Dissertation Database

* College of Education Outstanding Dissertation Award winners
This award is generally given the year after graduation

First Name Last Name Dissertation / Thesis Title Doctoral Advisor Semester / Year of Graduation Program Classification Dissertation Link Key Words
Jason K. Coker A Constant Dance: A Social Practice Perspective of Frontline Responsible Management Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2024 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014500 Management, Organizational sociology, Organization theory
Brittany N. Goins Black Women in White Spaces: A Narrative Study of The Racial Socialization Experiences of Black Women College Students Enrolled at Predominantly White Institutions. Dr. Salinas Jr., Cristobal Fall / 2024 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014555 Women, Black, College students, Black, Women, Black--Race identity
Deorajhee Mahabir Climate and Equity: Women Faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at a Research University with the National Science Foundation’s Advance Grant. Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia Fall / 2024 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014558 Women in science, Women in STEM, Equity
Jaeson A. Weber An Examination of Emergency Management Programs in the Florida College System and State University System. Dr. Floyd, Deborah Fall / 2024 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014512 Florida College System, State University System of Florida, Emergency management
Jodi E. Washington Examining the Effectiveness of Florida’s Extended Day Requirement under Florida Statute §1011.62. Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2024 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014543 Educational leadership, Education and state--Florida, Academic achievement, Language arts
Morris-Green Vivian Unlocking the Mystery of School Improvement: The Centrality of Learning for Effective Principal Supervisors Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Summer / 2024 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014482 School principals, Educational leadership, Educational administration, School management and organization
Justin M. Grasinger The Handcuffs Of Poverty: An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Government Intervention In Public Elementary Schools And Student Academic Achievement In A Large Urban District. Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2024 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014411 "Elementary schools, Social justice, Poverty, Educational leadership"
Allyson N. Miller How The Changes In Title Ix Guidance Shape Higher Education Institutions’ Liability In Federal Court Cases, 2000–2022: A Content Analysis. Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. and Dr. Jarrett Warshaw Spring / 2024 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014401 Education, Higher--Law and legislation, Educational leadership, Liability (Law), Sexual harassment
Adam DeRosa The Impact of COVID-19 on Dual Enrollment Including Access, Equity, and Learning Environment: Lessons Learned from the Secondary and Post-Secondary School Staff and Administrators Who Facilitate These Programs Deborah L. Floyd, Ph.D., and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014302 Dual enrollment, COVID-19, School management and organization, Education, Higher--Administration
Mary Killeen The Consequences of Elementary School State Accountability Data Usage in One Florida School District Meredith Mountford, Ph.D. Fall / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014331 "Educational evaluation, Elementary schools--Evaluation, Education and state--Florida"
Sara Kosches Principals build trusting relationships with novice and experienced teachers and strengthen teacher retention in low-performing, underserved urban schools Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014308 Teacher turnover, Urban schools, Low-performing schools, Educational leadership, School principals
Renee Law Resilient Stretching in Community College Leaders: Institutional Fiscal Decision-Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic Deborah Floyd, Ed.D., and Jarrett Warshaw, Ph.D. Fall / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014351 "Community college administrators, Education--Finance Decision making, Education, Higher--Administration, COVID-19"
Katherine Policastro " A Coaching Connection for School Principals to Prepare Aspiring Leaders in Building And Sustaining Equitable Learning Environments" Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014355 School principals, Educational leadership, Educational policy
Rebecca Goldstein An Exemplar Methodology Study of Student Affairs Directors Who Use Their Assessment Data to Make Changes Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Summer / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014248 Student affairs administrators, Educational evaluation, Decision making
Aaron Hackman Making a Difference in the World Through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Graduate Students Engaging in STEM-Based Academic Service-Learning Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Summer / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014234 Experiential learning, Graduate students, STEM Service learning
Juan Izaguirre “Unpacking the Meaning of How Latino Men College Students Learned Leadership” Cristobal Salinas, Jr., Ph.D. Summer / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014251 College students, Hispanic American men, Leadership
Laura Mooney Psychological Contract Violation Among Administrative Middle Managers: A Phenomenological Study in Higher Education Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Summer / 2023 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014254 Educational leadership, Middle managers, Education, Higher--Management, Education, Higher--Administration
Elena Steadham Supporting Effective Instructional Coaching: A Multi-Site Study Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Summer / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014237 Instructional coaching, Student achievement, Educational leadership
Fahad Algahtani Self-Directed Learning Readiness Among Predental Students at Florida Atlantic University Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Spring / 2023 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014122 Self-directed learning, Self-managed learning, College students, Florida Atlantic University
John Critelli Is it Enough? Examining Instructional Management in a New Paradigm of Teaching and Learning Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Spring / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014176 Educational leadership, Effective teaching, Instructional management, Learning
Paul Houchens Build a Better Mousetrap: A Review of State School Accountability Models and Their Relation to the Socio-Economic Status of Students Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Spring / 2023 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014138 Education policy, Education and state, Educational sociology, Educational leadership
Meagan Elsberry Appreciative Administration: A Grounded Theory of How the Appreciative Education Theory-To-Practice Framework is Being Infused into Higher Education Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Fall / 2022 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014076 Grounded theory, Education, Higher--Management, Education, Higher--Administration
Bonnie Keene Exploration and Comparison of Efficacy and Mindset Perceptions Held by K-12 School Leaders and Teachers Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Fall / 2022 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014109 Educational leadership, Teachers
Eleanor Su-Keene* Under Pressure: Exploring School Leadership Changes Peri-COVID-19 and Post-George Floyd Using an Abductive Approach Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2022 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014074 Educational leadership, COVID-19, Floyd, George, 1973-2020., School leadership
Patricia Temes The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress among Low-Income Brazilian Mothers Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Fall / 2022 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014075 Low-income mothers, Brazil, Emotional intelligence, Stress
Stacy Ann Volnick Women College Presidents Who Break Through the Glass Ceiling: At What Price? Deborah L. Floyd, Ed.D. and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2022 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014085 University presidents, Women college presidents, Glass ceiling (Employment discrimination), Glass cliff (Employment discrimination), Women Educational leadership
James Green A Phenomenological Study: The Perceived Effects of a Poverty Simulation on Governmental Employees' Attitudes and Social Empathy toward Individuals Living in Poverty Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Summer / 2022 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013989 Poverty, Empathy, Phenomenology
Keven Allen Jr. Spirituality Empowers Black Leadership: A Phenomenological Study of Black Men Students’ Leadership and Spirituality Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs Spring / 2022 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013937 Leadership, Men, Black, Spirituality, Higher education.
Ronald Romances Johnson “I Made My Own Lane at the Community College, Drove It, but Figured Out I Wanted to Continue On From There:” A Narrative Study On The Hero’s Journey of Latino Male Transfer Students Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs Spring / 2022 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013922 Transfer students, Latin American students, Education, Higher.
Georgette Perez A Case Study of the College Choice Process for Continuing-Generation College Students at Miami Dade College During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2022 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013923 College students, College choice, COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Miami Dade College.
Leila Hilal Shatara Muslim Women Leading Islamic Schools in the United States: Their Story Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2022 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013964 Muslim women, Muslim school principals, Educational leadership.
Nicole Walkinshaw The Relationship between Florida Accountability Programs and Merit-Based Pay in Two Large Urban Based School Districts Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2022 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013893 Educational leadership--Florida, Education and state, Merit pay.
Molly Adam A Grounded Theory of Overcommitment in Undergraduate College Students Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Fall / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013829 Undergraduate college students, Grounded theory, Undergraduates--Mental health.
Katherine Coulson-Johnston “It Would Be Nice To See More Stuff About Indian Culture”: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study of Native American Students’ Lived Experiences, Matriculation, and Retention Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., & Dr. Maria Vasquez-Colina Fall / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013824 Indians of North America, Students.
Maryellen Quinn-Lunny A Phenomenological Study:  Lived Experiences of Black Parents Through the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Identification Process Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2021 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013853 Autism Spectrum Disorder, African American mothers, Phenomenology.
Dustin Pappas Facilitators and Barriers to Sustainability of STEM Education in Out-of-School Time (OST): A Tale of Two Cities' Initiatives Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2021 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013851 Science and technology education, COVID-19.
Todd Price Switching Learning Management Systems: Comparing Effects on Student Perception Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2021 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013852 Educational technology, Instructional systems, Online learning and distance education, E-learning, Students.
Dax Boatwright Living with the Scars They Caused: A Portraiture Study of Black American Alumni Giving to a Predominantly White Institution Associated with Slavery Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Summer / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013777 Blacks, Alumni and alumnae, College benefactors, Slavery, Oppression.
Ramzy Baroody A Comparative Study of Leadership Effectiveness of Academic Department Chairs in Higher Education Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013784 Educational leadership, College department heads, Education, Higher--Administration.
Francine Baugh The Lived Experiences of Principals Hiring and Retaining Teachers for High Poverty Minority Schools Dr. Maysaa Barakat Summer / 2021 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013769 Educational leadership, Critical race theory, School principals, Teacher turnover.
Malissa Sanon If You Can’t Make a Sound, Make a Peep: A Narrative Inquiry of the Lived Collegiate Experiences of Black Male Students Who Dealt With Suicide Ideation Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013692 Suicide, College students, Black, Men, Black.
Sharon Faithlyn McKnight Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Community Association Managers as Transformational Leaders Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2021 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013709 "Emotional intelligence, Transformational leadership, Community leadership"
Myron Davis “Living in a Borrowed Space:” Racial Experiences of Black Male Alumni and their Navigations of Environmental Dualities at Predominately White Institutions in Higher Education Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Spring / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013721 Men, Black, Education, Higher, Critical race theory.
Badara Alioune Taal The Perspectives of Higher Education Leaders and Business Executives on The Funding Gap Between Liberal Arts and Stem Education: A Case Study Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw & Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/14905 Gambia--Economic conditions, Developing countries--Economic conditions, Devaluation of currency--Gambia, Balance of payments--Gambia.
Lazaro Camacho Jr. “We Need to Have More Conversations About Masculinity”: A Phenomenological Exploration of Masculinity and The Undergraduate Experiences of Latino Men Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Spring / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013694 Latino Man, Masculinity, Male college students, Intersectionality (Sociology).
Melanie Stefanovic The Relationship between Principal Cultural Intelligence and Graduation Rates of Black and Latinx Students: A Study of Cultural Responsiveness in Public High School Principals Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013682 School leadership, Educational leadership, Cultural intelligence.
Jessica Lopez-Acevedo A Case Study of the Post Degree Experiences of Community College Baccalaureate Graduates Transitioning to University Master’s Programs Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013712 Community college graduates, Case studies, Graduate education
J. Janell Wildgoose-Carroll The Root and Hue of Science: Black Female STEM Professionals in Palm Beach County Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2021 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013693 STEM, Women, Black, Palm Beach County (Fla.).
Kim-Le Thuy Downes An Examination of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Academic Achievement Among Community College Students Enrolled in Student Success Courses Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2020 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013592 Student success, Community college students, Academic achievement, Self-directed learning, Student success programs.
David Edris Identifying Strategies for Preparing and Supporting Florida College Students in eLearning: Case Study of a Florida Public State College’s Student Success in eLearning Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2020 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013607 College students--Florida, Online learning and distance education, Student success.
Corinth Evans The Intersection of Queerly Leading: Lived Experiences of K-12 Queer School Leaders Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013587 Phenomenology--Research, Educational leadership, Queer theory.
Lydia Bartram Leadership Characteristics of Guatemalan Public Pre-Primary School Leaders: A Case Study in an Area North of Guatemala City Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013608 Educational leadership, Early childhood education, Guatemala (Guatemala), Educational leadership--Case studies.
Leslie Judd What’s School Got to Do With It? Perceptions of the Educational Experiences of Youth Who Have Experienced Interruptions to their Public School Education Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013611 Educational administration, Educational leadership, Educational policy.
Roy Kaplan How Does Attending the Appreciative Advising Institute Influence Academic Advisor Wellbeing Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Summer / 2020 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013527 Academic advisors, Wellbeing, Appreciative inquiry.
Maria Tracy A Principal’s Perspective: Instructional Leadership in the 21st Century Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2020 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013532 Student achievement, Academic achievement, Instruction, Principals and teachers, Educational leadership.
Joseph Holcombe Breaking the Mold: Implementing Radical Innovation at the District and School Levels Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2020 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013537 Public schools, Innovation, School leadership.
Jennifer Coisson Resetting the Course for Probationary Students: A Case Study of the Access Program at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Summer / 2020 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013521 Academic probation, College attendance, Academic advising, College student development programs, Florida Atlantic University.
Shernette Dunn Factors Predicting the Estimated Success of Culturally Diverse Students in Online Courses in Post-Secondary Education Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2020 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013520 Students, Online learning and distance education, Culturally relevant pedagogy, Postsecondary education.
Mary Albritton Millennial Alumni Giving: Motivations for Donating to Their Alma Mater "Dr. Ira E. Bogotch & Dr. Deborah L. Floyd" Spring / 2020 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013444 Millennials (Generation Y), Generation Y, Alumni and alumnae, Philanthropy and education.
Qingqing Chui Sustainability Performance in American Higher Education: A Multiple Case Study of Four Exemplary Institutions that Participated in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin Ostrowski Spring / 2020 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013441 Education, Higher, Sustainability, Education, Higher--Case studies.
Amgad Hirmina The Engagement Practices of Teachers in a Select Elementary School of Palm Beach County: Qualitative Study Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2019 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013380 Elementary school teaching, Elementary school teachers, Palm Beach County (Fla), Engagement, Qualitative research, Interaction analysis in education.
Kelly Roy How Full-Time Working Professionals Navigate and Complete a Doctoral Program in a Timely Manner Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Fall / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013409 Doctoral students, Work-life balance.
Bridget Smith A Mindfulness Meditation Intervention to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Among Medical and Premedical Students Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Michael DeDonno Fall / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013415 Medical students, Stress & Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness--methods, Meditation.
Ethan Swingle Up, Down, and All-Around: The Swirling-Transfer Student Athlete Experience at Athletic State University Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Fall / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013418 Student-athletes, Intercollegiate athletics, College athletes, Students, Transfer of.
David Tomanio Community Colleges’ Transition to Offering Baccalaureate Degrees: A Case Study of the Impact on Human Resources Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Fall / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013423 Community colleges, Community colleges--Florida, Baccalaureate degree, Human resources.
Amy Varo-Haub Transitional Turbulence: The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Power, and an Incoming Principal Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2019 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013424 Corporate culture, School principals, Educational leadership.
Kayla Elliott The Influence of State Performance-Based Funding on Public Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of Race and Power Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw Summer / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013303 Historically black colleges and universities, Higher education and state--Case studies, Race, Power (Psychology), Funding.
Olivia Shand The Impact of Florida Senate Bill 1720 on Student Performance in Mathematics Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013344 Education and state--Florida, Mathematics education, Student achievement, Placement testing.
Debra Vance Noelk The Power of People: How Grassroots Movements Inspire Change in School Communities Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2019 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013347 United Opt Out (Organization), Social movements, Schools, Change.
Patricia Berchiolli A Quantitative Longitudinal Study Using Astin’s I-E-O Model to Predict Stem Versus Non-Stem Major Choice Among Women Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013186 College majors, Women in STEM, Longitudinal research, Quantitative research.
Shireen Lalla West Indian Immigrant Women: The Higher Education Lived Experiences of Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013227 Women--West Indies, Immigrant students, Acculturation, Phenomenology--Research.
Nadine Leblanc Caribbean Immigrant Women in Educational Leadership: Over Hills and Valleys Too Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2019 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013228 Educational leadership, Immigrant women, Caribbean.
Jennifer Percival A Phenomenological Exploration of Familiar Entrepreneurship as an Employment Option for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2019 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013252 Developmentally disabled--Employment, Phenomenology--Research, Family business.
Jorge Segovia Bonet Why Parents Choose Non-Denominational Private Schools For Their Children: Preferences in International Settings Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Spring / 2019 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013260 Private schools, Parents, School choice, International.
Stephanie Taylor A Qualitative Exploratory Single Case Study of Faculty of a College of Business: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Concerns Related to Distance Learning Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2019 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013268 Distance learning, Distance education--Case studies, Universities and colleges--Faculty--Attitudes.
Bashayer Aleisa An Investigation of Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Teacher Leadership in the State of Kuwait Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013167 Kindergarten teachers, Kuwait, Educational leadership.
Angela Fulton Examining the Effectiveness of Turnaround Models in Florida Public Schools Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013131 Public schools--Florida, School improvement programs--Florida--Evaluation, Student achievement, Academic achievement--Florida.
Shernette Grant Examining the Impact of a Leadership Team’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement in Broward County Middle Schools Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013126 Middle schools--Florida, Educational leadership--Florida, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Student achievement.
Jacob Hidrowoh Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow: An Assessment of Intergenerational Perceptions of Leadership Traits Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2018 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013143 Leadership--Research, Generations.
Nancy Rich The University Journey of Stem Transfer Students Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013110 Transfer students, STEM, Qualitative research.
Tania Tucker Global-Mindedness in Study Abroad Professionals Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2018 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013152 Foreign study, Cultural pluralism, Global, Mixed methods research.
Bernice Bain The Relationship Between Undergraduate Instructor Self-Concept and the Degree of Prosocial Behavior Exhibited by Instructors to Online Undergraduate Business First Year Students Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2018 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013052 Online learning and distance education., Business teachers., Undergraduates.
Washington Collado Supportive Programs in Synergistic Middle and High Schools to Increase Engagement and Prevent Students from Dropping Out Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Summer / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013056 Low-income high school students., Minority high school students., Dropouts--Prevention.
Oren Hertz Student Perception of Professors’ Teaching Attributed in Post-Secondary Hospitality Management Degree Programs Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013068 College teachers., Effective teaching in higher education., Student evaluation of teachers.
William Ballard Student Perception of Online Instructors at a Florida Public University Dr. Robert Shockley Spring / 2018 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005962 Distance education--Florida, Public universities and colleges, Online teaching, Student evaluation of teachers.
Stanford Ford A Qualitative Examination of Strategic Planning and Process Improvement in Public Universities: Dynamics of the Relationship to State Funding, Competition, and Undergraduate Degree Completion Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2018 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005993 Public universities and colleges, Strategic planning, Higher education and state, Education, Higher--Planning.
Carletha Shaw The Relationships Among the Behavioral Agility of School Leadership Teams, Culture, and Performance Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John D. Morris Spring / 2018 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005966 Educational leadership, Organizational culture, Schools, Agility.
Jonathan Sweet Predicting Undergraduate Student Course Success in a Lecture Capture Quantitative Methods Course Dr. Michael DeDonno Spring / 2018 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005988 Prediction of scholastic success, Undergraduates, Filmed lectures, Quantitative research.
Tracy Baker The Impact of Undergraduate Research Participation on Research Self-Efficacy Dr. Michael DeDonno Fall / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004978 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Undergraduates--Research, Self-efficacy, Academic achievement.
Katie Burke Closing the Loop: Student Leader Perceptions of Their Leadership Development at a State University Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004987 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, State universities and colleges, Leadership, College students.
Aarika Camp The Wicked Decision Maker: A Collective Case Study of Senior Student Affairs Officers Responding to At-Risk Student Retention Dr. Eliah Watlington & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004985 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Student affairs administrators, Dropouts--Prevention, Student affairs services--United States--Decision making--Case studies.
Gisela Diaz Time Orientation and Ability to Envision the Distant Future of Higher Education in a Community College Setting Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005927 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Education, Higher, Community colleges--Faculty, Community colleges--Administration, Time perspective, Organizational change.
Suzanne Duff A Comparative Look at Student and Faculty Perceptions of Professors at a State College Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004967 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Teacher-student relationships, College teachers, Student evaluation of teachers.
Althia Ellis The Influence of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Faculty Leadership Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004964 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Faculty (Education), Leadership, Cultural intelligence.
Gianna Ramdin A Quantitative Analysis of Green-Building Features Incorporated in LEED-Certified Campus Buildings Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005930 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Sustainable buildings, Education, Higher, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System, Quantitative research.
Emily Sacks Communicative Leadership During Organizational Change: A Case Study of a New University President’s Change-Initiative Team Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004989 "Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Organizational change--Case studies, Organizational change--Education (Higher), Interpersonal communication, College presidents."
Waweise Schmidt African-American Leaders in the Field of Science: A Template for Overcoming Obstacles Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004961 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, African-American scientists, Overcoming obstacles, Phenomenological studies, Science--Study and teaching
Mike Sfiropoulos College Professors as Classroom Leaders: Strategic Thinking Capacity, Leader Influence Actions, and Classroom Performance Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Fall / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004983 "Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, College professors, Leaders, Classroom management, Teaching effectiveness."
Merris Smith Lives in Transition: The Impact of Career and Technical Education on Under-Served High School Students’ Career Growth and Development Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004966 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, High school students, Technical education, Career development, Medical sciences.
Elyse Steiner Science Comprehension vs. Cultural Cognition as Predictors of Climate Change Risk Perception Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004983 Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Understanding science., Political affiliation., Climatic changes., Perception.
James Campbell A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Summer / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004887 Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Quality of, School improvement programs, Educational leadership, Teacher-principal relationships, School management and organization, School principals--Professional ethics, Mentoring in education.
Marlena Coco Factors That Predict Marijuana Use and Grade Point Average Among Undergraduate College Students Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Summer / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004887 "Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Quality of, School improvement programs, Educational leadership, Teacher-principal relationships, School management and organization, School principals--Professional ethics, Mentoring in education."
Ginger Featherstone Principal Leader Actions and Their Influence on School Culture and Performance Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004885 School principals., Educational leadership., Education--Research--Methodology., School management and organization., School improvement programs., Action research in education.
Mary White The Effect of Teacher Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004886 Teachers--Rating of, Teacher-student relationships, Teacher effectiveness, Master teachers, Effective teaching, Performance standards, Classroom management, Academic achievement--Evaluation.
Jaclyn Falcone For Pets’ Sake: Is There a Need for Dog Safety Community Education? Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2017 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004814 Human-animal relationships, Animal welfare--Moral and ethical aspects, Social values--United States, Humane education, Safety education.
Elizabeth Jekanowski District Leadership and Systemic Inclusion: A Case Study of One Inclusive and Effective School District Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004815 Educational leadership--Case studies, Inclusive education--Case studies, Children with disabilities--Education--United States--Case studies, School management and organization--Case studies, Action research in education--Case studies, Mainstreaming in education--Case studies.
Ruth Pacheco The Fork in the Road: Determining Factors for Diverse Students Choosing a Non-Profit, Open-Access Institution Versus a For-Profit, Open-Access Institution Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004811 Multiculturalism--Education, Community college students, African American college students--United States, Hispanic American students--United States, Alaska Native college students--United States, Indian students--United States.
Cheryl Shields-Proctor The Relationship Between Mandatory 3rd Grade Retention and School Performance in Florida Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Spring / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004823 Education, Elementary--Florida, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Grade repetition--Florida, School children.
Jeannette Sullivan The Relationship Between Mcgregor’s Leadership Theory and Happiness Among Higher Educational Leaders Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004831 Personnel management, Educational leadership, Quality of work life, Work--Psychological aspects, Happiness, Job satisfaction.
Bryan Wilkins Teacher Perspectives on the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model During Year One of Implementation Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2017 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004810 Marzano, Robert J.--Art and sciene of teaching--Criticism and interpretation, Effective teaching, Teachers--Rating of, Teacher effectiveness, Teaching--Aids and devices, Learning, Psychology of, Educational evaluation.
Nasim Alavi Adult Learners’ Preferred Methods of Learning Preventative Heart Disease Care Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2016 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004740 Health behavior, Health attitudes, Adult education, Health education, Health--Information services, Medicine, Preventive--Information services.
Lisa A. Samuda Byard Was I Ready? The Perceptions of Preparedness of New Student Affairs Professionals Who Served as Graduate Assistants Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Fall / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004743 "Student affairs administrators--In-service training--United States, Student affairs administrators--Supervision of--United States, Student affairs administrators--Professional relationships--United States, Educational leadership Mentoring in education, Education, Higher--Administration, Student counselors--Training of."
Paul-Arthur Pierre-Louis Exploring the College Choice and Sense of Belonging of Haitian Students at a Highly Selective HBCU Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Fall / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004751 "African American universities and colleges--United States, Minority college students--United States--Psychology, College choice--United States, Haitian Americans--Education (Higher), Motivation (Psychology) Student adjustment, College environment, Educational sociology"
Rina Pomerantz The Relationship Between the Self-Efficacy of Monolingual and Bilingual Undergraduate College Students and Their Academic Achievement in Science and Math Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004753 "Self-efficacy, Control (Psychology), Academic achievement--Psychological aspects. Education, Bilingual, Science--Study and teaching (Higher), Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher)."
Michael Warkentien Teachers as Strategic Classroom Leaders: The Relationship of Their Cognitive and Behavioral Agility to Student Outcomes and Performance Evaluations Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004735 Teachers, Rating of, Teacher-student relationships, Teacher effectiveness, Master teachers, Effective teaching, Performance standards, Classroom management, Academic achievement--Evaluation.
Matias Arellano Managed Discourse: Legitimizing Principal Identity and Agency Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004657 Critical pedagogy; Discourse analysis; Education -- Research -- Methodology; Educational leadership; High school principals; Identity (Psychology)
Ducarmel Augustin An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian-Creole and Spanish Speaking English Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the English Language Learners Program Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Summer / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004654 English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers; School improvement programs -- Florida; Second language acquisition
Wade Berstler Historians of 19th Century Baseball: Exploring Their Experiences Regarding Their Avocation Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2016 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004648 Adult learning; Baseball -- United States -- History -- 19th century; Educational leadership; Experiential learning; Learning, Psychology of; Motivation in adult education; Transformational leadership
Kristin Brittain Self-Directed Learning and the Lupus Patient: Using Adult Education Strategies to Actively Cope with Chronic Illness Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2016 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004663 Adjustment (Psychology); Autoimmune diseases -- Care; Communication in medicine; Electronic Thesis or Dissertation; Health education; Health promotion; Systemic lupus erythematosus
Einav Cabrera The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Summer / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004652 Academic achievement; Alternative education; Charter schools; Educational change; Motivation in education; School choice
Anelle Shanna Jayd Alfred The Impact of Shifting Funding Levels on the Institutional Effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004562 Strategic planning, African American colleges and universities--Finance, African American colleges and universities--Administration, African American colleges and universities--History--21st century, African Americans--Education (Higher).
Keith Feit* Improving School Performance: Leader Autonomy and Entrepreneurial Orientation Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004589 Educational leadership, Educational innovations, Entrepreneurship, Education--Aims and objectives, Education and globalization, Academic achievement, School improvement programs.
Jamonique Harrison Predicting Graduation Rates at Non-Residential Research Universities Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Spring / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004603 Dropout behavior, Prediction of, College dropouts--Prevention, Education--Research--Philosophy, Education, Higher--Administration.
Joaquin Martinez Teacher Education Students at Miami Dade College: Perceptions of High Impact Practices Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004612 Miami Dade College, Community colleges -- Florida -- Administration, Community college students -- Florida -- Miami.
Miguel Montanez Martinez, III Multiple Measures as a Placement Instrument in Mathematics at Florida State Colleges Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris Spring / 2016 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004614 Achievement in education--Measurement, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Mathematics--Examinations, questions, etc, Advanced placement programs (Education).
Maria Osorio An Assessment of Leadership Practice in High Schools: Improving Graduation Rates Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2016 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004618 School improvement programs, Educational leadership, School management and organization, School principals--Professional relationships, Assistant school principals--Professional relationships, Organizational behavior.
Laura Antczak Community College Baccalaureate Transitions in Florida: Student Affairs’ Perspectives Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004476 College personnell management, Community colleges -- Florida -- Administration, Degrees, Academic -- Florida, Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives, Student affairs services, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Administration.
David Atwell Digital Edification: An Analysis of Technology Readiness and Concept of Ability in the School District of Palm Beach County K-12 School Leaders Dr. Victor C. X. Wang Fall / 2015 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004479 "Blended learning, Educational technology, Effective teaching, Leadership in education Metacognition, Teachers, Training of, Web based instruction."
Lulrick Balzora An Examination of African-American Male Awareness of and Application to Honors Programs Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004481 Academic achievement -- United States, African American young men -- Education (Higher), College student development programs, Educational equalization -- United States, Minority students -- Education (Higher), Talented students -- Education (Higher), Universities and colleges -- Honors courses.
Stephen Johnson Concurrent Enrollment and Academic Performance of Community College English Language Learners Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2015 HE  http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004509 Academic achievement, Community colleges -- Administration -- Evaluation, Community colleges -- Curricula, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers -- Education (Higher), Second language acquisition.
Adam Miller Florida’s School Choice Policies and Democracy: Origins and Destinations Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Fall / 2015 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004522 Education and state -- Florida, Educational change -- United States -- Florida, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida, John M. McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities, School choice -- United States -- Florida, School districts -- Florida -- Management.
Lori Miller The Perceived Impact of Technology-Based Informal Learning on Membership Organizations Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2015 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004523 Educational leadership--Influence, Virtual reality in management, Knowledge management, Information networks, Organizational learning, Knowledge representation (Information theory).
Mohammad Ilyas Globalization and Higher Education in Florida’s State University System Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004507 Education and globalization, Education, Higher -- Effect of technological innovations on, Education, Higher -- Florida, Educational change -- Florida.
Karen Pain The Impact of Voluntary Remediation on Gateway Course Success and Minority and Low-income Students in Florida Colleges Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004531 Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Developmental studies programs -- United States -- Florida, Educational attainment -- United States -- Florida, Remedial teaching, School failure -- Prevention, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Administration.
Teeranai Ovathanasin Perceived Job Satisfaction of Resident Assistants in Student Housing at Three Florida Public Universities Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004458 College students -- Florida -- Housing, Residence counselors -- Florida -- Job satisfaction, Resident assistants (Dormitories) -- Florida -- Attitudes, Resident assistants (Dormitories) -- Florida -- Job satisfaction, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Professional staff -- Job satisfaction.
Karen Fay An Analysis of the Leadership Competencies of Specialized Nonprofit Management Degree Programs Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Summer / 2015 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004442 Leadership, Nonprofit organizations -- Evaluation -- Methodology, Nonprofit organizations -- Leadership, Nonprofit organizations -- Management -- Study and teaching, Organizational effectiveness -- Evaluation -- Study and teaching.
Lauren Adamo The Influence of University Student Leader’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Organizational Member Commitment Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2015 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004341 Interorganizational relations, Interpersonal communication, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Management -- Psychological aspects, Organizational behavior, School management and organization.
Carolyn Bogaski A Private School Leadership Perspective on Highly Qualified Middle School Science Teachers Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2015 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004349 Comparative education, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Science -- Study and teaching (Middle school).
Rivka Felsher Policy Entrepreneurship: A Descriptive Portrait of Higher Education Leaders Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2015 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004367 Social sciences; Education; Creative political leadership; Higher education leadership; Higher education policy; Policy entrepreneur; Policy innovation.
Barbara Rodriguez An Examination of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges’ Quality Enhancement Plans at Two Institutions Through the Lens of Quality Improvement Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2015 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004404 Educational evaluation -- Case studies, Educational tests and measurements -- Case studies, School management and organization -- Quality control -- Case studies, Total quality management in education -- Case studies, Universities and colleges -- Accreditation -- Case studies.
Faith Gordon Transformational Learning and Self-Efficacy: An Investigation into their Role in Prophylactic Mastectomy Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2015 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004374 Control (Psychology), Educational leadership, Health behavior, Mastectomy -- Decision making, Mastectomy -- Psychological aspects, Organizational learning, Self efficacy, Women -- Medical care, Women's health services.
Edwiygh Franck The Analysis of Barriers and Motivators of Early Care and Education English as a Second Language Students Enrolled in a State College Customized ECE ESL Course Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2015 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004369 Education, Bilingual, Educational psychology, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Study and teaching as a second language, Language teachers, Training of, Motivation in education, Second language acquisition
Idell McLaughlin-Jones* Transformational Experience of African American Women: Their Critical Reflections as Former Migrants Who Evolved from Harvest of Shame to Seeds of Hope Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2014 ACE  http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004305 Experiential learning, Harvest of Shame (Motion picture), Learning by discovery, Migrant agricultural laborers -- Education, Social values, Transformative learning, United States -- Social conditions -- 20th century.
Heidi Louisy An Exploratory Multiple Case Study of Succession Planning for Higher Education Community Engagement Practitioners in Selected Higher Education Institutions in the Southeastern Region of the United States Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2014 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004303 Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives, Educational leadership, Leadership in education, Organizational change, School management and organization, Universities and colleges -- Administration.
Deloris Benjamin Deans of Students as Crisis Managers: Perceptions of Roles and Leadership Competencies in 12 Public Higher Education Institutions in Florida Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004267 Deans (Education), Education, Higher -- Administration, Educational leadership, Universities and colleges -- Administration.
Sheri Glick-Cuenot Predictors of Undergraduate Student Academic Success Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004287 "Achievement in education, Creative thinking, Educational tests and measurements, Learning, Psychology of, Prediction of scholastic success -- Mathematical models, Strategic planning."
Nancy McDonald In-Country: Identification of Transformational Learning and Leadership in Human Rights Observers Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2014 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004216 Educational sociology, Human rights -- Haiti, Human rights workers -- Haiti, Leadership, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Social justice.
Sherry Andre Reliability and Validation Study of the Online Instinctual Variant Questionnaire Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004075 Communication in education, Educational leadership, Enneagram, Motivation in education, Performance, Personality development.
Noemi Coltea Social Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs on Florida’s Gold Coast Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004093 Emigration and immigration -- Economic aspects, Immigrants -- United States -- Florida -- History, New business enterprises, Social entrepreneurship, Success in business.
Gesulla Cavanaugh An Examination of Biomedical Intellectual Reputation in Relationship to Graduates’ Productivity, Regional Innovation and Absorptive Capacity at Selected Universities Worldwide Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2014 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004090 Academic achievement -- Measurement, Educational productivity -- Measurement, Universities and colleges -- Ratings and rankings.
Harry Daniel Effects of the Four Pillars on Statewide High School Graduation Rates Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004099 Academic achievement -- United States, Education and state -- United States, Educational accountability -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, School improvement programs -- United States, United States -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Susan Dennett A Study to Compare the Critical Thinking Dispositions Between Chinese and American College Students Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004100 Behaviorism (Psychology), Critical thinking, Learning, Psychology of, Reasoning (Psychology), Thought and thinking.
Tameka King Resegregation: The Impact on Education Dr. Robert Shockley Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004129 Children of minorities -- Education, Segregation in education -- Government policy, Racism in education.
Jessica Miles The Impact of Students’ Choice of Time of Day for Class Activity and Their Sleep Quality on Academic Performance in Multidisciplinary Distance Education Courses Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004138 Academic achievement, Distance education, Performance, Sleep -- Physiological aspects.
Thomas Nguyen Perceptions of Lawyers on Career Transition, Transferable Skills and Preparation for Community College Leadership Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2014 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004144 Career changes -- United States, Community college presidents, Executive ability, Law -- Vocational guidance -- United States, Leadership in education.
Elizabeth Swann Adult Learning for Healthy Aging: An Investigation of Health Literacy and Technology Use in Older Adults Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004165 Aging -- Psychological aspects, Aging -- Social aspects, Cognition in old age, Computers and older people, Health behavior, Internet and older people, Older people -- Health and hygiene, Technology and older people.
Tommy Tucker Virtual K-12 Leadership: A Postmodern Paradigm Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004168 Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Virtual work teams.
Jonathan Leff Leadership Matters: The Relationship Of School Leadership to A Safe School Climate, Bullying And Fighting in Middle School Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2014 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004133 Bullying in schools -- Prevention, Education, Secondary -- Sociological aspects, Educational leadership, Middle school students -- Attitudes, School management and organization.
Mehran Basiratmand Transformation of Palm Beach Community College to Palm Beach State College: A Case Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004005 Community colleges -- Florida, Organizational change – Florida, State universities and colleges -- Florida, Palm Beach State College.
Frank Gaines An Exploratory Examination of “Pockets of Success” in Creating Urban High Schools of Opportunity for LSES Students Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004019 Academic achievement -- Social aspects, Educational equalization, Effective teaching, Minorities -- Education -- Social aspects, School improvement programs.
Keietta Givens A New Look at Distributive Leadership in Title I and Non-Title I Schools: Does Distributive Leadership Impact Student Achievement and School Culture? Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004022 Academic achievement, Distributive leadership, Educational accountability, Educational leadership, School management and organization.
Keara Sodano Early Environmental Adult Education: An Oral History of Citizen Researchers’ Learning in the Appalachian Land Ownership Study, 1979-1981 Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004062 Adult education, Appalachian Region -- Environmental aspects, Environmental education, Human beings -- Influence of environment, Land tenure -- Appalachian Region, Appalachian Land Ownership Task Force.
Courtney Curatolo The Public Official Leadership Experience: A Case Study of Leadership Collier and Its Impact on Motivating and Empowering Select Citizens Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004012 Political leadership -- Psychological aspects -- Case studies, Leadership Collier, Leadership -- Case studies.
Paul Metcalf An Exploratory Analysis of the Dimensionality of the Mechanisms that Drive Private Giving Among Alumni Association Members Donors and Non-Member Donors Dr. Dianne A. Wright Summer / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362557 Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Charitable contributions, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Finance, University development, Educational fund raising.
Jeffrey Nasse Perceptions of Professionalism: A Case Study of Community College Baccalaureate Faculty Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362555 Community college teachers -- United States -- Case studies, Community college teachers Professional ethics -- Case studies, Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- Case studies, Rewards and punishments in education.
Leo Nesmith, Jr. The Vestiges of Brown: An Analysis of the Placements of African American Principals in Florida Public Schools (2010-2011) Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Summer / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362578 Topeka (Kan.) Board of Education, Racism in education, Discrimination in education -- Law and legislation -- United States, African American educators -- Florida, Faculty integration -- Florida -- 21st century, Education, Urban -- Political aspects -- Florida.
Monica Nicoll The Development of Emotional Intelligence in At-Risk Female Adolescents Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362581 Emotional intelligence, Emotions in adolescence, Social intelligence, Emotional maturity, Interpersonal communication, Success -- Psychological aspects.
Karline Prophete How Race, Gender, and Pell Status Affect the Persistence and Degree Attainment Rates of Dual Enrollment Students Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362570 Achievement in education, Dual enrollment, Advanced placement programs (Education), Prediction of scholastic success, Federal aid to education -- United States, Interaction analysis in education, Expectation (Psychology).
Francis Serra Florida Career and Technology Education: A Comparative Analysis of CTE Program Participants as a Percentage of Total High School Population for the State of Florida Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362572 Vocational education, Career education, Industry and education, Education and globalization, High schools -- Curricula, Interdisciplinary approach in education.
Christopher Simmons Dropout Prevention: A Study of Prevention Programs Used by High Schools to Increase Graduation Rate Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2013 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362565 High school students -- United States, School improvement programs, Dropout behavior, Prediction of, Dropouts -- United States -- Prevention.
Michael Hrabak Policy and Practice: An Analysis of 2001 Florida Senate Bill 1162 Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004251 Policy, Practice, Analysis, 2001, Florida, Florida Senate, Bill 1162
Julie Nash An Examination of the Role and Career Paths of Chief Research Administrators in Selected Major Research Universities in the United States Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3360957 "Universities and colleges -- United States -- Administration, College administrators -- Training of -- United States, Educational leadership -- United States, Action research in education -- United States"
Carole Pfeffer-Lachs Assessing Goal Intent and Achievement of University Learning Community Students Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2013 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3360967 "Achievement in education, Group work in education, Professional learning communities, Learning, Psychology of, School improvement programs"
Scott Smith The Concept of Fit Intersections in Educational Leadership Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2013 A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3361061 Educational leadership, School management and organization, Strategic planning, Interpersonal relations
Krista Allison Experience and Perceptions as Expressed by Adolescent Females at a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2012 ACE http://purl.fcla.edu/FAU/3358278 Adolescent psychotherapy -- Residential treatment, Residential treatment -- Florida -- Evaluation
Joyce Krzemienski* The Impact of Stress on Elementary School Principals and Their Effective Coping Mechanisms Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3358601 United States, Elementary school principals -- Job stress, Stress management, Stress (Psychology), Burn out (Psychology), Educational leadership -- Psychological aspects.
Courtney Purnell Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development in Virtual Learning Teams Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2012 ACE http://purl.fcla.edu/FAU/3358964 Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Teams in the workplace, Group work in education, Professional learning communities, Mentoring in education -- Computer networks.
Mary Webster The Possibilities for School Leadership Discourse Within the Dominant Discourse of Public Education A Critical Autoethnography Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3359160 Educational leadership, Autoethnography -- Authorship, Critical pedagogy, Professional learning communities, Teaching -- Philosophy.
Denise Barrett-Johnson How Jamaican Administrators in a Large School District in Florida Perceive Ethnicity, Gender, and Mentoring Have Impacted Their Career Experiences: A Phenomenological Study Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3356889 High school principals -- Florida -- Attitudes, Educational leadership -- Florida, Critical pedagogy, Mentoring in education -- Floria, Women school administrators -- Florida -- Attitudes, Educational change -- Social aspects.
Lindsay Jesteadt Principals' Knowledge of Special Education Policies and Procedures: Does it Matter in Leadership? Dr. Meredith Mountford Summer / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3355571 United States, School improvement programs -- Florida, Educational leadership -- Florida, Learning disabled children -- Education -- Florida, School principals -- In-service training, Response to intervention (Learning disabled children).
Colin Roche Canadian Professional Chefs' Perceived Value of Formal Culinary Education and It's Relationship with Industry Success Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2012 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3355878 Hospitality industry -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada, Vocational interests -- Canada, Food service -- Vocational guidance -- Canada, Restaurant management -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada.
Jacqueline Ackerina The Call of Public Service Motivation and Professional Commitment in Education Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3342031 Motivation (Psychology), Educational leadership, Public administration, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States, Education -- Social aspects -- United States.
Maria Hersey The Development of Global-Mindedness: School Leadership Perspectives Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Spring / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3342108 "Education and globalization, Educational leadership -- United States, Critical pedagogy -- United States, School improvement programs -- United States, Education, Primary -- United States -- Aims and objectives."
Dildra Martin-Ogburn Cultivating Supportive, Professional Relationships Among Black Women in Educational Leadership: Shattering the Mirror of Self-Destruction Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352281 Women school administrators -- United States, Educational leadership -- Philosophy, African Americans -- Race identity, African American women -- Social conditions
Kevin Perry The Art of Leadership: A Study of Administrative Practices in Florida's Schools of the Arts Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Spring / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352282 Educational leadership -- United States -- Florida, Educational administration -- United States -- Florida, Arts -- Study and teaching -- United States -- Florida, Teacher-principal relationships -- United States -- Florida.
Deborah Robinson A Comparative Holistic, Multiple-Case Study of the Implementation of the Strategic Thinking Protocol and Traditional Strategic Planning Processes at a Southeastern University Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2012 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352827 Universities and colleges -- Administration -- Case studies, Universities and colleges -- Strategic planning -- Case studies, Educational leadership -- Case studies, Strategic planning -- Case studies, Education, Higher --Administration -- Case studies, School management and organization -- Case studies.
Richard Cunningham Florida's Performance Accountability System and the Effectiveness of Workforce Education Providers Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2011 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332176 Florida. Division of Workforce Development, Workforce Development Education Program (Fla.), School districts -- Florida -- Evaluation, Postsecondary education -- Florida -- Evaluation, Adult education and state -- Florida -- Evaluation, Educational accountability -- Florida.
Ancil DeLuz Retention in Florida Community Colleges: A Study of the 2005-2008 Academic Years Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332179 Commuity college students -- United States -- Florida, Achievement in education -- United States -- Florida, College dropouts -- Prevention, College attendance -- United States -- Florida, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Administration.
Angela Ludica University Educational Leadership Technology Course Syllabi Alignment with State and National Technology Standards Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332250 Teachers -- Certification -- Standards -- Outlines, syllabi, etc, Educational technology -- Standards -- United States -- Outlines, syllabi, etc
Leigh McFarland The Adaptability of Academic Advising Teams in Higher Education Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333060 Organizational behavior, Counseling in higher educations, Student-administrator relationships, Faculty advisors, Universities and colleges -- Administration, Educational leadership.
Ora Meles A Multi-Site Case Study of a Professional Learning Community Model: The Impact of Learning Team Meetings on a Teacher Practice and Student Achievement from the Perspective of Teachers and Instructional Leaders Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011 ACE, SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333059 "Professional learning communities -- Case studies, Teachers -- In-service training, School improvement programs, Teaching teams, Reflective teaching, Group work in education -- Case studies, Educational leadership. "
Jessica Pena-Lopez A Study of Persistence of Undergraduate Women Majoring in Engineering and Math Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2011 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333307 Women in engineering, Women in mathematics, Women -- Education (Higher), Engineering -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects, Mathematics -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects.
Ana Porro Investigation of Instructional Strategies Designed to Promote Achievement and Retention in Online Mathematics Classes Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2011 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333313 Computer-assisted instruction, Achievement in education, Distance education, Education -- Effect of technological innovations on.
Maria Rodriguez English Language Learners in Florida: A Dissertation About a Legal and Policy Study of Florida's Multicultural Education Training and Advocacy (Meta) Consent Decree Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2011 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333311 English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Second language acquisition, Minorities -- Florida -- Education -- Language arts, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida.
E. Allen Bottorff The Community College Baccalaureate: A Study of Capital Costs in Florida Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3174509 Community colleges -- Florida -- Supply and demand, Education, Higher -- Florida -- Forecasting, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Finance.
Mary Cassell Third Age Adult English Language Learners in Nonformal Library Settings Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2011 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3174503 English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Minorities -- Education -- Language arts, Adult education -- United States, Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age, Second language acquisition.
Randye Shanfield The President of the United States as Charismatic Leader: Analysis of the Presidents' Role and Success in Influencing Education Policy between 1981-2009 Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2011 HE, SL, ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3320106 "Reagan, Ronald, Bush, George, 1924-, Clinton, Bill, 1946-, Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946-, Political leadership -- United States -- 20th century, Political leadership -- United States -- 21st century, Education -- Political aspects -- United States -- 20th century, Education -- Political aspects -- United States -- 21st century, Education and state -- United States -- 20th century, Education and state -- United States -- 21st century."
John Vassilou A Comparative Analysis of the Success of Students Placed in the Lowest Level of the Remedial Coursework Taken Through Cal versus a Tradition Remedial Education Mode of Instruction: Implications for Success, Retention, and Costs Dr. Dianne A. Wright Summer / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3322520 Computer-assisted instruction -- Evaluation, Academic achievement, Educational tests and measurements, School improvement programs, Student assistance programs, Educational accountability.
Stephanie Arsht Preparing Florida Community College Faculty to Teach Online Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3166833 Educational leadership -- Study and teaching (Graduate), Education, Higher -- Computer-assisted instruction, College teachers -- In-service training -- Florida, Effective teaching, Internet in education, Distance education -- Florida.
Meredith Dee First Year Undergraduate Students' Perception of the Effectiveness and Transfer of Multimedia Training for a University Course Registration System Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3170600 Interactive multimedia, Academic achievement -- Methodology, Computers and college students, Education, Highter -- Effect of technological innovations on
Timothy De Palma Pre-Disaster Planning at Florida Community Colleges: A Comparison of FEMA Guidelines to Processes and Practices Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2011 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3170599 United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency managment -- United States -- Florida -- Planning, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Security measures, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Safety measures.
Mark Kaplan Sizing Up the Principalship: The Relationship Between School Size and Principal Leadership in Elementary and Middle Schools Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Spring / 2011 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3171397 School management and organization, Educational leadership, School principals -- United States, Action research in education -- United States.
Anthony Allen A Critical Race Theory Analysis of the Disproportionate Representation of Blacks and Males Participating in Florida's Special Education Programs Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Fall / 2010 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2867333 Discrimination in educations -- Florida, Racism in education -- Florida, Education -- Social aspects, Multicultural education -- Florida, Learning disabled children -- Identification.
Nancy Patrick Employee’s Perceptions of Employer’s Response After Workplace Injury Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Fall / 2010 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2978950 "Workers' compensation, Personnel management, Job security -- Social aspects, Corporate culture, DIsability insurance claimants -- Employment, Industrial accidents -- United States -- Psychological aspects."
Susan Moosai A Prediction Model for Community Colleges Using Graduation Rate as the Performance Indicator Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2010 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683205 Community colleges -- United States, College attendance -- United States, Educational evaluation -- United States, Educational indicators -- United States.
Janet Cornella Principal Leadership: The Missing Link in Teacher Retention Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Summer / 2010 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683125 Teacher turnover -- United States, School prinicipals -- Training of, Teachers -- Recruiting -- United States, School management and organization, Educational leadership.
Mary Murray Florida Middle Grades Pupil Progression Policies: Their Effects on Middle School Student Achievement and Retention Rates Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Summer / 2010 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683536 Education and state -- United States -- Florida, Educational tests and measurements -- United States -- Florida, Educational accountability -- United States -- Florida, Achievement in education -- United States -- Florida.
Gerri Penney Executive Fire Officers' Strategic Thinking Capabilities and the Relationship with Information and Communication Technology Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2010 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683132 Strategic planning, Knowledge management, Public administration -- Decision making, Management information systems, Fire departments -- Management, Organizational effectiveness, Transformational leadership.
Robert Murray The Florida Migrant Education Program: An Analysis of Programmatic and Expenditure Practices Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Summer / 2010 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683135 United States, Immigrants -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Children of migrant laborers -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Children of migrant laborere -- Education -- Florida -- Social aspects, Migrant labor -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Educational accountability -- Florida.
Artyce-Joy Chase Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses: The Influence of Students’ Characteristics, Perception of Connectedness, and Deterrents Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2010 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1927306 Cheating (Education), Internet in education, Education, Higher -- Moral and ethical aspects, Distance education -- Moral and ethical aspects.
Donna Goldstein Integration of Geospatial Technologies Into K-12 Curriculum: An Investigation of Teacher and Student Perceptions and Student Academic Achievement Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Spring / 2010 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1927302 Geographic information systems, Global Positioning System, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Curriculum planning -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, Achievement in education -- Florida -- Palm Beach County.
Terri Watson* Florida’s Definition and Subsequent Calculations of a Public High School Graduate: A Critical Race Theory Analysis Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Spring / 2010 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1930490 Discrimination in education -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, Educational equalization -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, School improvement programs -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, High school graduates -- Florida -- Palm Beach County.
Pradel Frank Persistence of EAP Students in Associate Degree and College Credit Certificate Programs Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/246047 "English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching (Higher), Second language acquisition, Classroom environment -- United States -- Florida."
Tammy Gillette Virtual Science Instructional Strategies: A Set of Actual Practices as Perceived by Secondary Science Educators Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2182083 Distance education -- Computer-assisted instruction, Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Computer-assisted instruction, Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Teaching -- Aids and devices.
Carole Comarcho African American and Hispanic Male Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Retention Strategies and the Implications for Undergraduate Persistence in a For-Profit Commuter University Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/329844 "African Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Hispanic Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Academic achievement -- United States, College attendance -- United States."
Mary Davis An Exploration of Factors Affecting the Academic Success of Students in a College Quantitative Business Course Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/331845 Academic achievement -- Psychological aspects, Learning, Psychology of, Motivation in education, Achievement motivation in education, School improvement programs.
Francisco Rodriguez The Impact of Teacher Retention on Student Achievement in High School Mathematics Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/369393 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Teacher turnover -- United States -- Florida, Teacher effectiveness -- United States -- Florida, Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary).
Valerie Wanza The Florida School Recognition Program: The Relationship Between Participation in the Program and Adequate Yearly Progress Under the No Child Left Behind Act Dr. Jennifer Sugrue Fall / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/332912 United States, Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Education and state -- Florida, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States -- Florida,
Lewis Jackson Effect of National Board Certification on Retention of Teachers in the Classroom Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/359925 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (U.S.), Teachers -- Certification -- United States -- Florida, Teacher turnover -- United States -- Florida.
Jess Tuck Students’ Preference for Online Versus Face-to-Face Academic Advising Based on Individual Learning Styles Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/216409 Educational change -- United States, Education, Higher -- Effect of technological innovations on, Counseling in higher education -- Computer network resources, Faculty advisors -- Computer network resources, Student-administrator relationships -- Evaluation.
Darwin Asper Predicting Hospital Readmissions in Patients with Diabetes: Importance of Diabetes Education and Other Factors Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/221947 Outcome assessment (Medical care) -- Methodology, Medical care -- Evaluation, Health services accessibility -- Management, Patient education.
Brian Findley The Relationship of Self-Directed Learning Readiness to Knowledge-Based and Performance-Based Measures of Success in Third-Year Medical Students Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/221949 Learning, Psychology of, Experiential learning, Academic achievement -- Psychological aspects, Self-culture -- Evaluation, Educational tests and measurements.
Daniel Reyes-Guerra The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Actions and Business and Social Justice Cultures in Schools Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/215295 Educational leadership -- United States -- Florida, Critical pedagogy, Social justice -- Study and teaching -- United States -- Florida, Marginality, Social -- United States -- Florida, School management and organization -- United States -- Florida.
Treesey Weaver Principals’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Leadership in Predominately African American Schools Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Summer / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/215296 Educational leadership -- United States, Critical pedagogy, African American children -- Education, Afrocentrism -- Study and teaching -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States.
Jo Ann Marie Bambas Emerging Narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American Women in Middle Adulthood with an Education Doctorate Degree Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186326 Achievement motivation -- United States, Minority women -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, Motivation in education -- United States, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States.
Lawrence Faerman The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Effectiveness in University Residence Hall Associations: A Competing Values Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2009 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186329 Student housing -- United States -- Case studies, College students -- United States -- Conduct of life, Organizational effectiveness -- Evaluation, Organizational behavior -- Case studies.
Nigel Lovell-Martin Attitudinal Study of Older Adult African Americans’ Interaction with Computers Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186682 African Americans -- Education (Continuing education), African Americans -- Intellectual life, Aging --Psychological aspects, Attitude (Psychology), Computer literacy -- United States.
Lori Kijanka Exploring the Influence of Middle School Leaders on Middle School Girl’s Interest in High School Science Course Enrollment Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/192985 Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Inquiry-based learning -- United States, Science -- Study and teaching (Middle school) -- Curricula, Curriculum planning -- United States, Sex differences in education, Education -- Aims and objectives.
Guillermo Hardman* Regenerative Leadership: An Integral Theory for Transforming People and Organizations for Sustainability in Business, Education, and Community Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/187212 Reengineering (Management), Sustainable development -- United States, School management and organization, Organizational effectiveness, Social ecology -- United States.
Pauline McLean An Assessment of the Effect of Adult Education on Sustainable Development in Jamaica Dr. Anthony C. Townsend Spring / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186692 Adult education -- Jamaica, Education and globalization -- Jamaica, Education, Higher -- Economic aspects -- Jamaica, Education and state -- Jamaica.
Tracey Miller School Construction: Meeting the Classroom Building Needs of Florida’s Growing Student Population Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Spring / 2009 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186693 School buildings -- Florida -- Design and construction, School facilities -- Florida -- Designs and plans, School management and organization -- Florida -- Decision making.
James Riordan Perceptions of Industry Practitioners Toward an Academic Degree Program in Public Assembly Facility Management Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2009 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186765 Facility management, Strategic planning, Executives -- Training of, Creative ability in business -- Management, Education -- Aims and objectives.
Edwin Bemmel A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Community College Baccalaureate Programs in Florida: An Exploratory Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2008 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/107803 Education, Higher -- Florida -- Forecasting, Community colleges -- Florida -- Case studies, Higher education and state -- Florida -- Case studies.
Beth Amey An Exploration of the Relationship Between Experiential Learning and Self-Directed Learning Readiness Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Fall / 2008 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/107799 Experiential learning, Adult learning, Learning, Psychology of, Self-culture -- United States.
Jodie Koerner Outcomes of Student Participation in College Freshman Learning Communities Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Fall / 2008 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/165674 Group work in education, Interdisciplinary approach in education, College environment -- United States, Experiential learning -- United States, Educational change -- United States.
Enid Conley Exploring Barriers to Education for Native American Indians: A Native Perspective Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2008 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/108066 "Discrimination in education -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, Indians of North America -- Education, Indian philosophy -- North America."
Veronica Pino Factors Affecting Retention in a Community College’s Welfare-to-Work Programs: A Heuristic Study of Participants’ Perceptions Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2008 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186300 "College dropouts -- Prevention, Academic achievement -- United States, Welfare recipients -- Education, Community colleges -- United States, Attitude (Psychology), Motivation in education."
Steven Urdegar* Beyond Fidelity: Relating Educational Practices and Their Determinants to Student Learning Gains Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2008 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/77653 School management and organization -- Decision making, Education -- United States -- Evaluation, Educational tests and measurements, School improvement programs -- Evaluation.
Nancy Weissman The Relationship Between Leadership Styles of Directors of Accredited Higher Education Respiratory Care Programs and Faculty Satisfaction, Willingness to Exert Extra Effort, Perceived Director Effectiveness, And Program Outcomes Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2008 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186324 "Educational leadership -- Evaluation, College teaching -- United States -- Evaluation, Organizational behavior, Medical care -- Cross-cultural studies, Motivation in education."
Laura Heath Community College and University Experiences of High School Dual Enrollment Students Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2008 HE http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/58005 Dual enrollment -- United States, College credits -- United States, Advanced placement programs (Education) -- United States, College-school cooperation -- United States, Educational acceleration -- United States.
Ryan Reardon An Analysis of Florida's School Districts' Attendance Policies and Their Relationship to High School Attendance Rates Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2008 SL http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/58010 School attendance -- Florida, Juvenile delinquency -- Florida, Dropout behavior, Prediction of, School management and organization -- Florida.
Pamela Brown* Bowling in different alleys: A story of neighborhood organizations and schools Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2007 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000653 School management and organization--Case studies, Volunteer workers in community development--Case studies, Social change--United States--21st century--Case studies.
Deborah Casey Indicators Linked to The Success of Students with Psychological Disabilities in Urban Community College Allied Health Sciences Programs Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2006 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12208 Academic achievement--Psychological aspects, Resilience (Personality trait), Prediction of scholastic success, Curriculum-based assessment, Community colleges--Curricula--Evaluation.
Edvard St. Juste An Exploratory Study of the Multicultural Responsiveness of Higher Education Faculty at two South Florida universities Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2006 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12226 Multicultural education--Florida, Educational equalization--Florida, Minority college students--Florida, Education--Social aspects--Florida, Critical pedagogy--Florida.
Malmuz Z. Yasin The Use of Strategic Leadership Actions By Deans In Malaysian And American Public Universities Dr. Pisapia, John 2006 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12203 Educational leadership--United States, Educational leadership--Malaysia, Education and globalization.
Demetrious J. Bonaros A Study of Transformational Leadership and Student Achievement in Inner-City Elementary Schools Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12196 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Educational leadership--Florida, School management and organization--Decision making, Academic achievement--Florida.
Leslie J. Dangerfield Beginning teachers' perceptions of support provided by mentors, school administrators, and district personnel Dr. Shockley, Robert 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12230 Mentoring in education, Teachers--In-service training, First year teachers--Training of, First year teachers--Supervision of.
Jennifer Freeland The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Reading Achievement in Broward County, Florida Charter Schools Dr. Pisapia, John 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000665 Educational leadership--Florida--Broward County, School management and organization--Florida--Broward County, School improvement programs--Florida--Broward County, Academic achievement--Florida--Broward County, Charter schools--Florida--Broward County.
Deedara Hicks The Impact of Reading Instructional Methodology on Student Achievement of Black Males Based on The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12213 Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Competency-based educational tests--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, African American young men--Education, Academic achievement--United States--Evaluation.
Julie Hopkins Instructional Leadership: Principals Making A Difference With High Poverty And Minority Populations To Improve Instruction And Increase Student Achievement Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12190 "Educational leadership--United States, School improvement programs--United States, Elementary school principals--United States, Poor children--Education--United States."
Bonnie P. Jerome The Relationship of Parent Involvement On Student Achievement Dr. Pisapia, John 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000671 "Parent and child--Education--United States, Parental influences--United States, Academic achievement, Education--Parent participation."
Dyona V. McLean The Relationship Between School Climate and School Performance in Miami-Dade County's Schools of Choice Dr. Pisapia, John 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12210 School management and organization--Florida--Miami-Dade County, School environment--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Education--Aims and objectives--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Educational leadership, School management and organization.
Sarah T. Meltzer An analysis of Professional Development in Technology for Elementary School Teachers Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12217 Elementary school teachers--Training of, Education, Elementary--Computer network resources, Educational technology, Computer-assisted instruction.
Sharon Moffitt Sustaining Reform Efforts in Broward County Schools a Study of the Coalition of Essential Schools Dr. Pisapia, John 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12209 Coalition of Essential Schools, Educational change--Florida--Broward County--Case studies, Teacher-administrator relationships, School management and organization.
Yaron R. Raab Why they Leave a Study of Jewish Day School Administrators Who Left Jewish Education Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12199 Jewish day schools--Florida--Administration, Jewish religious education--Administration, School management and organization, Burn out (Psychology).
Lynn K. Robins The Heartbeat of a Caring Leader Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12197 "Elementary school principals--Biography, Education, Elementary--Social aspects, School environment--United States, African American women educators--Biography, Educational leadership--Biography."
David B. Ross Leadership styles of secondary school principals as perceived by secondary school teachers Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12218 School administrators--Rating of--Florida--Palm Beach County, Educational leadership--Florida--Palm Beach County, Education, Secondary--United States--Evaluation, School management and organization--United States.
Tara Lynn Todd Instructional leadership in high schools: The effects of principals, assistant principals, and department heads on student achievement Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2006 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000715 Motivation in education, Educational leadership, High school department heads--United States, School principals--United States.
Mary G. Locke The Influence of Sub-Cultures on Planned Organizational Change in a Community College: An Exploratory Case Study Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2005 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12181 Community colleges--United States--Administration, Community colleges--United States--Sociological aspects, Organizational change--United States--Case studies, Educational anthropology--United States.
Georgette Rosenfeld A Comparison of the Outcomes of distance learning Students Versus traditional Classroom Students in the Community College Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2005 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12148 Computer-assisted instruction, Computer-assisted instruction--Design, Educational technology, Distance education, Internet in higher education, Academic achievement.
Nancy R. Bredemeyer The roles and responsibilities of the associate in science degree department chair Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2005 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12173 "Community colleges--Florida--Administration, Educational leadership--United States, College department heads--United States."
Christina T. Hart Effects of Learning-Style Responsive vs. Traditional Staff Development on Community College Professors' Achievement in and Attitudes Toward Alternative Instructional Strategies Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2005 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12186 Motivation in education, Learning, Psychology of, Community colleges--Florida--Administration, Educational psychology.
Jacquelyn A. Johnson Investigation of Factors Affecting Completion Of Distance-Learning Courses at A Community College For A Seven-Year Period Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2005 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12188 Adult education, Education, Higher--Effect of technological innovations on--United States, Distance education--United States, Community colleges--Curricula--Florida.
Maria W. Provost A Study of Four Public Higher Education Institution in Florida the Relationships between faculty and Adminstrator Goal Congruence, Faculty Productivity and Job Satisfaction Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. 2005 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12127 Universities and colleges--Florida--Administration, Teachers--Job satisfaction, Education, Higher--Aims and objectives--Florida, Organizational behavior.
Carole Blume-D'Ausilio Sources of Information and Selected Variables and their Relationship to Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12179 Teacher-student relationships, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children--Education, Teachers--Training of, Classroom management.
Viva Braynen Specific Learning Disability Services: Benefit or Risk? Dr. Pisapia, John 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12184 Educational accountability--United States, Special education--United States--Evaluation, Children with disabilities--Education--United States, Learning disabled children--Education--United States.
Megan F. Dolan Assessment success today or learning success tomorrow? How a longitudinal perspective can help standards-based accountability systems eliminate the persistent gap between nominal and actual achievement for high school graduates Dr. Ashworth, Sara 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12134 Academic achievement--Measurement, Educational productivity--Measurement, Academic achievement--Longitudinal studies, Education, Higher--United States--Longitudinal studies, Educational equalization--United States--Longitudinal studies.
Shereeza F. Mohammed State Planning Strategies to Implement the Scientific Based Research Components of the NCLB Act Dr. Pisapia, John 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12175 School improvement programs--United States, United States --No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Federal aid to education--United States, Education--Standards--United States, Education and state--United States,
Darlene J. Nowocien Investigation of the Value of Teacher Leadership Capacity Building: Implementation of an Intervention Framework to Raise Student Achievement "Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. & Acker-Hocevar, Michele A." 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12163 Academic achievement--Measurement, Educational leadership--United States, Teacher participation in administration--United States, School improvement programs--United States, Educational change--United States.
Donna Numeroff Teacher collegiality and collaboration in exemplary high school math departments Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12128 Teachers--Professional relationships, Educational leadership--Case studies, Classroom management--Florida--Case studies, Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary).
Helen Roberts Teacher perspectives on the effect of the Florida Public Accountability System on the middle school classroom Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12160 "Educational accountability--Florida, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Academic achievement--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Middle school education, Middle school teachers--Florida--Attitudes."
Margaret Daniels A Comparative Study Of Elementary Character Eduaction Programs And Their levels of Alignment To Florida State Statute "Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. & Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia," 2005 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12146 "Moral education--Government policy--Florida, Moral education--Curricula--Florida, Moral education--Study and teaching--Florida, Students--Florida--Conduct of life."
Kaye-Ann Grant An Exploration of the Effectiveness of a Phase Approach to Nutrition Counseling Using The Transtheoretical and Brief Intervention Models Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2004 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12117 Nutrition counseling, Food habits, Nutrition disorders, Clinical health psychology, Health--Psychological aspects.
Ginger L. Pedersen Academic performance and demographic variables in predicting success in college algebra and graduation rates in an urban multi-campus community college Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2004 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12083 Community colleges--Florida--Palm Beach County--Sociological aspects, Community college students--Florida--Palm Beach County--Statistics, Academic achievement--Florida--Palm Beach County, Postsecondary education--Research--Florida--Palm Beach County.
Magdala T. Ray The Impact of Community College Presidents' Mentoring Practices on Protege Success Dr. Pisapia, John 2004 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12102 "Mentoring in education, College teachers--In-service training, Educational leadership, Community college presidents--United States, Community college administrators, Career development--United States."
Malika Starr The Experience Of Being A Work Leader During A Roles Course Program And At Work: A Heuristic Inquiry Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2004 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12073 Adventure education, Experiential learning, Leadership
Rochelle Abramowitz A Case Study of Planning and Implementing Whole-School Reform at a Middle School Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12080 Middle school education, Educational change, Educational leadership, School management and organization.
Louise A. Ball Principals' Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12074 Career development, Educational leadership, School principals.
Michael Cosimano The impact of block scheduling on academic achievement and the perceptions of teachers and administrators in selected South Florida high schools Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia & Decker, Larry E. 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12090 Block scheduling (Education)--Florida, Curriculum planning--Florida, Schedules, School--Florida--Palm Beach County, Academic achievement, High schools--Florida--Palm Beach County, School management and organization.
Patricia A. Grimsley Values Underlying the Parental Selection of Charter Schools: A Multi-Site Case Analysis Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12111 Charter schools--United States, School choice--United States, Educational equalization--United States, Educational change--United States.
Sheila K. Lewis The Relationship Of Full-Time Laptop Computer Access To Student Achievement And Student Attitudes In Middle School Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12091 Educational technology--United States, Computer-assisted instruction, Middle school education--United States--Philosophy, Laptop computers--Public opinion, Computers and children, Education--Effect of technological innovations on--United States.
Marva McClean Language and Leadership: Exploring the Relationship Between Critical Theories and the Hegemonic Construction of Student Achievement Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12099 Academic achievement, Multicultural education, Curriculum planning--Cross-cultural studies, Education--Research--Methodology.
Francis P. O'Boyle Facing the Fcat a Matched-Pair Comparison of Changes in Mean Developmental Scale Scores of Selected Schools in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties From 2003-2004 Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12112 Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Achievement tests--Florida, Competency-based educational tests--Florida,
Gail Fern Solomon A Study Of Teacher Response To A Program Of Whole School Change Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12084 Educational change, Educational leadership, Teachers--Attitudes, School management and organization.
Jeanethe D. Thompson The Threat Of School Choice And Changes In Public School Organizations Dr. Pisapia, John 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12107 "School choice--United States, School management and organization--United States, Educational equalization--United States, Charter schools--United States, Privatization in education--United States."
Dennis Wechter School Business Partnerships: Awareness, Attitudes, and Actions of Secondary School Principals and Their Business Counterparts In Selected Florida School Districts Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2004 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12097 Business and education--Florida, Education, Cooperative--Florida, Community and school--Florida, School management and organization--Florida.
Sara Marvin Comparison of Education Perception of Aging Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2003 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12027 Ageism, College students--Attitudes, Graduate students--Attitudes, Aging--Psychological aspects.
Gary W. Shaver The Relationship Between The Perceived Leadership Styles Of Directors Of Associate Degree Radiography Programs and Faculty Satisfaction, Willingness To Exert Extra Effort, Perceived Director Effectiveness, and Program Outcomes Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. 2003 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12048 Radiography--Study and teaching (Higher), College teachers--Attitudes, Educational leadership.
Jennifer Bebergal Predicting Retention of First-Year College Students Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2003 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12022 Education, Higher
Heidi S. Tuby Using Classroom Assessment Techniques: The Experiences Of Adjunct Faculty At A Vanguard Learning College And Two Non-Vanguard Community Colleges Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. 2003 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12049 "Educational tests and measurements, College teachers, Part-time, Effective teaching, Community college teachers."
Janis Andrews Mentoring Across Multiple Generations of School Leaders Dr. Bogotch, Ira 2003 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12036 Educational leadership, Mentoring in education, School principals.
Shirley R. Bayard A Study of the Relationship between Teacher Absenteeism, Teacher Attributes, School Schedule, and Student Achievement Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2003 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12078 Absenteeism (Labor), Academic achievement, Schedules, School.
Susan B. Bernstein A School, Family, Community Partnership Predictor Model Based on Principals' Communication and Action Strategies Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2003 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12033 Community and school--United States, Home and school--United States, Education--Parent participation--United States, School principals.
Joel D. Herbst Organizational Servant Leadership and its Relationship to Secondary Effectiveness Dr. Pisapia, John 2003 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12066 Educational leadership, School improvement programs, School principals, School management and organization.
Marianne Russo Swain Building A Template Of Electoral Strategies For Women Who Aspire To The Superintendency In Appointed School Districts Within The Southern United States "Dr. Bogotch, Ira & Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A." 2003 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12037 Women school superintendents--Selection and appointment, Women school superintendents--Southern States--Attitudes--Interviews, Women school administrators.
Diane Ciccarelli Individuals with Cognitive Exceptionalities and Reported Lifestyle Satisfaction: The Relationship of Leisure Awareness, Participation and Barriers Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2002 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11982 People with mental disabilities--Recreation, Lifestyles, Leisure, Developmentally disabled
Carole L. Clyde Influences of an Experimental Learning Program for Holocaust Education Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2002 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12010 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Study and teaching (Higher), Experiential learning
Ann T. Musgrove An examination of the Kolb LSI and GEFT and their relationship to academic achievement in Web-based and face-to-face nursing courses Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2002 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11996 Cognitive styles, Academic achievement, Nursing--Computer-assisted instruction.
Abigail J. Oliver Perceptions of virtual Learning Teams at the University Level Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2002 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12003 Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Technology, Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
Michelle Brown Enrollment Management Strategies, Campus Involvement, and Goal Achievement in Public Research Universities Dr. Pisapia, John 2002 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12015 Education, Higher--Aims and objectives, Public universities and colleges--Research--United States, College attendance--United States, Universities and colleges--United States--Administration.
Stephanie G. Brown A Q Methodology Study: Perceptions of Selected Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Recepients, and Information Technologists toward the Use of Technology in the Delivery of Financial Aid Services in Higher Education Dr. Urich, Ted R 2002 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11990 Student financial aid administration, Student aid--Information technology, Q technique.
Ann B. Hubbard The impact of curriculum design on health promoting behaviors at a community college in south Florida Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2002 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11993 Health promotion, Medical education, Nursing--Study and teaching (Graduate).
Chrysanthos A. Panayiotou Negligent Tort Liability of Florida Higher Education Institutions Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 2002 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11984 Tort liability of universities and colleges--Florida, Negligence, Education, Higher--Law and legislation--Florida, Torts.
Evelyn Jeanne Torrey Faculty Development Centers In Higher Education: Incorporating Diversity and Technology Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2002 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11987 College teachers--Training of--United States, Multicultural education--United States, Educational technology--United States.
Kris J. Black The Comparison of Three Eighth-Grade-to-Ninth-Grade Transition Programs in a South Florida High School Dr. Urich, Ted R. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11980 High school environment--Florida--Broward County, Ninth grade (Education)--Florida--Broward County, Student adjustment, Academic achievement.
Renata O. Carvalho The Development of a Community-school Partnership in a Brazilian Elementary school: A Case Study Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11981 "Community and school--Brazil, Elementary schools--Brazil, Community education, Community schools."
Eleni D. Coukos-Semmel Knowledge Management: Processes and Strategies Used in United States Research Universities Dr. Pisapia, John 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11983 "Universities and colleges--United States--Administration, Knowledge management, Research institutes--United States."
Jeffrey A. Ellison From One Generation to the Next: A Cast Study of Holocaust Education in Illinois Dr. Pisapia, John & Dr. Berger, Alan L. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11979 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Study and teaching--Illinois, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in textbooks
Gina L. Eyerman Changes in High School Curricular Offerings Before and After the Implementation of The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Dr. Pisapia, John 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11992 Education, Secondary--Curricula--United States, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
Linda M. Goudy An Examination of Required Technology Courses Syllabi in Elementary Teacher Preparation Programs Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11995 Elementary school teachers--Training of, Computers--Study and teaching (Elementary), Computer managed instruction.
Margarita P. Pinkos The Relationship Between Non-School Factors and Reading Achievement Among LEP and English-Fluent Students in the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12019 "Limited English-proficient students, Minorities--Education, Academic achievement, Reading--Florida--Palm Beach County."
Frances (Rene) Shaw Academic Achievement of Students With Disabilities In Co-Teaching, Resource Room, and Support Facilitation Models Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12014 Students with disabilities--Education, Inclusive education, Academic achievement.
Kristen L. Warner The Effect of Professional Development Experiences On National Board For Professional Teaching Standards Candidates: Scores In Florida Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 2002 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11977 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (U S ), Teachers--Training of--Florida, Professional socialization.
Tunjarnika L. Coleman-Ferrell A predictive model of student performance in Internet-based distance learning courses at the community college Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2001 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11949 Community college students, Internet in higher education, Distance education.
Barry M. Gregory College Alcohol & Life Skills Study with Student Athletes Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2001 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11944 College athletes--Life skills guides, College athletes--Alcohol use, Alcoholism--Study and teaching.
Arthur H. Johnson Predicting Self-Directed Learning From Personality Type Dr. Bryan, Valerie 2001 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11958 Self-culture, Personality
Wan- Yu Chao Using Computer Self-Efficacy Scale to measure the attitudes of Taiwan elementary preservice teachers toward computer technology Dr. Urich, Ted R. 2001 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11960 Elementary school teachers--Training of--Taiwan, Student teachers--Effect of technological innovations on, Student teachers--Taiwan--Attitudes.
Lourdes Ferrer Perceptions of Tenth Grade Mathematics Teachers and School Administrators Towards Florida's School Accountability System: The A+ PLan Dr. Decker, Larry E. 2001 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11967 Mathematics teachers--Florida--Attitudes, Educational change--Florida, Educational accountability--Florida, School administrators--Florida--Attitudes.
David G. Gottlieb The Application of Bowen Family Systems Theory to The High School Principalship Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2001 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11943 Bowen, Murray,--1913-1990, High school principals--United States--Case studies, High schools--United States--Administration--Case studies, Educational leadership--United States--Case studies.
Lee E. Brown The Effect of Short Term Isokinetic Training on Limb Velocity "Dr. Whitehurst, Michael & Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia, " 2000 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12641 Exercise--Physiological aspects, Isokinetic exercise.
Gayle Kite Struggles From OUtside And Within The Bars Of The Juvenile Justice System: Role Conflict Of Health Care Delivery Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2000 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12624 Prisoners--Health and hygiene, Prisoners--Medical care, Juvenile delinquents--Health and hygiene, Juvenile delinquents--Medical care, Correctional personnel--In-service training.
Christina Kyounghee Lim Computer Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-Concept And Other Factors As Predictors Of Satisfaction And Future Participation Of Adult Learners In Web-Based Distance Education Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2000 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12635 Distance education, Internet in education, Adult education, Computer literacy.
Debra L. Hargrove Development of A Predictive Model for Faculty Integration of Technology in Higher Education Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2000 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12633 "Educational technology, Adult education teachers, Information technology, Education, Higher--Data processing."
Noel C. Gray Attitudes of urban high school mathematics teachers toward the mandate requiring algebra for high school graduation. Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12623 Mathematics teachers--Attitudes, High schools--Graduation requirements, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Algebra.
Kathleen K. Huie A Qualitative Study of Participants' Role Expectations on School Advisory Councils Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12631 Citizens' advisory committees in education, Community and school, Educational change, School management and organization.
James F. Martin Resiliency Enhancement: A comparison of After-School Child Care Programs for Selected Elementary School Students Dr. Morris, John D. 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12636 School-age child care, Resilience (Personality trait) in children, Children with social disabilities--Education.
Donna L. McCaffrey Teacher Attitudes Toward Supervision and Evaluation in the Development Research Schools of the State of Florida "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D" 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12628 Laboratory schools--Florida, Teachers--Attitudes, Teachers--Rating of, School supervision.
Susan F. Schulz Program Completion in Proprietary Schools: A Phenomenological Case Study Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12637 Proprietary schools--Case studies, Dropouts--Prevention--Case studies, Massage schools--Case studies.
Bradd W. Stucky The Desired Role vs. The Actual Role Of The Lutheran Elementary School Board As Viewed By Selected Principals, School Board Chairpersons, And Pastors Of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Dr. Urich, Ted R. 2000 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12629 Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod --Board of Parish Education, Lutheran Church--Education--United States, Elementary school administration, School boards--United States, School management and organization.
Suzanne J. Crouch Predicting Success in the Associate Degree Nursing Program Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1999 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12615 "Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Prediction of scholastic success, Critical thinking."
Kathryn C. McCarten An Examination of the Relationship between Nurses' Learning Preferences and Practices Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1999 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12604 Nursing--Study and teaching (Continuing education), Nurses--Florida--Attitudes. Independent study/
Joan Ortega-Cowan International Education at the Community College Level: Evaluation of levels of Commitment and Curriculum Integration Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. 1999 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12593 International education, Community colleges.
Brenda C. Williams Educational Philosophies and Teaching Styles of University of Florida Cooperative Extension Agents. "Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1999 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12609 Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural extension workers--Florida--Attitudes, Adult education.
June A. Eastmond A Study of Black Nursing Faculty Factors That Influenced Completion of Graduate Level Degrees Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 1999 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12620 Nursing schools--Faculty, African American nurses, Nursing--Study and teaching (Graduate).
Jerry K. Jones Gender Equity At Selected National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Institutions Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1999 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12587 Sex discrimination in sports, National Collegiate Athletic Association
Patricia Mahoney Siccardi The Puzzle of Transformation: Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 1999 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12598 Nurse practitioners--Education, Problem-based learning, Critical thinking.
Doris Agnon An Analysis of Opportunities for Middle and High School Principals to Develop Public Speaking Skills for Effective Educational Leadership Dr. Gray, Mary B. 1999 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12612 School principals, Educational leadership, Public speaking.
Cynthia Johnson A Comparison Of The Teaching Styles Of Full-Time And Part-Time Community College Faculty Dr. Pisapia, John 1999 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12617 Community college teachers, Adult education, Teaching.
Kimberly A. Knutson An Investigation of Relationships Between School Culture and Leadership Social Interest Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1999 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12603 Education, Administration, Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Educational Psychology.
Audrey E. Lawrence An Exploratory Study Of The Perceptions And Experiences Of Selected Educators On The Infusion Of Multicultural Education Into The Language Arts Curriculum In Broward County, Florida, Public Schools Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1999 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12607 Language arts (Middle school)--Curricula, Multicultural education, Middle school teachers--Florida--Attitudes, Curriculum change.
Ilene Allgood The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Strategic Prejudice Reduction Framework and Its Effect on Dogmatism Levels of College Students "Dr. Diaz, Carlos F. & Dr. Pisapia, John," 1998 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12583 Dogmatism, College students--Attitudes, Multicultural education, Prejudices, Teacher-student relationships.
Sandra M. Ayaz The Effect of a Supplemental Multiple Modalities Learning Program on the Academic Success of Student Athletes at Florida Atlantic University Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1998 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12558 Academic achievement, College athletes--Education, Florida Atlantic University--College athletes.
Linda Marie Golian Thinking Style Differences Among Academic Librarians Dr. Galbraith, Michael W. 1998 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12562 Academic librarians, Library administrators, Thought and thinking
Rosemary Colarulli Effects of Teaching Mathematics to learning Style Perceptual Preference on Academic Achievement of Seventh Grade Middle School Students Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1998 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12552 Mathematics--Study and teaching (Middle school)--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Cognitive styles--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Individualized instruction--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Academic achievement--Florida--Palm Beach County, Learning, Psychology of.
Cathy Kirk Teacher Absenteeism And Student Achievement Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 1998 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12563 Teachers--Leaves of absence, Academic achievement.
Mary L. Mosley "CON RESPETO" - Factors Related to the Academic Performance of Mexican American Fourth graders in Selected Florida Elementary Schools "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D.," 1998 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12557 Mexican American students--Florida, Academic achievement, Educational tests and measurements--United States, Education, Elementary--Florida.
Eileen Wills A study of Teacher Change And Its Meaning Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia 1998 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12571 Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Attitudes
Nancy J. Lucas The views of selected school administrators in Broward County, Florida on managing culturally diverse schools Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1997 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12540 Minorities--Education--Florida--Broward County, Multicultural education--Florida--Broward County, School management and organization, Multiculturalism.
Leighan R. Rinker A Study of Relationship between Work Environment Variables and the Intent of Child Care Workers in Southeast Florida to leave Their WorkPlace Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1997 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12496 Child care workers--Job satisfaction, Employee motivation, Job satisfaction.
Joseph M. Roberts A Case Study of Leadership Practice of Elders in South Florida Churches of Christ Dr. Dr. Michael Galbraith 1997 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12543 Christian leadership, Elders (Church officers), Churches of Christ--Florida.
Alyse L. Schoenfeldt Achievement and Satisfaction in Adult Spanish language Courses with Compressed and Standard Formats Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1997 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12505 Adult education, Academic achievement, Spanish language--Study and teaching.
Patricia J. Anderson A Comparison of the Interpersonal Communication Style and Relationship Satisfaction of Academic and Student Affairs Administrators in Two-Year Colleges "Dr. Ijams, Karl & Dr. Lynch, Ann Q." 1997 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12497 Interpersonal communication, Community colleges--United States, Communication in education, College administrators--United States.
Rebecca C. Beck Effects of Academic Advisor Attire on Community College Student Satisfaction with Academic Advising Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1997 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12499 Community college students--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Palm Beach Community College, Counseling in higher education--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Faculty advisors--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Work clothes--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Clothing and dress--Social aspects--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies.
Rosanna S. Berzok A Comparison between Florida State University System's Female Administrators and Female Faculty in their Personal Attributes and Self-Efficacy Beliefs Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1997 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12518 Universities and colleges--Florida--Administration, Women college administrators--Florida, Women college teachers--Florida, Self-efficacy.
Nabil A. Husni The effects of accommodating students' learning styles on academic achievement and attitudes towards algebra. Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1997 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12510 Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher), Academic achievement
Doreen K. Jadwick The Perceptions of Effectiveness of Mentoring Relationships in Higher Education Dr. Decker, Larry E. 1997 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12494 College teachers--In-service training, Mentoring in education
Joyce Bacon The Effectiveness of Dropout Prevention Models as Perceived by High School Principals and High School Guidance Counselors in Florida Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12517 Dropouts--Prevention, High school dropouts, High school principals--Florida--Attitudes, Student counselors--Florida--Attitudes.
Susan J. Byo General Education Classroom Teachers' and Music Specialists' Perceived Ability to Implement the National Standards for Music Education "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12503 National standards for arts education, School music--Instruction and study--Standards--United States
Joseph M. Forman Predicting Readiness on the Florida Entry-Level-Placement Test From a Set of High School Academic Variables "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12536 Educational tests and measurements, Competency-based educational tests, Community colleges--Florida--Entrance examinations
Phyllis Schiffer Klenetsky The Effect of 4MAT Training On Teacher' Attitudes Towards Students Behaviors Associated With Creativity Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12538 4MAT system, Teachers--Attitudes
Bill R. Owens A Model to Predict High School Dropouts in a Small, Rural Florida School District "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12535 High school dropouts--Florida--Okeechobee County, Dropout behavior, Prediction of
David B. Rinker Facilitating and Learning Behavior in a Secondary School Travel Studies Program Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12541 Foreign study--South Africa, Education, Secondary, Youth travel programs--South Africa, Experiential learning.
Garie H. Rose Gender and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Reading Gain Score on the Stanford Achievement Test for Fifth Grade Students Who Participated in Computer Assisted Instruction Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12542 Educational tests and measurements, Educational tests and measurements--Sex differences, Educational tests and measurements--Social aspects, Reading readiness--Testing.
Robin E. Thornton A Comparison Of Parents' Perceptions And Speech/Language Pathologists' Perceptions Of Selected Social Competency Needs Of Speech/Language Impaired Preschool Children In Broward County, Florida Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1997 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12544 Thornton, Robin Elizabeth, Florida Atlantic University, Degree Grantor, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology.
Donna C. Maheady Jumping Through Hoops, Walking on Egg Shells: The Experiences of Nursing Students With Disabilities Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia & Dr. Winland-Brown, Jill 1996 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12489 Nursing students, People with disabilities--Education (Higher), College students with disabilities.
Richard J. Ferrara Predicting Success in the Pre-International Baccalaurette Program Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1996 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12479 International baccalaureate, Prediction of scholastic success.
Linda Traywick Horner College Administrators' Perceptions of the Value of Leadership/Administrative Training Programs for Aspiring Administrators Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1996 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12442 Junior colleges--United States--Administration, Universities and colleges--United States--Administration, College administrators--Training of--United States, Career development--United States, Leadership--United States.
Mary K. Bacallao The Attitudes of Certain Parents of Elementary School Children and Their Teachers Toward Various School Choice Plan "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Gray, Mary B." 1996 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12458 Educational vouchers--United States, School choice--United States, Public schools--United States, Private schools--United States.
Ellen N. Breslow Variables Affecting Attitudes of Regular-Education Elementary School Teachers Toward Selected Issues on Inclusion Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1996 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12482 Mainstreaming in education, Elementary school teachers--Attitudes, Children with disabilities--Education.
Richard H. Knee The relationship of selected principal characteristics to the integration of technology in schools Dr. Morris, John D. 1996 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12443 Education, Administration, Education, Technology
Nancy M. Manasseh Comparison of Perceptions of Private school Adminstrators and Teachers on Selected Methods of Teachers Evaluation Dr. Gray, Mary B. 1996 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12460 Teachers--Rating of--Florida, Teaching--Florida--Evaluation, Teacher-administrator relationships, Private schools--Florida.
Linnie Sue Comerford Attitude Changes in Year-Round Education as a Result of a Community Information Program "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1995 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12421 Year-round schools--Florida--Palm Beach County--Public opinion, School year--Florida--Palm Beach County, Public schools--Florida--Palm Beach County.
John H. Cummings Barriers to Participation in Adult Education as Perceived by African-American and Others Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1995 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12438 Adult learning, People with social disabilities--Education, African Americans--Education.
Rohn Kessler Cognitive styles and concept mapping dimensions of hypermedia computer users "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Hunt, John J." 1995 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12404 Hypertext systems, Interactive multimedia, Concept learning, Computer-assisted instruction, Curriculum planning, Human-computer interaction.
Mary Jean Seubert The origin, development, and issues of the community education movement in the United States, 1935-1995 Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. & Dr. Galbraith Michael W. 1995 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12411 History, United States, Education, History of.
Lesonie M. Walker The Relationship Between Native Language And Performance On The General Education Development Test Among First-Time Test Takers In Dade County Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1995 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12403 Minorities--Education--United States, Multicultural education--Florida--Miami-Dade County, GED tests, Academic achievement--Florida--Miami-Dade County.
Antonieta Surroca Kelly Departure of Hispanic and Anglo Females From Public and Private Universities in Florida Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1995 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12405 Prediction of scholastic success, College dropouts--Prevention, Dropout behavior, Prediction of.
Brenda Manning Shryock The Effects Of Instructional Format On Community College Students' Geometric Construction Performance "Dr. Shockley, Robert & Dr. Romance, Nancy," 1995 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12440 Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc, Problem solving, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Teaching--Aids and devices.
Marion Weil The impact of a collegial peer coaching teacher-training program upon Palm Beach County teachers' sense of self-efficacy Dr. Hunt, John J. 1995 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12398 Teachers--Training of--Florida--Palm Beach County, Mentoring in education--Florida--Palm Beach County, Teachers--Attitudes, Motivation in education--Florida--Palm Beach County.
Robert W. Helmick The Status of the Substitute Teacher Delivery System in the Sixty-Seven Florida Public School Districts and the Perceptions of Adminstrators, Teachers, and the Substitute Teachers Toward the Substitute Teacher Delivery System in the Polk County Florida, Public School District Dr. Hunt, John J. 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12400 Substitute teachers--Florida--Evaluation, Substitute teachers--Rating of--Florida, Substitute teachers--Training of--Florida.
Paula Schweitzer Herbst Effect of Graphic Organizers on Ninth Grade Students' Achievement in Social Studies "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12419 Social sciences--Graphic methodsm, Social sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary)
Betty Hill Effects of Tutoring Strategies and Noninstructional Variables on Nontraditional Students' Reading Comprehension Scores Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12422 Tutors and tutoring, Teaching
Rochelle A. Kenyon A comparative study of the impact of two treatments on attitudes toward persons with disabilities Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12430 People with disabilities, People with disabilities--Attitudes.
Fred R. Landrum New Insights Into Cognitive Abilities Of Adjudicated Youths Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12431 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Juvenile delinquents--Education, Cognition in children.
Linda H. Thornton Academic And Demographic Variables As Predictors Of Gang Activity In School "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Gray, Mary B." 1995 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12429 Gangs--United States, Juvenile delinquency, School violence.
Thomas R. Andler Identifying and Segmenting the Low-Literate Adult Population Using Geo-Demographics: A Model for Community Education Use Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1994 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12373 Literacy--Statistics, Education--Demographic aspects, Demographic surveys.
Deborah H. Long The Effect of Ethics Instruction on the Moral Development of Adult Real Estate Students Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1994 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12375 Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Business, Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Education, Vocational.
Mary Ann Massey An Examination of Gender-Related Attitudes Among Managers Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1994 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12390 "Sex role in the work environment, Executives--Attitudes, Organizational behavior, Social change."
Cynthia W. Butler Factors related to time necessary for degree completion for the 1985-1986 freshman classes at Florida Atlantic University Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1994 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12370 Florida Atlantic University--Degrees, Educational accountability--Florida, Education, Higher--Florida, Universities and colleges--Florida--Graduation requirements--Case studies, Degrees, Academic--Florida--Case studies, Degrees, Academic--Florida--Statistics.
Leon T. Hobbs Perceptions of Florida's Superinterdents and Schools Board Chairpersons Regarding the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1994 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12368 School superintendents--Florida, AIDS (Disease) in children--Florida.
Carol E. Meltzer Criteria for Selecting Classroom Teachers Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1994 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12391 Education, Elementary, Education, Secondary
Kathryn McGhee Gundlach The Utilization of Part-Time Personnel in Certificated Positions in the Public Schools of Florida Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1994 SL, HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12388 Teachers, Part-time--Florida, Part-time employment--Florida, Public schools--Florida--Employees.
Stephanie Bessell Efficacy of a parenting component in a teen parent program in broward county, florida Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1993 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12329 Teenage mothers--Florida--Broward County, Teenage pregnancy--Florida--Broward County, Parenting.
Susan C. Gunn Identification of Performance Outcomes Required of Human Resource Development Professionals in Order to Develop Quality Programs Consistent With the Malcolm Baldrige Award Criteria "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." 1993 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12352 "Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Total quality management--United States, Performance standards."
Linda S. Forst The Effects of Two Acquaintance Rape Preventon Education Programs on Rape-Supportive Beliefs Among College Students Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. 1993 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12355 Rape--Prevention, Sex crimes, College students--Crimes against--Prevention, Acquaintance rape--Prevention.
Bettina J. Hoffman Predictors of Performance On The Essays Section of the English Composition Test In The College Board Achievement Tests "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." 1993 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12338 "SAT (Educational test), English composition test, Prediction of scholastic success, College entrance achievement tests."
Linda L. McDaniel Parent Involvement Training and the Achievement, Attendance, and Attitudes of At-Risk Students Dr. Gray, Mary B. 1993 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12327 Education--Parent participation, Dropouts--Florida, Parental influences--Florida
Richard E. Durr An examination of readiness for self-directed learning and selected personnel variables at a large Midwestern electronics development and manufacturing corporation "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." 1992 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12312 Adult learning, Experiential learning.
David C. M. Samore Admissions criteria as predictors of success in the International Baccalaureate Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1992 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12299 Prediction of scholastic success, International baccalaureate.
Patricia Schifini Opinions of black and white female potential educational administrators toward barriers to career advancement Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1992 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12318 "Women educators--Employment--Public opinion, School management and organization--Public opinion, African American women--Employment--Public opinion, Career development--Research."
Keith S. Sparkman The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction On Achievement In The Accounting Principles Course On The Community College Level Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1992 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12300 Accounting--Computer-assisted instruction, Community colleges--Study and teaching
David E. Sullivan A Study Of Return-To-Industry Experiences Of Florida Community College Vocational Faculty Between 1986 And 1990 Dr. Harmes, Harold M. 1992 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12323 College teachers--Tenure
Madeline A. Bernardo Transfer Effects of a High School Computer Programming Course on Mathematical Modeling, Procedural Comprehension, and Verbal Problem Solution "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." 1992 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12302 Computer-assisted instruction, Verbal learning, Mathematical models, Comprehension.
Anthony Marcano Family Dysfunction and Its Possible Correlation with Student Behavior in Grades Four and Five Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1992 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12322 Dysfunctional families, Problem children--Family relationships.
Paula F. Nessmith An analysis of the strategic planning process as applied to the school board of Palm Beach County "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." 1992 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12298 Educational planning--United States, Strategic planning--United States.
Arthur W. Tate Jr. The Development And Evaluation Of A Model For Teacher Reflection Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1992 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12305 Teachers--Attitudes, Attitude change
Valerie C. Bryan-Wunner Verification of Competencies Needed by Entry-Level Recreation, Park and Leisure Professionals in Florida and the Relationship of Competency Perception to Readiness for Self-Directed Learning Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1991 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000654 "Recreation leaders--Employment--Florida, Recreation leaders--Training of--Florida, Parks--Employees--Training of--Florida, Competency-based education."
Diane Schmidt An investigation of the effect of gender, cognitive level, and attitude of seventh-grade science students on an identification of key variables task using an expert system Dr. Voss, Stephen 1991 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12275 Science--Computer-assisted instruction, Science--Study and teaching--Data processing
Patricia A. Brandt A Replication in a Small Private College of a Study to Predict Freshman Persistence and Voluntary Dropout Decisions Dr. Harmes, Harold M. 1991 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12269 College dropouts--Florida, College attendance--Florida.
Katherine M. Johnson Attitudes of Faculty Members At Florida's Community Colleges Regarding Tenure/ Continuing Contract Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1991 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12268 Community college teachers--Florida--Attitudes, College teachers--Tenure
Martha Kelly Predictors of College Student Ratings Of Faculty "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Morris, John D." 1991 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12283 Universities and colleges--Faculty--Rating of
Adolph Cameron Investigation of Attitudes Towards the Financing of Public Education in Jamaica Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. 1991 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12270 Education--Jamaica--Finance, School board members--Jamaica, School principals--Jamaica.
Marta A. Garrido Effect of a Videodisc Program on the Academic Achievement of Learning Disabled Students Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1991 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12273 Learning disabled teenagers--Education, Science--Study and teaching (Higher)--Audio-visual aids, Academic achievement.
Jack McDonald Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. " 1991 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000677 Science--Study and teaching (Secondary), Academic achievement--Evaluation, High school students--United States, Motivation in education.
Robert A. Turk The Speaker's Influence On School Legislation And Finance In The Florida Legislature Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1991 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12266 Legislators--Florida, Education--Florida--Finance, Educational law and legislation--Florida.
Susan L. Whiting Exploring Alternative Screening Models For Identifying Intern Administrators "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Morris, John D.," 1991 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12287 School administrators--Selection and appointment--Florida--Broward County, School administrators--Selection and appointment, School administrators--In-service training--Florida--Broward County.
Gregg C. Cox The Effect of Curriculum Specific Computer Aided Instruction on Student Achievement in College Algebra, A Comparative Study Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. 1990 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12250 Algebra--Computer-assisted instruction, Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher), Computer-assisted instruction
Joseph A. Melita Perceptions of Selected School Personnel Toward Youth Gangs in High Schools, Broward County, Florida Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1990 N/A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12248 Gangs--Florida
Elizabeth M. Divine A Comparison of Broward County, Florida High School, and Community College Teachers' Perceptions of Reference Skills Dr. Brown, Robert G. 1990 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12264 High school students--Florida--Broward County, Library orientation for high school students, Community college students--Florida--Broward County.
Carol Kamman Writing Across the Curriculum: Implications For Preservice Teacher Education "Dr. Childrey, John & Dr. Arnov, Boris," 1990 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12257 Language arts--Correlation with content subjects, Teachers--Training of--Florida.
Judith C. Miller The Relationship of Grade Level, Socioeconomic Status and Gender to Selected Student Variables Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1990 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12265 Academic achievement, Prediction of scholastic success, Students--Rating of, Youth--United States--Social conditions.
Melody M. Samuelson A Study of the Perceptions of Public School District Superintendents in the State of Florida Regarding recommendations for Education Reform Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1990 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000692 Public schools--Florida--Evaluation, Education--Aims and objectives--Florida, Educational change
William Henry Vogel III The History Of Public Education In Osceola County, Florida 1887 - 1927 Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1990 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12255 County school systems--Florida--History, Public schools--Florida--Osceola County--History, Education--Florida--Osceola County--History.
Anthony A. Abbott The Exercise Science Knowledge Base of Commercial Fitness Instructors in the State of Florida Dr. Welsh, Raymond l. 1989 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11935 Physical fitness centers--Florida, Exercise.
Harvey C. Holland Perceptions of Need Satisfaction Between Students and Alumni of Young Harris College Dr. Brown, Robert G. 1989 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12241 Young Harris College--Evaluation, Junior colleges--Georgia, Junior colleges--Case studies.
June A. Nilsen The effect of a modified self-paced postinformative feedback interval on concept formation and identification tasks Dr. Kauffman, Dan 1989 N/A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11938 Concept learning, Feedback (Psychology).
Robert G. Barnes Selected Single Parent Variables and Their Relation to Disruptive Middle School Student Behavior "Dr. Shrader, E. Frank & Dr. Anderson, Arthur" 1989 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11936 Children of single parents, Behavior disorders in children.
Mary Custureri The effects of a Read a Book in an Hour, a wholistic reading technique, on reading comprehension, composition, speaking and listening skills Dr. Childrey, John 1989 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11937 Reading--Language experience approach, Reading--Research.
Susan K. Fazio The Study of the Development of the Relationship Between Neuroscience and Education Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. 1989 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12244 Brain--Localization of functions, Learning--Physiological aspects.
Lorena A. Morrison The Relationship Between Gender, Laterality, Brain Dominance, and Learning Disabled Labeling of Selected Elementary School Aged Students in Dade County, Florida Dr. Pyle, Wilma J. 1989 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12240 School children--Ability testing, Learning ability, Cerebral dominance, Laterality.
Nirmal Devi Predicting Success in Four Different Programs at a Technical University Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1988 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11925 College students--United States, Academic achievement.
Wilhelmena B. Mack The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Levels and Demographic Variables Among Hospital Employees Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1988 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11928 Hospitals--Employees, Job satisfaction.
Elnora B. Harllee The Responsibilities of The Assistant Principal in the Elementary Schools of Dade County Public School System as Perceived by Teachers, Principals, and other Assistant Principals Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1988 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11924 Elementary school principals--Florida--Miami-Dade County.
Henry E. Johnson III The Effects Of The Enright Arithmetic Program On The Emotional Deficits Associated With Learned Helplessness Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1988 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11930 Enright Arithmetic Program--Psychological aspects, Education, Elementary, Education.
Gail I. Klein An Investigation of The Attitudes Of Selected Persons Towards Public Schools' Responsibility For School-Age Child Care Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1988 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11914 Public schools, School-age child care.
Jay M Linksman The Validity Of Peer Ratings In The Selection Of Potential School Administrators "Dr. Bernardin, Harold J & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B.," 1988 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11920 School administrators, Peer review.
Nancy G. Mims A Status Study of Nonpublic High Schools' Voluntary Compliance with Florida RAISE Requirements and other, Selected Quality Variables Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1988 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11927 Raise Achievement in Secondary Education--Florida, Academic achievement--United States, Education, Secondary--Florida.
Charlotte E. Cipes Relationship Between Brain Dominance, Gender, and Improvement in Creative Thinking Skills Dr. Kauffman, Dan 1987 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11910 Creative thinking, Brain.
Adonna M. Rutland Effects of a self-directed learning group experience on the self-directed learning readiness and self-concepts of adult basic education students and general educational development students Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. 1987 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11908 Adult education, Independent study.
Carol L. Kahle Architerctural Analysis of Selected Community College Theatres Dr. Kite, Robert H. 1987 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11896 Theater architecture, Community colleges.
Nelly Osorio De Parra A Study Of Specific Variables Associated With Attrition At A Politechnical Institution Of Higher Learning In Venezuela "Dr. Cook, Joseph & Dr. Brown, Robert " 1987 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11911 College students--Venezuela, Persistence
Richard Garten Reciprocal Perceptions Between Administrative Personnel In Selected Public And Independent Schools (Florida). Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11892 School management and organization--United States, School management and organization--Florida.
James W. Hodges Jr. A Study of the Opinions of Florida's Public Secondary School Principals, English Department Chairpersons, and School Board Members On Selected Issues Concerning the "No Pass/No Play" Rule Dr. Urich, Ted 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11905 Academic achievement, High schools--Legal status, laws, etc --Florida.
Joyce B. Holmes An Historical Analysis of Related Services Litigation For Handicapped Students Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11913 Children with disabilities--Services for--Florida.
Sharon M. Ralph A study of Outcomes of the Florida New Principals Program as Perceived by the Program Participants Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11912 "School superintendents--In-service training--Florida, Gifted children--Identification, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children."
Jake Sello Florida's Approach To The Selection of School Superintendents: Perceptions of Board Members and Administrators In Selected School Districts Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11902 School superintendents--Florida.
Sheila Moore Williams A Comparison Of Modality Strengths of Mexican And American Second And Third Grade Students In Fellsmere, Florida Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1987 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11891 Modality (Theory of knowledge), Mexican American children--Education--Florida.
Ralph Cafolla The Relationship Of Piagetian Formal Operations And Other Cognitive Factors To Computer Programming Ability (Development) Dr. Kauffman, Dan 1986 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11886 Computer programming, Cognition.
Daryl G. Miller The Integration of Computer Simulation into the Community College General Biology Laboratory Dr. Stewart, Herbert H. 1986 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11883 Computer-assisted instruction, Biological laboratories, Community colleges.
Sandra J. Rothstein The relationship of Locus of control on Weight Loss and Maintenance of Weight Loss Dr. Stewart, Herbert H. 1986 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11880 Control (Psychology), Obesity.
Gloria W. Rupprath A Study of the Perceptions Held by Male and Female Graduate Students in Educational Leadership Toward the Influences that Role Models, Mentors, and Network Systems Exert on Career Development Dr. Urich, Ted 1986 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11879 Graduate students--Florida--Boca Raton--Attitudes, Sex differences (Psychology).
Dorothy D. Glasgow Perceptions of Student Teachers, Supervising Teachers, and PRofessors of Education Toward Selected Issues in Student Teaching Dr. Urich, Ted 1986 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11878 Student teaching--Florida--Palm Beach County, Student teaching--Florida--Broward County.
Linda G. Liberman The effect of congruence between learning/teaching styles on student retention at Broward Community College Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1986 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11890 Interaction analysis in education, Teacher-student relationships, Memory.
Patricia Worrell Swift The Effect Of Peer Review With Self-Evaluation On Freshman Writing Performance, Retention, And Attitude At Broward Community College "Dr. Urich, Ted R. & Professor Boris Arnov" 1986 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11888 English language--Florida--Broward County--Composition and exercises.
Frances La Briola Palacio Effects Of Self-Paced Postinformative Feedback Intervals And Task Complexity On Concept Identification (Intertrial, Computer) Dr. Kauffman, Dan 1986 N/A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11884 Learning, Psychology of, Concept learning.
Lynne K. Mcgee Fear of Success Imagery Between Black and White Female Adolescents Dr. Urich, Ted 1986 NA http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11889 Fear of success, Teenage girls.
William P. Cahill Intelligence And Compulsive Personality Traits As Mediators In The Contribution Of The Collecting Hobbies To Academic Achievement For Eighth And Ninth Grade Students Dr. Ceros-Livingston, Patsy 1986 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11876 Child collectors, Academic achievement.
Maria H. Koonce A Comparison Of Attitudes Of Tenth Grade Students Toward Selected Aspects Of The Study Of Foreign Languages Dr. Urich, Ted 1986 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11877 Education, Bilingual and Multicultural.
Dorothy M. Norton Career Expectations and Job Functions of the Elementary School Assistant Principal as Perceived by Elementary School Principals and Assistant Principals in Palm Beach County, Florida Dr. Wells, Jack 1986 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11885 Elementary school principals--Florida--Palm Beach County, Women school administrators.
Francine Le Stourgeon Pole Competencies necessary for Principals to Administer Internal Accounts in Secondary Schools of Florida Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1986 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11881 High school principals--Florida, Schools--Accounting.
Melvin Talbert Identification Of Common Factors Leading To Success In The Westinghouse Competition In The Post National Science Foundation Funding Era And Implications For Administrative Decision-Makers Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1986 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11887 Science--Study and teaching (Secondary), Science--Scholarships, fellowships, etc.
Eric E. Reno Development and Evaluation of a Training Model in the Use of Role Play by Community College Faculty Dr. Cook, Joseph B. 1985 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11871 Role playing--Evaluation, Teachers--Training of--Florida--Boca Raton.
Kathleen K. Blais Critical care component of undergraduate nursing education a study of perceptions of associate degree and baccalaureate degree nursing faculty and students Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. 1985 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11860 Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Intensive care nursing--Study and teaching.
Margaret W. Larkins Opinions Of Consumers Toward Selected Aspects Of The Educational Experience At Miami-Dade Community College, Dade County, Florida Dr. Urich, Ted 1985 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11869 College students--Florida--Miami-Dade County--Attitudes.
Thomas F. Panza Independent VS. Public Higher Education is There a Difference? Dr. Cook, Joseph B. 1985 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11873 Education, Higher--Evaluation
Ana M. Sanchez Sippin Student, Faculty & Administrator Perceptions Of The Academic Advising Needs Of Students At Florida Atlantic University Dr. Floyd, Marilyn C. 1985 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11866 Student-administrator relationships--Evaluation, Counseling in higher education.
Elizabeth Clark Lambertson Effective Teaching Behaviors As Perceived By Teachers And Administrators In St. Lucie County: A Q-Analysis (Instruction, Q-Methodology, Florida, Performance, Measurement System) Dr. Urich, Ted 1985 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11865 Florida--Officials and employees--Attitudes, Teaching--Methodology--Evaluation.
Cheryl R. Lombard A Study of the Correlation between Job Satisfaction and Values for Public and Non-Public School Teachers Currently Teaching in South Florida School Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1985 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11864 Job satisfaction--Testing, Values--Measurement, Values--Testing, Allport-Vernon study of values test.
Robert E. Morse A New Approach to Curriculum Organization: The Administrative Implications of Cassirer's Theory of Symbolic Form Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1985 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11861 Education, Administration
Joyce A. Walker Membership Satisfaction Of Three Teacher Collective Bargaining Units With Bargaining Agent Performance In Three Selected East Coast Counties During A Period Of Demographic Change Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1985 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11859 Collective bargaining--Teachers--Florida.
Patricia F. Garnett A Comparative Study of Male and Female School Board Members' Attitudes Towards Women Administrators in the State of Florida "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Urich, Ted R. " 1985 SL, HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11872 Education--Florida--Administration, Women in education--Florida.
William F. Cavitt The Determination of Instructional Staff Concerns about Navy Training Devices Dr. Harrow, Thomas L. 1984 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11849 Synthetic training devices, Teaching--Aids and devices.
Thomas E. Gwise A Needs Analysis for a Doctoral Program in Education for Non-School Educators and Trainers in the Eleven County East Central Florida Region "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Sciortino, Philip T." 1984 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11852 Educators--Education (Higher).
Elaine T. Klatt The Changing Role Of The County Extension Agent As A Community Educator Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1984 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11847 "Agricultural extension workers--Florida--Attitudes, Community development--Florida, Florida Cooperative Extension Service."
Elizabeth A. Nick The Part-time Adult Student and the Traditional Student in the Community College:A Comparison of Academic Needs "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur & Dr. Floyd, Marilyn " 1984 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11845 Part-time students--Florida, College students--Florida, Adult education--Florida, Broward Community College--Students.
King W. Osborne Entrance and promotion Competencies for Electronics Technology in Brevard County Dr. Floyd, Marilyn C. 1984 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11858 Community colleges--Florida--Brevard County--Entrance requirements, Electronic technicians--Education--Florida--Brevard County
Melvin D. Gillespie Comparison of Academic Success Variables of Black Male High School Graduates With Other Racial and Gender Populations in the Broward County School District, FLorida Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1984 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12553 African American high school students--Florida--Broward County--Case studies, Academic achievement--Florida--Broward County--Case studies
Carl R. Balado Spanish Language Learning as a Determinant of Knowledge of Hispanic Culture in Secondary Schools Dr. Mealor, David J. 1984 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000647 Spanish language, Civilization, Hispanic--Social life and customs, Education, Secondary.
Mary H. Callarman Levels of Satisfaction Among Principals in Selected Florida School Districts Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B., 1984 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11851 Job satisfaction--Testing, School principals--Florida.
Mary W. Staggs A Model Microcomputer-Based Management System For Learning Disabled Elementary School Students Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1984 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11850 Special education, Children with disabilities--Education, Elementary school administration, Electronic data processing--Education (Elementary).
Leon Weissberg Prevalence and Sources of Administrative Stress Among Chief Administrative Officers in Broward County, Florida Nonpublic Schools Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1984 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11857 School administrators--Florida--Broward County, Stress (Psychology).
John R. Wiegman Attitudes Toward Merit Pay For Instructional Personnel: A Survey Of Florida Public School District Policy Makers and Administrators Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1984 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11856 Bonuses (Employee fringe benefits)--Education, School administrators--Florida--Attitudes.
Carolann W. Baldyga Student Goals for Learning Spanish and Their Attitudes Toward the Hispanic Community Dr. Staczek, John J. 1983 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11832 Spanish language--Florida--Miami-Dade County--Attitudes.
T. Jane S. Lusk Perceived Role of State Business Education Director and Consultants at the Community Junior College Level in Florida Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1983 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11830 Higher education and state--Florida--Evaluation, Higher education and state--Florida--Information services.
Trudi A. Nutt Profiles of Intellectual Abilities of Selected Students Enrolled in a General Education Diploma Preparation Program Dr. Urich, Ted 1983 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11844 GED tests, High school dropouts--Intelligence levels, High school dropouts--Florida--Broward County.
Mary Lou Park The determination of Teacher Competencies Considered Essential for Beginning Health Occupations Teachers in Virginia "Dr. Olson, Arthur H. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." 1983 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000686 First year teachers--Virginia, Health education--Virginia--Technique.
Paul E. Wilson An Education Needs Assessment Model For The Community Instructional Services Program In the State Of Florida And Validation Of The Model In Region 19, Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida "Dr. Robert Paugh & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. " 1983 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11822 Educational surveys, Adult education--Florida.
John F. Adams The Effect of the Satisfaction of Learning Style Preference on Achievement, Attrition, and Attitude of Palm Beach Junior College students Dr. Cook, Joseph B. 1983 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11826 College students--Attitudes.
Constance E. Cagley Field Dependence/ Independence as a Predictor of Inferencing and Problem Solving Abilities in Community College Students Dr. Childrey, John 1983 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11840 Cognitive styles, Field dependence (Psychology), Reading--Ability testing, Problem solving--Ability testing.
Donna K. Grady The Academic Performance of General Educational Development Entrants Compared With High School Diploma Entrants to Broward Community College 1980 - 1980 Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1983 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11842 Broward Community College--Students, Academic achievement, GED tests.
Padoong Arrayavinyoo The Effectiveness of Various Management Systems in Special Education Schools in Thailand Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11837 School management and organization--Thailand, Children with disabilities--Education--Thailand.
Harold M. Brake Status of Substitute Teacher Programs and a Model Staff Development Plan for Three South Florida Counties Dr. Urich, Ted 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11839 Substitute teachers--Florida.
Patricia B. Brater A comparison of perceptions of specific learning disabilities teachers with exceptional student education lead teachers toward goal achievement Dr. Urich, Ted 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000652 Special education teachers, Learning disabilities, Exceptional children.
Ronald M. Bryant Images of Puerto Rican Parents and Anglo-American Teachers Toward Five Bilingual Elementary Schools in Orange County, Florida "Dr. Urich, Ted R. & Dr. Cowgill, Robert, " 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11821 Puerto Ricans--Education--Florida, Education--Florida--Orange County, Schools--Florida--Orange County.
Cheryl W. Coulter Broward County Principals' and Exceptional Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Problems in Complying with Public Law 94-142 Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11836 Children with disabilities--Education--Law and legislation--Florida, Mainstreaming in education--Florida--Broward County.
Kha P. Dennard The Effectiveness of a Synergistic Model in Teaching Fifth Graders How to Do Research Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11841 Report writing, School reports, Academic achievement, Learning, Psychology of.
Nancy T. Kalan A Study of Parent Factors Influencing The Selection Of A Bilingual Education Prototype Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11824 Education, Bilingual, Bilingualism.
Ramona M. Kelley Effects Of An Administrative Plan For Excellence In Creative Arts Experience On The Development Of Creativity In First Graders Dr. Urich, Ted 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11823 Creative ability in children, Creative thinking.
Mary Mclemore An experimental study of placement essay examination scoring by writing teachers and non-writing teachers with consideration of content effects on ratings Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000678 Examinations--Interpretation, Grading and marking (Students)
Lois Aardema Van Houten An Investigation Of The Utilization And Training Needs Of Paraprofessionals In Learning Disability Classes In Broward County Schools Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1983 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11834 Special education, Special education teachers, Teachers' assistants--Florida--Broward County.
Jerry Holt Physical multipartitism and the internal political morphology of microstates Dr. Lee, David R. 1983 http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11833 Geopolitics, Political geography, States, Small.
Mary E. Berger Identification And Evaluation Of Competencies Of Health Professionals In The Hospital Emergency Management Of The Radiation Accident Victim Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11797 Emergency medical services, Hospitals--Emergency services.
Gloria D. Culver-Wells Determining Effective and efficient Personnel Integration Guidelines Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11819 Affirmative action programs, Personnel management.
Joan Michelle Durkis The Development of Administrative Considerations for the Placement of Staff Nurses in Reference to Death and the Dying Patient Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11800 Terminal care, Nursing students--Attitudes.
Edward Gehret A Study of Community Education Participation and Selected Variables and Their Relationship to an Individuals Attitudes Towards the Public Schools Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11813 Community and school--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Community schools--Florida--Miami-Dade County.
Charles Gillespie An Assessment of the Relationship Between Cognitive Design Knowledge and Aesthetics in the Visual Arts "Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. & Dr. Dziuban, Charles D., " 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000667 Art--Philosophy, Art--Study and teaching, Art appreciation, Art criticism, Aesthetics.
Leonard H. Laakso Design Implementation And Evaluation Of An Administrative Model For Conducting A Comprehensive Community Education Needs Assessment Survey Dr. Urich, Ted 1982 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11803 Educational surveys--Florida--Monroe County, Community and school--Florida--Monroe County.
Colin Battle A Pilot Study of Learning Instructional Styles as a Predictor of Educational Outcomes in Principles of Accounting I at Broward Community College Dr. Buckner, Leroy M. 1982 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11801 Education, Community College.
James D. Grigsby A Comparison of the Personality Measurements of College Students According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Personal Profile System "Dr. Olson, Arthur H. & Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M." 1982 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11816 College students--Florida--Psychology, Personality tests.
Laxman Y. Patil The Perceptions Of Florida Administrators In Higher Education Toward Their Personal Appraisals Dr. Urich, Ted 1982 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11804 College administrators--Rating of--Florida.
Marcelyn E. Weaver A Study Of The Academic Performance Of A Community College Service District's Transfer Students Dr. Urich, Ted R. 1982 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11806 Transfer students--Florida, Prediction of scholastic success, Academic achievement.
Catherine N. Ake Selected Sociopsychological Attitudes Associated with Foreign Language Instruction in High School and Postsecondary Students Dr. Floyd, Marilyn 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11796 Spanish language--Study and teaching--Psychological aspects, Spanish language--Study and teaching--Florida, Students--Attitudes.
Valerie Allen A Supervisory Compliance Plan in Exceptional Student Education for Florida Local Education Agencies Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11805 Special education teachers--In-service training--Florida, Special education--Florida.
Susan Braunstein An Investigation of the Relationships between the Various Characteristics of Selected College Teachers and the Teaching Methods They Employ in the Classroom Dr. Voss, Stephen 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11794 Teaching, Community college teachers.
Joseph J. Ceros-Livingston The History of the Survival of an Elitist Black High School in South Florida From 1907-1981 Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11814 African Americans--Education (Secondary)--Florida, School integration--Florida--Broward County.
Thomas W. Frederick A Descriptive Study of Employee Absence Control Programs in Florida's Sixty-Seven School Districts Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11815 School personnel management--Florida, Sick leave, Absenteeism (Labor).
John T. Greb Jr. The Nelson-Denny Reading Test as A Predictor of Police Recruit Training Success and the Impact of Basic Reading Skill Levels Over A Six Year Period Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11798 Police--Recruiting--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Police training--Florida, Reading--Ability testing
Zara Ann Kelly The Implications And Impact Of Impartial Due Process Procedures On Planning, Programming And Staffing By Exceptional Student Education Divisions Within The Florida School System "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000672 Special education--Florida, Special education--Law and legislation--Florida.
Patricia Mitvalsky a study of the relationship between disciplinary decisions for defiant student behaviors and specified attitudes and characteristics of high school administrators Dr. Kirby, Jr., John T. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11820 School discipline, School administrators, Student-administrator relationships.
Nancy Romance A Study of the Relationship of Allocated Instructional Time and Other Select Factors to Achievement in Science at the Fifth Grade Level Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11799 Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Florida.
John A. Sargent The administrative impact of two evaluation procedures for the identification and placement of mentally retarded minority students Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11811 Children with mental disabilities--Florida--Testing, Minorities--Psychological testing--Florida.
Robert Hunter Tennies A Parent Involvement Program Including Communication To Parents Integrated With A Parent Education Program And Its Effect On Academic Achievement, Classroom Conduct, Study Habits And Attitudes Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11818 Home and school--Florida, Parent-teacher relationships, Students--Rating of.
Janet Higginbotham von Stein An Evaluation Of The Microcomputer As A Facilitator Of Indirect Learning For The Kindergarten Child Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1982 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11795 Kindergarten, Computer-assisted instruction.
Robert J. Harper Comparison of Perceptions of Educators and CItizens on Selected Current Issues in Public Education "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." 1982 http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11802 Education--Aims and objectives.
Ross W. Goheen Relationship Between Adults Participating in Evening Courses and Their Opinion of the Day School in the Same Building Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1981 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11785 Adult education, Schools--Public relations, Community and school.
Elizabeth E. Mayer The effects of individualized instruction versus group instruction on the academic achievement and self-concept of incarcerated individuals Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1981 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11775 Juvenile delinquents--Rehabilitation--Florida, Juvenile corrections--Florida.
Marguerite M. Culp An Analysis of Student Personnel Services at Seminole Community College, Sanford Florida Dr. Kite, Robert H. 1981 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11779 Counseling in adult education--Florida--Evaluation.
Roseanne Belsito Identification Of Gifted High School Students: Intelligence Quotient Compared With Structure Of Intellect Screening Form For Gifted With Emphasis On Creativity Dr. Urich, Ted 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11788 Education, Tests and Measurements, Gifted children--Identification.
Nancy D. Bucklew Prevalence, Sources, and Symptoms of Teacher Stress Among Public School Teachers in Florida Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11776 Job stress, Teachers--Florida.
Janet Chaney An Examination Of Student, Teacher, And Parent Perceptions Of A Junior High School's Most Pressing Discipline Problems Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11786 School discipline.
Beverly J. Damen The development of a model administration system for a primary reading program Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11781 Reading (Primary)--Administration.
Barbara J. Ehren Special Education Competencies of Building Level Administrators In A School-Based Managed Public School System Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11778 Special education--Florida--Administration.
Mary Esler Principles of School-Based Management: State of The Practive in Elementary Schools Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11783 Elementary school principals--Florida, Elementary school administration--Florida.
Robert William Sinkkiewicz A Comparison Of Job Satisfaction Of Speech Pathologist In Centralized Versus Decentralized School Systems Dr. Urich, Ted 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11787 Job satisfaction, School management and organization--Florida.
Kenneth Howard Swain A Study of Selected Administrative Programs Of Intervention In Palm Beach County As Related To Student Deliquency And Recidivism Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11790 Juvenile delinquency--Florida--Palm Beach County--Prevention, Non-formal education--Florida--Palm Beach County.
Donald O'Neil Travis A Comparative Study Of The Basic Skills Attainment Of Sixth Grade Pupils In Public And Private Schools In Volusia County Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1981 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11791 Private schools--Florida--Volusia County--Evaluation, Public schools--Florida--Volusia County--Evaluation, Sixth grade (Education).
Charles R. Lunceford The Historical Development of Indian River Junior Community College 1960-1978 Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1980 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11754 Indian River State College--History, Community colleges--Florida--History.
Donald S. Emmeluth Validation Study of a Predictor Formula in A Community College Dr. Kite, Robert H. 1980 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11765 Prediction of scholastic success, Community colleges--New York (State)--Johnstown.
Iraj Hirmanpour A Computerized Model for Placement And Diagnostic Testing In College Remedial Mathematics Dr. Brumbaugh, Douglas K. 1980 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11774 Mathematics--Remedial teaching--Ability testing, Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher).
Kathleen H. Aiello A Study of Male Principals' Attitudes Toward Women Aspiring to School-Based Administrative Positions Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11769 School principals--Florida--Attitudes, Women school administrators.
George L. Fayson Sr. Selected Community Institutions' Effect on Literacy of Black Youth Members "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Smith, Lawrence E." 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11772 African American children--Education--Florida, Community and school.
George R. Hill The Effects of Selected Environmental Factors on The Productivity of Students in Kindergarten as Measured By The Clymer Barrett Pre-Reading Battery Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11758 Kindergarten--Environmental aspects, Kindergarten facilities--Environmental aspects--Florida.
Stacey M. Karliss A comparison of public education roll-call votes in the 1977 Florida House of Representatives Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11751 Education--Political aspects, Public schools--Florida.
Harry Mayden The principal and Principalship of the Seventh-Day Adventist Academies in the Continental United States "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11761 Seventh-Day Adventists--Education--United States, School principals--United States.
Dorsey C. Miller The Impact of Race on a Desegregated School District as Perceived by Selected School Administrators Dr. Urich, Ted 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11753 Discrimination in employment--United States, Race discrimination--United States, African Americans--Employment.
Marcia R. Rapee The Relative Effecacy of the leiter International Performance Scale and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence in Determining Giftedness in black Children and White Children Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11759 Education, Educational Psychology
Daniel L. Scinto Peer Acceptance of the Mainstreamed Emotionally Handcapped Child "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11766 Mainstreaming in education, Mentally ill children--Education.
Laurence E. Sheely A Study Of The Role Of The Urban Advisory Council Chairperson Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11756 Citizens' advisory committees in education, School management and organization.
Roger Wayne Sikkenga A Development Model For Broadly Representative State Organizations Of Private Schools Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11768 Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools, Private schools, School management and organization.
Kathleen C. Wright The Relationship Of Race And Sex To Grades Assigned By High School Teachers Of English Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11767 Grading and marking (Students).
Edris Y. Yates Ideal Leaders Behavior Of The Elementary School Principal: Expectations Of District Administrators, Teachers, And Principals Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1980 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11763 Elementary school principals--Florida, Leadership.
Ronald R. McCormick A Study of the Executive Leadership Development Needs of Members of the Federal Senior Executive Service Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1980 http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11771 Executive advisory bodies--United States.
Laura A. Crider Competencies for Teaching English to mexican American Adults: An Identification and classification Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1979 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11727 Mexican Americans--Education, English language--Study and teaching.
Cynthia J. Hutchinson The Development and Validation of A Teacher Education Center Evaluation Instrument "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A., Dr. Wiegman, Robert R.," 1979 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11732 Teacher centers, Teachers--In-service training.
Daniel R. Derrico A comparison of selected student success criteria for full-time degree seeking miami-dade community college, north campus students who were professionally advised as opposed to those students who were self-advised Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1979 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11728 Counseling in adult education--Florida, Prediction of scholastic success.
Jon N. Ehringer A comparative study of ratings of proposed radiology department manager competencies: with recommendations for subject content at the baccalaureate level Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. 1979 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11743 Medical radiology--Vocational guidance.
Robert H. Brown A Study to Determine Deterrents to Deviant School Behavior as Perceived by Middle School Students Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1979 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11721 Deviant behavior, School discipline.
Leonard Crowell A Model for School Based Management as Perceived by Florida School principals Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. 1979 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11735 School principals--Florida, School management and organization--Florida--Mathematical models.
Albert R. Martin The Logistic and Financial Feasibility of Effecting Energy Efficiency in Public School Buildings in Greenville County, South Carolina Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1979 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11723 School buildings--Energy conservation--South Carolina--Greenville County
Edward R. Pauley The Organizational Climates of IGE Schools and Open-Space Schools in Selected Counties of Central Florida "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " 1979 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11725 Open plan schools--Florida.
David E. Dickinson Selective dissemination of Information (SDI); History and Application, Trends, and Issues, 1958-1978; An Overview for the educational Administrators Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1979 SL, HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11736 School management and organization, Selective dissemination of information.
John W. Medusky An Analysis Of The Ability Of Selected Variables To Predict The Probability And Degree Of Success In A Community College Intermediate Algebra Course Dr. Burgess, Jr., Ernest E. 1978 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11714 Mathematical ability--Testing, Algebra--Study and teaching--Florida.
Venice B. Arnov Analysis of the Effects of Language on Impression Formation: Evaluation Reactions of Miami-Dade Community College Students to the Voices of Cuban-Americans Speaking in English and in Spanish Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1978 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11707 Bilingualism--Florida--Miami, Speech and social status, Cuban Americans--Florida--Miami.
Thomas C. Deal A study of Withdrawals of Mathematics Students at Indian River Community College Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1978 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11719 Mathematics--Study and teaching--Florida.
Sandra C. Grady Assessing the Educationally Related Needs of Adults: A Practical, Low Cost Approach By A Community College In Cooperation With the Public School System "Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." 1978 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11709 Community and college--Florida--Broward County, Adult education--Florida--Broward County, Broward Community College.
Paul E. Bervaldi Perceptions of Florida Educators and School Board Members regarding the Impact of School Integration on the Academic Gains and Social Acceptance of Negro Children Dr. McCleary, Edward J. 1978 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11706 African American students--Florida, School integration--Florida, African Americans--Education--Florida.
Eric J. Mangione The Evaluation of the Public School Principal Throughout the State of Florida Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1978 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11724 School principals--Rating of--Florida.
Bonny R. Oswalt Prentiss A Comparison of Selected Commercial and Public School Foodservice Administrators: Based on Personal Attributes, Management Characteristics, and Scope of Position Dr. Wells, Jack G. 1978 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11718 Food service management.
Mona M. Jensen The Development of An Assessment Strategy For A Generic Teaching Competency Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1978 http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11716 Teachers--Rating of, Competency-based education--Florida.
Patricia M. Lewis Development And Validation Of An Assessment Procedure To Evaluate Nursing Performance Dr. Cook, Joseph 1977 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11703 Nursing audit, Nurses--Rating of.
Piedad F. Robertson The Implications of Student Learning Styles for Prescribing Reading Skill Development Strategies for Community College Students Dr. Cook, Joseph B. 1977 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11696 Reading (Higher education), Reading, Psychology of.
Gabriel G. Aurioles Perceptions of Selected Technological Courses as Offered or Proposed, in the School of Technology, Florida International University Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1977 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11683 Florida International University --School of Technology--Curricula, Technical education--Curricula--Florida.
Dennis R. Nicewander A Study of the Non-Faculty, Non-Classified University Employee Dr. McCleary, Edward J. 1977 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11694 Universities and colleges--United States--Employees.
Nancy Sue Whiddon A Model For Undergraduate Professional Preparation Programs For Women Athletic Coaches In Southeastern Senior Colleges And Universities Dr. Weppner, Daniel 1977 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11691 Sports for women--Coaching, Coaching (Athletics), Physical education teachers--Training of.
Donna Kay Wilkinson The Committee Structure At Public Community Colleges With Special Reference To Broward Community College Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1977 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11701 Committees, Teacher participation in administration, Broward Community College--Administration.
Irene P. Crider The States of Extracurricular Activities in the Secondary School Focus on their Management in the Public High Schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1977 N/A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11687 Student activities--Southern States, High schools--Administration.
Gay S. Voss The Critical Tasks Of The Administrative Assistant In The Elementary Schools Of Palm Beach County Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. 1977 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11689 Elementary school administration--Florida--Palm Beach County, Elementary school teaching.
John M. Brindisi Role Satisfaction of Community School Council Members "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Smith, Lawrence E." 1976 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11667 Community schools--Florida--Administration, Citizens' advisory committees in education, Community and school--Florida.
Patricia W. Dyer A comparative study of the effectiveness of regularly assigned, regularly collected, promptly corrected, and promptly returned homework in community college mathematics classes Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. 1976 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11664 Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher), Homework.
E. Jean Stewart A Model Of Guidance Services For New Constituencies in Selected Urban Florida Community Colleges "Dr. Lawrence E. Smith & Dr. Benjamin R. McClain" 1976 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11670 Counseling in adult education--Florida.
Sharon H. Roesch Deterrents to Delinquency as perceived by Delinquents and Non-Delinquents: A Study Dr. Connelly, George W. 1976 N/A http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11666 Juvenile delinquency.
Barbara G. Anderson Development and Administration of a Proposed Experimental Middle School General Music Program "Dr. Lawrence E. Smith & Dr. Benjamin R. McClain" 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11662 "School music--Instruction and study--Florida--Martin County, School music, Preschool music"
Michael C. Biance The Impact of Florida's Collective Bargaining Legislation of 1974 on the Elementary School Principalship in Dade County, Florida Dr. Kirby, Jr., John T. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11678 Collective bargaining--Teachers--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Elementary school principals--Florida--Miami-Dade County.
Ruth Bower Vandalism in Selected Florida Schools Dr. McCleary, Edward J. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11697 School vandalism--Florida.
Forbes Carey A Comparison of Teachers' Attitudes and Students' Self-Esteem Dr. McCleary, Edward J. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11669 Teacher-student relationships.
Henry W. Daniels Vandalism: a Comparative Study of Some of the effects of Community education in Public Schools Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11661 Vandalism, Juvenile delinquency--United States, School vandalism--United States.
Harold C. J. Hansen Cyclic irrelevancy: a theoretical construct for the analysis of certain feedback malfunctions in educational systems Dr. Harmes, Harold M. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11672 System theory, School management and organization.
Steven H. Pomerantz The Effects of Differing School Environments on Academic and Behavioral Measures of Black Tenth Grade Highh School Students Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. 1976 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11677 School integration--Case studies, African American students--Florida.
Rosalyn M. Blake Disadvantaged Students' Perceptions of the Usefulness of Student Services at the Community Junior College Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1975 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11651 Community colleges, Counseling in higher education.
Jack C. Guistwhite A Comparison of Selected Factors Which Influenced Graduates of Florida Public Community Colleges To Enroll In A State University in Florida Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1975 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11656 Universities and colleges--Florida--Admission.
Rollin E. Jenkins Staff development programs in community colleges in illinois an assessment Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1975 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11660 Community college teachers--In-service training--Illinois, Community colleges--Faculty--In-service training--Illinois.
Walter E. Oden A Study Of Selected Single Grade Junior High Schools In The State Of Florida Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1975 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11652 Junior high schools--Florida.
Rubye C. Dorman The Effects of a Drug Education Inservice Program on the Achievement of the Students of Participants Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 ACE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11638 Drug abuse--Study and teaching, Teachers--In-service training--Florida.
Leon Collier Development of Programs for the Training of Community Junior College Administrators and staff to Assist the Disadvantaged Student: MOTEC-JC at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1974 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11647 Junior colleges--United States--Faculty, People with social disabilities--Education (Higher)--United States, Community colleges--United States.
G. Tony Tate An Analysis Of The Property Insurance Programs In Operation In The Community Junior Colleges Of The State Of Florida Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11641 School insurance--Florida, Community colleges--Florida.
Kenneth Woolf The Characteristics of Non-Structured, Upper-Division, Baccalaureate Technology Programs Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. 1974 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11646 Technical education--United States, Education, Higher--United States--20th century.
Mildred B. Augenstein A Comparative Study of Ratings of Proposed Teacher Competencies for Middle School English Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11648 English language--Study and teaching, Teachers--Rating of
Leslie D. Batts An Awareness Model of Interpersonal Behavior in Educational Leadership Training Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11632 Interaction analysis in education, Interpersonal relations.
Dorothe Martin Krayer Factors That Inhibit Or Enhance Behavioral Remediation In Deviant Secondary School Students Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11630 Problem children--Education, School discipline.
Gloria A. Kuchinskas An Exploratory Study Of The Relationship Among The Cognitive Styles Of Teachers, Students And Their Reading Materials In Second And Fourth Grade Classrooms Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000674 Cognitive styles, Cognition in children, Reading comprehension.
Jack D. Prutsman A Study of Organizational Climate within the Twenty-Four Middle Schools of Broward County, Florida Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11643 Middle schools--Florida--Broward County, Education--Florida--Broward County, Educational planning--Florida
Nolan G. Skinner Perceptions Of Florida Educators And School Board Members Regarding The Principals Role In Collective Negotiations Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11644 School personnel management, Teacher-principal relationships, School superintendents, School principals.
Charles H. Whitledge The Establishment Of A Model For Educational Administrative Development Programs Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1974 SL http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11645 School management and organization--United States.
LeRoy A. Church A study of personal-social development programs for disadvantaged students in the community-junior college Dr. Logsdon, James D. 1973 HE http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11626 College student development programs--United States.