Every year Florida Atlantic University’s Office of Human Resources hosts the Annual Employee Service Awards Ceremony to acknowledge employees with minimally five or more years of continuous service.  In addition to the service awards, FAU’s President, Gabor Management, and iThink Financial sponsor and provide three categories of “special awards” in the area of leadership ( President’s Leadership Award ), exemplary service ( Gabor Exemplary Employee Award ) and customer service ( iTHINK Financial Customer Service Award ).

On the behalf of the Selection Committee for Special Awards, the Department of Human Resources is pleased to call for this year’s special awards nominations.  The award winners will be announced and honored with the Service Award recipients at the Annual Employee Service Awards Ceremony on April 22, 2025.
Following is additional information about each of the special awards and criteria for qualification.

DEADLINE for nominations is 5:00 p.m., Monday, March 3, 2025.

President’s Leadership Award

The President’s Leadership Award recognizes up to two Florida Atlantic University employees who have demonstrated leadership service of an extraordinary nature to the University and/or the greater community.

Leaders guide, direct, inspire and mobilize others to work cooperatively and effectively towards the betterment of the University or community.  Leaders can be innovative, resourceful, collaborative, strategic, and creative.  They utilize all these attributes to explore opportunities to find solutions and pathways to bring about extraordinary change or results that benefit the community.  Leadership can be demonstrated in one display of a momentous act, or an on-going and steadfast feed of contributions that bring about positive results.

All classifications of employment, except OPS, are eligible for nomination. Winners receive a specially designed, engraved trophy and $1,500* along with a letter of recognition from the President.

Gabor Exemplary Employee Award

The Gabor Employee Award recognizes two Florida Atlantic University employees for their exemplary service in the performance of their job.

Exemplary service in the performance of an employee’s job can include (but not be limited to):

  • Creating, developing, or coming up with a unique idea/process or development that improves efficiency in operations or provides substantial cost savings.
  • Performs innovative improvements or new program implementation or program enhancement of existing standards.
  • Identifies gaps or needs, develops, or implements solutions or process enhancements to address the identified need. 

All classifications of employment, except OPS, are eligible for this nomination. Winners receive a specially designed, engraved trophy, $1200* and a letter of recognition from the President.

iTHINK Financial Customer Service Award

The iTHINK Financial Customer Service Award recognizes a Florida Atlantic University employee for providing exceptional or top-quality customer service.

Top-quality customer service is not simply performing or doing what was asked or expected but going above and beyond to meet and exceed the needs or expectations expected.  An example of when top-quality customer service is demonstrated is when an individual provides thorough, complete, and comprehensive information answering all the questions that should have been asked , and not just answering the only question that an individual knew to ask.   Top-quality customer service can be demonstrated in all situations to all constituencies, including external customers (i.e., the public, members of the community, alumni, parents, donors, other colleges and universities, organizations, etc.) and internal customers (i.e., students and the University’s own faculty and staff).

All classifications of employment, except OPS, are eligible for nomination. Winners receive a specially designed, engraved trophy, $1200* and a letter of recognition from the President.

Nomination (Directions & Criteria)
  • Nomination(s) must be submitted on the online nomination portal to be accepted and requires a one-page written narrative (minimally 250 words) that clearly and comprehensively explains or demonstrates the nominee’s achievement(s). Additional supporting documents or evidence (i.e., pictures, other unsolicited attestations, news clippings or articles, marketing materials, etc.) are highly encouraged and recommended, to assist the Selection Committee to evaluate the scope, depth, and breadth of the nominee’s achievements.
  • Nominee may be nominated for more than one award.
  • Multiple nominations received for a nominee will be accepted.
  • Nominators may nominate multiple nominees; however, each nominee must be submitted separately.
  • Nominations must be submitted by a second party; self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • Nominee must have successfully* completed one-year of continuous service prior to the current calendar year to be eligible for evaluation and selection.
  • DEADLINE for nomination is 5:00 p.m., Monday, February 17, 2025.

Winners will be notified, and awards will be presented at the Employee Service Awards ceremony Tuesday, April 22, 2025.

The Selection Committee is comprised of appointed/selected Faculty, AMP, and SP representatives.

*All award amounts are pre-taxed (gross) and subject to all required and applicable withholdings.

*Without any disciplinary actions during the preceding year.

Tips & Examples to Assist with Nominating

The Nomination Committee wants and needs as much detail, data, information, and concrete examples that you can provide to evidence or demonstrate the depth and breadth of your nominee’s qualification.

In your nomination narrative, please do all the following:

  • Be specific
    Terms such as “above and beyond” or “dedicated”; while they may be true of your nominee, without explanation or substance in relation to the specific situation or context, is challenging to evaluate.  Include the “who, how, and when” to further explain and clarify.  For example, “Jane Doe goes above and beyond what her job requires” is not as clear as, “We are normally expected to make 0 outside employer connections a week.  Despite that Jane already makes the required number of connections during the normal working hours weekly, I see her in the office on the weekends making addition calls to ensure she is always hitting, if not exceeding her (minimally) required employer connection numbers or is well prepared for the following week.” 
  • Provide Data and Numbers
    Please include (appropriate) data or numbers and provide specific context for the significance of those numbers. For example, “Jane Doe obtained a grant that greatly assisted to maintaining our program’s services” is not as clear and comprehensive as “Our service programs are primarily grant funded.  When Jane Doe learned of this, unsolicited, she researched, learned of, and applied for and received a $100,000 (annually renewable) federal grant that can be used for equipment and supplies, which greatly assists in continuing the work of our programs.”
  • INCLUDE Supporting Documents

Please be certain to include any and all supporting documents (examples: pictures, articles, clippings, unsolicited attestations, etc.).  Supporting documents provide additional evidence and can substantiate as well as possibly greatly strengthen your nomination.

  • Err on the side of too much, versus too little or not enough
    If you are hesitant in providing too much information or too much detail, rest assured that “too much” is preferred.   Thoroughly and completely exhaust measures to “show” the how, where, when, and why your nominee has demonstrated extraordinary customer service, leadership, or service.  You are needing to showcase your nominee as “extraordinary” or “exemplary” so do not hold back. 
  • Remember the nomination period
    The selection committee is looking for the accomplishments specifically from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year. Examples provided should be from that time frame with the exception of the President’s Leadership Award. Their contribution may have occurred for a longer time period that includes previous calendar years.


Nomination Form