Forming a New Student Organization

The New Student Organization Formation Process

The first step in the new student organization formation process is to complete and submit a  Statement of Intent to Organize form. Once this form is approved, your new organization is classified as an "Interest Group." At that point, you will be given instructions on the remainder of the formation process. You have SIX weeks to advertise and hold meetings to recruit members.

Once the Statement of Intent to Organize is submitted, you will need to submit the following documentation for approval to

    1. Constitution : Constitution Guidelines and Constitution Checklist can be found by visiting and scrolling to the bottom right-hand side, under Campus Links.
    2. Roster of ten (10) members: (Must be current, FAU students.)
    3. Logo (You can click this link to learn more about the Student Organization Logo Policy), this part is optional. Student organizations do not have to have a logo if they do not wish.
    4. In addition to the above, new organizations must also complete:
    5. Completion of online training modules (administered in Canvas)
    6. Attendance at the Anti- Hazing Prevention Summit Student organizations are required to have 2 officers in attendance at the annual Hazing Prevention Summit and can only
    7. represent one organization. Additionally, attendees can access the registration form in
Owl Central under campus links.
  1. Completion of fiscal training , this is arranged with each campus' respective Student Government Treasurer. Fiscal training registration is located in Owl Central under the campus links.
  2. Completion of the Advisor Roles and Expectations Form (advisor must create an Owl Central profile to complete this form)
  3. Attendance of two (2) officers at a Leadership Conference (iLead in the Fall, WeLead in the Spring.) For more information on the conferences, please contact the Weppner Center for LEAD and Service-Learning. Registration for the Leadership Conference can be found in Owl Central under the campus links.

Special Information for Sports Clubs:

If you are looking to start a sport club, defined as an organization that will compete against other college’s club or local clubs, you will not be eligible to apply to the Sports Club Council for admission until after one year of existence. If you are looking to start a new social Greek organization, you will need the approval of Fraternity & Sorority Life.

Student organizations at Florida Atlantic University are all student run. They survive and grow because of student interest. You can make a difference at Florida Atlantic University! Good luck on your journey of creating a new student organization! If you have any questions about the process or need assistance, please contact or give us a call at 561-297-3735.