Infographic Description: The Runway at Florida Atlantic mentor recruiting and onboarding

The Runway at Florida Atlantic’s Mentor recruiting and onboarding graphic leads candidates through a step-by-step process with two rows of eight gray boxes, four on top and four underneath, connected via a single gray line for directional purposes.

Inside each box is a simple illustration of a red icon that loosely identifies the phases with a few-word description in navy blue.

The path follows the following trajectory reading left to right in a straight line with four icons: a picture of a red solid sheet of paper with the top right corner folded inward, below the paper reads Mentor candidate online application submitted; an envelope for confirmation email with next steps; a clipboard with a silhouetted headshot and lines underneath representing text that reads Monthly review of applications by Managing director and mentor Board Members; two overlapping test bubbles with ellipses inside for the one-hour in-person interview with candidate review committee. Below the test bubbles is another gray line that directs back to the start below the red solid sheet.

Below the gray line another line begins with an additional four icons reading left to right: a solid star for the committee makes recommendation; Managing Director approves; next is a clear paper with two checkboxes, with one checked and a pencil about to check the next one for background check and forms submitted; a student at a desk and a teacher at a billboard in front of them with a gear symbol on the board for Mentoring Program overview and subsequent orientation; and a rocket ship icon for Company-Mentor Team (CMT) assignment based on mentor’s expertise and the company’s needs.