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About Us

The Florida-Israel Institute (FII) was created by the State of Florida legislature, adminstered by Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Broward College (BC). Its purpose is to promote direct Florida-Israel academic, commerce, education and cultural connections.


Florida Linkage Institutes

Florida Statute 288.9175 establishes Linkage Institutes between postsecondary institutions in the state of Florida and foreign countries.

The primary purpose of these institutes is to assist in the development of stronger economic, cultural, educational, and social ties between this state and strategic foreign countries through the promotion of expanded public and private dialogue on cooperative research and technical acceptance activities, increased bilateral commerce, student and faculty exchange, cultural exchange, and enhancement of language training skills between the postsecondary institutions in this state and those of selected foreign countries. Each institute must ensure that minority students are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the exchange programs.

Each institute must be governed by an agreement, approved by the Department of State, between the State University System and the Florida Community College System with the counterpart organization in a foreign country. Each institute must report to the department regarding its program activities, expenditures, and policies.

Each institute must be co-administered in this state by a university or community college partnership, as designated in subsection (5), and must have a private sector and public sector advisory committee. The advisory committee must be representative of the international education and commercial interests of the state and may have members who are native to the foreign country partner. Six members must be appointed by the department. The department must appoint at least one member who is an international educator. The presidents, or their designees, of the participating university and community college must also serve on the advisory committee.

Each institute is allowed to exempt from s .240.1201 up to 25 full-time equivalent students per year from the respective host countries to study in any of the state universities or community colleges in this state as resident students for tuition purposes. The institute directors shall develop criteria, to be approved by the Department of Education, for the selection of these students. Students must return home within 3 years after their tenure of graduate or undergraduate study for a length of time equal to their exemption period.

Each state university and community college linkage institute partner may enter into an agreement for a student exchange program, that requires that the tuition and fees of a student who is enrolled in a state university or community college and who is participating in an exchange program be paid to the university or community college while the student is participating in the exchange program. The agreement may also require that the tuition and fees of a student who is enrolled in a postsecondary institution in a foreign country and who is participating in an exchange program be paid to the foreign institution of enrollment.


Relation to Florida Atlantic University Mission

As a State of Florida Institute, Florida-Israel Institute (FII) promotes direct Florida-Israel mandated academic, commerce, education and cultural connections. FII promotes cooperative research and education through sponsorship of student and faculty exchange, and development of bilateral trade through organizing symposia and business forums in both states and in cooperation with Enterprise Florida.


Associations with Other Higher Education Institutes


The Florida Israel Institute is currently engaged in fruitful collaborations with several top universities in Israel. My recent visit to Israel provided an excellent opportunity to deepen and explore further connections between Florida and Israel in the academic domain.

The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

The Technion holds a special place in our collaborative efforts. Part of my upcoming sabbatical will be dedicated to enhancing these collaborations. I am honored to have received an invitation from Professor Naama Brenner, Technion's Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, to become a Lady Davis Visiting Professor. This invitation highlights the mutual respect and commitment to academic exchange between our institutions.

During a recent visit to Boca Raton, Technion's Professor Moshe Sidi, from the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), engaged in productive discussions to foster further collaboration. Professor Sidi's distinguished background as the former Senior Executive VP and Head of Academic Affairs at Technion adds valuable insights to our joint endeavors. In continuation of our efforts, a second meeting with him is scheduled for this weekend. The focus is on sensing-based autonomous behavior.

Additionally, I have been in communication with Professor Nahum Shimkin, a former Dean of the ECE Faculty, to explore research collaboration, primarily focusing on ML-based Control and teaching and learning methodologies. Collaboration with the Faculty (College) of Computer Science is also a key priority for us. Direct contact has been established with Professor Irad Yavneh (http//, who served as the dean of Computer Science during 2013-2017. Presently, he holds the esteemed position of Director of the Samuel Neaman Institute and is leading the "Campus Leaders" program, which aims to develop future Technion leadership. Despite the cancellation of Professor Yavneh's visit to FAU due to COVID-19, we are determined to nurture and expand this collaboration, which has thrived over the past seven years.

We are focused on fostering meaningful partnerships, promoting knowledge exchange, and facilitating the growth of future leaders in both Florida and Israel.

Students and External Support

We are delighted to share that we are currently collaborating closely with a philanthropist, Michael R. Levine, on an initiative to support a select group of students from the Technion who will be joining FAU to pursue their master's degrees at our college. Mr. Levine's dedication and generosity towards our institution have been exemplary, with his contributions to FAU amounting to over $1 million. In recognition of his outstanding commitment, Mr. Levine has also been awarded an Honorary Ph.D. from FAU.

This partnership is a testament to the power of fostering academic opportunities and promoting international student exchange. By providing these exceptional students with the chance to study at FAU, we aim to enrich their educational journey and broaden their horizons. We believe that this collaboration will yield promising results, benefiting the students and both institutions.

Bar Ilan University

In February 2023, our continuous efforts, in collaboration with Dean Horswell and Professor Marcella Munson from the College of Arts and Letters, led to a significant visit by Professor Rakefet Dilmon from Bar Ilan University to FAU. During her visit, Professor Dilmon delivered an engaging and insightful talk on the topic of "Language of Deception."

The event served as an excellent platform for knowledge exchange and cultural dialogue between Bar Ilan University and FAU. It reinforced our commitment to fostering academic connections and facilitating meaningful interactions between scholars from both institutions.

Hebrew University

In April 2022, we had the privilege of hosting Professor Ori Adam from Hebrew University. During his visit, we arranged a productive meeting with Hari Kalva, which paved the way for an exciting collaboration. As a result of this meeting, Professor Adam was able to embark on a sabbatical at the University of Miami.

This collaboration between Hebrew University and the University of Miami is a testament to our commitment to fostering academic exchange and facilitating opportunities for scholars.

Ariel University

In the wake of a fruitful visit to FAU by Prof. Albert Pinhasov, the esteemed Rector of Ariel University, and his team, we are pleased to report that our collaboration with Ariel University has reached new heights. In particular, our joint efforts with Professor Boaz Ben Moshe have culminated in the submission of a comprehensive proposal to Sony Corporation.

The focus of this exciting collaboration centers around Sensing-based autonomous drones. This innovative project holds great potential in advancing drone technology and its applications. By combining our expertise and resources, we aim to contribute to the development of cutting-edge solutions in this field.

Ben-Gurion University

Dr. Shai Arogeti, renowned for his expertise in autonomous vehicles and control of mixed platoons at Ben-Gurion University, has been a valued collaborator. I have had the privilege of meeting Professor Arogeti on multiple occasions, fostering a strong foundation for our partnership. Moreover, I am excited to share that I have plans for an upcoming meeting in Israel to further advance our collaboration.

The potential collaboration with Dr. Shai Arogeti revolves around Intelligent robotic systems, encompassing both drones and land vehicles. Our joint efforts aim to explore and develop swarm and platoon cooperative behaviors, which have the potential to revolutionize various industries and domains.

Tel Aviv University

In February 2023, an important meeting took place at FAU, which brought together key representatives from both Tel Aviv University and FAU's College of Arts and Letters. Professor Ariel Porat, President of Tel Aviv University, and Professor Amos Elad, Vice President for Resource Development, joined Professor Michael Horswell, Dean of FAU's College of Arts and Letters, to explore and discuss potential multi-level collaborations.

This meeting marked a significant step forward in our efforts to establish meaningful partnerships between Tel Aviv University and FAU's College of Arts and Letters. The discussions encompassed a range of collaborative opportunities, fostering academic and professional exchanges.


Simlat, Ltd - Center for Drone Simulation and Training

After years of dedicated effort and numerous meetings, we have received an enticing proposal from Simlat, Ltd (led by Yuval Peshin, former president). The proposal entails the development and establishment of a cutting-edge Center for Drone Simulation and Training at FAU. This envisioned center will focus on providing comprehensive teaching, learning, and assessment programs for students and law enforcement units, all centered around flying drones in simulation environments.

The potential of this project is highly promising, with far-reaching implications for advancing drone technology and training capabilities. However, we regret to inform you that the project is currently on hold due to budgetary constraints at FAU.

Despite the temporary setback, we remain committed to pursuing this initiative and exploring opportunities to secure the necessary funding. We firmly believe that the establishment of such a center will elevate FAU's reputation as a leading institution for drone research and education.

JNF (Jewish National Fund)

We have actively promoted JNF initiatives within the CoE&CS (College of Engineering and Computer Science) with great enthusiasm.

One such initiative is the "Caravan for Democracy Student Leadership Mission to Israel," scheduled from December 27, 2022, to January 6, 2023. This 10-day, fully subsidized educational program is designed for student leaders beyond the Jewish faith who have never visited Israel before. The mission offers a unique opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the rich cultural and historical experiences of Israel, fostering global understanding and engagement.

Another remarkable program is the "Faculty Fellowship Program in Israel" for the Winter 2022/2023 session. This highly competitive academic fellowship invites full-time university and college faculty members to apply for an all-expenses-paid academic trip to Israel. The program focuses on facilitating academic exchange, networking, and collaboration, providing participants with exclusive opportunities to engage in cross-cultural academic and professional dialogues with colleagues from leading Israeli institutions.

FAU faculty participated in the program

Bi-National Science Foundation

We are currently in regular communication with Professor Anton Post, the Executive Director at the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation. This collaboration serves as a steadfast channel through which we explore and seize continuous opportunities for Florida and FAU.

Our engagement with the Bi-National Science Foundation underscores our commitment to fostering international collaborations that drive innovation and promote knowledge-sharing.

Holocaust Awareness and Education

In We have been dedicated to promoting Holocaust awareness and education initiatives at FAU.

December 2022, we extensively promoted the highly anticipated visit and talk by Dani Dayan at the College of Arts and Letters. Titled "Why Holocaust Distortion is now more Dangerous than Holocaust Denial," Dani Dayan's thought-provoking presentation shed light on the critical importance of accurate historical representation. As the Chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, and former Israel's Consul General in New York, Mr. Dayan's insights hold significant weight and resonance.

Additionally, we have been actively supporting the Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education. Our efforts focus on enhancing Holocaust awareness and education through various impactful programs and initiatives.

Furthermore, we are working diligently to assist The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust in their mission to raise awareness of the Holocaust.

We firmly believe in the importance of these endeavors, and we will continue to champion Holocaust awareness and education at FAU to honor the memory of those affected by this tragic chapter in history.

Promoting the Israeli American Council (IAC)

We are proud advocates of the Israeli American Council (IAC) and wholeheartedly support their efforts in fostering meaningful connections between Israeli and American communities.

As an institute dedicated to strengthening Florida-Israel relations, we recognize the significance of IAC's mission in promoting cultural understanding and cooperation. The IAC serves as a vital platform for enhancing ties between Israelis and Americans, facilitating dialogues, and celebrating the rich heritage and contributions of both communities.

In line with our commitment to promoting cultural exchange and cross-cultural collaboration, we are actively promoting the IAC events scheduled for 2022 and 2023. We firmly believe that these gatherings will provide invaluable opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage in constructive discussions, share experiences, and forge lasting partnerships.

Jewish Federation

We are actively promoting and eagerly anticipating the visits of two Shinshinim to Florida in 2023. Shinshinim are remarkable 18-year-old Israelis who serve as ambassadors to diaspora communities before commencing their military service.

These young individuals bring with them a unique perspective and a wealth of cultural knowledge, serving as valuable bridges between Israel and diaspora communities. Their visits to Florida present a great opportunity for cross-cultural exchange.

We are honored to host these Shinshinim in Florida, and we believe that their presence will enrich the experiences of our community members and strengthen the ties between Florida and Israel.

Florida-Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA)

We are actively promoting the dynamic activities of the Florida-Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA). FIBA is a visionary business development program aimed at cultivating and nurturing successful, high-growth tech ventures in Florida.

FIBA serves as a vital catalyst, facilitating the establishment and growth of innovative tech companies, while fostering mutually beneficial collaborations between Florida and Israel. This accelerator program plays a crucial role in propelling the growth of cutting-edge technology ventures, nurturing entrepreneurship, and promoting economic advancement in both regions.

We are dedicated to supporting FIBA's initiatives and firmly believe in the potential of these collaborative efforts to drive economic prosperity and technological advancements in Florida and Israel.



Daniel Raviv

Daniel Raviv

Florida Israel Institute
Florida Atlantic University
David Moore

David Moore

Florida Israel Institute
Broward College
Mihaela Metianu photo

Mihaela Metianu

Executive Director
Center for Global Engagement
Dean of Students

Guiding Committee


Elan Barenholtz

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
van Praag

Henriette van Praag

Associate Professor
Biomedical Science
FAU Division of Research
Daniel Kantor

Daniel Kantor

Associate Professor of Integrated Medical Science
College of Medicine
Sarah Wood

Sarah Wood

Associate Professor of Integrated Medical Science and Associate Dean for Medical Education
College of Medicine

Frederick Greenspahn

Eminent Scholar
College of Arts and Letters