Out of State Tuition and Fee Waiver
In accordance with Florida Statute 1009.26(13) and (14), Out-of-State( OOS) tuition and fees shall be waived for (a) an honorably discharged veteran of the United Stated Armed Forces, Reserves Forces, and National Guard, (b) entitled and uses VA education benefits (c) active-duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States residing or stationed outside of this state.
Members stationed in or living in Florida may established residency under the Registrar office (Reclassification for Tuition Purpose).
Note: The waiver does not change the students’ residency status, it only waives the Out-of-State fees per semester requested. Students will continue to be classified as Non-Florida Resident and charged OOS fees until they established residency through the registrar office at FAU.
The Military and Veteran Student Success Center provides two waiver form for tuition and fees. Students will complete and submit the appropriate respective to their settings.
- Out-of-State Tuition and Fee Waiver Request Form - Complete and submit this form is you are utilizing VA education benefit during the semester and/or are active-duty while enrolled.
- Veteran Non-Resident Tuition Waiver Request Form - Complete and submit this form if you are an honorably discharged veteran who is living in this state and is NOT receiving educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Visit the Military and Veterans Student Success Center Website (rtrali.bjrujiabj.com/vets), locate the “MVSSC Form” page under the Forms tab.
(VA EDUCATION BENEFITS STUDENTS ONLY)- Successfully complete and submit the Semester’s V.A. Enrollment Certification Request form. This form must be successfully accepted before proceeding to the OOS waiver form or the next step.
Complete, attach required documents, and submit your appropriate waiver request form as early as 30 days before the semester will start (Repeat during EACH applicable semester).