Graduation Medallion Ceremony
Apply for graduation here with the Florida Atlantic Registrar

Medallion Ceremony
The Medallion Ceremony recognizes the special achievements of students at the Honors College by awarding them with an Honors Medallion and a certificate acknowledging their thesis work. The certificate is not an official graduation document. Degrees are symbolically conferred during the Commencement Ceremony only. There is no degree-granting component in the Medallion Ceremony.
Click here to fill out the Medallion Spring 2024 Participation Form
Frequently Asked Questions
When will both ceremonies take place?
The Medallion Ceremony for Spring 2024 will take place Thursday, May 2nd at 8 AM in the Osher LLI Complex, Auditorium on the MacArthur Campus in Jupiter.
The Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony will be Thursday, May 2nd at 1 PM in the Carol and Barry Kaye Performing Arts Auditorium on the Boca Raton campus.
Who can participate?
Students who graduated in the prior Summer or Fall semester or who applied for Spring graduation are eligible to participate in the Medallion Ceremony. Students are also eligible to participate in the Medallion Ceremony if they have completed their thesis and they have six or fewer credits of incomplete grades or additional coursework to complete over the summer to meet all graduation requirements, but they need clearance from David Flanigan, Director of Academic Services.
Exceptions may be allowed for students who have an incomplete in thesis for Spring semester but have approval from both the student's Thesis Advisor and Academic Advisor. To gain approval, the faculty members need to be confident that the student will complete the thesis by the end of the Summer semester. (The incomplete in thesis would count toward the total of 6 unfulfilled credits allowed.) Students who are not eligible to participate in the Medallion Ceremony are invited to walk at the next medallion ceremony after they have completed the thesis and all other graduation requirements.
Students in the Wilkes Medical Scholars program who matriculate into medical school during their 4th year may also participate in the Medallion Ceremony.
How is this different from a graduation ceremony?
The Medallion Ceremony recognizes special achievements of students at the Honors College by awarding them with a special Honors Medallion and a certificate acknowledging their thesis work. The certificate is not an official graduation document. Degrees are symbolically conferred during the Commencement Ceremony only. There is no degree-granting component in the Medallion Ceremony.
It is important to understand that attending either ceremony does not guarantee that students will actually receive the degree. The official diploma is sent by mail at a later date, after all grades have been posted and academic requirements have been verified.
Why do I have to wear the university cap and gown during the Medallion Ceremony?
All faculty members are robed in their regalia during the Medallion Ceremony. Wearing the university cap and gown ensures that all students are observing the pomp and circumstance normally associated with graduation events. Borrowing a gown from another student is acceptable only if the style is identical to the one worn at Florida Atlantic in the current year.
Check with the University Bookstore regarding this year's gown cost and appearance.
Why should I participate in the official graduation ceremony?
While the Medallion Ceremony is a more intimate gathering with all your friends, classmates, faculty, and family members, the Commencement Ceremony is an opportunity for the Honors College students to be recognized in front of the entire Florida Atlantic community; a chance to shine by being acknowledged for special achievements and outstanding academic success. By participating in the Commencement Ceremony, students contribute to the increased visibility and positive image of the Honors College among the other academic colleges at Florida Atlantic. Additionally, only students who participate will receive a stole.
How can I fill out the Round-up Form if I do not yet know all the information that is requested?
It is important to fill out the form to the best of your ability by the deadlines as this helps the HC staff to prepare for the Medallion Ceremony in a timely manner. Only students who submit their Participation Form prior to the Senior Round-up Meeting (March 21, 2024 at 6:30pm in AD 119, Auditorium), will be able to receive their Medallion Ceremony tickets during the meeting.
Why can I only get three tickets for the Medallion Ceremony?
Why do I need tickets anyway? How can I get more?
Over 100 students are expected to participate in the Medallion Ceremony this year. The auditorium has to accommodate the students, faculty, staff and outside VIPs such as donors and benefactors, as well as family and friends of the graduating class. Tickets ensure that all students get a fair share of seats in the auditorium for their family and friends. If you need more than three tickets, talk to other graduating students as many of them may not need all of their tickets.