Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Guidelines

Information for Ph.D. dissertation defense announcements should be submitted via email to two weeks prior to the scheduled date of your defense.


Steps to Creating and Submitting a Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Announcement

  1. Download the announcement template, (Word file).
  2. Enter your information. (please do not alter the formatting).
  3. Submit your announcement to your advisor for approval.
  4. After your advisor approves, email the Word  document, and a JPG portrait  photo of yourself to
  5. JPG Photo Requirements:

        • At a minimum, photos should be 800 pixels wide x 800 pixels high at a resolution of 72 DPI. Any current smartphone model can achieve this.

• The subject in the photo should be well lit by either natural light or other light sources. If a good light source is not available, consider taking photos during the daytime.

The photo should have a simple background without distracting or inappropriate content.

• The subject’s face should be a clear image.

Download Template

Your announcement will be submitted to the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for final approval, and you will be notified via email of any requested changes/edits.

Once your announcement is approved, it will be emailed to all College faculty, staff and students.

Announcements are archived and can be viewed anytime at