Student Orientation, Academics, and Resources

Congratulations on your admission to Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University.  We are so excited to have you join the Owl Family! This is an exciting time, with lots of steps to prepare for your first day on campus. The Offices of New Student Orientation and Campus Life are here to help you through this transition.

New Student Orientation is specially designed with you in mind. All new incoming first-year and transfer students are required to complete the three-phase orientation program. Please read through the information below carefully.

Fall 2024 Key Dates  
Phase 1: Virtual Orientation Automatically enrolled beginning the week of April 1 or after that, upon registration. Complete on your own by 9am Friday, August 16.
New Student Move-in New Student Move In - Tuesday, August 13 by Appointment
Phase 2: In-Person Orientation  

First-Year and FAUHS: Wednesday, August 14

Transfers: Friday, August 16

Phase 3: Extended Orientation  Thursday, August 15 - Saturday, August 17 (First-Year Students Only)
First Day of Classes Monday, August 19
  *Students must complete Virtual Orientation by August 16 at 9am



If you are an individual with a disability and need accommodations, please complete the Application for Support Services and submit with documentation of your disability to mshaw@health.bjrujiabj.com. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) will process the application and contact you to discuss your accommodation needs. SAS requires that this information be provided at least two weeks prior to your orientation date so that they have sufficient time to set up the accommodations requested. Thank you!

Student Orientation, Academics, and Resources (SOAR) Experience 

Student Orientation, Academics and Resources (SOAR) program at Florida Atlantic shares important information with students and their families regarding academic and student services as well as what it means to be an Owl. We are committed to providing all incoming students with the resources to be successful as they enter the university setting. We strive to provide excellent student experiences and knowledge about Florida Atlantic University by way of intentional and specific programming for first-year students, transfer students and their families. Our Orientations are designed with these goals in mind. 
First-Year and Transfer students complete the Orientation requirement by participating in the following phases: 
Phase 1 – Self-Directed Virtual Orientation 
You will be added to the Virtual Orientation course on Canvas within hours of submitting orientation registration payment. Complete the course on your own time, preferably before arriving on campus for move-in and in-person orientation. You must score 100% on all quizzes to satisfy this phase of the orientation program requirement, and we encourage you to work on this as soon as possible. Students MUST complete the Virtual Orientation course on Canvas by Friday, August 16, 2024 at 9am. Families are able to participate in Family Virtual Orientation with guest registration
Phase 2 – Live Orientation Day Experience 
Students will attend Orientation Day in-person. The Wilkes Honors College Fall 2024 orientation will be held on Wednesday , August 14, 2024, 9am - 4pm for incoming First-Year and FAUHS students and on Friday, August 16, 2024 for incoming Transfer Students. Information about registering for Orientation Day can be found below. More details regarding the schedule will be sent out starting in July. Families are able to participate in the in-person Orientation Day Experience with guest registration. 
Phase 3 – Extended Orientation 
First-Year Students will participate in a variety of activities within the extended orientation program from Thursday , August 15 - Saturday, August 17 to receive “just in time” information regarding academics, involvement, and more! Check your Florida Atlantic email for more information as we get closer to the start of the semester. Extended Orientation activities are for Students only

How to Register for Orientation 

1. Log in to owldone.bjrujiabj.com using your FAU Net ID and password. If you do not know your FAU Net ID, click “Claim NetID”. 
2. Once you have entered the portal, you will be able to access your financial aid, tuition deposit, immunization records, and reserve a spot for your New Student Orientation. All new incoming first-year and transfer students are required to complete an orientation program. Click the Sign-up Now button in the Student Orientation, Academics, and Resources module. 
3. This will take you to the Orientation Reservation system. This should display your student information. If you notice errors on this personal information page, please refer to this Registrar link to revise your personal information or log in to your MyFAU account to update your address and phone number. 
4. Complete the entire reservation system following the tabs on the left. 
5. At the end of My Reservation, you must submit payment for your orientation reservation. Please submit your orientation fee payment in order to reserve your spot. 
6. Once payment is received, you will receive confirmation emails to your Florida Atlantic email account. Please refer to those emails for further details on your orientation session. Be sure to check your Florida Atlantic email account regularly, as this is the official communication method from Florida Atlantic University. 
7. Refer to the OwlDone portal to be sure you have completed all required steps before attending your orientation session. If you encounter trouble placing your reservation, please contact our office at 561.297.2733 or orientme@bjrujiabj.com

SOAR reservations are NOT confirmed until the orientation fee payment has been submitted. Reservations close three (3) business days before a session starts. Please do not make any arrangements until you have completed your reservation, paid your SOAR fee, and have received a confirmation email in your Florida Atlantic inbox or spam.  

Refund Policy

All orientation fees, including guest fees and orientation housing fees, are NON-REFUNDABLE. Please review your orientation reservation page carefully before submitting payment. Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions for more details.

More Information about Orientation Day 

Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 (First-Year and FAUHS)

Date: Friday, August 16, 2024 (Transfers)

Participation in the Phase 2: Orientation Day in-person program is a requirement for all incoming students. 
The Office of New Student Orientation is excited for you to attend your First-Year & Transfer Student Orientation session. It's an exciting time to join the Owl Family, and the orientation program is designed to help you make this transition. Get ready for a fun and informative session to help you prepare to be a successful Florida Atlantic student. 
After you have reserved your spot, check your Florida Atlantic inbox or spam to read through your confirmation email for more check-in details. Be sure to accomplish all your OwlDone portal items before attending orientation. 
Throughout your orientation program, you will learn from several university departments and resources, along with a chance to meet your fellow classmates. Here are a few things you'll do during your Orientation Experience: 

1. Learn about Wilkes Honors College Campus Safety and Emergency Management 
2. Learn more about Florida Atlantic Business Services – Owl Card, Dining Services, Florida Atlantic Campus Store, and Parking & Transportation 
3. Learn about Wilkes Honors College Campus Life, including Student Government and Organizations 
4. Learn from Student Health Services about healthy decision making 
5. Learn how to get involved and connected on campus 
6. Learn about Florida Atlantic traditions 
7. Make new friends, including your Orientation Leader! 

Things to bring: Orientation Day will be hosted in-person so bring an umbrella, light jacket, snacks, notebook and writing utensil/writing device, and something to drink (i.e., water bottle).  

Before Attending Orientation 

1. Log in to Canvas and complete the Wilkes Honors College Virtual Orientation. This course is required and you need 100% on all quizzes in order to complete 
2. Check the Owldone portal to see what tasks you have left to complete. 
3. Register for classes. You are able to register for classes once you have (1) registered for your Honors College SOAR, (2) completed your Online Advising, and (3) cleared your Immunization hold. 
4. Refer to your reminder email from New Student Orientation (orientme@bjrujiabj.com) or Jupiter Campus Life (maclife@bjrujiabj.com) with more specific information after reserving your session! 

Student Orientation, Academics, & Resources FAQ'S 

Will I be automatically registered for the SOAR experience? 
No. You will need to sign-up and pay the $35 registration fee to gain access to the SOAR experience. Once you have signed-up for your in-person orientation session, you will be automatically enrolled in the Canvas course and receive information via your Florida Atlantic email regarding your participation in SOAR. If you are able to access the Virtual Orientation Canvas course, it means you are also registered for the in-person Orientation Day as well.  
Do I have to register for each phase of the new SOAR experience? 
No. Students must only reserve Orientation through the Owldone portal. Once reserved, students will receive a confirmation email with steps to complete the different phases of the experience. 
How do I cancel my reservation? 
SOAR is required for all incoming fall students. Please email hcadmissions@bjrujiabj.com if your enrollment plans have changed. 
Can my family member attend the new SOAR experience? 
Yes. As a family member with a WHC student, you can be added as a guest within the students’ orientation sign-up. Each guest registration is $75. This will allow any registered guest to participate in Family Virtual Orientation, which is hosted on Canvas. If there are multiple guests registered for Orientation, all guests may complete the Virtual Orientation course on Canvas using one account. Access to the Family Virtual Orientation will open within five business days of orientation guest registration. In addition to the Canvas course, families have the opportunity to attend in-person Orientation Day if they are registered as a guest. More information will be sent within three business days of the event. 
Will my family members receive this information? 
Family member(s) will receive more information via the email provided in the reservation form about Family Orientation. 
Who should I contact if I need assistance reserving an orientation date or an error appears? 
Please contact the New Student Transitions & Family Engagement team at orientme@bjrujiabj.com or 561.297.2733 to better assist you in troubleshooting the issue. 
Do I need to attend orientation again if I changed my term of entry? 
Your attendance/completion of orientation is valid for one year. 
When will the orientation hold be removed? 
The orientation hold is automatically lifted within two hours of payment submission. 
OR hold for incoming freshmen with 29 credits or less post high school 
OT hold for transfers with 30+ credits post high school