Graduate Programs

The graduate programs in the Schmidt College of Medicine at FAU provide a vital contribution to the South Florida community at-large through innovative education and career development programs.
Our M.S. in Biomedical Science, Ph.D. in Integrative Biology, and Biomedical Science and Genomics and Predictive Health certificate programs are designed to provide students with the skills and experiences to excel in multiple fields, from professional degrees to leading industries.
Whatever your goals, we provide what it takes to get there!
We offer graduate certificates in both Biomedical Science and Genomics and Predictive Health.
View CertificatesMaster's Degree
Obtain your Master's Degree in Biomedical Science, taking the thesis, or non-thesis track option.
View Master's DegreePh.D. Degrees
Ph.D. degree offering tracks in Biomedical Science, Neuroscience, and Computational Bioinformatics.
View Ph.D. Degrees