Undergraduate Research Grants Program
The purpose of the Undergraduate Research Grant is to encourage undergraduate students from all disciplines to participate in independent research and creative projects in collaboration with FAU faculty.
Priority will be given to those projects whose team includes a degree-seeking lower-division student (FTIC Freshman or FTIC Sophomore) or an AA Transfer Junior.
Applications will open on 2/1 and close on 3/17!
Submission Eligibility, Deadlines, and Program Information
Deadline Dates: October 15th for Spring/Summer funding, and March 15th for Summer/Fall funding. If these dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be the following business day.
A university-wide call for proposals will be distributed before each deadline. All proposals will be reviewed by two experts in the discipline (Faculty, post-docs and graduate students) using the judging criteria presented in the grant package guidelines.
The research or creative activity conducted by the student generally takes diverse forms of directed research, such as independent research, work on an honors thesis, or part of a larger ongoing study under the direct supervision of a full-time faculty member, rather than work conducted to fulfill regular course or seminar requirements.
Click here for submission eligibility, deadlines, and more program information
Please review the Grant Package Guidelines before submitting a Grant Package Proposal.
Librarian Assistance
Library liaisons are available to assist with research, instruction, and outreach, and can meet face-to-face, online, by phone, or in an instructor’s classroom. Please click on the Boca campus link below to find a librarian in your major/discipline.
How to Apply
Please complete the online application through Survey Monkey Apply (click here for instructions). You will upload your completed grant package to your application online through Survey Monkey Apply. Request a letter of recommendation from your faculty mentor if it is not attached to your Grant Package. The letter can be uploaded through Survey Monkey Apply or emailed directly to ouri@bjrujiabj.com.
Please review OURI's policy on use of generative AI in submissions and peer-review prior to applying.
For questions about this program, please email ouri@bjrujiabj.com.
This program was established through our University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) as an effort at expanding a culture of undergraduate research and inquiry at FAU.