Family Resources
The Department of Housing and Residential Education at Florida Atlantic University welcomes our families! The Department of Housing and Residential Education and families should work collaboratively to help students develop the skills needed to navigate living with others and develop the skills for independent living. You will find this page full of great resources to help you stay engaged, and know the important happenings in university housing. This site should become your go to for all things housing process related and information. It will be updated continuously so please return back often.
Below are important FAU Housing updates as well as dates coming up to be mindful of:
- June 20 - 21, 2024 - Move-in for Summer 3 first time in college students.
- August 13 - 15, 2024 - Move-in for Fall first time in college students on the Boca Campus.
- August 13, 2024 - Move-in for Fall first time in college students on the Jupiter Campus.
- August 15 - 17, 2024 - Move-in for Fall returning students and transfer students on the Boca and Jupiter Campus.
For more important dates please visit our Important Dates page.
Below are a few steps we encourage families to take when working with their student to solve a situation.
- Please ask your student if they are reading their emails and to check if they have received any communication from the department. Students are responsible for all communication emailed to them.
- Please ask your student if they have spoken to a staff member (a Resident Assistant or professional staff member) concerning the situation at hand.
- If your student believes the Resident Assistant is not handling the situation, please have them contact a professional staff member by emailing them, or visiting them at the front desk of their building.

Every Residence Hall and Apartment not only has Resident Assistants and Front Desk Staff to ensure our font desks are safe and staffed 24/7, each building also has professional staff members. These professional staff members can help with concerns and assist in difficult situations.
Below are brief descriptions of the different professional positions in each building:
Residential Education Operations Coordinators (OC):
The Residential Education Operations Coordinator is a full-time professional staff member. Who is responsible for the operation of a residential community of 1200 residents to which they are assigned. This position coordinates all service requests (maintenance and custodial work orders) from residents, manages key/fobs control operations, room transfers, fee administration for damages and other miscellaneous assessments, inventory, and record maintenance. This position also supervises front desk staff.

Residential Education Hall Coordinators (HC):
The Residential Education Hall Coordinator is a full-time professional staff member. Who is responsible for the operation of a residential community of 500-700 residents to which they are assigned. The Residential Education Hall Coordinator is charged with shaping the experiences, environment, and student success of residential students by providing services and resources through the Department of Housing and Residential Education’s Residential Curriculum (The Atlantic Experience Curriculum – AEC). This position supervises 8-14 Resident Assistants.
All of FAU Housing’s professional residential staff members can be found here.
Below are the student staff positions we have in each of our buildings and the roles they cover:
Resident Assistants (RA):
The role of the Resident Assistant (RA) is to enable student success by developing enhanced learning opportunities and enriching educational experiences within a supportive campus and residential environment. Through targeted one-on-one conversations, and relationship/community building, the RA will help our residential students experience a holistic and seamless living-learning environment. Through the Atlantic Experience Curriculum (AEC), they will grow their skills and experiences in the community with their peers, staff, and faculty while creating a diverse, safe, and inclusive living environment.
Front Desk Staff (FDS):
The role of the Front Desk Staff (FDS) is to provide outstanding quality customer service to the students, staff, faculty, and visitors of FAU. FDS primary role is to observe, report, and be a front desk resource to residents. FDS is the primary contact person for visitors, students, and, most importantly, our residents.
Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and Florida law, there is limited information our department can share regarding your student.
A few things we cannot disclose are student educational records or personally identifiable student information. Our professional and student staff is aware that any breach of confidentially on their part or any abuse of their position may result in disciplinary action.

If you have concerns about your student’s educational status, we recommend connecting with your student and seeing if they are taking advantage of resources on campus that can help them with their classes. Two of these resources are located inside of our Residence Halls. These are called Get Wise Centers. There are two locations, one in Atlantic Park Towers, and the other in Glades Park Towers. Here you can find a quiet place to study, meet with groups to work on projects, use the printing services, or receive tutoring services specifically targeted to subjects such as science, math, and languages.
The Community Guide contains all the most important information about living in our residence halls and apartments. Residents are expected to be aware of Housing Policies outlines in the Community Guide, as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
Every student has the right and responsibility to report any type of incident to either the front desk of their building or to FAU PD. Students can also report a concern directly through the Office of Student Conduct.
Floor meetings are hosted by RAs throughout the semester. These meeting times are relayed to the students by the RAs, and are the student’s responsibility to attend each meeting. Floor meetings typically cover topics such as move-in, resident expectations, and closing. These meetings are for the student’s benefit, and students are responsible for any and all information discussed during that time.

Students are responsible for what happens in their rooms. Where it be damages or cleanliness, students are responsible for the condition their rooms and common areas are in when it comes time to move out at the end of the semester. Health and safety checks occur several times during each semester and if a resident is found in violation of anything that goes against the Community Guide or Student Code of Conduct, the student is responsible for handling those violations.
We strongly encourage every student to always lock the room when they leave, regardless if it’s a quick trip or not. Students should never give their room key and/or ID to anyone at any time. This can lead to a lost key or ID, and both have fees associated with replacing them. Students should also never prop doors open at any time. This is to make sure we are keeping our residents and buildings as safe as possible.
As defined by the Department of Housing and Residential Education, a guest is any person who does not live in the host’s assigned building and/or room/suite/apartment. The ability to host guests is a privilege for residents living in on-campus housing. If a conflict arises due to or in conjunction with guest(s) and another resident of the community, the rights of the resident prevail over the rights of the guest. HRE staff reserves the right to ask any guest to leave at any time and to prohibit any residential students from hosting guests in the future.
- Hosts assume full responsibility for the conduct of their student and non-student guests. Hosts will be held responsible for any violations of University regulations and policies committed by their guests. Hosts are expected to be familiar with University and HRE policies and to inform their guests accordingly. Guests are required to respect and follow University and HRE policies and regulations.
- Hosts may have overnight guests for up to 15 nights per semester with the prior approval of roommates/suitemates. Hosts may have an overnight guest for a maximum of three consecutive nights. An overnight guest is defined as any individual who is present in the community between 12:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. All other guests between 10:00 p.m. -9:00 a.m. are required to check-in via the front desk of the building. If a resident hosts two guests over one night, this will count as two overnight visits. Hosts may have a maximum of two overnight guests at a time.
- All overnight guests present in residential facilities, must be checked in/out at the Building Front Desk. Failure to register/check-in/out overnight guest(s) will result in the dismissal of the guest from the residential facility and follow-up with the host through the Resident conduct process.
- Residents are not permitted to assign or sublease their assigned space.
- Residents may not permit additional individuals to live with them in their assigned space. Hosts may not allow guests to store food and/or personal belongings in their assigned space.
- HRE staff may make the determination that a gathering exceeds safe occupancy and may require some or all guests to vacate the area including bedrooms, suites, apartments, common areas, patios, lounges, or lobbies.
- All guests must be escorted at all times and carry a valid photo I.D. Guests may not be left alone within residential rooms/apartments without their host present. Guests are not allowed to bring ESAs or other animals.
The process of how to register a guest can be found in the Community Guide.
FAU Housing regularly sends out emails to students regarding different things such as move-in, application deadlines, safety updates, and closing information. Students are responsible for all communication emailed to them. Failure to read communication from the Department will not be an excuse for missed information. We do not send out communications to families. However, we encourage families to return to this page for all important information.
Every student signs a housing contract before they move on to campus. It is the student’s responsibility to read through and understand the terms and conditions of the Housing Contract before signing it.
During move-in, students fill out a room condition report, this report is where students can make a note of any wear and tear that may be in the room prior to them moving in. This report will be reviewed during move-out with a resident assistant. If any damages are in the room that were not listed in the room condition report, the student is then responsible for the damage charges they may occur.
A roommate/suite mate agreement is both a process and a document whereby residents discuss how they will live with each other in their room and suite. Students are encouraged to complete a roommate/suite mate agreement with the assistance of the Resident Assistant. Failure to abide by the terms of an agreement among roommates/suite mates may result in student conduct action and/or other administrative action. Residents are expected to resolve disputes in a cooperative manner. Residents are encouraged to resolve their disputes using conflict resolution practices on their own or guided by the assistance of HRE staff.