- 30,000+ Students
- Ranked as a Top Public University by U.S. News & World Report
- 170+ Degree Programs
- 6 Campuses
- #1 Most Diverse Institution in Florida
- 166,000+ Alumni
- 22:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio
- 4,077 Student Internships
- 2023 FAU Overview Brochure
- International Student Highlights
International Enrollment Services (Admissions)
International students who wish to attend FAU on a student Visa must apply for admission to the University through one of the below options. If admission is granted, the student may request an I-20 – Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status* to apply for an F-1 student Visa.
*Students required to obtain a J-1 Visa will request a DS-2019 form.
Undergraduate Admissions
- For bachelor’s degree seeking students.
- The student applies directly to FAU and submits all required documents directly to FAU.
- $30 non-refundable application fee.
Application requirements vary by program and level.
Graduate Admissions
- For master’s or doctoral degree seeking students.
- The student applies directly to FAU and submits all required documents directly to FAU.
- Application fees vary by program.
- Application requirements vary by program and level.
for flow chart of the Graduate Admissions Process.
Study Group Admissions
For bachelor’s or master’s* degree seeking students.
*Only select master’s degrees are available. - The student applies through an education consultant who collects and submits all required documents to FAU via our Study Group partners. This is a concierge service.
- Application fees vary by level.
- Application requirements vary by program and level.
- For more information, contact your Educational Counselor or NAQueries@studygroup.com .
for flow chart of the Study Group Admissions Process.
For bachelor’s or master’s* degree seeking students.
Intensive English Institute Admissions
- For English Language students who wish to develop their linguistic and cultural competence to pursue an academic degree, professional interest, or personal goal.
- $150 non-refundable application fee.
Conditional admission is available through the Academic Track.
- Non-Degree Exchange, Visiting, or Sponsored Students
- Students currently enrolled at one of FAU’s student exchange partner universities must contact their home institutions to seek information about applying to FAU as international exchange students. For additional information, email goabroad@bjrujiabj.com .
- International students who receive scholarships, fellowships, or other forms of financial support from their institution, government or selected third-party organizations may be eligible to study as non-degree seeking students for an academic year or semester. For additional information, contact Ms. Edyta Klimczak at eklimcza@bjrujiabj.com.
- Please note that full-time university study on a B1/B2 or WB/WT (ESTA) visa is not permitted. Students seeking to take part-time, non-degree courses while visiting the U.S. must contact isss@bjrujiabj.com before applying to any of the options above.
Undergraduate Admissions
Please note, for all options listed above, admission is not guaranteed.
FAU Highlights