Approved Facilities Programs
The following list includes programs for facilities that are currently being planned. This list is sorted with the most recent on top. Those facilities above the line are currently in process of Architect/Engineer or Construction Manager Selection. Those below the line are recent projects where selections have now been finalized and are either in the design phase or under construction.
- BT690 - Wallach Institute for Holocaust & Jewish Studies
- BT686 - Student Union Expansion & Renovation Program
- Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine - Office Building - BT - 676
- FAU Breezeway Renovation & Repairs Project - BT-635
- 600 Bed Residence Hall
- Boca Raton Campus Parking Garage III
- Florida Atlantic Blvd Northern Four Lane-Scope of Work
FAU/HBOI Research Laboratory II
FAU/HBOI Link Building Renovation - FAU Stadium Amended September 8, 2008 FAU Stadium Appendix
- A.D. Henderson University School Classroom Expansion
- Innovation Village Apartments Phase I - 600 Bed Facility
- General Classroom Building - Boca Raton Campus
Multi-Media Studies Theatre (Combined with General Classroom)
- FAU / UF Joint Use Facility - Davie Campus
- Port St. Lucie Partner Campus - Classroom Facility
- College of Engineering and Computer Science
- MacArthur Campus Parking & Roadways - Scope of Work
- FAU Alumni Center
- COB / Office Depot Center for Executive Development - Amendment #1
- Boca Raton Campus Recreation & Wellness Center
- Computer Center Expansion & Renovation
- Davie Campus Student Activity Center