Frequently Asked Questions

What is the IACUC?
Florida Atlantic’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is composed of individuals dedicated to the humane care of animals used in research, teaching and testing and provides oversight and assistance in ensuring compliance to all laws, regulations, and policies governing the care and use of animals.
What activities require IACUC oversight?
Any activity that involves the use of vertebrate animals or cephalopods in research, teaching and testing requires IACUC oversight, regardless of whether the activity is funded or not.
What activities require Full Committee Review?
IACUC protocol applications and amendments to IACUC protocols using USDA Pain Category D and E procedures require full committee review and must be submitted to the IACUC office by the application deadline for consideration at the monthly IACUC meeting. The IACUC meeting dates and application deadlines are available on the Florida Atlantic IACUC website, please click here.
All other protocol applications and amendments using USDA Pain Category B and C procedures are eligible for the Designated Member Review process and may be submitted at any time.
Where can I find the IACUC forms?
IACUC forms are available in the forms section of the Florida Atlantic IACUC website, please click here.
Why won’t the IACUC forms open on my computer?
The latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC must be installed on your computer in order to open the forms. The forms also work best when using Internet Explorer. If you are experiencing issues or prefer using Google Chrome or Firefox to access the forms, then please refer to the troubleshooting instructions in the forms section of the Florida Atlantic IACUC website, please click here.
Where should I send my completed IACUC forms to?
Send completed forms to the IACUC Coordinator, Dana Mulvaney at
What training is required to receive IACUC approval?
All research personnel are required to complete a combination of on-line CITI courses, didactic session on the ethical and humane use of animals in research, teaching and testing, in-person hands-on workshops (applicable to rodent animal users only), and enrollment in Florida Atlantic’s medical monitoring program for animal research. The detailed list of training requirements is available in the training section of the Florida Atlantic IACUC website, please click here.
Who should I contact about IACUC related questions?
Please contact Dana Mulvaney (IACUC Coordinator) at or Dr. Kristen Ware (Associate Director, Research Integrity)