
Florida Atlantic University provides training on several topics related to the security of sensitive information or compliance needs. This page serves as a portal to training offerings provided by various University departments and provides the purpose, scope, and instructions for access.

Available Trainings

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Training Filter Description

Property Management Training


Our new Property Management Training Course is now available on Canvas! Learn how to Create Surplus Request, Create Trade In Request, Create Transfer Property Request,  Create Off campus Request . Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

General Accounting Training


The new training module on Canvas is now live! Enhance your skills in creating and editing journals, accounting adjustments, budget amendments for construction projects, EIB launch procedures, and transfer journals. Start today to advance your proficiency!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Procurement - pCard


Our new Procurment - PCard Training Module is now live on Canvas! Master essential skills in modifying and creating PCard requests to ensure compliance and efficiency. Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Procurement - Purchasing


Our new Procurment -Purchasing Department Training Module is now live on Canvas! Enhance your skills in creating requisitions, change orders, non-catalog item requests, supplier punchouts, and more within Workday. Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Procurement Training - Accounts Payable


Our new Procurment -Accounts Payable Training Module is now live on Canvas! Enhance your skills in creating expense reports, spend authorizations, supplier invoice requests, and more. Start mastering accounts payable tasks today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Tuition & Billing Training


Our new Tuition and Billing Services Stipend Request Module is now live on Canvas! Enhance your understanding and efficiency in processing stipend requests, including payments, reimbursements, and more. Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Budget Amendment Training


Our new Budget Amendments Training Course is now available on Canvas! Learn how to create budget amendments, navigate Canvas for budget reports, and understand amendment types and protocols. Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Payroll Accounting Adjustments Training Course


Our new Payroll Accounting Adjustments Training Course is now available on Canvas! Learn how to adjust payroll accounting entries, manage flat amount and percentage adjustments, and navigate payroll accounting reports. Start learning today!

The registration link below is restricted to FAU employees only:

Click here to enroll.

Workday 101


The Workday 101 class will teach how to navigate around Workday and use the self-service functionality to manage your personal leave and timekeeping. In addition, Managers will learn their part of the process.

View in Person Courses Here.

WorkDay Excel 101 Bootcamp


In today’s workshop we will be going over the ins and outs of Workday in regards to Reporting. Staff and faculty will gain a more complete understanding of the Workday system, they will learn where important information is located and how to access it, and they will be able to confidently utilize Excel in connection with Workday. No prior knowledge is required in order to attend this training session.

View in Person Courses Here.

Workday Cost Center Managers *Coming Soon*


*Coming Soon* You have approved all of the transactions in your inbox, now what? This class is designed to show you how to view the end result of all your financial activity. Topics include View Trial Balance, Budget to Actual Reports, Budget Checking, Financial Model and Crosswalk. Additionally, PCard Approvals and PCard Delegation will be discussed during this two hour session.

Workday Expense/Travel


You will learn the fundamentals for processing Travel Topics include creating and approving spend authorizations and expense reports. 

Enroll in an in person training here.

Workday HCM (HR) – Classification & Compensation


For HR Partners and Managers in 2 Modules


Module 1:  This session reviews the basics of the Fair Labor Standards Act and best practices in writing position descriptions (AMP and SP). In addition, guidance is provided in Workday HCM processes such as Create, Edit Position Restrictions, and Close Position. 


Module 2: This session will cover Workday HCM processes such as Request Compensation Change (Special Pay Increases and Allowances), Request One-Time Payment, and specific Change Job processes (Reclassification, Move to Another Manager, Change Job Details). 


Enroll in training here.


For additional questions, please contact us at



This refresher session is open to existing HR Partners and Business Managers to discuss the following topics:

1. Re-hire: Processing recruited and non- recruited rehires


2. Correcting Assignments: Understanding when to use the "correct" function on a Business Process.


3. End Additional Job: Learning the "dos" and "donts" of initiating this process.


Hosted through WebEx. Registered attendees will receive a link and instructions for the event.  Majority of questions will be answered towards the end of the training session.


Enroll in training here.

Workday Research Awards (Grants)


Designed for Lead Principal Investigators (PIs), Grant Managers and Award Analysts. Learn the fundamentals of award setup, viewing award information,, and award reports, as well as, specialty topics which include Effort Reporting, Sub-awards, Budget Amendments and Cost Share.

Training is offered by the Research Accounting Office.

In order to enroll for training please email the trainer at

Workday Timekeeping


The Workday timekeeping training class is designed for departmental/college timekeepers. Timekeepers can submit and make corrections to an employee’s time and time off entries; run timekeeping reports to ensure all of their hourly employees’ time is entered correctly and timely per the payroll schedules; assist employees with entering leave, including employees on FMLA; make adjustments to time blocks. To obtain the timekeeper role, please submit a ticket to

Security Awareness Training


Security Awareness training is provided to University employees on an annual basis in accordance with University Policy 12.6 – “Security Awareness Training.” This training is designed to cover general security awareness topics such as the handling and disclosure of sensitive information, malware threats, and phishing scams.

Go to, log in with your FAUNet ID to complete the training.

HIPAA Training


Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, Volunteers working in a FAU Healthcare Environment, Students and Research Assistants.


HIPAA training is available online via the Collaborative Inter-Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) site. CITI's Information Privacy and Security (IPS) materials cover the principles of data protection, focusing on the healthcare-related privacy and information security requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

To take HIPAA training, go to Create a new account by Clicking REGISTER at the top right of the login. Type "Florida Atlantic University" in the Participating Institutions field and Click SUBMIT. On the subsequent pages, follow the prompts to enter a username, password (different from your FAU NetID), and your personal information (first name, last name, e-mail, gender, degree, etc.). When asked to select which curriculum, choose “Information Privacy and Security (IPS)”. Choose your institutional role (e.g. Student, Clinician, Investigator). To start the training, from the training courses menu choose the listed “CITI Information Privacy and Security (IPS)” course


For any questions please e-mail

For enrollment and security-related questions, Please contact                                    

For technical assistance with training, please contact the FAU Helpdesk by visiting:

PCI Training


 PCI (Payment Card Industry) training is required for employees who have a position or work for a department that physically handles credit cards, accepts credit card information over the phone, or is in a unique position to identify potential credit card fraud.

Go to, log in with your FAUNet ID to complete the training.

For any questions please e-mail

Red Flags Training


Red Flags training is required for employees handling FAU covered financial accounts in accordance with University Policy 5.6 – “Identity Theft Prevention Program.” This training is completed through Canvas and users will be enrolled by OIT as necessary upon hire.

Red Flags training is available on the Canvas LMS after enrollment is completed. Go to, log in with your FAUNet ID, and complete the training within the "RedFlags" course.

Animal Facility and Laboratory Safety Awareness


Required for:  Indirect contact with research animals (work in animal facilities more than 2 times per year.)


For more information Click the link 

Animal Field Research Safety Overview


Required for: Work with research animals in the field


For more information Click the link 



Required for: Work in Utilities, Facilities, and Custodial services


For more information Click the link 

Biosafety Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal


Required for:  Work in laboratories, medical clinics, and schools


For more information Click the link 

Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness


Required for: Work in laboratories, medical clinics, and schools


For more information Click the link 

Confined Spaces 2.0


Required for: Work in Facilities and Utilities


For more information Click the link 

Diving and Boating Training


Required for: Those conducting scientific research requiring boating or diving operations


For more information Click the link 

DOT 1-4, Shipping Hazardous Materials: Ground


Required for: Employees packaging and/or shipping hazardous materials by ground.


For more information Click the link 

 Fire Extinguisher


Required for: Work in laboratory or any employee expected to use a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire.


For more information Click the link 

 Fire Safety and Prevention


Required for: All FAU personnel, RAs


For more information Click the link 

 First Aid:  Automated External Defibrillator


 Required for: Any FAU employee


For more information Click the link 

 First Aid:  CPR


 Required for: Any FAU employee


For more information Click the link 

 First Aid:  Medical Emergencies


Required for: Any FAU employee


For more information Click the link 

 Golf Cart Safety


Required for: FAU Golf Cart Drivers


For more information Click the link 

 Food Safety and Handling


Required for: FAU employees, students, or volunteers preparing, handling, or serving food.


For more information Click the link 

 Hazard Communication


Required for: All FAU personnel


For more information Click the link 

 Hazardous Material Handling and Storage


Required for: Work in Laboratoris, Facilities or other functions that handle hazardous materials


For more information Click the link 

 Hazardous Waste Generator


Required for: Work in Laboratories Facilities or other functions that generate hazardous waste


For more information Click the link 

 Hearing Conservation


Required for: Work in areas with hazardous noise levels


For more information Click the link 

 IATA 1-5:  Shipping Hazardous Materials:  Air


Required for: FAU employees required to package or ship hazardous materials by Air


For more information Click the link 

 Laboratory Safety Training


Required for: Work in laboratories


For more information Click the link 

 Laser Safety Training


Required for: Work with lasers


For more information Click the link 

 Lockout/Tagout Training


Required for: Work in Facilities and Utilities


For more information Click the link 

 Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety


Required for: Work with non-ionizing radiation


For more information Click the link 

 Office Safety


Required for: Work in office environments


For more information Click the link 

 Powered Industrial Truck Safety


Required for: Work with forklifts


For more information Click the link 

 Radiation Safety


Required for: Work with ionizing radiation


For more information Click the link 

 Respiratory Protection 2.0


Required for: Work requiring the use of respiratory protection


For more information Click the link 

 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan


Required for: Information only; supplimental training to FAU SPCC Program


For more information Click the link 

 Working Safely with Animals


Required for: Animal Researchers


For more information Click the link 

 Workplace Safety Orientation


Required for: FAU Newhires


For more information Click the link 

 Canvas Primer 1


This Canvas Primer session covers the essentials to get you started in Canvas.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Primer 2


Ready to move past the basics? The Canvas Primer 2 session focuses on taking your Canvas course to the next level.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk Gradebook 2


This workshop will take an in depth look at the Canvas Gradebook 2 tool. Learn how to set up create late policies and filtering, modify grade settings, and moderation.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk Groups


This workshop will take an in depth look at the Canvas Group tool and settings. Learn how to set up create quiz and quiz bank questions, modify quiz settings, and moderation.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk My Mediasite Desktop Recorder


Are you ready to start recording video lectures from the comfort of your own computer? The Mediasite Desktop Recorder allows you to do just that

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk Quizzes


This workshop will take an in depth look at the Canvas Quiz tool.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk Turnitin


This workshop will take an in depth look at the Turnitin tool. Learn how to set up create Turnitin assignments and modify settings.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Canvas Tech Talk WebEx


This workshop will take an in depth look at WebEx, a web-conferencing tool. Learn how to setup up a virtual live session, real-time polling, virtual breakout rooms, quizzes, threaded Q&As, and attention monitoring tools.

To see what trainings are available Click here to check

 Kognito: At-Risk for Staff


A mental health literacy program that teaches: what to look for to identify distressed students: provides simulations to build your skill to effectively convey your concerns, and increase your knowledge of available mental health resources on campus and in the community to provide to your students who may benefit from assistance.

To see what sessions are available Click here to enroll

 Kognito: At-Risk for Students


A mental health literacy program that teaches: what to look for to identify distressed peer; provides simulations to build your skill to effectively convey your concerns, and increase your knowledge of available mental health resources on campus and in the community to provide to your peers who may benefit from assistance.

To see what sessions are available Click here to enroll

 FAU Standards of Conduct Training


Learn about FAU’s Standards of Conduct

enroll link: Click here to check

 FAU Compliance and Ethics Employee Training


Learn about FAU's Compliance and Ethics Policies.

enroll link: Click here to check

 Get Started with Microsoft Teams for EDU


Come Meet with Microsoft Trainers This webinar is conducted by Microsoft and will cover faculty/staff-side features for Microsoft Teams.

enroll link: Click here to check

 Better Together: Microsoft 365 and Canvas


Come Meet with Microsoft Trainers This webinar is conducted by Microsoft and will cover faculty/staff-side features for Microsoft Teams.

enroll link: Click here to check

 Microsoft Cloud Storage: OneDrive


Come Meet with Microsoft Trainers This webinar is conducted by Microsoft and will cover faculty/staff-side features for Microsoft Teams.

enroll link: Click here to check

 Student: Microsoft Word


Come Meet with Microsoft Trainers This webinar is conducted by Microsoft and will cover student-side features for Microsoft Teams.

enroll link: Click here to check

 Student: Microsoft Outlook


Come Meet with Microsoft Trainers This webinar is conducted by Microsoft and will cover student-side features for Microsoft Teams.

enroll link: Click here to check