Welcome to Deciding on a Major!
Hello Owls!
We have a team of highly motivated and dedicated Academic Advisors who are ready to help you Discover your passion, help you visualize your Dream, and work with you to Design the path to success!
This website is designed to assist you in discovering the resources needed to help you decide on the right fit for you!
Did you know that students who declare a major early benefit from the following?
- Save money and time.
- Only take courses required for graduation.
- Begin taking major courses sooner.
- Graduate on time (in 4 years!)
We recommend checking the tabs below for more information in assisting you on deciding a major.
- Major KnOWLedge is an early exploration tool that helps FAU students identify personal interests and their relationships to career pathways. Click the image to learn more and begin taking the assessment.
- Learn about FAU majors and their applicable job titles, job and internship links, industry information links, as well as related FAU student organizations. Click the image to learn more.
- Claim your Handshake account, Handshake - is a career development platform to be a one-stop-shop for launching your career. The FAU Career Center pre-loaded your profile to help you get started, but please log in and complete your profile at http://fau.joinhandshake.com/.
- O*NET OnLine is used to facilitate career exploration, vocational counseling, developing job orders and position descriptions, and aligning with current workplace needs. Click here to explore over 900 occupations:
- The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a career research tool that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings, and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States.
- SLS 1301 is a 1-credit course instructed by a Career Counselor each fall and spring semester for students who have not yet declared a major or are still exploring their options. The course focuses on self-assessment, choosing a major, exploring career options, and developing an action plan to help achieve career goals. The intended audience for the class is first and second-year students. Click the image to learn more.
MyFloridaFuture will be a free, online college and career planning tool that provides students, parents, and policymakers with a wealth of information to make better-informed decisions about educational options and future employment opportunities.
The new interactive tool will allow users to explore data at the System level and by individual institution, including information on salary, graduate employment, student debt, and additional educational opportunities.
Salary information will be available for degrees offered by the State University System one year, five years, and ten years after graduation, allowing students to explore median wages for graduates in each field before selecting a major. Visitors to the site will be able to investigate changes in earnings over these three periods of time for any program under consideration. Click the image to learn more.
ExSEL Program
The ExSEL Program (Externship and Shadow Experiential Learning) is designed for students to participate in either a one or two-day job shadowing experience or a week-long externship during Winter Break, Spring Break, and/or the Summer semester in order to gain more insight into a field of interest.
Earn Internship Credit - IDS3949 Professional Internship Course.
This 0-4 credit course offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain “real-world” exposure and supervised experience related to their major, specific field of study, or career interests. To find out more about earning internship credit, please click the image. -
Want to schedule an appointment with an Internship/Externship Coordinator?
Email: intern@bjrujiabj.com
Phone: 561-297-3533
Enroll in the SLS1301 Career and Life Planning course instructed by a Career Counselor for students who have not yet declared a major or are still exploring their options.
Are you an Undecided Major? Speak with us!

Savannah Wilkerson
Academic Coach/Advisor
Email: wilkersons2018@bjrujiabj.com

Vivian Lam
Career Coach
Email: vlam2014@bjrujiabj.com
University Advising Services
Email: advisingservices@bjrujiabj.com
Phone: 561-297-3064
Career Center
Email: career@bjrujiabj.com
Phone: 561-297-3533