Fellowships and Awards
Click here to see past Graduate Fellowship Award recipients.
To learn more about the Fellowship Awards and to apply, see details below.
FAU Fellowships
Graduate Access Fellowship
Graduate Fellowship for Academic Excellence
Newell Doctoral Fellowship
Presidential Fellowship
Graduate Dean's Fellowship
FAU Scholarships
Pathways Scholarship
Thesis and Dissertation Scholarship
Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition Scholarship
Graduate Student Hardship Award
Other Sources of Financial Support
- The Daniel B. Goldberg Scholarship
- Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- The Everglades Foundation Research Fellowships and Scholarships
- Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program
- The Frank L. Greathouse Government Scholarship
- The Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Rotary Foundation Scholarship
Florida Atlantic University offers this $2,500 fellowship to increase participation and retention in graduate degree programs by economically disadvantaged students. Evidence shows that economically disadvantaged students are significantly less likely to complete a graduate degree program than economically advantaged students. This fellowship seeks to close that gap. Applicants are encouraged to emphasize how this fellowship will increase their opportunity to complete a graduate degree and, if applicable, any impediments or disadvantages they may have overcome to pursue their advanced degree, including issues related to income, geography, first-generation status, and socio-economic status. Students can apply for multiple fellowships; however, applicants can be presented up to two (2) fellowship awards per academic year.
Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
- Students must be admitted into a graduate major and be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours during the summer semester;
- Student must be enrolled in an FAU graduate program (degree seeking) at the time of applying.
- Students must have completed at least nine (9) credit hours of graduate-level coursework applicable towards their degree. Current course enrollment cannot be used to fulfill this requirement;
- Students must have at least 12 credit hours remaining in their graduate degree program. Current course enrollment, as well as thesis and dissertation credit hours can be used to fulfill this requirement;
- U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States. Note: Individuals on visas are not eligible to apply for this Fellowship;
- As part of the fellowship criteria, you must have financial need, as demonstrated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Graduate students who are full-time, benefit-eligible employees of Florida Atlantic University are not eligible to apply for the fellowship.
Graduate assistants and graduate students with hourly appointments are not considered full-time employees, and thus, they are eligible to apply for this award.
Applications must include:
- Two (2) FAU Faculty Recommendations:
- Two FAU faculty members who agree to write a support letter on your behalf. Letters of Recommendation should be directed to the "Fellowship Selection Committee". Please remind your recommenders that their letters must be submitted by the application deadline;
- Personal Statement:
- The personal statement, no more than one single-spaced typed page, should summarize the importance of your intellectual and/or research interests, as well as the significance of your long-term goals and objectives. Please address how factors such as income, geography, first-generation status, or socio-economic status affected your decision to pursue the graduate degree in your chosen field of study;
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume:
- The curriculum vitae or resume, no more than one single-spaced typed page, should list awards, publications/creative works, presentations, and other scholarly activity. If your combined scholarly activities fill more than one page, please list only those activities you consider to be highlights of your academic career or those most likely to promote your application;
- A completed Graduate Access Fellowship application.
Application deadline: May 10, 2024.
Click here for application. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com.
Graduate Fellowship for Academic Excellence
This program is designed to provide financial assistance in the form of a fellowship to outstanding graduate students. The fellowship provides $5,000 for one academic year and is non-renewable. Students can apply for multiple fellowships; however, applicants can be presented up to two (2) fellowship awards per academic year.
Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
- Student must be enrolled in an FAU graduate program (degree seeking) at the time of applying;
- Be enrolled full-time (9 credits) as a degree-seeking student during term of the award;
- Have a minimum FAU graduate grade point average of 3.50;
- Have completed a minimum of one (1) semester in a FAU graduate program.
Applications must include:
- Two (2) FAU Faculty Recommendations:
- Two FAU faculty members who agree to write a support letter on your behalf. Letters of Recommendation should be directed to the "Fellowship Selection Committee". Please remind your recommenders that their letters must be submitted by the application deadline;
- A completed Graduate Fellowship for Academic Excellence application.
Application deadline: May 10, 2024.
Click here for application. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com.
The Dr. Daniel B. Newell & Aurel B. Newell Doctoral Fellowship
This program is designed to provide financial assistance in the form of a fellowship to outstanding doctoral graduate students. Funding for the program is provided by the generous contribution of the late Mrs. Aurel B. Newell. The fellowship provides $5,000 for one academic year of study to students with financial need (as demonstrated by the Free Financial Application for Federal Student Aid [FAFSA]). Recipients may reapply and be considered for a second-year of funding. Students can apply for multiple fellowships; however, applicants can be presented up to two (2) fellowship awards per academic year.
Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
- Student must be enrolled as a full-time (9 credits) in an FAU graduate program, as a degree seeking student at the time of applying;
- Student must have a minimum grade point average of 3.70;
- Completion of a minimum of nine (9) credits in a doctoral program at Florida Atlantic University (Students entering a doctoral program prior to completion of a master's degree must have earned a minimum of thirty (30) credit hours of graduate course work);
- As part of the fellowship criteria, you must have financial need, as demonstrated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Applications must include:
- Letter of Recommendation from the person nominating the candidate:
- Letter of Recommendation should be directed to the "Fellowship Selection Committee". Please remind your recommenders that their letters must be submitted by the application deadline;
- Letter of Recommendation from the candidate’s advisor (if not the nominator):
- Letter of Recommendation should be directed to the "Fellowship Selection Committee". Please remind your recommenders that their letters must be submitted by the application deadline;
- Career Goals Statement:
- A brief statement from the candidate/student summarizing his/her career goals and objectives and financial need.
Application deadline: May 10, 2024.
Click here for application. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com.
Please Note: There is not an application process for the Presidential Fellowship. The program admissions committee will award this fellowship based on standard review of your admissions application. If selected for an award, the program admissions committee will contact you.
Eligibility Criteria: This fellowship is designed to assist FAU graduate programs with the recruitment of superior doctoral and MFA students by adding fellowship funds to an assistantship. In addition to the graduate research or teaching assistantship, the recipients of this fellowship will receive $5,000 each year for two years. The fellowship is automatically renewable for the second year given excellent progress toward the degree by the student. Only newly admitted full-time doctoral and MFA students are eligible to receive the fellowship. To qualify, the student must be given an assistantship stipend at least equal to the typical level of funding that all first-year doctoral and MFA students receive in the department, and it must be renewable for up to two years.
- Excellent academic record as determined by faculty at the time of admission
- Excellent letters of recommendation as determined by faculty at the time of admission
- Newly admitted full-time graduate student with initial enrollment in either the Summer 2024 term, Fall 2024 term, or Spring 2025 term
- Student must be offered a graduate research or teaching assistantship at the same level of funding as all entering doctoral students in their college, and it must cover the required fall and spring term continuous enrollment period (enrollment and assistantship funding during the summer term are not required)
Please Note: There is not an application process for the Graduate Dean's Fellowship. The program admissions committee will award this fellowship based on standard review of your admissions application. If selected for an award, the program admissions committee will contact you.
Eligibility Criteria: This fellowship is designed to assist programs with the recruitment of outstanding masters or doctoral students by adding fellowship funds to an assistantship. In addition to a graduate research or teaching assistantship, a recipient of this fellowship will receive $2,500 for one academic year. Only newly admitted full-time masters and doctoral students are eligible to receive the fellowship. To qualify, the student must be given an assistantship stipend at least equal to the typical level of funding that all first-year masters or doctoral students receive in the department.
- Excellent academic record as determined by faculty at the time of admission
- Excellent letters of recommendation as determined by faculty at the time of admission
- Newly admitted full-time graduate student with initial enrollment in either the Summer 2024 term, Fall 2024 term, or Spring 2025 term
- Student must be offered a graduate research or teaching assistantship at the same level of funding as all entering masters or doctoral students in their college, and it must cover the required Fall and Spring term continuous enrollment period (enrollment and assistantship funding during the Summer term are not required)
This scholarship will award up to $2,000 to eligible FAU students enrolled in combined or advanced standing graduate degree programs. The scholarship is distributed in two increments of $1,000 during the first and last semester of the graduate program. Students must apply during the junior year of undergraduate study.
Award Eligibility Criteria
Students must:
- Be officially accepted to a combined program;
- Be enrolled in first graduate semester;
- Maintain continuous enrollment throughout the graduate program;
- Complete the undergraduate program within four years;
- Complete the graduate program within two years (two years begins after completion of bachelor’s degree); and
- Complete a minimum of three graduate credits during the senior year.
Click here for application. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com.
Thesis and Dissertation Scholarship
Thesis and Dissertation Scholarships, funded by the Graduate College at Florida Atlantic University, are intended to support graduate degree-seeking students experiencing unanticipated research costs that impede timely graduation. Examples of eligible expenses include, but are not limited to: lab supplies, research or project materials, equipment, software, thesis and dissertation formatting, publishing or journal submission, and other miscellaneous unexpected research or project expenses. Award amounts may vary and will not exceed $1,500.
Criteria and Eligibility:
Florida Atlantic University graduate students that are:
- Degree seeking and actively enrolled in master's, specialist, or doctoral program
- Enrolled in a program with a required thesis, dissertation, capstone, exhibition project, or other related project.
- In good academic standing and making satisfactory progress towards graduation
- Registered for a minimum of 1 credit
Priority is given to first time applicants with an anticipated graduation date within two semesters from the date this scholarship application is submitted with a qualified expense that impedes timely graduation.
Deadline: Applications from eligible FAU graduate students are reviewed on a rolling basis based on the availability of funding.
Click here for application. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition Scholarships
Each year, FAU Graduate College hosts the University's Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition. This exciting opportunity is open to any active FAU graduate student in good academic standing with the University. This competition provides all participants with a unique and invaluable professional development experience and championship winners are awarded research scholarships and awards up to $2,500, with the possibility to win up to $5,500 to support one's graduate research. FAU’s 3MT® Championship Award is generously sponsored through the Dr. Eric H. Shaw 3MT® Championship Award Endowment Fund.
Click here for more information and to apply.
Graduate Student Hardship Award
The Graduate Student Financial Hardship Award is need-based funding intended to support graduate degree-seeking students who are experiencing a catastrophic, exceptional and unexpected temporary financial difficulty or emergency that is impeding their degree completion in a timely manner. Priority will be given to graduate students who are within a semester or two of completing their degrees and those who show a significant hardship. Applicants may be asked to provide documentation of the unexpected hardship. Award amounts vary and will not exceed $1,500. Awards are rolling and subject to the availability of funds.
Eligibility Requirements
Florida Atlantic University graduate students that are:
- Enrolled in an FAU master’s, specialist, or doctoral degree granting program*
- In good academic standing
- Registered for a minimum of 1 credit during the semester this application is submitted
- A valid FAFSA Form on file (students with an SAI < $12,000 will be prioritized).
- Completed a Graduate Student Progress Report (must be uploaded to the application). A blank form is online here: http://rtrali.bjrujiabj.com/graduate/forms-and-procedures/
*PLEASE NOTE: Students enrolled in self-supported programs are not eligible for this award. Self-supported programs that are not eligible include, but are not limited to, the following programs: Executive MBA, Professional MBA, Executive MHA, Executive MTX, Executive PHD Business Administration, Professional MS Computer Science, Professional PHD Computer Science, and MS Finance.
Deadline: Rolling application. Awards are subject to availability of funds.
Click here to apply. Note: Please complete the application using your FAU email address.
Questions? Contact gradscholarships@bjrujiabj.com
The Daniel B. Goldberg Scholarship
The Daniel B. Goldberg Scholarship of $10,000 is available to a full-time graduate student who are pursuing an advanced degree preparing for a career in state or local government finance. This scholarship is funded by the Girard Miller Foundation. The winner, if one is selected, will be invited to attend the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada’s (GFOA) annual conference in Chicago, Illinois, in June, where the award will be presented. The GFOA will provide a complimentary annual conference registration and pay for transportation costs to Chicago and hotel accommodations. See “Student Opportunities” for more information. Expect the application deadline to be in February of every year.
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
This fellowship is for first or second year graduate students planning full-time study toward a Ph.D. in the physical, engineering, computer, mathematical, or life sciences with emphasis in high performance computing. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent resident aliens; departments must certify that fellows will not be required to perform services (e.g., TA, grading, etc.) during the tenure of their fellowships.
The DOE CSGF program pays all tuition and required fees for up to 4 years of study at any US university, provides a $32,400 yearly stipend, matches university funds (up to $2,500) to purchase a computer workstation for the fellow's exclusive use, and provides a yearly academic allowance of $1,000 to the fellow for their professional development. Further details about the program are available at the program website and from the Program Coordinator, Ms. Rachel Huisman at csgf@krellinst.org.
Students can apply online at krellinst.org/csgf/.
The Everglades Foundation Research Fellowships and Scholarships
The Everglades Foundation scholarship provides fellowships and scholarships for advanced research in support of the restoration of the Florida Everglades. The scholarships and fellowships are open to full-time graduate research students pursuing degrees in earth sciences, biological sciences, engineering, geography, planning and resources management and economics. Cross-disciplinary research efforts are of special interest. Both scholarships and fellowships provide $20,000 / year (PhD level) and $10,000 / year (MSc level) for stipends, tuition fees, travel, and other research-related expenses. Expect the next application deadline to be in June. For more information and a checklist of items to be included in the submission package can be found at evergladesfoundation.org/scholarships.
Florida Gubernatorial Fellows Program
The Gubernatorial Fellows Program offers an unparalleled experience in leadership and public service to Florida’s best and brightest college and university students. This nonpartisan program provides students interested in public service with the opportunity to gain experience and exposure by working in key areas of government. Fellows travel to Tallahassee for two semesters and are assigned to work in the Executive Office of the Governor or the Governor’s agencies, based on their major or area of concentration. Fellows work a minimum of 20 hours per week and are paid for their time on the job, while maintaining full-time status in their academic programs.
Fellows participate in a weekly lecture series, where they meet face-to-face with prominent leaders, including the Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet officers, agency heads, or other top officials. Fellows also travel throughout Florida and to Washington, D.C. to meet with local and federal government officials.
To be eligible for a Gubernatorial Fellowship, candidates should be enrolled at a Florida college or university as an upperclassman (junior or senior) or a graduate student. The program is open to students in all academic disciplines. Applicants should exhibit strong leadership, written and oral communication skills, community activism and a desire to serve the people of Florida. Approximately 12 students from around the state will be selected based on a competitive application process. Preference is given to graduate students.
Application deadline for the 2023-2024 class is Wednesday, February 15, 2023. For more information and to apply, visit For more information and to apply, visit FloridaFellows.com.
The Frank L. Greathouse Government Scholarship
The Frank L. Greathouse Government Scholarship of $5,000 (for each award) is awarded to one or more graduate or undergraduate students enrolled in full-time study preparing for a career in state and local government finance. The winner, if one is selected, will be invited to attend the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada’s (GFOA) annual conference in Chicago, Illinois in June, where the award will be presented. The GFOA will provide a complimentary annual conference registration and pay for transportation costs to Chicago as well as hotel accommodations. See “Student Opportunities” at www.gfoa.org. for more information. Expect the application deadline to be in February or each year.
The Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship
The Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship of $5,000 is awarded to one or more employees of a state or local government enrolled in part-time graduate study preparing for a career in state and local government finance. The winner(s), if selected, will be invited to attend the Government Finance Officers Association's annual conference in Chicago, Illinois, in June, where the award will be presented. The winner(s) will receive a complimentary annual conference registration and transportation costs to Chicago and hotel accommodations. See "Student Opportunities" at www.gfoa.org for more information. Expect the application deadline to be in February of every year.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
The National Science Foundation invites you to apply for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) competition. This program offers up to 3 years of graduate school support worth over $120,000 to each awardee - last year 2,000 awards were granted. Benefits include a $30,000 annual stipend, a $10,500 annual cost of education allowance, a one time $1,000 travel allowance, and access to TeraGrid supercomputing facilities. U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents at or near the beginning of their graduate study seeking research-based Master's and/or PhD degrees in NSF-supported science (including social science and psychology) and engineering disciplines are eligible to apply.
We encourage applicants interested in the 2023 NSF-GRFP competition to visit nsf.gov/grfp/ or nsfgrfp.org for additional information concerning benefits, eligibility, and tips on applying. Interested applicants should strongly consider preparing their applications as early as possible to help increase their chances of winning.
The GRFP is sponsored by the NSF, which is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense" With an annual budget of about $6.06 billion, NSF is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. NSF funding opportunities can be found at nsf.gov/funding/. The NSF-GRFP Operations Center is administered by the American Society for Engineering Education (asee.org/fellowships).
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships of $5,000 each and 40 Awards of Excellence of $2,000 are awarded to its members entering their first year of graduate or professional study. Each Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards (FAU is Chapter 128).
For additional details, including eligibility, selection criteria, chapter information and application material, visit: PhiKappaPhi.org
Rotary Foundation Scholarships
Ambassadorial Scholarships Program of The Rotary Foundation is the largest privately funded international scholarships program. The program sponsors several types of scholarships for graduate students. While abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host country. For additional details, you may visit the Rotary Foundation website.
Other sources of financial aid or scholarships may be available through the individual colleges, academic departments, and/or the Office of Student Financial Aid. For further information, visit FAU Financial Aid.