Welcome to the FAU ADVanced Cell Imaging Core

The FAU Advanced Cell Imaging Core overseen by the Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute provides imaging services and light microscopy equipment to support scientific and clinical investigators at FAU and other institutions. Across the Boca and Jupiter campuses, the core houses five imaging systems, covering a variety of light microscopy techniques. Additionally, the core provides five powerful image data analysis workstations with advanced imaging software.
FAU’s Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute entered a partnership with Nikon and became one of Nikon’s Centers of Excellence in 2016. Through this partnership, FAU and the Core have access to the latest optical systems and benefit from excellent support by Nikon specialists.
FAU’s Advanced Cell Imaging Core is one of five founding officially sanctioned federal recharge centers at FAU, called “research cores”. Research Cores facilitate cutting-edge research to stimulate and increase research productivity. They provide fee-for-service access to technology, equipment, services, and training that are not typically affordable by a single researcher and are valuable to multiple investigators. What makes these enterprises unique is that they operate using a cost recovery model that adheres to government costing principles. Specifically, they must: operate transparently, recover no more than their actual costs, and rates must be consistently applied to all users.
Services of the FAU Advanced Cell Imaging Core include training on the equipment and experimental support. To use any service of the FAU Advanced Cell Imaging Core please contact Dr. Jana Boerner ( jboerner@bjrujiabj.com ).