Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The new printing solution will allow you to print from any type of device such as:
Tablets | Laptops | Phones
The new system will also allow you to send your document to any printer located at any of the labs in any of the FAU campuses.
Our new printing system protects confidential documents and slashes the volume of unclaimed printouts. Users queue print jobs to a virtual queue, and then release them for printing on any printer. The "release stations" requires user authentication, by swiping card or entering your FAU NET ID to release and collect sensitive documents.
With this new printing system students can now print wirelessly from laptops, netbooks, iOS, and Android devices with no driver installation or server authentication. Your print jobs will be held until they are released by the student directly from the most convenient printer. Students will be able to transfer payments using an on-line payment gateway to add additional funds to your account.
Common Questions & Answers
The following are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that should provide you more information about how the systems works:
FAU in conjunction with Toshiba has implemented a new printing system with added functionalities. The new system provides better support for mobile devices, including Apple and Android. It is also entirely web based and could be accessed from any FAU campus.
Printing from off-campus is no longer available. You will still be able to use printing services at any FAU campus.
First you will need to log in to the FAU Printing Service with your FAU NetID and password or your Owl Card. Funds must be added to your printing account using a major credit or debit card. Then send your print job to the queue and retrieve your prints from any of the designated locations by going to print station. There are two print queues; one for color printing and one for black & white. You can also check your balance and usages here.
These stations are available on all FAU major campuses including Boca Raton, Davie, and Jupiter. You may review the complete list by visiting the Locations section of this website.
The cost of the new printing in consistent on all FAU campuses at $0.08 (8 cents) per black and white pages and $0.30 (30 cents) for color printing.
Unlike the old system, the funds on new printing solution is not tied to the Owl Cards. You may use Owl Card to login in lieu of your FAU NetID and password.
We are continuing to provide support for those who have funds on their Owl Cards. There are designated stations in major computer labs to submit a print job using these existing funds. It is highly recommended that you deplete these funds prior to using the new systems. Furthermore, do not add any funds to your Owl Card for printing purposes.
Unfortunately, this option is not available. You are strongly encouraged to use all the funds on your Owl Card for printing prior to December 12, 2014.
FAU is planning to use the new system for a foreseeable future. Therefore, your funds will continue to remain on the new system for future semester at FAU.
Procedure to request refunds with the Toshiba/Papercut system:
- Log in to the FAU Printing Service
- Click on Recent Print Jobs
- Click on Request Refund on the disputed job

Please open a Helpdesk ticket and outline your issue. Be as descriptive as possible.