Grades and Transcripts

Grades and Transcripts

Final grades are automatically sent to each high school at the end of every semester. Grades earned through Dual Enrollment will be applied to both your high school and FAU record (transcript).

If you need a copy of your official FAU transcript for college applications, admissions, or any other purpose, you must order them online through your MyFAU account. Please be aware that there is a $10 fee per copy.

To order your official FAU transcript:

  1. Log in to MyFAU
  2. Select FAU Self-Service
  3. Select Student Services
  4. Click on Student Records
  5. Select Request Official Transcript
  6. Follow the instructions on the individual pages

All grades, including a “W” for withdrawal, become a part of your permanent college transcript and may affect subsequent postsecondary admission. Earning a low grade or a “W” in a Dual Enrollment course may result in difficulty meeting future college admissions requirements and financial aid/scholarship qualifications.

If you withdraw from a course after the drop/add deadline, or receive a C- or lower, you will no longer be eligible to participate in Dual Enrollment at FAU. Please note that your grade on the FAU transcript determines dual enrollment eligibility. If your school does not issue “+” and “-“ grades, the FAU grade will supersede your high school’s grade.