The Body Project

Every Body is Beautiful

This proven 5-hour program empowers women to:

  • Resist cultural pressures to accept the appearance ideal
  • Reallocate your valuable time to something other than striving for an unrealistic body
  • Increase confidence and body satisfaction
  • Bond with other like-minded students

What's fun about The Body Project? A gift basket (inluding a t-shirt!) will be given to all students who attend both sessions. The sessions are broken up into two 2.5-hour sessions, held one week apart. You will be part of a small group of women discussing the appearance ideal and how to fight back against it. Please be aware we will be referring to unrealistic ideals for women and individuals who have experienced society's perceptions of gender. All training materials and resources have been developed using she/her/hers pronouns. However, the basic information learned is applicable to all genders.

Click here for library resources on food and body Check out the Body Project in the news!

Every Body is Beautiful

Registration for Fall 2024 now open!

Register at and for any questions email us at

Please note: The Body Project is not group therapy or treatment for eating disorders. If you are concerned that you or a friend are struggling with an eating disorder, please call Counseling and Psychological Services at 561-297-CAPS (2277).