This page is for instructors
NEW! Submit proctoring requests for Makeup Exams
The FAU Testing & Certification Center provides makeup exam services for students who are unable to complete exams at alternate times with their instructors. Make-up testing is not an alternative for classroom testing. This service should be used only for students who have an extenuating circumstances beyond their control. Examples of circumstances that would warrant a make-up exam at the testing center include but are not limited to illness, death of a family member, severe weather event, auto accident, required court appearance, or emergency military service.
All make-up exams can be submitted by the instructor, (under the instructor's name) through an online portal via the FAU Testing website. This requires a one-time enrollment by the instructor to setup this service ( Your must provide an FAU Email address to use this service. Tutorials are available for your assistance. Please allow one business day to process your one-time enrollment. You may then proceed to submit your exam and any subsequent exams there after.
- Login to the Professor submission portal for detailed instructions on how to submit a new make-up test form and/or edit an existing submission form.
- The Center administers paper/pencil make-up exams only submitted through our Professor Submission portal (under the instructor's name.) Beginning June 1, 2023, computer-based exams (including Canvas) cannot be administered by the Testing Center.
- Students must have an Owl Card or valid unexpired government-issued photo ID.
- Students will not be able to schedule an appointment until your submission has been completed through the Professor submission portal.
- Student names must be included on the form. (4 students maximum per instructor at any given time) Space is limited. Additional students or submissions cannot be added until the previous submission is completed and exams are picked up.
Students MUST make an appointment for their make-up test at NO EXCEPTIONS. Please provide this information to the student.
- Prior faculty approval is required for a student to take a make-up exam at the Center
- Walk-in testing is not offered due to limited seat capacity.
- Submitted exams of any type cannot exeed a 2-hour(120 minutes) time limit. Additionally, exams must be a minimum of 60 minutes in length.
- Paper/Pencil exams can be submitted electronically but must be picked up in-person from the Testing Center. (Photo ID is required for pick up.) The testing center cannot scan and email completed exams.
- Testing aids are limited to one page of notes (front and back) and/or one authorized book.
- No electronic devices of any kind are allowed in the testing room.
- Students requiring accommodations must make arrangements to test with the Student Accessiblity Services (SAS) department.
All Scanning must be accompanied by a completed Scanning Log Sheet. Print the Scanning Log Sheet now. The Testing Office does not provide Log Sheets. Please pre-print Log Sheets before arrival at the Testing Center. Allow up to 72 hours for processing.
Scanning Guidelines:
Exams to be scanned must be hand delivered to the Testing Office. Results will be sent via email to FAU Email addresses only (2 email addresses per set). Exams must be picked up in person by the instructor or designated staff member (ID must be presented), actual scantrons cannot be mailed (this includes interoffice mail), faxed, printed or copied.
- An answer key and Scanning Log Sheet must be submitted with each set of scantrons
- Please allow up to 72 hours to process scanning
- Scanning Procedures - Must have 10 or more answer sheets in a stack to be scanned
- All Scantrons must be facing the same direction
- Make sure only scantrons are submitted. Please remove any paperclips, post-its, blank papers, or exams from scantron stacks as it will jam the machine resulting in a service call to Scantron
- Only reports designated on Scanning Log Sheet will be processed
- For any questions, concerns or issues with scanning please email
This is how we need you to fill out your key
On the first colum, write the Letter A then skip the next colum and write INSTRUCTORS NAME skip the next colum then write the word KEY
- Be sure to bubble in the corresponding circles
- Blue scantrons must be scanned at the Boca Testing Center only and the pink scantrons must be scanned in Davie.
- Make sure you have a key and a Log Sheet accompanied with every scantron set
- Scanning Log Sheet (for use at Boca Raton & Davie - Updated 4/08/2016)
Click here for Testing Center hours of operation