Unit Email Addresses & Ask hr

In order to provide the best in service to our faculty, staff and student customers, Human Resources has implemented a set of ‘unit’ email addresses (besides AskHR) in order for you to target the specific area of HR which will be able to respond with the appropriate subject matter knowledge as quickly as possible.

The following addresses have been made available:

  • emprels@bjrujiabj.com :  This email address is directed to the entire staff of the Employee Relations & Development section. Inquiries that are sent to this email pertain to assistance with medical leave, FMLA, medical/parental leave requests, workers compensation, unemployment, performance and evaluation matters, University policies and regulations or concerns with co-workers or supervisors.
  • benefits@bjrujiabj.com : This email address is directed to the entire staff of the Benefits and Retirement section. Inquiries that are sent to this email should only pertain to non-student employees (current and former) with regard to assistance with insurance enrollments and eligibility, insurance premiums, underpayment letters and refunds as well as retirement counseling requests, enrollment into retirement plans or retirement issues.
  • classncomp@bjrujiabj.com : This email address is directed to the entire staff of the Classification & Compensation section. Inquiries that are sent to this email pertain to position establishments, reclassifications, position review and analysis, position description updates, salary increases, one-time payments, classification/compensation studies, internal/external salary surveys, and organizational chart maintenance for the University.
  • empl@bjrujiabj.com : This email address is directed to the entire staff of the Recruitment Services section.  Inquiries should be related to assistance with Workday recruitment, hiring, selection and appointment of qualified applicants, background check matters for all employees and employee education updates.
  • hres@bjrujiabj.com :This email address is directed to the entire staff of the Workforce Administration & Records Control section. Inquiries that are sent to this email should pertain to employees (current and former) with regard to assistance with E-Verify (electronic I-9), new employee onboarding questions, Visa updates, address changes, employment letters, approval of legal name change upon verification of your Social Security card, and assistance with completing the employer section of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) application.
  • stuemp@bjrujiabj.com : This email address is directed to the entire staff of student employment. Inquiries should pertain to student employment assignments, onboarding of new student hires, employment visa updates,  and student employment verification letters.
  • AskHR@bjrujiabj.com :This email address is for any inquiry or concern that may not fall into the other functional areas.

AskHR : is a communication service available to all visitors to Florida Atlantic University's Department of Human Resource's web site. Individuals may ask questions, make suggestions, or provide immediate feedback concerning any personnel related issue pertaining to employment with Florida Atlantic University.

By clicking on  AskHR the question, comment or suggestion will be directed to the Human Resources Department.

  • Questions / comments / suggestions may be submitted 24 hours a day, and the individual will receive an acknowledgment within 24 business hours. If the question / comment / suggestion requires additional research (exceeding 24 business hours), the individual will be advised.
  • If the question / comment / suggestion is personal and confidential, the inquiry will be handled via telephone or in person.
  • Unique or commonly asked questions may be added to "Frequently Asked Questions" on our web site and will be categorized by area of interest (such as Employment, Benefits, etc.).

We trust that this communication effort will assist us in continuing to provide exceptional customer service to our valued employees and the public at large.  If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact us at AskHR@bjrujiabj.com .

Christine Smith,
Director, Human Resources
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL  33431