
Delegated signature authority for sponsored award related documents and requests which includes but are not limited to, Sponsor Inquiries or Requests, Just in Time (JIT}, Progress/Final Reports, Post-award Worksheets, Cost Sharing and SP Exemption forms that are prepared and/or submitted by the Office of Sponsored Programs in the Division of Research.
Melodi Ramtallie
Assistant Director of Procurement
Maria L. Bimonte-Yerganian  Director of Procurement Signature approval for purchase order change orders and contracts per section 1.3.1 of the Purchase Manual <= $500,000
Chris Lynch
Director, Student Union
Larry Faerman
Vice President, Student Affairs
All Student Union and Student Organization Facilities Use Agreements
Cheryl Krause-Parello  Interim Associate Vice President Stacy Volnick                 Interim President Signature authority for division of Research Contracts and Documents.
Joel Herbst
Superintendent of Schools
Stacy Volnick
Interim President
Signature authority for the annual engagement letter of the TCUS, Inc. Audit

Azita Dotiwala
Director Budget & Planning


Stacy Volnick
Interim President
This delegation is for approval of pay applications and change orders for minor and major projects - Change Orders that singularly or in aggregate exceeds 20% of the original contract sum, require VP level approval.

Patrick Cheung                                 Interin Director Engineering & Utilities


Stacy Volnick                                Interim President Signature authority for Broward County Elevator inspection/repair acceptance and Broward/Town of Davie Lift Station inspection/repair acceptance.Acceptance does not denote FAU is performing inspection but merely present for inspection by 3rd party following major repair.

Veronique Cote

Russell Ivy                      Interim Provost, Vice President, Academic Affairs Delegated authorized signature for all gallery contracts under $5000 to pay artists, performers, curators, writers and other gallery external artists from the Galleries and Fogelman accounts.