Major: Comparative Studies
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and letters
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Research Areas: Cultures, Languages, and Literature – Literature and Migration, Rhetoric and Composition, U.S Multiethnic Literatures, Science Fiction, Early Modern Literatures, Gender, Sexuality and Embodiment, Modernity and Postmodernity, Space and Place in Literature, Postcolonial Literature and Culture, Literatures and Cultures of the Americas, and Peace, Justice and Human Rights.
Culture, Society, and Politics
- (Anthropology) sociocultural and medical anthropology, bioarcheology, ethnoarchaeology, zooarchaeology and primatology; (Sociology) studies of gender, agriculture, adulthood, adolescence, childhood, race, social class, and economics; comparative politics, American politics, international relations, public policy and law, post-conflict resolution, democracy and democratization, political behavior, and quantitative methods.
Design, Aesthetics and the Arts – Philosophy of aesthetics and the fine arts, including especially somaesthetics, the theory and philosophy of design, architecture, visual Art, visual Culture, art history, and multimedia, ( including digital games) Musicology, theatrology are also possible academic paths.
Important information about applying to Graduate School:
Official Transcripts: Official Transcripts and/or Official Foreign Credential Evaluations must
be received from each college or university attended. For more information on how to send
transcripts, please visit our website: - Supporting documentation: Supplemental documents should be uploaded as separate files as part of the online graduate application. NOTE: You will not be able to submit your application until all the supplemental materials are uploaded.
- Conduct: A “yes” answer to either of the conduct questions on the online application will require a written explanation. Additional information may be requested when your application is under review. Applications will not be fully processed until all conduct issues are cleared.
- Application status: Once your application has been submitted, you can check your application status online to ensure transcripts and test scores have been received.
- Residency classification: Your residency classification automatically defaults to non-Florida. After you are admitted, the residency officer will request additional documents by email if needed.
Admission Requirements
Domestic Students
- BA, BFA, BS, MA, MS, or MFA degree
- GRE recommended, but not required for admission.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation; at least two from professors whose course(s) the applicant has taken. Letters should be current and attest to the applicants' intellectual qualifications for the Ph.D. in Comparative
Studies. - A statement of intent that outlines the applicant’s field(s) of study and describes how your academic background has prepared you for thisinterdisciplinary program
- One (1) academic paper, approx. 20 pages in length with scholarly documentation, which demonstrates the applicants analytical and
explanatory skills and command of the discipline in the area of the Master’s degree. Candidates who plan to work in lingua are required to submit an academic paper in that language.
International Students
- BA, BFA, BS, MA, MS, or MFA degree
- GRE recommended, but not required for admission.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation; at least two from professors whose course(s) the applicant has taken. These letters should be current and attest to applicants' intellectual qualifications for the Ph.D. in Comparative Studies.
- A statement of intent that outlines the applicant’s field(s) of study and describes how your academic background has prepared you for this interdisciplinary program.
- One (1) academic paper, approx. 20 pages in length with scholarly documentation, which demonstrates the applicants analytical and explanatory skills and command of the discipline in the area of the Master’s degree. Candidates who plan to work in lingua are required to submit an academic paper in that
language. - A general evaluation of international transcripts is required; FAU will do the
evaluation or it must be done by a NACES member - A competitive TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo score is required
Gabrielle Denier
Ph.D. in Comparative Studies
Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
Arts and Humanities Building (AH-52), Room 214A
Boca Raton Campus Map
(T) 561.297.0155
Application Deadlines
Domestic Students
Fall: January 15
*Temporary Extension March 1
For candidates not seeking PhD fellowships, the deadline is March 1
International Students
Fall: January 15
*Temporary Extension March 1
For candidates not seeking PhD fellowships, the deadline is March 1