Academic Success Workshops
Academic Success workshops are coordinated in conjunction with the Faculty Fellow Program. They occur once a month and are related to general study skills, test taking skills and to serve the academic needs of students within the fraternity & sorority life community.
Academic Success - Faculty Fellow Program
The ultimate goal of the Faculty Fellow program is to support the academic needs of the student members of the FAU fraternity & sorority community. The Faculty Fellow is asked to assist us in the following manner:
Develop and implement Student Academic Success Sessions:
These monthly 90-minute sessions (3 each semester) focus on academic skill development for student members of the F/S community. Students will come together in this comfortable environment to learn how to help enhance their academic success through various facilitated discussion/presentations on various topics.
Serve on the Standards of Excellence Awards/Assessment Review Committee:
Standards of Excellence is the annual awards and assessment process for chapters within the FAU F/S community. Each chapter submits a packet of information detailing their work in eight core areas, one of which is Intellectual Growth & Genuine Learning. The Faculty Fellow will review these information packets to score chapters and provide scholarly feedback on how to enhance their organization efforts in this area. Discovering learning styles, thinking critically, reading to learn from textbooks, best practices in studying, compression, and memory, test & exam preparation, writing & speaking effectively, and developing research and information literacy skills.
Academic Success/Program Advisement
The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life is committed to the academic mission of the institution and we will continue to offer innovative programs and services that support the academic needs of our students. The Faculty Fellow will be asked to provide feedback on creating new and enhancing existing academic initiatives within the f/s community.
For questions concerning any of our Academic Success programs please contact