Spring 2024 WAC Training Seminars 

FAU is pleased to announce this semester's WAC Training Seminar Series in support of innovation and instructional improvement in general education. Eligible participants are graduate assistants, adjuncts, instructors, or tenure-track faculty who teach or plan to teach a WAC-designated course within six months of participating in the seminar. Interested faculty should review the criteria for College Writing II Replacement Courses and 2000-4000 level Writing Across the Curriculum courses at rtrali.bjrujiabj.com/WAC.

Faculty and GTAs need to sign up for ONLY one session but are expected to attend all days in that session in order to receive the stipend and participation credit. (Note: At this time, there is not a stipend for GTAs who are required to participate as part of their teaching assignment.)


Click here to access the sign up form


Available Sessions


Session 1: 


Day 1: Monday, March 11 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Designing Writing Assignments 

Day 2: Monday, March 18 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Responding to and Grading Student Writing

*Day 3: Monday, March 25 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.: Presentations of a Revised Assignment
*(date adjusted)


Session 2:


Day 1: Friday, March 15 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.: Designing Writing Assignments 

Day 2: Friday, March 22 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.: Responding to and Grading Student Writing

*Day 3: Friday, March 29 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.: Presentations of a Revised Assignment
*(date adjusted)


Please sign up as early as possible as we can only accommodate a limited number of participants. 

As you may know, FAU formalized its Writing Across Curriculum program in spring 2007. At that time, the Faculty Senate approved a policy that beginning spring 2008, all faculty (including adjuncts and instructors) who teach WAC designated courses “may do so without training, but only for a single semester.”  Those faculty members must participate in a WAC seminar before teaching another WAC course.

Faculty must receive WAC training within one semester of teaching their first WAC course. Thus, if instructors are currently teaching a WAC course without training, they will not be able to teach a WAC course again until they participate in a WAC seminar. 

After attending the six-hour WAC training seminar (all days of one of the workshop sessions), tenure line faculty will receive a $400 stipend.  Likewise, instructors will receive a $125 stipend, and adjuncts will receive a $100 stipend. GTAs must participate in this training as part of their teaching assignment.


You may contact Prof. Sipai Klein (WAC Director) or Julianne Zvolensky (WAC Assistant Director) with any questions about the seminar.