Dissertation Database
* College of Education Outstanding Dissertation Award winners
This award is generally given the year after graduation
First Name | Last Name | Dissertation / Thesis Title | Doctoral Advisor | Semester / Year of Graduation | Program Classification | Dissertation Link | Key Words |
Jason K. | Coker | A Constant Dance: A Social Practice Perspective of Frontline Responsible Management | Dr. Ira Bogotch | Fall / 2024 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014500 | Management, Organizational sociology, Organization theory |
Brittany N. | Goins | Black Women in White Spaces: A Narrative Study of The Racial Socialization Experiences of Black Women College Students Enrolled at Predominantly White Institutions. | Dr. Salinas Jr., Cristobal | Fall / 2024 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014555 | Women, Black, College students, Black, Women, Black--Race identity |
Deorajhee | Mahabir | Climate and Equity: Women Faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at a Research University with the National Science Foundation’s Advance Grant. | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | Fall / 2024 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014558 | Women in science, Women in STEM, Equity |
Jaeson A. | Weber | An Examination of Emergency Management Programs in the Florida College System and State University System. | Dr. Floyd, Deborah | Fall / 2024 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014512 | Florida College System, State University System of Florida, Emergency management |
Jodi E. | Washington | Examining the Effectiveness of Florida’s Extended Day Requirement under Florida Statute §1011.62. | Dr. Ira Bogotch | Fall / 2024 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014543 | Educational leadership, Education and state--Florida, Academic achievement, Language arts |
Morris-Green | Vivian | Unlocking the Mystery of School Improvement: The Centrality of Learning for Effective Principal Supervisors | Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra | Summer / 2024 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014482 | School principals, Educational leadership, Educational administration, School management and organization |
Justin M. | Grasinger | The Handcuffs Of Poverty: An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Government Intervention In Public Elementary Schools And Student Academic Achievement In A Large Urban District. | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2024 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014411 | "Elementary schools, Social justice, Poverty, Educational leadership" |
Allyson N. | Miller | How The Changes In Title Ix Guidance Shape Higher Education Institutions’ Liability In Federal Court Cases, 2000–2022: A Content Analysis. | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. and Dr. Jarrett Warshaw | Spring / 2024 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014401 | Education, Higher--Law and legislation, Educational leadership, Liability (Law), Sexual harassment |
Adam | DeRosa | The Impact of COVID-19 on Dual Enrollment Including Access, Equity, and Learning Environment: Lessons Learned from the Secondary and Post-Secondary School Staff and Administrators Who Facilitate These Programs | Deborah L. Floyd, Ph.D., and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. | Fall / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014302 | Dual enrollment, COVID-19, School management and organization, Education, Higher--Administration |
Mary | Killeen | The Consequences of Elementary School State Accountability Data Usage in One Florida School District | Meredith Mountford, Ph.D. | Fall / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014331 | "Educational evaluation, Elementary schools--Evaluation, Education and state--Florida" |
Sara | Kosches | Principals build trusting relationships with novice and experienced teachers and strengthen teacher retention in low-performing, underserved urban schools | Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. | Fall / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014308 | Teacher turnover, Urban schools, Low-performing schools, Educational leadership, School principals |
Renee | Law | Resilient Stretching in Community College Leaders: Institutional Fiscal Decision-Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Deborah Floyd, Ed.D., and Jarrett Warshaw, Ph.D. | Fall / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014351 | "Community college administrators, Education--Finance Decision making, Education, Higher--Administration, COVID-19" |
Katherine | Policastro | " A Coaching Connection for School Principals to Prepare Aspiring Leaders in Building And Sustaining Equitable Learning Environments" | Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. | Fall / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014355 | School principals, Educational leadership, Educational policy |
Rebecca | Goldstein | An Exemplar Methodology Study of Student Affairs Directors Who Use Their Assessment Data to Make Changes | Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. | Summer / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014248 | Student affairs administrators, Educational evaluation, Decision making |
Aaron | Hackman | Making a Difference in the World Through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Graduate Students Engaging in STEM-Based Academic Service-Learning | Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. | Summer / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014234 | Experiential learning, Graduate students, STEM Service learning |
Juan | Izaguirre | “Unpacking the Meaning of How Latino Men College Students Learned Leadership” | Cristobal Salinas, Jr., Ph.D. | Summer / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014251 | College students, Hispanic American men, Leadership |
Laura | Mooney | Psychological Contract Violation Among Administrative Middle Managers: A Phenomenological Study in Higher Education | Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. | Summer / 2023 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014254 | Educational leadership, Middle managers, Education, Higher--Management, Education, Higher--Administration |
Elena | Steadham | Supporting Effective Instructional Coaching: A Multi-Site Study | Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. | Summer / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014237 | Instructional coaching, Student achievement, Educational leadership |
Fahad | Algahtani | Self-Directed Learning Readiness Among Predental Students at Florida Atlantic University | Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. | Spring / 2023 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014122 | Self-directed learning, Self-managed learning, College students, Florida Atlantic University |
John | Critelli | Is it Enough? Examining Instructional Management in a New Paradigm of Teaching and Learning | Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. | Spring / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014176 | Educational leadership, Effective teaching, Instructional management, Learning |
Paul | Houchens | Build a Better Mousetrap: A Review of State School Accountability Models and Their Relation to the Socio-Economic Status of Students | Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. | Spring / 2023 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014138 | Education policy, Education and state, Educational sociology, Educational leadership |
Meagan | Elsberry | Appreciative Administration: A Grounded Theory of How the Appreciative Education Theory-To-Practice Framework is Being Infused into Higher Education | Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. | Fall / 2022 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014076 | Grounded theory, Education, Higher--Management, Education, Higher--Administration |
Bonnie | Keene | Exploration and Comparison of Efficacy and Mindset Perceptions Held by K-12 School Leaders and Teachers | Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. | Fall / 2022 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014109 | Educational leadership, Teachers |
Eleanor | Su-Keene* | Under Pressure: Exploring School Leadership Changes Peri-COVID-19 and Post-George Floyd Using an Abductive Approach | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2022 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014074 | Educational leadership, COVID-19, Floyd, George, 1973-2020., School leadership |
Patricia | Temes | The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress among Low-Income Brazilian Mothers | Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. | Fall / 2022 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014075 | Low-income mothers, Brazil, Emotional intelligence, Stress |
Stacy Ann | Volnick | Women College Presidents Who Break Through the Glass Ceiling: At What Price? | Deborah L. Floyd, Ed.D. and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. | Fall / 2022 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00014085 | University presidents, Women college presidents, Glass ceiling (Employment discrimination), Glass cliff (Employment discrimination), Women Educational leadership |
James | Green | A Phenomenological Study: The Perceived Effects of a Poverty Simulation on Governmental Employees' Attitudes and Social Empathy toward Individuals Living in Poverty | Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. | Summer / 2022 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013989 | Poverty, Empathy, Phenomenology |
Keven | Allen Jr. | Spirituality Empowers Black Leadership: A Phenomenological Study of Black Men Students’ Leadership and Spirituality | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs | Spring / 2022 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013937 | Leadership, Men, Black, Spirituality, Higher education. |
Ronald Romances | Johnson | “I Made My Own Lane at the Community College, Drove It, but Figured Out I Wanted to Continue On From There:” A Narrative Study On The Hero’s Journey of Latino Male Transfer Students | Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs | Spring / 2022 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013922 | Transfer students, Latin American students, Education, Higher. |
Georgette | Perez | A Case Study of the College Choice Process for Continuing-Generation College Students at Miami Dade College During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2022 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013923 | College students, College choice, COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Miami Dade College. |
Leila Hilal | Shatara | Muslim Women Leading Islamic Schools in the United States: Their Story | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2022 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013964 | Muslim women, Muslim school principals, Educational leadership. |
Nicole | Walkinshaw | The Relationship between Florida Accountability Programs and Merit-Based Pay in Two Large Urban Based School Districts | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2022 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013893 | Educational leadership--Florida, Education and state, Merit pay. |
Molly | Adam | A Grounded Theory of Overcommitment in Undergraduate College Students | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom | Fall / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013829 | Undergraduate college students, Grounded theory, Undergraduates--Mental health. |
Katherine | Coulson-Johnston | “It Would Be Nice To See More Stuff About Indian Culture”: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study of Native American Students’ Lived Experiences, Matriculation, and Retention | Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., & Dr. Maria Vasquez-Colina | Fall / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013824 | Indians of North America, Students. |
Maryellen | Quinn-Lunny | A Phenomenological Study: Lived Experiences of Black Parents Through the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Identification Process | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2021 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013853 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, African American mothers, Phenomenology. |
Dustin | Pappas | Facilitators and Barriers to Sustainability of STEM Education in Out-of-School Time (OST): A Tale of Two Cities' Initiatives | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2021 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013851 | Science and technology education, COVID-19. |
Todd | Price | Switching Learning Management Systems: Comparing Effects on Student Perception | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2021 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013852 | Educational technology, Instructional systems, Online learning and distance education, E-learning, Students. |
Dax | Boatwright | Living with the Scars They Caused: A Portraiture Study of Black American Alumni Giving to a Predominantly White Institution Associated with Slavery | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. | Summer / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013777 | Blacks, Alumni and alumnae, College benefactors, Slavery, Oppression. |
Ramzy | Baroody | A Comparative Study of Leadership Effectiveness of Academic Department Chairs in Higher Education | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013784 | Educational leadership, College department heads, Education, Higher--Administration. |
Francine | Baugh | The Lived Experiences of Principals Hiring and Retaining Teachers for High Poverty Minority Schools | Dr. Maysaa Barakat | Summer / 2021 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013769 | Educational leadership, Critical race theory, School principals, Teacher turnover. |
Malissa | Sanon | If You Can’t Make a Sound, Make a Peep: A Narrative Inquiry of the Lived Collegiate Experiences of Black Male Students Who Dealt With Suicide Ideation | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013692 | Suicide, College students, Black, Men, Black. |
Sharon Faithlyn | McKnight | Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Community Association Managers as Transformational Leaders | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2021 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013709 | "Emotional intelligence, Transformational leadership, Community leadership" |
Myron | Davis | “Living in a Borrowed Space:” Racial Experiences of Black Male Alumni and their Navigations of Environmental Dualities at Predominately White Institutions in Higher Education | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. | Spring / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013721 | Men, Black, Education, Higher, Critical race theory. |
Badara Alioune | Taal | The Perspectives of Higher Education Leaders and Business Executives on The Funding Gap Between Liberal Arts and Stem Education: A Case Study | Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw & Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/14905 | Gambia--Economic conditions, Developing countries--Economic conditions, Devaluation of currency--Gambia, Balance of payments--Gambia. |
Lazaro | Camacho Jr. | “We Need to Have More Conversations About Masculinity”: A Phenomenological Exploration of Masculinity and The Undergraduate Experiences of Latino Men | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. | Spring / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013694 | Latino Man, Masculinity, Male college students, Intersectionality (Sociology). |
Melanie | Stefanovic | The Relationship between Principal Cultural Intelligence and Graduation Rates of Black and Latinx Students: A Study of Cultural Responsiveness in Public High School Principals | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2021 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013682 | School leadership, Educational leadership, Cultural intelligence. |
Jessica | Lopez-Acevedo | A Case Study of the Post Degree Experiences of Community College Baccalaureate Graduates Transitioning to University Master’s Programs | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2021 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013712 | Community college graduates, Case studies, Graduate education |
J. Janell | Wildgoose-Carroll | The Root and Hue of Science: Black Female STEM Professionals in Palm Beach County | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2021 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013693 | STEM, Women, Black, Palm Beach County (Fla.). |
Kim-Le Thuy | Downes | An Examination of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Academic Achievement Among Community College Students Enrolled in Student Success Courses | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2020 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013592 | Student success, Community college students, Academic achievement, Self-directed learning, Student success programs. |
David | Edris | Identifying Strategies for Preparing and Supporting Florida College Students in eLearning: Case Study of a Florida Public State College’s Student Success in eLearning | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2020 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013607 | College students--Florida, Online learning and distance education, Student success. |
Corinth | Evans | The Intersection of Queerly Leading: Lived Experiences of K-12 Queer School Leaders | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2020 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013587 | Phenomenology--Research, Educational leadership, Queer theory. |
Lydia | Bartram | Leadership Characteristics of Guatemalan Public Pre-Primary School Leaders: A Case Study in an Area North of Guatemala City | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2020 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013608 | Educational leadership, Early childhood education, Guatemala (Guatemala), Educational leadership--Case studies. |
Leslie | Judd | What’s School Got to Do With It? Perceptions of the Educational Experiences of Youth Who Have Experienced Interruptions to their Public School Education | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2020 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013611 | Educational administration, Educational leadership, Educational policy. |
Roy | Kaplan | How Does Attending the Appreciative Advising Institute Influence Academic Advisor Wellbeing | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom | Summer / 2020 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013527 | Academic advisors, Wellbeing, Appreciative inquiry. |
Maria | Tracy | A Principal’s Perspective: Instructional Leadership in the 21st Century | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2020 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013532 | Student achievement, Academic achievement, Instruction, Principals and teachers, Educational leadership. |
Joseph | Holcombe | Breaking the Mold: Implementing Radical Innovation at the District and School Levels | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2020 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013537 | Public schools, Innovation, School leadership. |
Jennifer | Coisson | Resetting the Course for Probationary Students: A Case Study of the Access Program at Florida Atlantic University | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom | Summer / 2020 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013521 | Academic probation, College attendance, Academic advising, College student development programs, Florida Atlantic University. |
Shernette | Dunn | Factors Predicting the Estimated Success of Culturally Diverse Students in Online Courses in Post-Secondary Education | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2020 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013520 | Students, Online learning and distance education, Culturally relevant pedagogy, Postsecondary education. |
Mary | Albritton | Millennial Alumni Giving: Motivations for Donating to Their Alma Mater | "Dr. Ira E. Bogotch & Dr. Deborah L. Floyd" | Spring / 2020 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013444 | Millennials (Generation Y), Generation Y, Alumni and alumnae, Philanthropy and education. |
Qingqing | Chui | Sustainability Performance in American Higher Education: A Multiple Case Study of Four Exemplary Institutions that Participated in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin Ostrowski | Spring / 2020 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013441 | Education, Higher, Sustainability, Education, Higher--Case studies. |
Amgad | Hirmina | The Engagement Practices of Teachers in a Select Elementary School of Palm Beach County: Qualitative Study | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2019 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013380 | Elementary school teaching, Elementary school teachers, Palm Beach County (Fla), Engagement, Qualitative research, Interaction analysis in education. |
Kelly | Roy | How Full-Time Working Professionals Navigate and Complete a Doctoral Program in a Timely Manner | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom | Fall / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013409 | Doctoral students, Work-life balance. |
Bridget | Smith | A Mindfulness Meditation Intervention to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Among Medical and Premedical Students | Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Michael DeDonno | Fall / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013415 | Medical students, Stress & Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness--methods, Meditation. |
Ethan | Swingle | Up, Down, and All-Around: The Swirling-Transfer Student Athlete Experience at Athletic State University | Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. | Fall / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013418 | Student-athletes, Intercollegiate athletics, College athletes, Students, Transfer of. |
David | Tomanio | Community Colleges’ Transition to Offering Baccalaureate Degrees: A Case Study of the Impact on Human Resources | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. | Fall / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013423 | Community colleges, Community colleges--Florida, Baccalaureate degree, Human resources. |
Amy | Varo-Haub | Transitional Turbulence: The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Power, and an Incoming Principal | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2019 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013424 | Corporate culture, School principals, Educational leadership. |
Kayla | Elliott | The Influence of State Performance-Based Funding on Public Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of Race and Power | Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw | Summer / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013303 | Historically black colleges and universities, Higher education and state--Case studies, Race, Power (Psychology), Funding. |
Olivia | Shand | The Impact of Florida Senate Bill 1720 on Student Performance in Mathematics | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013344 | Education and state--Florida, Mathematics education, Student achievement, Placement testing. |
Debra | Vance Noelk | The Power of People: How Grassroots Movements Inspire Change in School Communities | Dr. Meredith L. Mountford | Summer / 2019 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013347 | United Opt Out (Organization), Social movements, Schools, Change. |
Patricia | Berchiolli | A Quantitative Longitudinal Study Using Astin’s I-E-O Model to Predict Stem Versus Non-Stem Major Choice Among Women | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013186 | College majors, Women in STEM, Longitudinal research, Quantitative research. |
Shireen | Lalla | West Indian Immigrant Women: The Higher Education Lived Experiences of Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Florida Atlantic University | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013227 | Women--West Indies, Immigrant students, Acculturation, Phenomenology--Research. |
Nadine | Leblanc | Caribbean Immigrant Women in Educational Leadership: Over Hills and Valleys Too | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2019 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013228 | Educational leadership, Immigrant women, Caribbean. |
Jennifer | Percival | A Phenomenological Exploration of Familiar Entrepreneurship as an Employment Option for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2019 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013252 | Developmentally disabled--Employment, Phenomenology--Research, Family business. |
Jorge | Segovia Bonet | Why Parents Choose Non-Denominational Private Schools For Their Children: Preferences in International Settings | Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra | Spring / 2019 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013260 | Private schools, Parents, School choice, International. |
Stephanie | Taylor | A Qualitative Exploratory Single Case Study of Faculty of a College of Business: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Concerns Related to Distance Learning | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2019 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013268 | Distance learning, Distance education--Case studies, Universities and colleges--Faculty--Attitudes. |
Bashayer | Aleisa | An Investigation of Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Teacher Leadership in the State of Kuwait | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013167 | Kindergarten teachers, Kuwait, Educational leadership. |
Angela | Fulton | Examining the Effectiveness of Turnaround Models in Florida Public Schools | Dr. Robert Shockley | Fall / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013131 | Public schools--Florida, School improvement programs--Florida--Evaluation, Student achievement, Academic achievement--Florida. |
Shernette | Grant | Examining the Impact of a Leadership Team’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement in Broward County Middle Schools | Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra & Dr. John Pisapia | Fall / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013126 | Middle schools--Florida, Educational leadership--Florida, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Student achievement. |
Jacob | Hidrowoh | Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow: An Assessment of Intergenerational Perceptions of Leadership Traits | Dr. Robert Shockley | Fall / 2018 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013143 | Leadership--Research, Generations. |
Nancy | Rich | The University Journey of Stem Transfer Students | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013110 | Transfer students, STEM, Qualitative research. |
Tania | Tucker | Global-Mindedness in Study Abroad Professionals | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2018 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013152 | Foreign study, Cultural pluralism, Global, Mixed methods research. |
Bernice | Bain | The Relationship Between Undergraduate Instructor Self-Concept and the Degree of Prosocial Behavior Exhibited by Instructors to Online Undergraduate Business First Year Students | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2018 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013052 | Online learning and distance education., Business teachers., Undergraduates. |
Washington | Collado | Supportive Programs in Synergistic Middle and High Schools to Increase Engagement and Prevent Students from Dropping Out | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra | Summer / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013056 | Low-income high school students., Minority high school students., Dropouts--Prevention. |
Oren | Hertz | Student Perception of Professors’ Teaching Attributed in Post-Secondary Hospitality Management Degree Programs | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00013068 | College teachers., Effective teaching in higher education., Student evaluation of teachers. |
William | Ballard | Student Perception of Online Instructors at a Florida Public University | Dr. Robert Shockley | Spring / 2018 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005962 | Distance education--Florida, Public universities and colleges, Online teaching, Student evaluation of teachers. |
Stanford | Ford | A Qualitative Examination of Strategic Planning and Process Improvement in Public Universities: Dynamics of the Relationship to State Funding, Competition, and Undergraduate Degree Completion | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2018 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005993 | Public universities and colleges, Strategic planning, Higher education and state, Education, Higher--Planning. |
Carletha | Shaw | The Relationships Among the Behavioral Agility of School Leadership Teams, Culture, and Performance | Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John D. Morris | Spring / 2018 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005966 | Educational leadership, Organizational culture, Schools, Agility. |
Jonathan | Sweet | Predicting Undergraduate Student Course Success in a Lecture Capture Quantitative Methods Course | Dr. Michael DeDonno | Spring / 2018 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005988 | Prediction of scholastic success, Undergraduates, Filmed lectures, Quantitative research. |
Tracy | Baker | The Impact of Undergraduate Research Participation on Research Self-Efficacy | Dr. Michael DeDonno | Fall / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004978 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Undergraduates--Research, Self-efficacy, Academic achievement. |
Katie | Burke | Closing the Loop: Student Leader Perceptions of Their Leadership Development at a State University | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Fall / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004987 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, State universities and colleges, Leadership, College students. |
Aarika | Camp | The Wicked Decision Maker: A Collective Case Study of Senior Student Affairs Officers Responding to At-Risk Student Retention | Dr. Eliah Watlington & Dr. John Pisapia | Fall / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004985 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Student affairs administrators, Dropouts--Prevention, Student affairs services--United States--Decision making--Case studies. |
Gisela | Diaz | Time Orientation and Ability to Envision the Distant Future of Higher Education in a Community College Setting | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005927 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Education, Higher, Community colleges--Faculty, Community colleges--Administration, Time perspective, Organizational change. |
Suzanne | Duff | A Comparative Look at Student and Faculty Perceptions of Professors at a State College | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004967 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Teacher-student relationships, College teachers, Student evaluation of teachers. |
Althia | Ellis | The Influence of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Faculty Leadership | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004964 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Faculty (Education), Leadership, Cultural intelligence. |
Gianna | Ramdin | A Quantitative Analysis of Green-Building Features Incorporated in LEED-Certified Campus Buildings | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Fall / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00005930 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Sustainable buildings, Education, Higher, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System, Quantitative research. |
Emily | Sacks | Communicative Leadership During Organizational Change: A Case Study of a New University President’s Change-Initiative Team | Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John Pisapia | Fall / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004989 | "Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Organizational change--Case studies, Organizational change--Education (Higher), Interpersonal communication, College presidents." |
Waweise | Schmidt | African-American Leaders in the Field of Science: A Template for Overcoming Obstacles | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004961 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, African-American scientists, Overcoming obstacles, Phenomenological studies, Science--Study and teaching |
Mike | Sfiropoulos | College Professors as Classroom Leaders: Strategic Thinking Capacity, Leader Influence Actions, and Classroom Performance | Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra | Fall / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004983 | "Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, College professors, Leaders, Classroom management, Teaching effectiveness." |
Merris | Smith | Lives in Transition: The Impact of Career and Technical Education on Under-Served High School Students’ Career Growth and Development | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004966 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, High school students, Technical education, Career development, Medical sciences. |
Elyse | Steiner | Science Comprehension vs. Cultural Cognition as Predictors of Climate Change Risk Perception | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004983 | Dissertations, Academic -- Florida Atlantic University, Understanding science., Political affiliation., Climatic changes., Perception. |
James | Campbell | A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Summer / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004887 | Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Quality of, School improvement programs, Educational leadership, Teacher-principal relationships, School management and organization, School principals--Professional ethics, Mentoring in education. |
Marlena | Coco | Factors That Predict Marijuana Use and Grade Point Average Among Undergraduate College Students | Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan | Summer / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004887 | "Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Quality of, School improvement programs, Educational leadership, Teacher-principal relationships, School management and organization, School principals--Professional ethics, Mentoring in education." |
Ginger | Featherstone | Principal Leader Actions and Their Influence on School Culture and Performance | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Summer / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004885 | School principals., Educational leadership., Education--Research--Methodology., School management and organization., School improvement programs., Action research in education. |
Mary | White | The Effect of Teacher Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Summer / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004886 | Teachers--Rating of, Teacher-student relationships, Teacher effectiveness, Master teachers, Effective teaching, Performance standards, Classroom management, Academic achievement--Evaluation. |
Jaclyn | Falcone | For Pets’ Sake: Is There a Need for Dog Safety Community Education? | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2017 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004814 | Human-animal relationships, Animal welfare--Moral and ethical aspects, Social values--United States, Humane education, Safety education. |
Elizabeth | Jekanowski | District Leadership and Systemic Inclusion: A Case Study of One Inclusive and Effective School District | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004815 | Educational leadership--Case studies, Inclusive education--Case studies, Children with disabilities--Education--United States--Case studies, School management and organization--Case studies, Action research in education--Case studies, Mainstreaming in education--Case studies. |
Ruth | Pacheco | The Fork in the Road: Determining Factors for Diverse Students Choosing a Non-Profit, Open-Access Institution Versus a For-Profit, Open-Access Institution | Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004811 | Multiculturalism--Education, Community college students, African American college students--United States, Hispanic American students--United States, Alaska Native college students--United States, Indian students--United States. |
Cheryl | Shields-Proctor | The Relationship Between Mandatory 3rd Grade Retention and School Performance in Florida | Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra | Spring / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004823 | Education, Elementary--Florida, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Grade repetition--Florida, School children. |
Jeannette | Sullivan | The Relationship Between Mcgregor’s Leadership Theory and Happiness Among Higher Educational Leaders | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2017 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004831 | Personnel management, Educational leadership, Quality of work life, Work--Psychological aspects, Happiness, Job satisfaction. |
Bryan | Wilkins | Teacher Perspectives on the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model During Year One of Implementation | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2017 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004810 | Marzano, Robert J.--Art and sciene of teaching--Criticism and interpretation, Effective teaching, Teachers--Rating of, Teacher effectiveness, Teaching--Aids and devices, Learning, Psychology of, Educational evaluation. |
Nasim | Alavi | Adult Learners’ Preferred Methods of Learning Preventative Heart Disease Care | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2016 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004740 | Health behavior, Health attitudes, Adult education, Health education, Health--Information services, Medicine, Preventive--Information services. |
Lisa A. Samuda | Byard | Was I Ready? The Perceptions of Preparedness of New Student Affairs Professionals Who Served as Graduate Assistants | Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan | Fall / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004743 | "Student affairs administrators--In-service training--United States, Student affairs administrators--Supervision of--United States, Student affairs administrators--Professional relationships--United States, Educational leadership Mentoring in education, Education, Higher--Administration, Student counselors--Training of." |
Paul-Arthur | Pierre-Louis | Exploring the College Choice and Sense of Belonging of Haitian Students at a Highly Selective HBCU | Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan | Fall / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004751 | "African American universities and colleges--United States, Minority college students--United States--Psychology, College choice--United States, Haitian Americans--Education (Higher), Motivation (Psychology) Student adjustment, College environment, Educational sociology" |
Rina | Pomerantz | The Relationship Between the Self-Efficacy of Monolingual and Bilingual Undergraduate College Students and Their Academic Achievement in Science and Math | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004753 | "Self-efficacy, Control (Psychology), Academic achievement--Psychological aspects. Education, Bilingual, Science--Study and teaching (Higher), Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher)." |
Michael | Warkentien | Teachers as Strategic Classroom Leaders: The Relationship of Their Cognitive and Behavioral Agility to Student Outcomes and Performance Evaluations | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Fall / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004735 | Teachers, Rating of, Teacher-student relationships, Teacher effectiveness, Master teachers, Effective teaching, Performance standards, Classroom management, Academic achievement--Evaluation. |
Matias | Arellano | Managed Discourse: Legitimizing Principal Identity and Agency | Dr. Meredith L. Mountford | Summer / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004657 | Critical pedagogy; Discourse analysis; Education -- Research -- Methodology; Educational leadership; High school principals; Identity (Psychology) |
Ducarmel | Augustin | An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian-Creole and Spanish Speaking English Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the English Language Learners Program | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Summer / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004654 | English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers; School improvement programs -- Florida; Second language acquisition |
Wade | Berstler | Historians of 19th Century Baseball: Exploring Their Experiences Regarding Their Avocation | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2016 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004648 | Adult learning; Baseball -- United States -- History -- 19th century; Educational leadership; Experiential learning; Learning, Psychology of; Motivation in adult education; Transformational leadership |
Kristin | Brittain | Self-Directed Learning and the Lupus Patient: Using Adult Education Strategies to Actively Cope with Chronic Illness | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2016 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004663 | Adjustment (Psychology); Autoimmune diseases -- Care; Communication in medicine; Electronic Thesis or Dissertation; Health education; Health promotion; Systemic lupus erythematosus |
Einav | Cabrera | The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Summer / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004652 | Academic achievement; Alternative education; Charter schools; Educational change; Motivation in education; School choice |
Anelle Shanna Jayd | Alfred | The Impact of Shifting Funding Levels on the Institutional Effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004562 | Strategic planning, African American colleges and universities--Finance, African American colleges and universities--Administration, African American colleges and universities--History--21st century, African Americans--Education (Higher). |
Keith | Feit* | Improving School Performance: Leader Autonomy and Entrepreneurial Orientation | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004589 | Educational leadership, Educational innovations, Entrepreneurship, Education--Aims and objectives, Education and globalization, Academic achievement, School improvement programs. |
Jamonique | Harrison | Predicting Graduation Rates at Non-Residential Research Universities | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan | Spring / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004603 | Dropout behavior, Prediction of, College dropouts--Prevention, Education--Research--Philosophy, Education, Higher--Administration. |
Joaquin | Martinez | Teacher Education Students at Miami Dade College: Perceptions of High Impact Practices | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004612 | Miami Dade College, Community colleges -- Florida -- Administration, Community college students -- Florida -- Miami. |
Miguel | Montanez Martinez, III | Multiple Measures as a Placement Instrument in Mathematics at Florida State Colleges | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris | Spring / 2016 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004614 | Achievement in education--Measurement, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Mathematics--Examinations, questions, etc, Advanced placement programs (Education). |
Maria | Osorio | An Assessment of Leadership Practice in High Schools: Improving Graduation Rates | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Ira Bogotch | Spring / 2016 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004618 | School improvement programs, Educational leadership, School management and organization, School principals--Professional relationships, Assistant school principals--Professional relationships, Organizational behavior. |
Laura | Antczak | Community College Baccalaureate Transitions in Florida: Student Affairs’ Perspectives | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004476 | College personnell management, Community colleges -- Florida -- Administration, Degrees, Academic -- Florida, Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives, Student affairs services, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Administration. |
David | Atwell | Digital Edification: An Analysis of Technology Readiness and Concept of Ability in the School District of Palm Beach County K-12 School Leaders | Dr. Victor C. X. Wang | Fall / 2015 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004479 | "Blended learning, Educational technology, Effective teaching, Leadership in education Metacognition, Teachers, Training of, Web based instruction." |
Lulrick | Balzora | An Examination of African-American Male Awareness of and Application to Honors Programs | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Fall / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004481 | Academic achievement -- United States, African American young men -- Education (Higher), College student development programs, Educational equalization -- United States, Minority students -- Education (Higher), Talented students -- Education (Higher), Universities and colleges -- Honors courses. |
Stephen | Johnson | Concurrent Enrollment and Academic Performance of Community College English Language Learners | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004509 | Academic achievement, Community colleges -- Administration -- Evaluation, Community colleges -- Curricula, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers -- Education (Higher), Second language acquisition. |
Adam | Miller | Florida’s School Choice Policies and Democracy: Origins and Destinations | Dr. Meredith L. Mountford | Fall / 2015 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004522 | Education and state -- Florida, Educational change -- United States -- Florida, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida, John M. McKay Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities, School choice -- United States -- Florida, School districts -- Florida -- Management. |
Lori | Miller | The Perceived Impact of Technology-Based Informal Learning on Membership Organizations | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2015 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004523 | Educational leadership--Influence, Virtual reality in management, Knowledge management, Information networks, Organizational learning, Knowledge representation (Information theory). |
Mohammad | Ilyas | Globalization and Higher Education in Florida’s State University System | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004507 | Education and globalization, Education, Higher -- Effect of technological innovations on, Education, Higher -- Florida, Educational change -- Florida. |
Karen | Pain | The Impact of Voluntary Remediation on Gateway Course Success and Minority and Low-income Students in Florida Colleges | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004531 | Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Developmental studies programs -- United States -- Florida, Educational attainment -- United States -- Florida, Remedial teaching, School failure -- Prevention, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Administration. |
Teeranai | Ovathanasin | Perceived Job Satisfaction of Resident Assistants in Student Housing at Three Florida Public Universities | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris | Summer / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004458 | College students -- Florida -- Housing, Residence counselors -- Florida -- Job satisfaction, Resident assistants (Dormitories) -- Florida -- Attitudes, Resident assistants (Dormitories) -- Florida -- Job satisfaction, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Professional staff -- Job satisfaction. |
Karen | Fay | An Analysis of the Leadership Competencies of Specialized Nonprofit Management Degree Programs | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Summer / 2015 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004442 | Leadership, Nonprofit organizations -- Evaluation -- Methodology, Nonprofit organizations -- Leadership, Nonprofit organizations -- Management -- Study and teaching, Organizational effectiveness -- Evaluation -- Study and teaching. |
Lauren | Adamo | The Influence of University Student Leader’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Organizational Member Commitment | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2015 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004341 | Interorganizational relations, Interpersonal communication, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Management -- Psychological aspects, Organizational behavior, School management and organization. |
Carolyn | Bogaski | A Private School Leadership Perspective on Highly Qualified Middle School Science Teachers | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2015 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004349 | Comparative education, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Science -- Study and teaching (Middle school). |
Rivka | Felsher | Policy Entrepreneurship: A Descriptive Portrait of Higher Education Leaders | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2015 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004367 | Social sciences; Education; Creative political leadership; Higher education leadership; Higher education policy; Policy entrepreneur; Policy innovation. |
Barbara | Rodriguez | An Examination of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges’ Quality Enhancement Plans at Two Institutions Through the Lens of Quality Improvement | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2015 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004404 | Educational evaluation -- Case studies, Educational tests and measurements -- Case studies, School management and organization -- Quality control -- Case studies, Total quality management in education -- Case studies, Universities and colleges -- Accreditation -- Case studies. |
Faith | Gordon | Transformational Learning and Self-Efficacy: An Investigation into their Role in Prophylactic Mastectomy | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2015 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004374 | Control (Psychology), Educational leadership, Health behavior, Mastectomy -- Decision making, Mastectomy -- Psychological aspects, Organizational learning, Self efficacy, Women -- Medical care, Women's health services. |
Edwiygh | Franck | The Analysis of Barriers and Motivators of Early Care and Education English as a Second Language Students Enrolled in a State College Customized ECE ESL Course | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2015 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004369 | Education, Bilingual, Educational psychology, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Study and teaching as a second language, Language teachers, Training of, Motivation in education, Second language acquisition |
Idell | McLaughlin-Jones* | Transformational Experience of African American Women: Their Critical Reflections as Former Migrants Who Evolved from Harvest of Shame to Seeds of Hope | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2014 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004305 | Experiential learning, Harvest of Shame (Motion picture), Learning by discovery, Migrant agricultural laborers -- Education, Social values, Transformative learning, United States -- Social conditions -- 20th century. |
Heidi | Louisy | An Exploratory Multiple Case Study of Succession Planning for Higher Education Community Engagement Practitioners in Selected Higher Education Institutions in the Southeastern Region of the United States | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Fall / 2014 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004303 | Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives, Educational leadership, Leadership in education, Organizational change, School management and organization, Universities and colleges -- Administration. |
Deloris | Benjamin | Deans of Students as Crisis Managers: Perceptions of Roles and Leadership Competencies in 12 Public Higher Education Institutions in Florida | Dr. Robert Shockley | Fall / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004267 | Deans (Education), Education, Higher -- Administration, Educational leadership, Universities and colleges -- Administration. |
Sheri | Glick-Cuenot | Predictors of Undergraduate Student Academic Success | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Fall / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004287 | "Achievement in education, Creative thinking, Educational tests and measurements, Learning, Psychology of, Prediction of scholastic success -- Mathematical models, Strategic planning." |
Nancy | McDonald | In-Country: Identification of Transformational Learning and Leadership in Human Rights Observers | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2014 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004216 | Educational sociology, Human rights -- Haiti, Human rights workers -- Haiti, Leadership, Leadership -- Psychological aspects, Social justice. |
Sherry | Andre | Reliability and Validation Study of the Online Instinctual Variant Questionnaire | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2014 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004075 | Communication in education, Educational leadership, Enneagram, Motivation in education, Performance, Personality development. |
Noemi | Coltea | Social Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs on Florida’s Gold Coast | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2014 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004093 | Emigration and immigration -- Economic aspects, Immigrants -- United States -- Florida -- History, New business enterprises, Social entrepreneurship, Success in business. |
Gesulla | Cavanaugh | An Examination of Biomedical Intellectual Reputation in Relationship to Graduates’ Productivity, Regional Innovation and Absorptive Capacity at Selected Universities Worldwide | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2014 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004090 | Academic achievement -- Measurement, Educational productivity -- Measurement, Universities and colleges -- Ratings and rankings. |
Harry | Daniel | Effects of the Four Pillars on Statewide High School Graduation Rates | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004099 | Academic achievement -- United States, Education and state -- United States, Educational accountability -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, School improvement programs -- United States, United States -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. |
Susan | Dennett | A Study to Compare the Critical Thinking Dispositions Between Chinese and American College Students | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2014 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004100 | Behaviorism (Psychology), Critical thinking, Learning, Psychology of, Reasoning (Psychology), Thought and thinking. |
Tameka | King | Resegregation: The Impact on Education | Dr. Robert Shockley | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004129 | Children of minorities -- Education, Segregation in education -- Government policy, Racism in education. |
Jessica | Miles | The Impact of Students’ Choice of Time of Day for Class Activity and Their Sleep Quality on Academic Performance in Multidisciplinary Distance Education Courses | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004138 | Academic achievement, Distance education, Performance, Sleep -- Physiological aspects. |
Thomas | Nguyen | Perceptions of Lawyers on Career Transition, Transferable Skills and Preparation for Community College Leadership | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2014 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004144 | Career changes -- United States, Community college presidents, Executive ability, Law -- Vocational guidance -- United States, Leadership in education. |
Elizabeth | Swann | Adult Learning for Healthy Aging: An Investigation of Health Literacy and Technology Use in Older Adults | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004165 | Aging -- Psychological aspects, Aging -- Social aspects, Cognition in old age, Computers and older people, Health behavior, Internet and older people, Older people -- Health and hygiene, Technology and older people. |
Tommy | Tucker | Virtual K-12 Leadership: A Postmodern Paradigm | Dr. Ira Bogotch | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004168 | Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Virtual work teams. |
Jonathan | Leff | Leadership Matters: The Relationship Of School Leadership to A Safe School Climate, Bullying And Fighting in Middle School | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2014 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004133 | Bullying in schools -- Prevention, Education, Secondary -- Sociological aspects, Educational leadership, Middle school students -- Attitudes, School management and organization. |
Mehran | Basiratmand | Transformation of Palm Beach Community College to Palm Beach State College: A Case Study | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Fall / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004005 | Community colleges -- Florida, Organizational change – Florida, State universities and colleges -- Florida, Palm Beach State College. |
Frank | Gaines | An Exploratory Examination of “Pockets of Success” in Creating Urban High Schools of Opportunity for LSES Students | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004019 | Academic achievement -- Social aspects, Educational equalization, Effective teaching, Minorities -- Education -- Social aspects, School improvement programs. |
Keietta | Givens | A New Look at Distributive Leadership in Title I and Non-Title I Schools: Does Distributive Leadership Impact Student Achievement and School Culture? | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004022 | Academic achievement, Distributive leadership, Educational accountability, Educational leadership, School management and organization. |
Keara | Sodano | Early Environmental Adult Education: An Oral History of Citizen Researchers’ Learning in the Appalachian Land Ownership Study, 1979-1981 | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004062 | Adult education, Appalachian Region -- Environmental aspects, Environmental education, Human beings -- Influence of environment, Land tenure -- Appalachian Region, Appalachian Land Ownership Task Force. |
Courtney | Curatolo | The Public Official Leadership Experience: A Case Study of Leadership Collier and Its Impact on Motivating and Empowering Select Citizens | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA0004012 | Political leadership -- Psychological aspects -- Case studies, Leadership Collier, Leadership -- Case studies. |
Paul | Metcalf | An Exploratory Analysis of the Dimensionality of the Mechanisms that Drive Private Giving Among Alumni Association Members Donors and Non-Member Donors | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Summer / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362557 | Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae -- Charitable contributions, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Finance, University development, Educational fund raising. |
Jeffrey | Nasse | Perceptions of Professionalism: A Case Study of Community College Baccalaureate Faculty | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Summer / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362555 | Community college teachers -- United States -- Case studies, Community college teachers Professional ethics -- Case studies, Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- Case studies, Rewards and punishments in education. |
Leo | Nesmith, Jr. | The Vestiges of Brown: An Analysis of the Placements of African American Principals in Florida Public Schools (2010-2011) | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Summer / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362578 | Topeka (Kan.) Board of Education, Racism in education, Discrimination in education -- Law and legislation -- United States, African American educators -- Florida, Faculty integration -- Florida -- 21st century, Education, Urban -- Political aspects -- Florida. |
Monica | Nicoll | The Development of Emotional Intelligence in At-Risk Female Adolescents | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362581 | Emotional intelligence, Emotions in adolescence, Social intelligence, Emotional maturity, Interpersonal communication, Success -- Psychological aspects. |
Karline | Prophete | How Race, Gender, and Pell Status Affect the Persistence and Degree Attainment Rates of Dual Enrollment Students | Dr. Meredith L. Mountford | Summer / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362570 | Achievement in education, Dual enrollment, Advanced placement programs (Education), Prediction of scholastic success, Federal aid to education -- United States, Interaction analysis in education, Expectation (Psychology). |
Francis | Serra | Florida Career and Technology Education: A Comparative Analysis of CTE Program Participants as a Percentage of Total High School Population for the State of Florida | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362572 | Vocational education, Career education, Industry and education, Education and globalization, High schools -- Curricula, Interdisciplinary approach in education. |
Christopher | Simmons | Dropout Prevention: A Study of Prevention Programs Used by High Schools to Increase Graduation Rate | Dr. Meredith L. Mountford | Summer / 2013 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3362565 | High school students -- United States, School improvement programs, Dropout behavior, Prediction of, Dropouts -- United States -- Prevention. |
Michael | Hrabak | Policy and Practice: An Analysis of 2001 Florida Senate Bill 1162 | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00004251 | Policy, Practice, Analysis, 2001, Florida, Florida Senate, Bill 1162 |
Julie | Nash | An Examination of the Role and Career Paths of Chief Research Administrators in Selected Major Research Universities in the United States | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Spring / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3360957 | "Universities and colleges -- United States -- Administration, College administrators -- Training of -- United States, Educational leadership -- United States, Action research in education -- United States" |
Carole | Pfeffer-Lachs | Assessing Goal Intent and Achievement of University Learning Community Students | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2013 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3360967 | "Achievement in education, Group work in education, Professional learning communities, Learning, Psychology of, School improvement programs" |
Scott | Smith | The Concept of Fit Intersections in Educational Leadership | Dr. Ira Bogotch | Spring / 2013 | A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/3361061 | Educational leadership, School management and organization, Strategic planning, Interpersonal relations |
Krista | Allison | Experience and Perceptions as Expressed by Adolescent Females at a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2012 | ACE | http://purl.fcla.edu/FAU/3358278 | Adolescent psychotherapy -- Residential treatment, Residential treatment -- Florida -- Evaluation |
Joyce | Krzemienski* | The Impact of Stress on Elementary School Principals and Their Effective Coping Mechanisms | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Fall / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3358601 | United States, Elementary school principals -- Job stress, Stress management, Stress (Psychology), Burn out (Psychology), Educational leadership -- Psychological aspects. |
Courtney | Purnell | Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development in Virtual Learning Teams | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2012 | ACE | http://purl.fcla.edu/FAU/3358964 | Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Educational leadership, School management and organization, Teams in the workplace, Group work in education, Professional learning communities, Mentoring in education -- Computer networks. |
Mary | Webster | The Possibilities for School Leadership Discourse Within the Dominant Discourse of Public Education A Critical Autoethnography | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3359160 | Educational leadership, Autoethnography -- Authorship, Critical pedagogy, Professional learning communities, Teaching -- Philosophy. |
Denise | Barrett-Johnson | How Jamaican Administrators in a Large School District in Florida Perceive Ethnicity, Gender, and Mentoring Have Impacted Their Career Experiences: A Phenomenological Study | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3356889 | High school principals -- Florida -- Attitudes, Educational leadership -- Florida, Critical pedagogy, Mentoring in education -- Floria, Women school administrators -- Florida -- Attitudes, Educational change -- Social aspects. |
Lindsay | Jesteadt | Principals' Knowledge of Special Education Policies and Procedures: Does it Matter in Leadership? | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Summer / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3355571 | United States, School improvement programs -- Florida, Educational leadership -- Florida, Learning disabled children -- Education -- Florida, School principals -- In-service training, Response to intervention (Learning disabled children). |
Colin | Roche | Canadian Professional Chefs' Perceived Value of Formal Culinary Education and It's Relationship with Industry Success | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Summer / 2012 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3355878 | Hospitality industry -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada, Vocational interests -- Canada, Food service -- Vocational guidance -- Canada, Restaurant management -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada. |
Jacqueline | Ackerina | The Call of Public Service Motivation and Professional Commitment in Education | Dr. Ira Bogotch | Spring / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3342031 | Motivation (Psychology), Educational leadership, Public administration, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States, Education -- Social aspects -- United States. |
Maria | Hersey | The Development of Global-Mindedness: School Leadership Perspectives | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Spring / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3342108 | "Education and globalization, Educational leadership -- United States, Critical pedagogy -- United States, School improvement programs -- United States, Education, Primary -- United States -- Aims and objectives." |
Dildra | Martin-Ogburn | Cultivating Supportive, Professional Relationships Among Black Women in Educational Leadership: Shattering the Mirror of Self-Destruction | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352281 | Women school administrators -- United States, Educational leadership -- Philosophy, African Americans -- Race identity, African American women -- Social conditions |
Kevin | Perry | The Art of Leadership: A Study of Administrative Practices in Florida's Schools of the Arts | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Spring / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352282 | Educational leadership -- United States -- Florida, Educational administration -- United States -- Florida, Arts -- Study and teaching -- United States -- Florida, Teacher-principal relationships -- United States -- Florida. |
Deborah | Robinson | A Comparative Holistic, Multiple-Case Study of the Implementation of the Strategic Thinking Protocol and Traditional Strategic Planning Processes at a Southeastern University | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2012 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3352827 | Universities and colleges -- Administration -- Case studies, Universities and colleges -- Strategic planning -- Case studies, Educational leadership -- Case studies, Strategic planning -- Case studies, Education, Higher --Administration -- Case studies, School management and organization -- Case studies. |
Richard | Cunningham | Florida's Performance Accountability System and the Effectiveness of Workforce Education Providers | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Fall / 2011 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332176 | Florida. Division of Workforce Development, Workforce Development Education Program (Fla.), School districts -- Florida -- Evaluation, Postsecondary education -- Florida -- Evaluation, Adult education and state -- Florida -- Evaluation, Educational accountability -- Florida. |
Ancil | DeLuz | Retention in Florida Community Colleges: A Study of the 2005-2008 Academic Years | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Fall / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332179 | Commuity college students -- United States -- Florida, Achievement in education -- United States -- Florida, College dropouts -- Prevention, College attendance -- United States -- Florida, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Administration. |
Angela | Ludica | University Educational Leadership Technology Course Syllabi Alignment with State and National Technology Standards | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3332250 | Teachers -- Certification -- Standards -- Outlines, syllabi, etc, Educational technology -- Standards -- United States -- Outlines, syllabi, etc |
Leigh | McFarland | The Adaptability of Academic Advising Teams in Higher Education | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333060 | Organizational behavior, Counseling in higher educations, Student-administrator relationships, Faculty advisors, Universities and colleges -- Administration, Educational leadership. |
Ora | Meles | A Multi-Site Case Study of a Professional Learning Community Model: The Impact of Learning Team Meetings on a Teacher Practice and Student Achievement from the Perspective of Teachers and Instructional Leaders | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Fall / 2011 | ACE, SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333059 | "Professional learning communities -- Case studies, Teachers -- In-service training, School improvement programs, Teaching teams, Reflective teaching, Group work in education -- Case studies, Educational leadership. " |
Jessica | Pena-Lopez | A Study of Persistence of Undergraduate Women Majoring in Engineering and Math | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2011 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333307 | Women in engineering, Women in mathematics, Women -- Education (Higher), Engineering -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects, Mathematics -- Study and teaching -- Psychological aspects. |
Ana | Porro | Investigation of Instructional Strategies Designed to Promote Achievement and Retention in Online Mathematics Classes | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2011 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333313 | Computer-assisted instruction, Achievement in education, Distance education, Education -- Effect of technological innovations on. |
Maria | Rodriguez | English Language Learners in Florida: A Dissertation About a Legal and Policy Study of Florida's Multicultural Education Training and Advocacy (Meta) Consent Decree | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Fall / 2011 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3333311 | English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Second language acquisition, Minorities -- Florida -- Education -- Language arts, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida. |
E. Allen | Bottorff | The Community College Baccalaureate: A Study of Capital Costs in Florida | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Summer / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3174509 | Community colleges -- Florida -- Supply and demand, Education, Higher -- Florida -- Forecasting, Universities and colleges -- Florida -- Finance. |
Mary | Cassell | Third Age Adult English Language Learners in Nonformal Library Settings | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2011 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3174503 | English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Minorities -- Education -- Language arts, Adult education -- United States, Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age, Second language acquisition. |
Randye | Shanfield | The President of the United States as Charismatic Leader: Analysis of the Presidents' Role and Success in Influencing Education Policy between 1981-2009 | Dr. Robert Shockley | Summer / 2011 | HE, SL, ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3320106 | "Reagan, Ronald, Bush, George, 1924-, Clinton, Bill, 1946-, Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946-, Political leadership -- United States -- 20th century, Political leadership -- United States -- 21st century, Education -- Political aspects -- United States -- 20th century, Education -- Political aspects -- United States -- 21st century, Education and state -- United States -- 20th century, Education and state -- United States -- 21st century." |
John | Vassilou | A Comparative Analysis of the Success of Students Placed in the Lowest Level of the Remedial Coursework Taken Through Cal versus a Tradition Remedial Education Mode of Instruction: Implications for Success, Retention, and Costs | Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Summer / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3322520 | Computer-assisted instruction -- Evaluation, Academic achievement, Educational tests and measurements, School improvement programs, Student assistance programs, Educational accountability. |
Stephanie | Arsht | Preparing Florida Community College Faculty to Teach Online | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3166833 | Educational leadership -- Study and teaching (Graduate), Education, Higher -- Computer-assisted instruction, College teachers -- In-service training -- Florida, Effective teaching, Internet in education, Distance education -- Florida. |
Meredith | Dee | First Year Undergraduate Students' Perception of the Effectiveness and Transfer of Multimedia Training for a University Course Registration System | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3170600 | Interactive multimedia, Academic achievement -- Methodology, Computers and college students, Education, Highter -- Effect of technological innovations on |
Timothy | De Palma | Pre-Disaster Planning at Florida Community Colleges: A Comparison of FEMA Guidelines to Processes and Practices | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2011 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3170599 | United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency managment -- United States -- Florida -- Planning, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Security measures, Universities and colleges -- United States -- Florida -- Safety measures. |
Mark | Kaplan | Sizing Up the Principalship: The Relationship Between School Size and Principal Leadership in Elementary and Middle Schools | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Spring / 2011 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/3171397 | School management and organization, Educational leadership, School principals -- United States, Action research in education -- United States. |
Anthony | Allen | A Critical Race Theory Analysis of the Disproportionate Representation of Blacks and Males Participating in Florida's Special Education Programs | Dr. Jennifer Sughrue | Fall / 2010 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2867333 | Discrimination in educations -- Florida, Racism in education -- Florida, Education -- Social aspects, Multicultural education -- Florida, Learning disabled children -- Identification. |
Nancy | Patrick | Employee’s Perceptions of Employer’s Response After Workplace Injury | Dr. Lucy Guglielmino | Fall / 2010 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2978950 | "Workers' compensation, Personnel management, Job security -- Social aspects, Corporate culture, DIsability insurance claimants -- Employment, Industrial accidents -- United States -- Psychological aspects." |
Susan | Moosai | A Prediction Model for Community Colleges Using Graduation Rate as the Performance Indicator | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Summer / 2010 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683205 | Community colleges -- United States, College attendance -- United States, Educational evaluation -- United States, Educational indicators -- United States. |
Janet | Cornella | Principal Leadership: The Missing Link in Teacher Retention | Dr. Lucy Guglielmino | Summer / 2010 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683125 | Teacher turnover -- United States, School prinicipals -- Training of, Teachers -- Recruiting -- United States, School management and organization, Educational leadership. |
Mary | Murray | Florida Middle Grades Pupil Progression Policies: Their Effects on Middle School Student Achievement and Retention Rates | Dr. Jennifer Sughrue | Summer / 2010 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683536 | Education and state -- United States -- Florida, Educational tests and measurements -- United States -- Florida, Educational accountability -- United States -- Florida, Achievement in education -- United States -- Florida. |
Gerri | Penney | Executive Fire Officers' Strategic Thinking Capabilities and the Relationship with Information and Communication Technology | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Summer / 2010 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683132 | Strategic planning, Knowledge management, Public administration -- Decision making, Management information systems, Fire departments -- Management, Organizational effectiveness, Transformational leadership. |
Robert | Murray | The Florida Migrant Education Program: An Analysis of Programmatic and Expenditure Practices | Dr. Jennifer Sughrue | Summer / 2010 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2683135 | United States, Immigrants -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Children of migrant laborers -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Children of migrant laborere -- Education -- Florida -- Social aspects, Migrant labor -- Education -- Florida -- Economic aspects, Educational accountability -- Florida. |
Artyce-Joy | Chase | Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses: The Influence of Students’ Characteristics, Perception of Connectedness, and Deterrents | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2010 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1927306 | Cheating (Education), Internet in education, Education, Higher -- Moral and ethical aspects, Distance education -- Moral and ethical aspects. |
Donna | Goldstein | Integration of Geospatial Technologies Into K-12 Curriculum: An Investigation of Teacher and Student Perceptions and Student Academic Achievement | Dr. Lucy Guglielmino | Spring / 2010 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1927302 | Geographic information systems, Global Positioning System, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Curriculum planning -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, Achievement in education -- Florida -- Palm Beach County. |
Terri | Watson* | Florida’s Definition and Subsequent Calculations of a Public High School Graduate: A Critical Race Theory Analysis | Dr. Jennifer Sughrue | Spring / 2010 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/1930490 | Discrimination in education -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, Educational equalization -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, School improvement programs -- Florida -- Palm Beach County, High school graduates -- Florida -- Palm Beach County. |
Pradel | Frank | Persistence of EAP Students in Associate Degree and College Credit Certificate Programs | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Fall / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/246047 | "English language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching (Higher), Second language acquisition, Classroom environment -- United States -- Florida." |
Tammy | Gillette | Virtual Science Instructional Strategies: A Set of Actual Practices as Perceived by Secondary Science Educators | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/2182083 | Distance education -- Computer-assisted instruction, Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Computer-assisted instruction, Education -- Effect of technological innovations on, Teaching -- Aids and devices. |
Carole | Comarcho | African American and Hispanic Male Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Retention Strategies and the Implications for Undergraduate Persistence in a For-Profit Commuter University | Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. Dianne A. Wright | Fall / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/329844 | "African Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Hispanic Americans -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Academic achievement -- United States, College attendance -- United States." |
Mary | Davis | An Exploration of Factors Affecting the Academic Success of Students in a College Quantitative Business Course | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/331845 | Academic achievement -- Psychological aspects, Learning, Psychology of, Motivation in education, Achievement motivation in education, School improvement programs. |
Francisco | Rodriguez | The Impact of Teacher Retention on Student Achievement in High School Mathematics | Dr. Robert Shockley | Fall / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/369393 | Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Teacher turnover -- United States -- Florida, Teacher effectiveness -- United States -- Florida, Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary). |
Valerie | Wanza | The Florida School Recognition Program: The Relationship Between Participation in the Program and Adequate Yearly Progress Under the No Child Left Behind Act | Dr. Jennifer Sugrue | Fall / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/332912 | United States, Academic achievement -- United States -- Florida, Education and state -- Florida, Educational equalization -- United States -- Florida, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States -- Florida, |
Lewis | Jackson | Effect of National Board Certification on Retention of Teachers in the Classroom | Dr. Robert Shockley | Fall / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/359925 | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (U.S.), Teachers -- Certification -- United States -- Florida, Teacher turnover -- United States -- Florida. |
Jess | Tuck | Students’ Preference for Online Versus Face-to-Face Academic Advising Based on Individual Learning Styles | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Summer / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/216409 | Educational change -- United States, Education, Higher -- Effect of technological innovations on, Counseling in higher education -- Computer network resources, Faculty advisors -- Computer network resources, Student-administrator relationships -- Evaluation. |
Darwin | Asper | Predicting Hospital Readmissions in Patients with Diabetes: Importance of Diabetes Education and Other Factors | Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris | Summer / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/221947 | Outcome assessment (Medical care) -- Methodology, Medical care -- Evaluation, Health services accessibility -- Management, Patient education. |
Brian | Findley | The Relationship of Self-Directed Learning Readiness to Knowledge-Based and Performance-Based Measures of Success in Third-Year Medical Students | Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris | Summer / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/221949 | Learning, Psychology of, Experiential learning, Academic achievement -- Psychological aspects, Self-culture -- Evaluation, Educational tests and measurements. |
Daniel | Reyes-Guerra | The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Actions and Business and Social Justice Cultures in Schools | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Summer / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/215295 | Educational leadership -- United States -- Florida, Critical pedagogy, Social justice -- Study and teaching -- United States -- Florida, Marginality, Social -- United States -- Florida, School management and organization -- United States -- Florida. |
Treesey | Weaver | Principals’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Leadership in Predominately African American Schools | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Summer / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/215296 | Educational leadership -- United States, Critical pedagogy, African American children -- Education, Afrocentrism -- Study and teaching -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States. |
Jo Ann Marie | Bambas | Emerging Narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American Women in Middle Adulthood with an Education Doctorate Degree | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186326 | Achievement motivation -- United States, Minority women -- Education (Higher) -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, Motivation in education -- United States, Education -- Aims and objectives -- United States. |
Lawrence | Faerman | The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Effectiveness in University Residence Hall Associations: A Competing Values Study | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2009 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186329 | Student housing -- United States -- Case studies, College students -- United States -- Conduct of life, Organizational effectiveness -- Evaluation, Organizational behavior -- Case studies. |
Nigel | Lovell-Martin | Attitudinal Study of Older Adult African Americans’ Interaction with Computers | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Spring / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186682 | African Americans -- Education (Continuing education), African Americans -- Intellectual life, Aging --Psychological aspects, Attitude (Psychology), Computer literacy -- United States. |
Lori | Kijanka | Exploring the Influence of Middle School Leaders on Middle School Girl’s Interest in High School Science Course Enrollment | Dr. Meredith Mountford | Spring / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/192985 | Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary), Inquiry-based learning -- United States, Science -- Study and teaching (Middle school) -- Curricula, Curriculum planning -- United States, Sex differences in education, Education -- Aims and objectives. |
Guillermo | Hardman* | Regenerative Leadership: An Integral Theory for Transforming People and Organizations for Sustainability in Business, Education, and Community | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/187212 | Reengineering (Management), Sustainable development -- United States, School management and organization, Organizational effectiveness, Social ecology -- United States. |
Pauline | McLean | An Assessment of the Effect of Adult Education on Sustainable Development in Jamaica | Dr. Anthony C. Townsend | Spring / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186692 | Adult education -- Jamaica, Education and globalization -- Jamaica, Education, Higher -- Economic aspects -- Jamaica, Education and state -- Jamaica. |
Tracey | Miller | School Construction: Meeting the Classroom Building Needs of Florida’s Growing Student Population | Dr. Ira E. Bogotch | Spring / 2009 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186693 | School buildings -- Florida -- Design and construction, School facilities -- Florida -- Designs and plans, School management and organization -- Florida -- Decision making. |
James | Riordan | Perceptions of Industry Practitioners Toward an Academic Degree Program in Public Assembly Facility Management | Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Spring / 2009 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186765 | Facility management, Strategic planning, Executives -- Training of, Creative ability in business -- Management, Education -- Aims and objectives. |
Edwin | Bemmel | A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Community College Baccalaureate Programs in Florida: An Exploratory Study | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Valerie C. Bryan | Fall / 2008 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/107803 | Education, Higher -- Florida -- Forecasting, Community colleges -- Florida -- Case studies, Higher education and state -- Florida -- Case studies. |
Beth | Amey | An Exploration of the Relationship Between Experiential Learning and Self-Directed Learning Readiness | Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris | Fall / 2008 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/107799 | Experiential learning, Adult learning, Learning, Psychology of, Self-culture -- United States. |
Jodie | Koerner | Outcomes of Student Participation in College Freshman Learning Communities | Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris | Fall / 2008 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/165674 | Group work in education, Interdisciplinary approach in education, College environment -- United States, Experiential learning -- United States, Educational change -- United States. |
Enid | Conley | Exploring Barriers to Education for Native American Indians: A Native Perspective | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2008 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/108066 | "Discrimination in education -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, Indians of North America -- Education, Indian philosophy -- North America." |
Veronica | Pino | Factors Affecting Retention in a Community College’s Welfare-to-Work Programs: A Heuristic Study of Participants’ Perceptions | Dr. Valerie Bryan | Fall / 2008 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186300 | "College dropouts -- Prevention, Academic achievement -- United States, Welfare recipients -- Education, Community colleges -- United States, Attitude (Psychology), Motivation in education." |
Steven | Urdegar* | Beyond Fidelity: Relating Educational Practices and Their Determinants to Student Learning Gains | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Fall / 2008 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/77653 | School management and organization -- Decision making, Education -- United States -- Evaluation, Educational tests and measurements, School improvement programs -- Evaluation. |
Nancy | Weissman | The Relationship Between Leadership Styles of Directors of Accredited Higher Education Respiratory Care Programs and Faculty Satisfaction, Willingness to Exert Extra Effort, Perceived Director Effectiveness, And Program Outcomes | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Fall / 2008 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/186324 | "Educational leadership -- Evaluation, College teaching -- United States -- Evaluation, Organizational behavior, Medical care -- Cross-cultural studies, Motivation in education." |
Laura | Heath | Community College and University Experiences of High School Dual Enrollment Students | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2008 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/58005 | Dual enrollment -- United States, College credits -- United States, Advanced placement programs (Education) -- United States, College-school cooperation -- United States, Educational acceleration -- United States. |
Ryan | Reardon | An Analysis of Florida's School Districts' Attendance Policies and Their Relationship to High School Attendance Rates | Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski | Spring / 2008 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/FAU/58010 | School attendance -- Florida, Juvenile delinquency -- Florida, Dropout behavior, Prediction of, School management and organization -- Florida. |
Pamela | Brown* | Bowling in different alleys: A story of neighborhood organizations and schools | Dr. John R. Pisapia | Spring / 2007 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000653 | School management and organization--Case studies, Volunteer workers in community development--Case studies, Social change--United States--21st century--Case studies. |
Deborah | Casey | Indicators Linked to The Success of Students with Psychological Disabilities in Urban Community College Allied Health Sciences Programs | Dr. Deborah L. Floyd | Spring / 2006 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12208 | Academic achievement--Psychological aspects, Resilience (Personality trait), Prediction of scholastic success, Curriculum-based assessment, Community colleges--Curricula--Evaluation. |
Edvard | St. Juste | An Exploratory Study of the Multicultural Responsiveness of Higher Education Faculty at two South Florida universities | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2006 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12226 | Multicultural education--Florida, Educational equalization--Florida, Minority college students--Florida, Education--Social aspects--Florida, Critical pedagogy--Florida. |
Malmuz Z. | Yasin | The Use of Strategic Leadership Actions By Deans In Malaysian And American Public Universities | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2006 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12203 | Educational leadership--United States, Educational leadership--Malaysia, Education and globalization. |
Demetrious J. | Bonaros | A Study of Transformational Leadership and Student Achievement in Inner-City Elementary Schools | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12196 | Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Educational leadership--Florida, School management and organization--Decision making, Academic achievement--Florida. |
Leslie J. | Dangerfield | Beginning teachers' perceptions of support provided by mentors, school administrators, and district personnel | Dr. Shockley, Robert | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12230 | Mentoring in education, Teachers--In-service training, First year teachers--Training of, First year teachers--Supervision of. |
Jennifer | Freeland | The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Reading Achievement in Broward County, Florida Charter Schools | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000665 | Educational leadership--Florida--Broward County, School management and organization--Florida--Broward County, School improvement programs--Florida--Broward County, Academic achievement--Florida--Broward County, Charter schools--Florida--Broward County. |
Deedara | Hicks | The Impact of Reading Instructional Methodology on Student Achievement of Black Males Based on The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12213 | Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Competency-based educational tests--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, African American young men--Education, Academic achievement--United States--Evaluation. |
Julie | Hopkins | Instructional Leadership: Principals Making A Difference With High Poverty And Minority Populations To Improve Instruction And Increase Student Achievement | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12190 | "Educational leadership--United States, School improvement programs--United States, Elementary school principals--United States, Poor children--Education--United States." |
Bonnie P. | Jerome | The Relationship of Parent Involvement On Student Achievement | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000671 | "Parent and child--Education--United States, Parental influences--United States, Academic achievement, Education--Parent participation." |
Dyona V. | McLean | The Relationship Between School Climate and School Performance in Miami-Dade County's Schools of Choice | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12210 | School management and organization--Florida--Miami-Dade County, School environment--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Education--Aims and objectives--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Educational leadership, School management and organization. |
Sarah T. | Meltzer | An analysis of Professional Development in Technology for Elementary School Teachers | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12217 | Elementary school teachers--Training of, Education, Elementary--Computer network resources, Educational technology, Computer-assisted instruction. |
Sharon | Moffitt | Sustaining Reform Efforts in Broward County Schools a Study of the Coalition of Essential Schools | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12209 | Coalition of Essential Schools, Educational change--Florida--Broward County--Case studies, Teacher-administrator relationships, School management and organization. |
Yaron R. | Raab | Why they Leave a Study of Jewish Day School Administrators Who Left Jewish Education | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12199 | Jewish day schools--Florida--Administration, Jewish religious education--Administration, School management and organization, Burn out (Psychology). |
Lynn K. | Robins | The Heartbeat of a Caring Leader | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12197 | "Elementary school principals--Biography, Education, Elementary--Social aspects, School environment--United States, African American women educators--Biography, Educational leadership--Biography." |
David B. | Ross | Leadership styles of secondary school principals as perceived by secondary school teachers | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12218 | School administrators--Rating of--Florida--Palm Beach County, Educational leadership--Florida--Palm Beach County, Education, Secondary--United States--Evaluation, School management and organization--United States. |
Tara Lynn | Todd | Instructional leadership in high schools: The effects of principals, assistant principals, and department heads on student achievement | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2006 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000715 | Motivation in education, Educational leadership, High school department heads--United States, School principals--United States. |
Mary G. | Locke | The Influence of Sub-Cultures on Planned Organizational Change in a Community College: An Exploratory Case Study | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2005 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12181 | Community colleges--United States--Administration, Community colleges--United States--Sociological aspects, Organizational change--United States--Case studies, Educational anthropology--United States. |
Georgette | Rosenfeld | A Comparison of the Outcomes of distance learning Students Versus traditional Classroom Students in the Community College | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2005 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12148 | Computer-assisted instruction, Computer-assisted instruction--Design, Educational technology, Distance education, Internet in higher education, Academic achievement. |
Nancy R. | Bredemeyer | The roles and responsibilities of the associate in science degree department chair | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2005 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12173 | "Community colleges--Florida--Administration, Educational leadership--United States, College department heads--United States." |
Christina T. | Hart | Effects of Learning-Style Responsive vs. Traditional Staff Development on Community College Professors' Achievement in and Attitudes Toward Alternative Instructional Strategies | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2005 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12186 | Motivation in education, Learning, Psychology of, Community colleges--Florida--Administration, Educational psychology. |
Jacquelyn A. | Johnson | Investigation of Factors Affecting Completion Of Distance-Learning Courses at A Community College For A Seven-Year Period | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2005 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12188 | Adult education, Education, Higher--Effect of technological innovations on--United States, Distance education--United States, Community colleges--Curricula--Florida. |
Maria W. | Provost | A Study of Four Public Higher Education Institution in Florida the Relationships between faculty and Adminstrator Goal Congruence, Faculty Productivity and Job Satisfaction | Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. | 2005 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12127 | Universities and colleges--Florida--Administration, Teachers--Job satisfaction, Education, Higher--Aims and objectives--Florida, Organizational behavior. |
Carole | Blume-D'Ausilio | Sources of Information and Selected Variables and their Relationship to Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12179 | Teacher-student relationships, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children--Education, Teachers--Training of, Classroom management. |
Viva | Braynen | Specific Learning Disability Services: Benefit or Risk? | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12184 | Educational accountability--United States, Special education--United States--Evaluation, Children with disabilities--Education--United States, Learning disabled children--Education--United States. |
Megan F. | Dolan | Assessment success today or learning success tomorrow? How a longitudinal perspective can help standards-based accountability systems eliminate the persistent gap between nominal and actual achievement for high school graduates | Dr. Ashworth, Sara | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12134 | Academic achievement--Measurement, Educational productivity--Measurement, Academic achievement--Longitudinal studies, Education, Higher--United States--Longitudinal studies, Educational equalization--United States--Longitudinal studies. |
Shereeza F. | Mohammed | State Planning Strategies to Implement the Scientific Based Research Components of the NCLB Act | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12175 | School improvement programs--United States, United States --No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Federal aid to education--United States, Education--Standards--United States, Education and state--United States, |
Darlene J. | Nowocien | Investigation of the Value of Teacher Leadership Capacity Building: Implementation of an Intervention Framework to Raise Student Achievement | "Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. & Acker-Hocevar, Michele A." | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12163 | Academic achievement--Measurement, Educational leadership--United States, Teacher participation in administration--United States, School improvement programs--United States, Educational change--United States. |
Donna | Numeroff | Teacher collegiality and collaboration in exemplary high school math departments | Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12128 | Teachers--Professional relationships, Educational leadership--Case studies, Classroom management--Florida--Case studies, Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary). |
Helen | Roberts | Teacher perspectives on the effect of the Florida Public Accountability System on the middle school classroom | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12160 | "Educational accountability--Florida, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Academic achievement--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Middle school education, Middle school teachers--Florida--Attitudes." |
Margaret | Daniels | A Comparative Study Of Elementary Character Eduaction Programs And Their levels of Alignment To Florida State Statute | "Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. & Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia," | 2005 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12146 | "Moral education--Government policy--Florida, Moral education--Curricula--Florida, Moral education--Study and teaching--Florida, Students--Florida--Conduct of life." |
Kaye-Ann | Grant | An Exploration of the Effectiveness of a Phase Approach to Nutrition Counseling Using The Transtheoretical and Brief Intervention Models | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2004 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12117 | Nutrition counseling, Food habits, Nutrition disorders, Clinical health psychology, Health--Psychological aspects. |
Ginger L. | Pedersen | Academic performance and demographic variables in predicting success in college algebra and graduation rates in an urban multi-campus community college | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2004 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12083 | Community colleges--Florida--Palm Beach County--Sociological aspects, Community college students--Florida--Palm Beach County--Statistics, Academic achievement--Florida--Palm Beach County, Postsecondary education--Research--Florida--Palm Beach County. |
Magdala T. | Ray | The Impact of Community College Presidents' Mentoring Practices on Protege Success | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2004 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12102 | "Mentoring in education, College teachers--In-service training, Educational leadership, Community college presidents--United States, Community college administrators, Career development--United States." |
Malika | Starr | The Experience Of Being A Work Leader During A Roles Course Program And At Work: A Heuristic Inquiry | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2004 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12073 | Adventure education, Experiential learning, Leadership |
Rochelle | Abramowitz | A Case Study of Planning and Implementing Whole-School Reform at a Middle School | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12080 | Middle school education, Educational change, Educational leadership, School management and organization. |
Louise A. | Ball | Principals' Perceptions of Professional Learning Communities | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12074 | Career development, Educational leadership, School principals. |
Michael | Cosimano | The impact of block scheduling on academic achievement and the perceptions of teachers and administrators in selected South Florida high schools | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia & Decker, Larry E. | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12090 | Block scheduling (Education)--Florida, Curriculum planning--Florida, Schedules, School--Florida--Palm Beach County, Academic achievement, High schools--Florida--Palm Beach County, School management and organization. |
Patricia A. | Grimsley | Values Underlying the Parental Selection of Charter Schools: A Multi-Site Case Analysis | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12111 | Charter schools--United States, School choice--United States, Educational equalization--United States, Educational change--United States. |
Sheila K. | Lewis | The Relationship Of Full-Time Laptop Computer Access To Student Achievement And Student Attitudes In Middle School | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12091 | Educational technology--United States, Computer-assisted instruction, Middle school education--United States--Philosophy, Laptop computers--Public opinion, Computers and children, Education--Effect of technological innovations on--United States. |
Marva | McClean | Language and Leadership: Exploring the Relationship Between Critical Theories and the Hegemonic Construction of Student Achievement | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12099 | Academic achievement, Multicultural education, Curriculum planning--Cross-cultural studies, Education--Research--Methodology. |
Francis P. | O'Boyle | Facing the Fcat a Matched-Pair Comparison of Changes in Mean Developmental Scale Scores of Selected Schools in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties From 2003-2004 | Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12112 | Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Achievement tests--Florida, Competency-based educational tests--Florida, |
Gail Fern | Solomon | A Study Of Teacher Response To A Program Of Whole School Change | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12084 | Educational change, Educational leadership, Teachers--Attitudes, School management and organization. |
Jeanethe D. | Thompson | The Threat Of School Choice And Changes In Public School Organizations | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12107 | "School choice--United States, School management and organization--United States, Educational equalization--United States, Charter schools--United States, Privatization in education--United States." |
Dennis | Wechter | School Business Partnerships: Awareness, Attitudes, and Actions of Secondary School Principals and Their Business Counterparts In Selected Florida School Districts | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2004 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12097 | Business and education--Florida, Education, Cooperative--Florida, Community and school--Florida, School management and organization--Florida. |
Sara | Marvin | Comparison of Education Perception of Aging | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2003 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12027 | Ageism, College students--Attitudes, Graduate students--Attitudes, Aging--Psychological aspects. |
Gary W. | Shaver | The Relationship Between The Perceived Leadership Styles Of Directors Of Associate Degree Radiography Programs and Faculty Satisfaction, Willingness To Exert Extra Effort, Perceived Director Effectiveness, and Program Outcomes | Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. | 2003 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12048 | Radiography--Study and teaching (Higher), College teachers--Attitudes, Educational leadership. |
Jennifer | Bebergal | Predicting Retention of First-Year College Students | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2003 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12022 | Education, Higher |
Heidi S. | Tuby | Using Classroom Assessment Techniques: The Experiences Of Adjunct Faculty At A Vanguard Learning College And Two Non-Vanguard Community Colleges | Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A. | 2003 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12049 | "Educational tests and measurements, College teachers, Part-time, Effective teaching, Community college teachers." |
Janis | Andrews | Mentoring Across Multiple Generations of School Leaders | Dr. Bogotch, Ira | 2003 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12036 | Educational leadership, Mentoring in education, School principals. |
Shirley R. | Bayard | A Study of the Relationship between Teacher Absenteeism, Teacher Attributes, School Schedule, and Student Achievement | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2003 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12078 | Absenteeism (Labor), Academic achievement, Schedules, School. |
Susan B. | Bernstein | A School, Family, Community Partnership Predictor Model Based on Principals' Communication and Action Strategies | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2003 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12033 | Community and school--United States, Home and school--United States, Education--Parent participation--United States, School principals. |
Joel D. | Herbst | Organizational Servant Leadership and its Relationship to Secondary Effectiveness | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2003 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12066 | Educational leadership, School improvement programs, School principals, School management and organization. |
Marianne Russo | Swain | Building A Template Of Electoral Strategies For Women Who Aspire To The Superintendency In Appointed School Districts Within The Southern United States | "Dr. Bogotch, Ira & Dr. Acker-Hocevar, Michele A." | 2003 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12037 | Women school superintendents--Selection and appointment, Women school superintendents--Southern States--Attitudes--Interviews, Women school administrators. |
Diane | Ciccarelli | Individuals with Cognitive Exceptionalities and Reported Lifestyle Satisfaction: The Relationship of Leisure Awareness, Participation and Barriers | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2002 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11982 | People with mental disabilities--Recreation, Lifestyles, Leisure, Developmentally disabled |
Carole L. | Clyde | Influences of an Experimental Learning Program for Holocaust Education | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2002 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12010 | Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Study and teaching (Higher), Experiential learning |
Ann T. | Musgrove | An examination of the Kolb LSI and GEFT and their relationship to academic achievement in Web-based and face-to-face nursing courses | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2002 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11996 | Cognitive styles, Academic achievement, Nursing--Computer-assisted instruction. |
Abigail J. | Oliver | Perceptions of virtual Learning Teams at the University Level | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2002 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12003 | Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Technology, Education, Curriculum and Instruction. |
Michelle | Brown | Enrollment Management Strategies, Campus Involvement, and Goal Achievement in Public Research Universities | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2002 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12015 | Education, Higher--Aims and objectives, Public universities and colleges--Research--United States, College attendance--United States, Universities and colleges--United States--Administration. |
Stephanie G. | Brown | A Q Methodology Study: Perceptions of Selected Financial Aid Directors, Financial Aid Recepients, and Information Technologists toward the Use of Technology in the Delivery of Financial Aid Services in Higher Education | Dr. Urich, Ted R | 2002 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11990 | Student financial aid administration, Student aid--Information technology, Q technique. |
Ann B. | Hubbard | The impact of curriculum design on health promoting behaviors at a community college in south Florida | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2002 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11993 | Health promotion, Medical education, Nursing--Study and teaching (Graduate). |
Chrysanthos A. | Panayiotou | Negligent Tort Liability of Florida Higher Education Institutions | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 2002 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11984 | Tort liability of universities and colleges--Florida, Negligence, Education, Higher--Law and legislation--Florida, Torts. |
Evelyn Jeanne | Torrey | Faculty Development Centers In Higher Education: Incorporating Diversity and Technology | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2002 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11987 | College teachers--Training of--United States, Multicultural education--United States, Educational technology--United States. |
Kris J. | Black | The Comparison of Three Eighth-Grade-to-Ninth-Grade Transition Programs in a South Florida High School | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11980 | High school environment--Florida--Broward County, Ninth grade (Education)--Florida--Broward County, Student adjustment, Academic achievement. |
Renata O. | Carvalho | The Development of a Community-school Partnership in a Brazilian Elementary school: A Case Study | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11981 | "Community and school--Brazil, Elementary schools--Brazil, Community education, Community schools." |
Eleni D. | Coukos-Semmel | Knowledge Management: Processes and Strategies Used in United States Research Universities | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11983 | "Universities and colleges--United States--Administration, Knowledge management, Research institutes--United States." |
Jeffrey A. | Ellison | From One Generation to the Next: A Cast Study of Holocaust Education in Illinois | Dr. Pisapia, John & Dr. Berger, Alan L. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11979 | Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Study and teaching--Illinois, Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), in textbooks |
Gina L. | Eyerman | Changes in High School Curricular Offerings Before and After the Implementation of The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) | Dr. Pisapia, John | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11992 | Education, Secondary--Curricula--United States, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test |
Linda M. | Goudy | An Examination of Required Technology Courses Syllabi in Elementary Teacher Preparation Programs | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11995 | Elementary school teachers--Training of, Computers--Study and teaching (Elementary), Computer managed instruction. |
Margarita P. | Pinkos | The Relationship Between Non-School Factors and Reading Achievement Among LEP and English-Fluent Students in the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12019 | "Limited English-proficient students, Minorities--Education, Academic achievement, Reading--Florida--Palm Beach County." |
Frances (Rene) | Shaw | Academic Achievement of Students With Disabilities In Co-Teaching, Resource Room, and Support Facilitation Models | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12014 | Students with disabilities--Education, Inclusive education, Academic achievement. |
Kristen L. | Warner | The Effect of Professional Development Experiences On National Board For Professional Teaching Standards Candidates: Scores In Florida | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 2002 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11977 | National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (U S ), Teachers--Training of--Florida, Professional socialization. |
Tunjarnika L. | Coleman-Ferrell | A predictive model of student performance in Internet-based distance learning courses at the community college | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2001 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11949 | Community college students, Internet in higher education, Distance education. |
Barry M. | Gregory | College Alcohol & Life Skills Study with Student Athletes | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2001 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11944 | College athletes--Life skills guides, College athletes--Alcohol use, Alcoholism--Study and teaching. |
Arthur H. | Johnson | Predicting Self-Directed Learning From Personality Type | Dr. Bryan, Valerie | 2001 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11958 | Self-culture, Personality |
Wan- Yu | Chao | Using Computer Self-Efficacy Scale to measure the attitudes of Taiwan elementary preservice teachers toward computer technology | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 2001 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11960 | Elementary school teachers--Training of--Taiwan, Student teachers--Effect of technological innovations on, Student teachers--Taiwan--Attitudes. |
Lourdes | Ferrer | Perceptions of Tenth Grade Mathematics Teachers and School Administrators Towards Florida's School Accountability System: The A+ PLan | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 2001 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11967 | Mathematics teachers--Florida--Attitudes, Educational change--Florida, Educational accountability--Florida, School administrators--Florida--Attitudes. |
David G. | Gottlieb | The Application of Bowen Family Systems Theory to The High School Principalship | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2001 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11943 | Bowen, Murray,--1913-1990, High school principals--United States--Case studies, High schools--United States--Administration--Case studies, Educational leadership--United States--Case studies. |
Lee E. | Brown | The Effect of Short Term Isokinetic Training on Limb Velocity | "Dr. Whitehurst, Michael & Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia, " | 2000 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12641 | Exercise--Physiological aspects, Isokinetic exercise. |
Gayle | Kite | Struggles From OUtside And Within The Bars Of The Juvenile Justice System: Role Conflict Of Health Care Delivery | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2000 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12624 | Prisoners--Health and hygiene, Prisoners--Medical care, Juvenile delinquents--Health and hygiene, Juvenile delinquents--Medical care, Correctional personnel--In-service training. |
Christina Kyounghee | Lim | Computer Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-Concept And Other Factors As Predictors Of Satisfaction And Future Participation Of Adult Learners In Web-Based Distance Education | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2000 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12635 | Distance education, Internet in education, Adult education, Computer literacy. |
Debra L. | Hargrove | Development of A Predictive Model for Faculty Integration of Technology in Higher Education | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2000 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12633 | "Educational technology, Adult education teachers, Information technology, Education, Higher--Data processing." |
Noel C. | Gray | Attitudes of urban high school mathematics teachers toward the mandate requiring algebra for high school graduation. | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12623 | Mathematics teachers--Attitudes, High schools--Graduation requirements, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Algebra. |
Kathleen K. | Huie | A Qualitative Study of Participants' Role Expectations on School Advisory Councils | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12631 | Citizens' advisory committees in education, Community and school, Educational change, School management and organization. |
James F. | Martin | Resiliency Enhancement: A comparison of After-School Child Care Programs for Selected Elementary School Students | Dr. Morris, John D. | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12636 | School-age child care, Resilience (Personality trait) in children, Children with social disabilities--Education. |
Donna L. | McCaffrey | Teacher Attitudes Toward Supervision and Evaluation in the Development Research Schools of the State of Florida | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D" | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12628 | Laboratory schools--Florida, Teachers--Attitudes, Teachers--Rating of, School supervision. |
Susan F. | Schulz | Program Completion in Proprietary Schools: A Phenomenological Case Study | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12637 | Proprietary schools--Case studies, Dropouts--Prevention--Case studies, Massage schools--Case studies. |
Bradd W. | Stucky | The Desired Role vs. The Actual Role Of The Lutheran Elementary School Board As Viewed By Selected Principals, School Board Chairpersons, And Pastors Of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 2000 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12629 | Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod --Board of Parish Education, Lutheran Church--Education--United States, Elementary school administration, School boards--United States, School management and organization. |
Suzanne J. | Crouch | Predicting Success in the Associate Degree Nursing Program | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1999 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12615 | "Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Prediction of scholastic success, Critical thinking." |
Kathryn C. | McCarten | An Examination of the Relationship between Nurses' Learning Preferences and Practices | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1999 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12604 | Nursing--Study and teaching (Continuing education), Nurses--Florida--Attitudes. Independent study/ |
Joan | Ortega-Cowan | International Education at the Community College Level: Evaluation of levels of Commitment and Curriculum Integration | Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. | 1999 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12593 | International education, Community colleges. |
Brenda C. | Williams | Educational Philosophies and Teaching Styles of University of Florida Cooperative Extension Agents. | "Dr. Kussrow, Paul G. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1999 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12609 | Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural extension workers--Florida--Attitudes, Adult education. |
June A. | Eastmond | A Study of Black Nursing Faculty Factors That Influenced Completion of Graduate Level Degrees | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 1999 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12620 | Nursing schools--Faculty, African American nurses, Nursing--Study and teaching (Graduate). |
Jerry K. | Jones | Gender Equity At Selected National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Institutions | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1999 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12587 | Sex discrimination in sports, National Collegiate Athletic Association |
Patricia Mahoney | Siccardi | The Puzzle of Transformation: Becoming A Nurse Practitioner | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 1999 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12598 | Nurse practitioners--Education, Problem-based learning, Critical thinking. |
Doris | Agnon | An Analysis of Opportunities for Middle and High School Principals to Develop Public Speaking Skills for Effective Educational Leadership | Dr. Gray, Mary B. | 1999 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12612 | School principals, Educational leadership, Public speaking. |
Cynthia | Johnson | A Comparison Of The Teaching Styles Of Full-Time And Part-Time Community College Faculty | Dr. Pisapia, John | 1999 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12617 | Community college teachers, Adult education, Teaching. |
Kimberly A. | Knutson | An Investigation of Relationships Between School Culture and Leadership Social Interest | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1999 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12603 | Education, Administration, Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Educational Psychology. |
Audrey E. | Lawrence | An Exploratory Study Of The Perceptions And Experiences Of Selected Educators On The Infusion Of Multicultural Education Into The Language Arts Curriculum In Broward County, Florida, Public Schools | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1999 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12607 | Language arts (Middle school)--Curricula, Multicultural education, Middle school teachers--Florida--Attitudes, Curriculum change. |
Ilene | Allgood | The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Strategic Prejudice Reduction Framework and Its Effect on Dogmatism Levels of College Students | "Dr. Diaz, Carlos F. & Dr. Pisapia, John," | 1998 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12583 | Dogmatism, College students--Attitudes, Multicultural education, Prejudices, Teacher-student relationships. |
Sandra M. | Ayaz | The Effect of a Supplemental Multiple Modalities Learning Program on the Academic Success of Student Athletes at Florida Atlantic University | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1998 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12558 | Academic achievement, College athletes--Education, Florida Atlantic University--College athletes. |
Linda Marie | Golian | Thinking Style Differences Among Academic Librarians | Dr. Galbraith, Michael W. | 1998 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12562 | Academic librarians, Library administrators, Thought and thinking |
Rosemary | Colarulli | Effects of Teaching Mathematics to learning Style Perceptual Preference on Academic Achievement of Seventh Grade Middle School Students | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1998 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12552 | Mathematics--Study and teaching (Middle school)--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Cognitive styles--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Individualized instruction--Florida--Palm Beach County--Case studies, Academic achievement--Florida--Palm Beach County, Learning, Psychology of. |
Cathy | Kirk | Teacher Absenteeism And Student Achievement | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 1998 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12563 | Teachers--Leaves of absence, Academic achievement. |
Mary L. | Mosley | "CON RESPETO" - Factors Related to the Academic Performance of Mexican American Fourth graders in Selected Florida Elementary Schools | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D.," | 1998 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12557 | Mexican American students--Florida, Academic achievement, Educational tests and measurements--United States, Education, Elementary--Florida. |
Eileen | Wills | A study of Teacher Change And Its Meaning | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia | 1998 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12571 | Teachers--In-service training, Teachers--Attitudes |
Nancy J. | Lucas | The views of selected school administrators in Broward County, Florida on managing culturally diverse schools | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1997 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12540 | Minorities--Education--Florida--Broward County, Multicultural education--Florida--Broward County, School management and organization, Multiculturalism. |
Leighan R. | Rinker | A Study of Relationship between Work Environment Variables and the Intent of Child Care Workers in Southeast Florida to leave Their WorkPlace | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1997 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12496 | Child care workers--Job satisfaction, Employee motivation, Job satisfaction. |
Joseph M. | Roberts | A Case Study of Leadership Practice of Elders in South Florida Churches of Christ | Dr. Dr. Michael Galbraith | 1997 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12543 | Christian leadership, Elders (Church officers), Churches of Christ--Florida. |
Alyse L. | Schoenfeldt | Achievement and Satisfaction in Adult Spanish language Courses with Compressed and Standard Formats | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1997 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12505 | Adult education, Academic achievement, Spanish language--Study and teaching. |
Patricia J. | Anderson | A Comparison of the Interpersonal Communication Style and Relationship Satisfaction of Academic and Student Affairs Administrators in Two-Year Colleges | "Dr. Ijams, Karl & Dr. Lynch, Ann Q." | 1997 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12497 | Interpersonal communication, Community colleges--United States, Communication in education, College administrators--United States. |
Rebecca C. | Beck | Effects of Academic Advisor Attire on Community College Student Satisfaction with Academic Advising | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1997 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12499 | Community college students--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Palm Beach Community College, Counseling in higher education--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Faculty advisors--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Work clothes--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies, Clothing and dress--Social aspects--Florida--Palm Beach--Case studies. |
Rosanna S. | Berzok | A Comparison between Florida State University System's Female Administrators and Female Faculty in their Personal Attributes and Self-Efficacy Beliefs | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1997 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12518 | Universities and colleges--Florida--Administration, Women college administrators--Florida, Women college teachers--Florida, Self-efficacy. |
Nabil A. | Husni | The effects of accommodating students' learning styles on academic achievement and attitudes towards algebra. | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1997 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12510 | Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher), Academic achievement |
Doreen K. | Jadwick | The Perceptions of Effectiveness of Mentoring Relationships in Higher Education | Dr. Decker, Larry E. | 1997 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12494 | College teachers--In-service training, Mentoring in education |
Joyce | Bacon | The Effectiveness of Dropout Prevention Models as Perceived by High School Principals and High School Guidance Counselors in Florida | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12517 | Dropouts--Prevention, High school dropouts, High school principals--Florida--Attitudes, Student counselors--Florida--Attitudes. |
Susan J. | Byo | General Education Classroom Teachers' and Music Specialists' Perceived Ability to Implement the National Standards for Music Education | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12503 | National standards for arts education, School music--Instruction and study--Standards--United States |
Joseph M. | Forman | Predicting Readiness on the Florida Entry-Level-Placement Test From a Set of High School Academic Variables | "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12536 | Educational tests and measurements, Competency-based educational tests, Community colleges--Florida--Entrance examinations |
Phyllis Schiffer | Klenetsky | The Effect of 4MAT Training On Teacher' Attitudes Towards Students Behaviors Associated With Creativity | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12538 | 4MAT system, Teachers--Attitudes |
Bill R. | Owens | A Model to Predict High School Dropouts in a Small, Rural Florida School District | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12535 | High school dropouts--Florida--Okeechobee County, Dropout behavior, Prediction of |
David B. | Rinker | Facilitating and Learning Behavior in a Secondary School Travel Studies Program | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12541 | Foreign study--South Africa, Education, Secondary, Youth travel programs--South Africa, Experiential learning. |
Garie H. | Rose | Gender and Socioeconomic Status as Predictors of Reading Gain Score on the Stanford Achievement Test for Fifth Grade Students Who Participated in Computer Assisted Instruction | Dr. Jurenas, Albert C. | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12542 | Educational tests and measurements, Educational tests and measurements--Sex differences, Educational tests and measurements--Social aspects, Reading readiness--Testing. |
Robin E. | Thornton | A Comparison Of Parents' Perceptions And Speech/Language Pathologists' Perceptions Of Selected Social Competency Needs Of Speech/Language Impaired Preschool Children In Broward County, Florida | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1997 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12544 | Thornton, Robin Elizabeth, Florida Atlantic University, Degree Grantor, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology. |
Donna C. | Maheady | Jumping Through Hoops, Walking on Egg Shells: The Experiences of Nursing Students With Disabilities | Dr. Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia & Dr. Winland-Brown, Jill | 1996 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12489 | Nursing students, People with disabilities--Education (Higher), College students with disabilities. |
Richard J. | Ferrara | Predicting Success in the Pre-International Baccalaurette Program | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1996 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12479 | International baccalaureate, Prediction of scholastic success. |
Linda Traywick | Horner | College Administrators' Perceptions of the Value of Leadership/Administrative Training Programs for Aspiring Administrators | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1996 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12442 | Junior colleges--United States--Administration, Universities and colleges--United States--Administration, College administrators--Training of--United States, Career development--United States, Leadership--United States. |
Mary K. | Bacallao | The Attitudes of Certain Parents of Elementary School Children and Their Teachers Toward Various School Choice Plan | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Gray, Mary B." | 1996 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12458 | Educational vouchers--United States, School choice--United States, Public schools--United States, Private schools--United States. |
Ellen N. | Breslow | Variables Affecting Attitudes of Regular-Education Elementary School Teachers Toward Selected Issues on Inclusion | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1996 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12482 | Mainstreaming in education, Elementary school teachers--Attitudes, Children with disabilities--Education. |
Richard H. | Knee | The relationship of selected principal characteristics to the integration of technology in schools | Dr. Morris, John D. | 1996 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12443 | Education, Administration, Education, Technology |
Nancy M. | Manasseh | Comparison of Perceptions of Private school Adminstrators and Teachers on Selected Methods of Teachers Evaluation | Dr. Gray, Mary B. | 1996 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12460 | Teachers--Rating of--Florida, Teaching--Florida--Evaluation, Teacher-administrator relationships, Private schools--Florida. |
Linnie Sue | Comerford | Attitude Changes in Year-Round Education as a Result of a Community Information Program | "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1995 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12421 | Year-round schools--Florida--Palm Beach County--Public opinion, School year--Florida--Palm Beach County, Public schools--Florida--Palm Beach County. |
John H. | Cummings | Barriers to Participation in Adult Education as Perceived by African-American and Others | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1995 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12438 | Adult learning, People with social disabilities--Education, African Americans--Education. |
Rohn | Kessler | Cognitive styles and concept mapping dimensions of hypermedia computer users | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Hunt, John J." | 1995 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12404 | Hypertext systems, Interactive multimedia, Concept learning, Computer-assisted instruction, Curriculum planning, Human-computer interaction. |
Mary Jean | Seubert | The origin, development, and issues of the community education movement in the United States, 1935-1995 | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. & Dr. Galbraith Michael W. | 1995 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12411 | History, United States, Education, History of. |
Lesonie M. | Walker | The Relationship Between Native Language And Performance On The General Education Development Test Among First-Time Test Takers In Dade County | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1995 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12403 | Minorities--Education--United States, Multicultural education--Florida--Miami-Dade County, GED tests, Academic achievement--Florida--Miami-Dade County. |
Antonieta Surroca | Kelly | Departure of Hispanic and Anglo Females From Public and Private Universities in Florida | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1995 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12405 | Prediction of scholastic success, College dropouts--Prevention, Dropout behavior, Prediction of. |
Brenda Manning | Shryock | The Effects Of Instructional Format On Community College Students' Geometric Construction Performance | "Dr. Shockley, Robert & Dr. Romance, Nancy," | 1995 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12440 | Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc, Problem solving, Mathematics--Study and teaching, Teaching--Aids and devices. |
Marion | Weil | The impact of a collegial peer coaching teacher-training program upon Palm Beach County teachers' sense of self-efficacy | Dr. Hunt, John J. | 1995 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12398 | Teachers--Training of--Florida--Palm Beach County, Mentoring in education--Florida--Palm Beach County, Teachers--Attitudes, Motivation in education--Florida--Palm Beach County. |
Robert W. | Helmick | The Status of the Substitute Teacher Delivery System in the Sixty-Seven Florida Public School Districts and the Perceptions of Adminstrators, Teachers, and the Substitute Teachers Toward the Substitute Teacher Delivery System in the Polk County Florida, Public School District | Dr. Hunt, John J. | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12400 | Substitute teachers--Florida--Evaluation, Substitute teachers--Rating of--Florida, Substitute teachers--Training of--Florida. |
Paula Schweitzer | Herbst | Effect of Graphic Organizers on Ninth Grade Students' Achievement in Social Studies | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12419 | Social sciences--Graphic methodsm, Social sciences--Study and teaching (Secondary) |
Betty | Hill | Effects of Tutoring Strategies and Noninstructional Variables on Nontraditional Students' Reading Comprehension Scores | Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12422 | Tutors and tutoring, Teaching |
Rochelle A. | Kenyon | A comparative study of the impact of two treatments on attitudes toward persons with disabilities | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12430 | People with disabilities, People with disabilities--Attitudes. |
Fred R. | Landrum | New Insights Into Cognitive Abilities Of Adjudicated Youths | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12431 | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Juvenile delinquents--Education, Cognition in children. |
Linda H. | Thornton | Academic And Demographic Variables As Predictors Of Gang Activity In School | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Gray, Mary B." | 1995 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12429 | Gangs--United States, Juvenile delinquency, School violence. |
Thomas R. | Andler | Identifying and Segmenting the Low-Literate Adult Population Using Geo-Demographics: A Model for Community Education Use | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1994 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12373 | Literacy--Statistics, Education--Demographic aspects, Demographic surveys. |
Deborah H. | Long | The Effect of Ethics Instruction on the Moral Development of Adult Real Estate Students | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1994 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12375 | Education, Adult and Continuing, Education, Business, Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Education, Vocational. |
Mary Ann | Massey | An Examination of Gender-Related Attitudes Among Managers | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1994 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12390 | "Sex role in the work environment, Executives--Attitudes, Organizational behavior, Social change." |
Cynthia W. | Butler | Factors related to time necessary for degree completion for the 1985-1986 freshman classes at Florida Atlantic University | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1994 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12370 | Florida Atlantic University--Degrees, Educational accountability--Florida, Education, Higher--Florida, Universities and colleges--Florida--Graduation requirements--Case studies, Degrees, Academic--Florida--Case studies, Degrees, Academic--Florida--Statistics. |
Leon T. | Hobbs | Perceptions of Florida's Superinterdents and Schools Board Chairpersons Regarding the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1994 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12368 | School superintendents--Florida, AIDS (Disease) in children--Florida. |
Carol E. | Meltzer | Criteria for Selecting Classroom Teachers | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1994 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12391 | Education, Elementary, Education, Secondary |
Kathryn | McGhee Gundlach | The Utilization of Part-Time Personnel in Certificated Positions in the Public Schools of Florida | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1994 | SL, HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12388 | Teachers, Part-time--Florida, Part-time employment--Florida, Public schools--Florida--Employees. |
Stephanie | Bessell | Efficacy of a parenting component in a teen parent program in broward county, florida | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1993 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12329 | Teenage mothers--Florida--Broward County, Teenage pregnancy--Florida--Broward County, Parenting. |
Susan C. | Gunn | Identification of Performance Outcomes Required of Human Resource Development Professionals in Order to Develop Quality Programs Consistent With the Malcolm Baldrige Award Criteria | "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." | 1993 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FADT12352 | "Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Total quality management--United States, Performance standards." |
Linda S. | Forst | The Effects of Two Acquaintance Rape Preventon Education Programs on Rape-Supportive Beliefs Among College Students | Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. | 1993 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12355 | Rape--Prevention, Sex crimes, College students--Crimes against--Prevention, Acquaintance rape--Prevention. |
Bettina J. | Hoffman | Predictors of Performance On The Essays Section of the English Composition Test In The College Board Achievement Tests | "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." | 1993 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12338 | "SAT (Educational test), English composition test, Prediction of scholastic success, College entrance achievement tests." |
Linda L. | McDaniel | Parent Involvement Training and the Achievement, Attendance, and Attitudes of At-Risk Students | Dr. Gray, Mary B. | 1993 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12327 | Education--Parent participation, Dropouts--Florida, Parental influences--Florida |
Richard E. | Durr | An examination of readiness for self-directed learning and selected personnel variables at a large Midwestern electronics development and manufacturing corporation | "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M." | 1992 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12312 | Adult learning, Experiential learning. |
David C. M. | Samore | Admissions criteria as predictors of success in the International Baccalaureate | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1992 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12299 | Prediction of scholastic success, International baccalaureate. |
Patricia | Schifini | Opinions of black and white female potential educational administrators toward barriers to career advancement | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1992 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12318 | "Women educators--Employment--Public opinion, School management and organization--Public opinion, African American women--Employment--Public opinion, Career development--Research." |
Keith S. | Sparkman | The Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction On Achievement In The Accounting Principles Course On The Community College Level | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1992 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12300 | Accounting--Computer-assisted instruction, Community colleges--Study and teaching |
David E. | Sullivan | A Study Of Return-To-Industry Experiences Of Florida Community College Vocational Faculty Between 1986 And 1990 | Dr. Harmes, Harold M. | 1992 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12323 | College teachers--Tenure |
Madeline A. | Bernardo | Transfer Effects of a High School Computer Programming Course on Mathematical Modeling, Procedural Comprehension, and Verbal Problem Solution | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." | 1992 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12302 | Computer-assisted instruction, Verbal learning, Mathematical models, Comprehension. |
Anthony | Marcano | Family Dysfunction and Its Possible Correlation with Student Behavior in Grades Four and Five | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1992 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12322 | Dysfunctional families, Problem children--Family relationships. |
Paula F. | Nessmith | An analysis of the strategic planning process as applied to the school board of Palm Beach County | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." | 1992 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12298 | Educational planning--United States, Strategic planning--United States. |
Arthur W. | Tate Jr. | The Development And Evaluation Of A Model For Teacher Reflection | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1992 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12305 | Teachers--Attitudes, Attitude change |
Valerie C. | Bryan-Wunner | Verification of Competencies Needed by Entry-Level Recreation, Park and Leisure Professionals in Florida and the Relationship of Competency Perception to Readiness for Self-Directed Learning | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1991 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000654 | "Recreation leaders--Employment--Florida, Recreation leaders--Training of--Florida, Parks--Employees--Training of--Florida, Competency-based education." |
Diane | Schmidt | An investigation of the effect of gender, cognitive level, and attitude of seventh-grade science students on an identification of key variables task using an expert system | Dr. Voss, Stephen | 1991 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12275 | Science--Computer-assisted instruction, Science--Study and teaching--Data processing |
Patricia A. | Brandt | A Replication in a Small Private College of a Study to Predict Freshman Persistence and Voluntary Dropout Decisions | Dr. Harmes, Harold M. | 1991 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12269 | College dropouts--Florida, College attendance--Florida. |
Katherine M. | Johnson | Attitudes of Faculty Members At Florida's Community Colleges Regarding Tenure/ Continuing Contract | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1991 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12268 | Community college teachers--Florida--Attitudes, College teachers--Tenure |
Martha | Kelly | Predictors of College Student Ratings Of Faculty | "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. & Dr. Morris, John D." | 1991 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12283 | Universities and colleges--Faculty--Rating of |
Adolph | Cameron | Investigation of Attitudes Towards the Financing of Public Education in Jamaica | Dr. Guglielmino, Lucy M. | 1991 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12270 | Education--Jamaica--Finance, School board members--Jamaica, School principals--Jamaica. |
Marta A. | Garrido | Effect of a Videodisc Program on the Academic Achievement of Learning Disabled Students | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1991 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12273 | Learning disabled teenagers--Education, Science--Study and teaching (Higher)--Audio-visual aids, Academic achievement. |
Jack | McDonald | Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School | "Dr. Morris, John D. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. " | 1991 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000677 | Science--Study and teaching (Secondary), Academic achievement--Evaluation, High school students--United States, Motivation in education. |
Robert A. | Turk | The Speaker's Influence On School Legislation And Finance In The Florida Legislature | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1991 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12266 | Legislators--Florida, Education--Florida--Finance, Educational law and legislation--Florida. |
Susan L. | Whiting | Exploring Alternative Screening Models For Identifying Intern Administrators | "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Morris, John D.," | 1991 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12287 | School administrators--Selection and appointment--Florida--Broward County, School administrators--Selection and appointment, School administrators--In-service training--Florida--Broward County. |
Gregg C. | Cox | The Effect of Curriculum Specific Computer Aided Instruction on Student Achievement in College Algebra, A Comparative Study | Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. | 1990 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12250 | Algebra--Computer-assisted instruction, Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher), Computer-assisted instruction |
Joseph A. | Melita | Perceptions of Selected School Personnel Toward Youth Gangs in High Schools, Broward County, Florida | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1990 | N/A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12248 | Gangs--Florida |
Elizabeth M. | Divine | A Comparison of Broward County, Florida High School, and Community College Teachers' Perceptions of Reference Skills | Dr. Brown, Robert G. | 1990 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12264 | High school students--Florida--Broward County, Library orientation for high school students, Community college students--Florida--Broward County. |
Carol | Kamman | Writing Across the Curriculum: Implications For Preservice Teacher Education | "Dr. Childrey, John & Dr. Arnov, Boris," | 1990 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12257 | Language arts--Correlation with content subjects, Teachers--Training of--Florida. |
Judith C. | Miller | The Relationship of Grade Level, Socioeconomic Status and Gender to Selected Student Variables | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1990 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12265 | Academic achievement, Prediction of scholastic success, Students--Rating of, Youth--United States--Social conditions. |
Melody M. | Samuelson | A Study of the Perceptions of Public School District Superintendents in the State of Florida Regarding recommendations for Education Reform | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1990 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000692 | Public schools--Florida--Evaluation, Education--Aims and objectives--Florida, Educational change |
William Henry | Vogel III | The History Of Public Education In Osceola County, Florida 1887 - 1927 | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1990 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12255 | County school systems--Florida--History, Public schools--Florida--Osceola County--History, Education--Florida--Osceola County--History. |
Anthony A. | Abbott | The Exercise Science Knowledge Base of Commercial Fitness Instructors in the State of Florida | Dr. Welsh, Raymond l. | 1989 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11935 | Physical fitness centers--Florida, Exercise. |
Harvey C. | Holland | Perceptions of Need Satisfaction Between Students and Alumni of Young Harris College | Dr. Brown, Robert G. | 1989 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12241 | Young Harris College--Evaluation, Junior colleges--Georgia, Junior colleges--Case studies. |
June A. | Nilsen | The effect of a modified self-paced postinformative feedback interval on concept formation and identification tasks | Dr. Kauffman, Dan | 1989 | N/A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11938 | Concept learning, Feedback (Psychology). |
Robert G. | Barnes | Selected Single Parent Variables and Their Relation to Disruptive Middle School Student Behavior | "Dr. Shrader, E. Frank & Dr. Anderson, Arthur" | 1989 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11936 | Children of single parents, Behavior disorders in children. |
Mary | Custureri | The effects of a Read a Book in an Hour, a wholistic reading technique, on reading comprehension, composition, speaking and listening skills | Dr. Childrey, John | 1989 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11937 | Reading--Language experience approach, Reading--Research. |
Susan K. | Fazio | The Study of the Development of the Relationship Between Neuroscience and Education | Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. | 1989 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12244 | Brain--Localization of functions, Learning--Physiological aspects. |
Lorena A. | Morrison | The Relationship Between Gender, Laterality, Brain Dominance, and Learning Disabled Labeling of Selected Elementary School Aged Students in Dade County, Florida | Dr. Pyle, Wilma J. | 1989 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12240 | School children--Ability testing, Learning ability, Cerebral dominance, Laterality. |
Nirmal | Devi | Predicting Success in Four Different Programs at a Technical University | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1988 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11925 | College students--United States, Academic achievement. |
Wilhelmena B. | Mack | The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction Levels and Demographic Variables Among Hospital Employees | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1988 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11928 | Hospitals--Employees, Job satisfaction. |
Elnora B. | Harllee | The Responsibilities of The Assistant Principal in the Elementary Schools of Dade County Public School System as Perceived by Teachers, Principals, and other Assistant Principals | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1988 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11924 | Elementary school principals--Florida--Miami-Dade County. |
Henry E. | Johnson III | The Effects Of The Enright Arithmetic Program On The Emotional Deficits Associated With Learned Helplessness | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1988 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11930 | Enright Arithmetic Program--Psychological aspects, Education, Elementary, Education. |
Gail I. | Klein | An Investigation of The Attitudes Of Selected Persons Towards Public Schools' Responsibility For School-Age Child Care | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1988 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11914 | Public schools, School-age child care. |
Jay M | Linksman | The Validity Of Peer Ratings In The Selection Of Potential School Administrators | "Dr. Bernardin, Harold J & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B.," | 1988 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11920 | School administrators, Peer review. |
Nancy G. | Mims | A Status Study of Nonpublic High Schools' Voluntary Compliance with Florida RAISE Requirements and other, Selected Quality Variables | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1988 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11927 | Raise Achievement in Secondary Education--Florida, Academic achievement--United States, Education, Secondary--Florida. |
Charlotte E. | Cipes | Relationship Between Brain Dominance, Gender, and Improvement in Creative Thinking Skills | Dr. Kauffman, Dan | 1987 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11910 | Creative thinking, Brain. |
Adonna M. | Rutland | Effects of a self-directed learning group experience on the self-directed learning readiness and self-concepts of adult basic education students and general educational development students | Dr. Burrichter, Arthur W. | 1987 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11908 | Adult education, Independent study. |
Carol L. | Kahle | Architerctural Analysis of Selected Community College Theatres | Dr. Kite, Robert H. | 1987 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11896 | Theater architecture, Community colleges. |
Nelly | Osorio De Parra | A Study Of Specific Variables Associated With Attrition At A Politechnical Institution Of Higher Learning In Venezuela | "Dr. Cook, Joseph & Dr. Brown, Robert " | 1987 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11911 | College students--Venezuela, Persistence |
Richard | Garten | Reciprocal Perceptions Between Administrative Personnel In Selected Public And Independent Schools (Florida). | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11892 | School management and organization--United States, School management and organization--Florida. |
James W. | Hodges Jr. | A Study of the Opinions of Florida's Public Secondary School Principals, English Department Chairpersons, and School Board Members On Selected Issues Concerning the "No Pass/No Play" Rule | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11905 | Academic achievement, High schools--Legal status, laws, etc --Florida. |
Joyce B. | Holmes | An Historical Analysis of Related Services Litigation For Handicapped Students | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11913 | Children with disabilities--Services for--Florida. |
Sharon M. | Ralph | A study of Outcomes of the Florida New Principals Program as Perceived by the Program Participants | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11912 | "School superintendents--In-service training--Florida, Gifted children--Identification, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children." |
Jake | Sello | Florida's Approach To The Selection of School Superintendents: Perceptions of Board Members and Administrators In Selected School Districts | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11902 | School superintendents--Florida. |
Sheila Moore | Williams | A Comparison Of Modality Strengths of Mexican And American Second And Third Grade Students In Fellsmere, Florida | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1987 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11891 | Modality (Theory of knowledge), Mexican American children--Education--Florida. |
Ralph | Cafolla | The Relationship Of Piagetian Formal Operations And Other Cognitive Factors To Computer Programming Ability (Development) | Dr. Kauffman, Dan | 1986 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11886 | Computer programming, Cognition. |
Daryl G. | Miller | The Integration of Computer Simulation into the Community College General Biology Laboratory | Dr. Stewart, Herbert H. | 1986 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11883 | Computer-assisted instruction, Biological laboratories, Community colleges. |
Sandra J. | Rothstein | The relationship of Locus of control on Weight Loss and Maintenance of Weight Loss | Dr. Stewart, Herbert H. | 1986 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11880 | Control (Psychology), Obesity. |
Gloria W. | Rupprath | A Study of the Perceptions Held by Male and Female Graduate Students in Educational Leadership Toward the Influences that Role Models, Mentors, and Network Systems Exert on Career Development | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1986 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11879 | Graduate students--Florida--Boca Raton--Attitudes, Sex differences (Psychology). |
Dorothy D. | Glasgow | Perceptions of Student Teachers, Supervising Teachers, and PRofessors of Education Toward Selected Issues in Student Teaching | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1986 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11878 | Student teaching--Florida--Palm Beach County, Student teaching--Florida--Broward County. |
Linda G. | Liberman | The effect of congruence between learning/teaching styles on student retention at Broward Community College | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1986 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11890 | Interaction analysis in education, Teacher-student relationships, Memory. |
Patricia Worrell | Swift | The Effect Of Peer Review With Self-Evaluation On Freshman Writing Performance, Retention, And Attitude At Broward Community College | "Dr. Urich, Ted R. & Professor Boris Arnov" | 1986 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11888 | English language--Florida--Broward County--Composition and exercises. |
Frances La Briola | Palacio | Effects Of Self-Paced Postinformative Feedback Intervals And Task Complexity On Concept Identification (Intertrial, Computer) | Dr. Kauffman, Dan | 1986 | N/A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11884 | Learning, Psychology of, Concept learning. |
Lynne K. | Mcgee | Fear of Success Imagery Between Black and White Female Adolescents | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1986 | NA | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11889 | Fear of success, Teenage girls. |
William P. | Cahill | Intelligence And Compulsive Personality Traits As Mediators In The Contribution Of The Collecting Hobbies To Academic Achievement For Eighth And Ninth Grade Students | Dr. Ceros-Livingston, Patsy | 1986 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11876 | Child collectors, Academic achievement. |
Maria H. | Koonce | A Comparison Of Attitudes Of Tenth Grade Students Toward Selected Aspects Of The Study Of Foreign Languages | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1986 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11877 | Education, Bilingual and Multicultural. |
Dorothy M. | Norton | Career Expectations and Job Functions of the Elementary School Assistant Principal as Perceived by Elementary School Principals and Assistant Principals in Palm Beach County, Florida | Dr. Wells, Jack | 1986 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11885 | Elementary school principals--Florida--Palm Beach County, Women school administrators. |
Francine Le Stourgeon | Pole | Competencies necessary for Principals to Administer Internal Accounts in Secondary Schools of Florida | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1986 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11881 | High school principals--Florida, Schools--Accounting. |
Melvin | Talbert | Identification Of Common Factors Leading To Success In The Westinghouse Competition In The Post National Science Foundation Funding Era And Implications For Administrative Decision-Makers | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1986 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11887 | Science--Study and teaching (Secondary), Science--Scholarships, fellowships, etc. |
Eric E. | Reno | Development and Evaluation of a Training Model in the Use of Role Play by Community College Faculty | Dr. Cook, Joseph B. | 1985 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11871 | Role playing--Evaluation, Teachers--Training of--Florida--Boca Raton. |
Kathleen K. | Blais | Critical care component of undergraduate nursing education a study of perceptions of associate degree and baccalaureate degree nursing faculty and students | Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. | 1985 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11860 | Nursing--Study and teaching (Associate degree), Intensive care nursing--Study and teaching. |
Margaret W. | Larkins | Opinions Of Consumers Toward Selected Aspects Of The Educational Experience At Miami-Dade Community College, Dade County, Florida | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1985 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11869 | College students--Florida--Miami-Dade County--Attitudes. |
Thomas F. | Panza | Independent VS. Public Higher Education is There a Difference? | Dr. Cook, Joseph B. | 1985 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11873 | Education, Higher--Evaluation |
Ana M. Sanchez | Sippin | Student, Faculty & Administrator Perceptions Of The Academic Advising Needs Of Students At Florida Atlantic University | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn C. | 1985 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11866 | Student-administrator relationships--Evaluation, Counseling in higher education. |
Elizabeth Clark | Lambertson | Effective Teaching Behaviors As Perceived By Teachers And Administrators In St. Lucie County: A Q-Analysis (Instruction, Q-Methodology, Florida, Performance, Measurement System) | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1985 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11865 | Florida--Officials and employees--Attitudes, Teaching--Methodology--Evaluation. |
Cheryl R. | Lombard | A Study of the Correlation between Job Satisfaction and Values for Public and Non-Public School Teachers Currently Teaching in South Florida School | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1985 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11864 | Job satisfaction--Testing, Values--Measurement, Values--Testing, Allport-Vernon study of values test. |
Robert E. | Morse | A New Approach to Curriculum Organization: The Administrative Implications of Cassirer's Theory of Symbolic Form | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1985 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11861 | Education, Administration |
Joyce A. | Walker | Membership Satisfaction Of Three Teacher Collective Bargaining Units With Bargaining Agent Performance In Three Selected East Coast Counties During A Period Of Demographic Change | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1985 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11859 | Collective bargaining--Teachers--Florida. |
Patricia F. | Garnett | A Comparative Study of Male and Female School Board Members' Attitudes Towards Women Administrators in the State of Florida | "Dr. Gray, Mary B. & Dr. Urich, Ted R. " | 1985 | SL, HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11872 | Education--Florida--Administration, Women in education--Florida. |
William F. | Cavitt | The Determination of Instructional Staff Concerns about Navy Training Devices | Dr. Harrow, Thomas L. | 1984 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11849 | Synthetic training devices, Teaching--Aids and devices. |
Thomas E. | Gwise | A Needs Analysis for a Doctoral Program in Education for Non-School Educators and Trainers in the Eleven County East Central Florida Region | "Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. & Dr. Sciortino, Philip T." | 1984 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11852 | Educators--Education (Higher). |
Elaine T. | Klatt | The Changing Role Of The County Extension Agent As A Community Educator | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1984 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11847 | "Agricultural extension workers--Florida--Attitudes, Community development--Florida, Florida Cooperative Extension Service." |
Elizabeth A. | Nick | The Part-time Adult Student and the Traditional Student in the Community College:A Comparison of Academic Needs | "Dr. Burrichter, Arthur & Dr. Floyd, Marilyn " | 1984 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11845 | Part-time students--Florida, College students--Florida, Adult education--Florida, Broward Community College--Students. |
King W. | Osborne | Entrance and promotion Competencies for Electronics Technology in Brevard County | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn C. | 1984 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11858 | Community colleges--Florida--Brevard County--Entrance requirements, Electronic technicians--Education--Florida--Brevard County |
Melvin D. | Gillespie | Comparison of Academic Success Variables of Black Male High School Graduates With Other Racial and Gender Populations in the Broward County School District, FLorida | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1984 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12553 | African American high school students--Florida--Broward County--Case studies, Academic achievement--Florida--Broward County--Case studies |
Carl R. | Balado | Spanish Language Learning as a Determinant of Knowledge of Hispanic Culture in Secondary Schools | Dr. Mealor, David J. | 1984 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000647 | Spanish language, Civilization, Hispanic--Social life and customs, Education, Secondary. |
Mary H. | Callarman | Levels of Satisfaction Among Principals in Selected Florida School Districts | Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B., | 1984 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11851 | Job satisfaction--Testing, School principals--Florida. |
Mary W. | Staggs | A Model Microcomputer-Based Management System For Learning Disabled Elementary School Students | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1984 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11850 | Special education, Children with disabilities--Education, Elementary school administration, Electronic data processing--Education (Elementary). |
Leon | Weissberg | Prevalence and Sources of Administrative Stress Among Chief Administrative Officers in Broward County, Florida Nonpublic Schools | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1984 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11857 | School administrators--Florida--Broward County, Stress (Psychology). |
John R. | Wiegman | Attitudes Toward Merit Pay For Instructional Personnel: A Survey Of Florida Public School District Policy Makers and Administrators | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1984 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11856 | Bonuses (Employee fringe benefits)--Education, School administrators--Florida--Attitudes. |
Carolann W. | Baldyga | Student Goals for Learning Spanish and Their Attitudes Toward the Hispanic Community | Dr. Staczek, John J. | 1983 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11832 | Spanish language--Florida--Miami-Dade County--Attitudes. |
T. Jane S. | Lusk | Perceived Role of State Business Education Director and Consultants at the Community Junior College Level in Florida | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1983 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11830 | Higher education and state--Florida--Evaluation, Higher education and state--Florida--Information services. |
Trudi A. | Nutt | Profiles of Intellectual Abilities of Selected Students Enrolled in a General Education Diploma Preparation Program | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1983 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11844 | GED tests, High school dropouts--Intelligence levels, High school dropouts--Florida--Broward County. |
Mary Lou | Park | The determination of Teacher Competencies Considered Essential for Beginning Health Occupations Teachers in Virginia | "Dr. Olson, Arthur H. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." | 1983 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000686 | First year teachers--Virginia, Health education--Virginia--Technique. |
Paul E. | Wilson | An Education Needs Assessment Model For The Community Instructional Services Program In the State Of Florida And Validation Of The Model In Region 19, Orange and Osceola Counties, Florida | "Dr. Robert Paugh & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. " | 1983 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11822 | Educational surveys, Adult education--Florida. |
John F. | Adams | The Effect of the Satisfaction of Learning Style Preference on Achievement, Attrition, and Attitude of Palm Beach Junior College students | Dr. Cook, Joseph B. | 1983 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11826 | College students--Attitudes. |
Constance E. | Cagley | Field Dependence/ Independence as a Predictor of Inferencing and Problem Solving Abilities in Community College Students | Dr. Childrey, John | 1983 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11840 | Cognitive styles, Field dependence (Psychology), Reading--Ability testing, Problem solving--Ability testing. |
Donna K. | Grady | The Academic Performance of General Educational Development Entrants Compared With High School Diploma Entrants to Broward Community College 1980 - 1980 | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1983 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11842 | Broward Community College--Students, Academic achievement, GED tests. |
Padoong | Arrayavinyoo | The Effectiveness of Various Management Systems in Special Education Schools in Thailand | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11837 | School management and organization--Thailand, Children with disabilities--Education--Thailand. |
Harold M. | Brake | Status of Substitute Teacher Programs and a Model Staff Development Plan for Three South Florida Counties | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11839 | Substitute teachers--Florida. |
Patricia B. | Brater | A comparison of perceptions of specific learning disabilities teachers with exceptional student education lead teachers toward goal achievement | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000652 | Special education teachers, Learning disabilities, Exceptional children. |
Ronald M. | Bryant | Images of Puerto Rican Parents and Anglo-American Teachers Toward Five Bilingual Elementary Schools in Orange County, Florida | "Dr. Urich, Ted R. & Dr. Cowgill, Robert, " | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11821 | Puerto Ricans--Education--Florida, Education--Florida--Orange County, Schools--Florida--Orange County. |
Cheryl W. | Coulter | Broward County Principals' and Exceptional Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Problems in Complying with Public Law 94-142 | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11836 | Children with disabilities--Education--Law and legislation--Florida, Mainstreaming in education--Florida--Broward County. |
Kha P. | Dennard | The Effectiveness of a Synergistic Model in Teaching Fifth Graders How to Do Research | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11841 | Report writing, School reports, Academic achievement, Learning, Psychology of. |
Nancy T. | Kalan | A Study of Parent Factors Influencing The Selection Of A Bilingual Education Prototype | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11824 | Education, Bilingual, Bilingualism. |
Ramona M. | Kelley | Effects Of An Administrative Plan For Excellence In Creative Arts Experience On The Development Of Creativity In First Graders | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11823 | Creative ability in children, Creative thinking. |
Mary | Mclemore | An experimental study of placement essay examination scoring by writing teachers and non-writing teachers with consideration of content effects on ratings | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000678 | Examinations--Interpretation, Grading and marking (Students) |
Lois Aardema | Van Houten | An Investigation Of The Utilization And Training Needs Of Paraprofessionals In Learning Disability Classes In Broward County Schools | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1983 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11834 | Special education, Special education teachers, Teachers' assistants--Florida--Broward County. |
Jerry | Holt | Physical multipartitism and the internal political morphology of microstates | Dr. Lee, David R. | 1983 | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11833 | Geopolitics, Political geography, States, Small. | |
Mary E. | Berger | Identification And Evaluation Of Competencies Of Health Professionals In The Hospital Emergency Management Of The Radiation Accident Victim | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11797 | Emergency medical services, Hospitals--Emergency services. |
Gloria D. | Culver-Wells | Determining Effective and efficient Personnel Integration Guidelines | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11819 | Affirmative action programs, Personnel management. |
Joan Michelle | Durkis | The Development of Administrative Considerations for the Placement of Staff Nurses in Reference to Death and the Dying Patient | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11800 | Terminal care, Nursing students--Attitudes. |
Edward | Gehret | A Study of Community Education Participation and Selected Variables and Their Relationship to an Individuals Attitudes Towards the Public Schools | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11813 | Community and school--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Community schools--Florida--Miami-Dade County. |
Charles | Gillespie | An Assessment of the Relationship Between Cognitive Design Knowledge and Aesthetics in the Visual Arts | "Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. & Dr. Dziuban, Charles D., " | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000667 | Art--Philosophy, Art--Study and teaching, Art appreciation, Art criticism, Aesthetics. |
Leonard H. | Laakso | Design Implementation And Evaluation Of An Administrative Model For Conducting A Comprehensive Community Education Needs Assessment Survey | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1982 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11803 | Educational surveys--Florida--Monroe County, Community and school--Florida--Monroe County. |
Colin | Battle | A Pilot Study of Learning Instructional Styles as a Predictor of Educational Outcomes in Principles of Accounting I at Broward Community College | Dr. Buckner, Leroy M. | 1982 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11801 | Education, Community College. |
James D. | Grigsby | A Comparison of the Personality Measurements of College Students According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Personal Profile System | "Dr. Olson, Arthur H. & Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M." | 1982 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11816 | College students--Florida--Psychology, Personality tests. |
Laxman Y. | Patil | The Perceptions Of Florida Administrators In Higher Education Toward Their Personal Appraisals | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1982 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11804 | College administrators--Rating of--Florida. |
Marcelyn E. | Weaver | A Study Of The Academic Performance Of A Community College Service District's Transfer Students | Dr. Urich, Ted R. | 1982 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11806 | Transfer students--Florida, Prediction of scholastic success, Academic achievement. |
Catherine N. | Ake | Selected Sociopsychological Attitudes Associated with Foreign Language Instruction in High School and Postsecondary Students | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11796 | Spanish language--Study and teaching--Psychological aspects, Spanish language--Study and teaching--Florida, Students--Attitudes. |
Valerie | Allen | A Supervisory Compliance Plan in Exceptional Student Education for Florida Local Education Agencies | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11805 | Special education teachers--In-service training--Florida, Special education--Florida. |
Susan | Braunstein | An Investigation of the Relationships between the Various Characteristics of Selected College Teachers and the Teaching Methods They Employ in the Classroom | Dr. Voss, Stephen | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11794 | Teaching, Community college teachers. |
Joseph J. | Ceros-Livingston | The History of the Survival of an Elitist Black High School in South Florida From 1907-1981 | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11814 | African Americans--Education (Secondary)--Florida, School integration--Florida--Broward County. |
Thomas W. | Frederick | A Descriptive Study of Employee Absence Control Programs in Florida's Sixty-Seven School Districts | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11815 | School personnel management--Florida, Sick leave, Absenteeism (Labor). |
John T. | Greb Jr. | The Nelson-Denny Reading Test as A Predictor of Police Recruit Training Success and the Impact of Basic Reading Skill Levels Over A Six Year Period | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11798 | Police--Recruiting--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Police training--Florida, Reading--Ability testing |
Zara Ann | Kelly | The Implications And Impact Of Impartial Due Process Procedures On Planning, Programming And Staffing By Exceptional Student Education Divisions Within The Florida School System | "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. Weppner, Daniel B." | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000672 | Special education--Florida, Special education--Law and legislation--Florida. |
Patricia | Mitvalsky | a study of the relationship between disciplinary decisions for defiant student behaviors and specified attitudes and characteristics of high school administrators | Dr. Kirby, Jr., John T. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11820 | School discipline, School administrators, Student-administrator relationships. |
Nancy | Romance | A Study of the Relationship of Allocated Instructional Time and Other Select Factors to Achievement in Science at the Fifth Grade Level | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11799 | Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Florida. |
John A. | Sargent | The administrative impact of two evaluation procedures for the identification and placement of mentally retarded minority students | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11811 | Children with mental disabilities--Florida--Testing, Minorities--Psychological testing--Florida. |
Robert Hunter | Tennies | A Parent Involvement Program Including Communication To Parents Integrated With A Parent Education Program And Its Effect On Academic Achievement, Classroom Conduct, Study Habits And Attitudes | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11818 | Home and school--Florida, Parent-teacher relationships, Students--Rating of. |
Janet Higginbotham | von Stein | An Evaluation Of The Microcomputer As A Facilitator Of Indirect Learning For The Kindergarten Child | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1982 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11795 | Kindergarten, Computer-assisted instruction. |
Robert J. | Harper | Comparison of Perceptions of Educators and CItizens on Selected Current Issues in Public Education | "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." | 1982 | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11802 | Education--Aims and objectives. | |
Ross W. | Goheen | Relationship Between Adults Participating in Evening Courses and Their Opinion of the Day School in the Same Building | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1981 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11785 | Adult education, Schools--Public relations, Community and school. |
Elizabeth E. | Mayer | The effects of individualized instruction versus group instruction on the academic achievement and self-concept of incarcerated individuals | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1981 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11775 | Juvenile delinquents--Rehabilitation--Florida, Juvenile corrections--Florida. |
Marguerite M. | Culp | An Analysis of Student Personnel Services at Seminole Community College, Sanford Florida | Dr. Kite, Robert H. | 1981 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11779 | Counseling in adult education--Florida--Evaluation. |
Roseanne | Belsito | Identification Of Gifted High School Students: Intelligence Quotient Compared With Structure Of Intellect Screening Form For Gifted With Emphasis On Creativity | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11788 | Education, Tests and Measurements, Gifted children--Identification. |
Nancy D. | Bucklew | Prevalence, Sources, and Symptoms of Teacher Stress Among Public School Teachers in Florida | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11776 | Job stress, Teachers--Florida. |
Janet | Chaney | An Examination Of Student, Teacher, And Parent Perceptions Of A Junior High School's Most Pressing Discipline Problems | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11786 | School discipline. |
Beverly J. | Damen | The development of a model administration system for a primary reading program | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11781 | Reading (Primary)--Administration. |
Barbara J. | Ehren | Special Education Competencies of Building Level Administrators In A School-Based Managed Public School System | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11778 | Special education--Florida--Administration. |
Mary | Esler | Principles of School-Based Management: State of The Practive in Elementary Schools | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11783 | Elementary school principals--Florida, Elementary school administration--Florida. |
Robert William | Sinkkiewicz | A Comparison Of Job Satisfaction Of Speech Pathologist In Centralized Versus Decentralized School Systems | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11787 | Job satisfaction, School management and organization--Florida. |
Kenneth Howard | Swain | A Study of Selected Administrative Programs Of Intervention In Palm Beach County As Related To Student Deliquency And Recidivism | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11790 | Juvenile delinquency--Florida--Palm Beach County--Prevention, Non-formal education--Florida--Palm Beach County. |
Donald O'Neil | Travis | A Comparative Study Of The Basic Skills Attainment Of Sixth Grade Pupils In Public And Private Schools In Volusia County | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1981 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11791 | Private schools--Florida--Volusia County--Evaluation, Public schools--Florida--Volusia County--Evaluation, Sixth grade (Education). |
Charles R. | Lunceford | The Historical Development of Indian River Junior Community College 1960-1978 | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1980 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11754 | Indian River State College--History, Community colleges--Florida--History. |
Donald S. | Emmeluth | Validation Study of a Predictor Formula in A Community College | Dr. Kite, Robert H. | 1980 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11765 | Prediction of scholastic success, Community colleges--New York (State)--Johnstown. |
Iraj | Hirmanpour | A Computerized Model for Placement And Diagnostic Testing In College Remedial Mathematics | Dr. Brumbaugh, Douglas K. | 1980 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11774 | Mathematics--Remedial teaching--Ability testing, Algebra--Study and teaching (Higher). |
Kathleen H. | Aiello | A Study of Male Principals' Attitudes Toward Women Aspiring to School-Based Administrative Positions | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11769 | School principals--Florida--Attitudes, Women school administrators. |
George L. | Fayson Sr. | Selected Community Institutions' Effect on Literacy of Black Youth Members | "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Smith, Lawrence E." | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11772 | African American children--Education--Florida, Community and school. |
George R. | Hill | The Effects of Selected Environmental Factors on The Productivity of Students in Kindergarten as Measured By The Clymer Barrett Pre-Reading Battery | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11758 | Kindergarten--Environmental aspects, Kindergarten facilities--Environmental aspects--Florida. |
Stacey M. | Karliss | A comparison of public education roll-call votes in the 1977 Florida House of Representatives | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11751 | Education--Political aspects, Public schools--Florida. |
Harry | Mayden | The principal and Principalship of the Seventh-Day Adventist Academies in the Continental United States | "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11761 | Seventh-Day Adventists--Education--United States, School principals--United States. |
Dorsey C. | Miller | The Impact of Race on a Desegregated School District as Perceived by Selected School Administrators | Dr. Urich, Ted | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11753 | Discrimination in employment--United States, Race discrimination--United States, African Americans--Employment. |
Marcia R. | Rapee | The Relative Effecacy of the leiter International Performance Scale and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence in Determining Giftedness in black Children and White Children | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11759 | Education, Educational Psychology |
Daniel L. | Scinto | Peer Acceptance of the Mainstreamed Emotionally Handcapped Child | "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11766 | Mainstreaming in education, Mentally ill children--Education. |
Laurence E. | Sheely | A Study Of The Role Of The Urban Advisory Council Chairperson | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11756 | Citizens' advisory committees in education, School management and organization. |
Roger Wayne | Sikkenga | A Development Model For Broadly Representative State Organizations Of Private Schools | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11768 | Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools, Private schools, School management and organization. |
Kathleen C. | Wright | The Relationship Of Race And Sex To Grades Assigned By High School Teachers Of English | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11767 | Grading and marking (Students). |
Edris Y. | Yates | Ideal Leaders Behavior Of The Elementary School Principal: Expectations Of District Administrators, Teachers, And Principals | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1980 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11763 | Elementary school principals--Florida, Leadership. |
Ronald R. | McCormick | A Study of the Executive Leadership Development Needs of Members of the Federal Senior Executive Service | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1980 | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11771 | Executive advisory bodies--United States. | |
Laura A. | Crider | Competencies for Teaching English to mexican American Adults: An Identification and classification | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1979 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11727 | Mexican Americans--Education, English language--Study and teaching. |
Cynthia J. | Hutchinson | The Development and Validation of A Teacher Education Center Evaluation Instrument | "Dr. Rothberg, Robert A., Dr. Wiegman, Robert R.," | 1979 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11732 | Teacher centers, Teachers--In-service training. |
Daniel R. | Derrico | A comparison of selected student success criteria for full-time degree seeking miami-dade community college, north campus students who were professionally advised as opposed to those students who were self-advised | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1979 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11728 | Counseling in adult education--Florida, Prediction of scholastic success. |
Jon N. | Ehringer | A comparative study of ratings of proposed radiology department manager competencies: with recommendations for subject content at the baccalaureate level | Dr. Floyd, Marilyn J. | 1979 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11743 | Medical radiology--Vocational guidance. |
Robert H. | Brown | A Study to Determine Deterrents to Deviant School Behavior as Perceived by Middle School Students | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1979 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11721 | Deviant behavior, School discipline. |
Leonard | Crowell | A Model for School Based Management as Perceived by Florida School principals | Dr. Weppner, Daniel B. | 1979 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11735 | School principals--Florida, School management and organization--Florida--Mathematical models. |
Albert R. | Martin | The Logistic and Financial Feasibility of Effecting Energy Efficiency in Public School Buildings in Greenville County, South Carolina | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1979 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11723 | School buildings--Energy conservation--South Carolina--Greenville County |
Edward R. | Pauley | The Organizational Climates of IGE Schools and Open-Space Schools in Selected Counties of Central Florida | "Dr. Olson, Arthur H., & Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. " | 1979 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11725 | Open plan schools--Florida. |
David E. | Dickinson | Selective dissemination of Information (SDI); History and Application, Trends, and Issues, 1958-1978; An Overview for the educational Administrators | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1979 | SL, HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11736 | School management and organization, Selective dissemination of information. |
John W. | Medusky | An Analysis Of The Ability Of Selected Variables To Predict The Probability And Degree Of Success In A Community College Intermediate Algebra Course | Dr. Burgess, Jr., Ernest E. | 1978 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11714 | Mathematical ability--Testing, Algebra--Study and teaching--Florida. |
Venice B. | Arnov | Analysis of the Effects of Language on Impression Formation: Evaluation Reactions of Miami-Dade Community College Students to the Voices of Cuban-Americans Speaking in English and in Spanish | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1978 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11707 | Bilingualism--Florida--Miami, Speech and social status, Cuban Americans--Florida--Miami. |
Thomas C. | Deal | A study of Withdrawals of Mathematics Students at Indian River Community College | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1978 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11719 | Mathematics--Study and teaching--Florida. |
Sandra C. | Grady | Assessing the Educationally Related Needs of Adults: A Practical, Low Cost Approach By A Community College In Cooperation With the Public School System | "Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. & Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G." | 1978 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11709 | Community and college--Florida--Broward County, Adult education--Florida--Broward County, Broward Community College. |
Paul E. | Bervaldi | Perceptions of Florida Educators and School Board Members regarding the Impact of School Integration on the Academic Gains and Social Acceptance of Negro Children | Dr. McCleary, Edward J. | 1978 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11706 | African American students--Florida, School integration--Florida, African Americans--Education--Florida. |
Eric J. | Mangione | The Evaluation of the Public School Principal Throughout the State of Florida | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1978 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11724 | School principals--Rating of--Florida. |
Bonny R. Oswalt | Prentiss | A Comparison of Selected Commercial and Public School Foodservice Administrators: Based on Personal Attributes, Management Characteristics, and Scope of Position | Dr. Wells, Jack G. | 1978 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11718 | Food service management. |
Mona M. | Jensen | The Development of An Assessment Strategy For A Generic Teaching Competency | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1978 | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11716 | Teachers--Rating of, Competency-based education--Florida. | |
Patricia M. | Lewis | Development And Validation Of An Assessment Procedure To Evaluate Nursing Performance | Dr. Cook, Joseph | 1977 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11703 | Nursing audit, Nurses--Rating of. |
Piedad F. | Robertson | The Implications of Student Learning Styles for Prescribing Reading Skill Development Strategies for Community College Students | Dr. Cook, Joseph B. | 1977 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11696 | Reading (Higher education), Reading, Psychology of. |
Gabriel G. | Aurioles | Perceptions of Selected Technological Courses as Offered or Proposed, in the School of Technology, Florida International University | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1977 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11683 | Florida International University --School of Technology--Curricula, Technical education--Curricula--Florida. |
Dennis R. | Nicewander | A Study of the Non-Faculty, Non-Classified University Employee | Dr. McCleary, Edward J. | 1977 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11694 | Universities and colleges--United States--Employees. |
Nancy Sue | Whiddon | A Model For Undergraduate Professional Preparation Programs For Women Athletic Coaches In Southeastern Senior Colleges And Universities | Dr. Weppner, Daniel | 1977 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11691 | Sports for women--Coaching, Coaching (Athletics), Physical education teachers--Training of. |
Donna Kay | Wilkinson | The Committee Structure At Public Community Colleges With Special Reference To Broward Community College | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1977 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11701 | Committees, Teacher participation in administration, Broward Community College--Administration. |
Irene P. | Crider | The States of Extracurricular Activities in the Secondary School Focus on their Management in the Public High Schools of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1977 | N/A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11687 | Student activities--Southern States, High schools--Administration. |
Gay S. | Voss | The Critical Tasks Of The Administrative Assistant In The Elementary Schools Of Palm Beach County | Dr. Wiegman, Robert R. | 1977 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11689 | Elementary school administration--Florida--Palm Beach County, Elementary school teaching. |
John M. | Brindisi | Role Satisfaction of Community School Council Members | "Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. & Dr. Smith, Lawrence E." | 1976 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11667 | Community schools--Florida--Administration, Citizens' advisory committees in education, Community and school--Florida. |
Patricia W. | Dyer | A comparative study of the effectiveness of regularly assigned, regularly collected, promptly corrected, and promptly returned homework in community college mathematics classes | Dr. Burgess, Ernest E. | 1976 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11664 | Mathematics--Study and teaching (Higher), Homework. |
E. Jean | Stewart | A Model Of Guidance Services For New Constituencies in Selected Urban Florida Community Colleges | "Dr. Lawrence E. Smith & Dr. Benjamin R. McClain" | 1976 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11670 | Counseling in adult education--Florida. |
Sharon H. | Roesch | Deterrents to Delinquency as perceived by Delinquents and Non-Delinquents: A Study | Dr. Connelly, George W. | 1976 | N/A | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11666 | Juvenile delinquency. |
Barbara G. | Anderson | Development and Administration of a Proposed Experimental Middle School General Music Program | "Dr. Lawrence E. Smith & Dr. Benjamin R. McClain" | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11662 | "School music--Instruction and study--Florida--Martin County, School music, Preschool music" |
Michael C. | Biance | The Impact of Florida's Collective Bargaining Legislation of 1974 on the Elementary School Principalship in Dade County, Florida | Dr. Kirby, Jr., John T. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11678 | Collective bargaining--Teachers--Florida--Miami-Dade County, Elementary school principals--Florida--Miami-Dade County. |
Ruth | Bower | Vandalism in Selected Florida Schools | Dr. McCleary, Edward J. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11697 | School vandalism--Florida. |
Forbes | Carey | A Comparison of Teachers' Attitudes and Students' Self-Esteem | Dr. McCleary, Edward J. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11669 | Teacher-student relationships. |
Henry W. | Daniels | Vandalism: a Comparative Study of Some of the effects of Community education in Public Schools | Dr. Kerensky, Vasil M. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11661 | Vandalism, Juvenile delinquency--United States, School vandalism--United States. |
Harold C. J. | Hansen | Cyclic irrelevancy: a theoretical construct for the analysis of certain feedback malfunctions in educational systems | Dr. Harmes, Harold M. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11672 | System theory, School management and organization. |
Steven H. | Pomerantz | The Effects of Differing School Environments on Academic and Behavioral Measures of Black Tenth Grade Highh School Students | Dr. MacKenzie, Donald G. | 1976 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11677 | School integration--Case studies, African American students--Florida. |
Rosalyn M. | Blake | Disadvantaged Students' Perceptions of the Usefulness of Student Services at the Community Junior College | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1975 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11651 | Community colleges, Counseling in higher education. |
Jack C. | Guistwhite | A Comparison of Selected Factors Which Influenced Graduates of Florida Public Community Colleges To Enroll In A State University in Florida | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1975 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11656 | Universities and colleges--Florida--Admission. |
Rollin E. | Jenkins | Staff development programs in community colleges in illinois an assessment | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1975 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11660 | Community college teachers--In-service training--Illinois, Community colleges--Faculty--In-service training--Illinois. |
Walter E. | Oden | A Study Of Selected Single Grade Junior High Schools In The State Of Florida | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1975 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11652 | Junior high schools--Florida. |
Rubye C. | Dorman | The Effects of a Drug Education Inservice Program on the Achievement of the Students of Participants | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | ACE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11638 | Drug abuse--Study and teaching, Teachers--In-service training--Florida. |
Leon | Collier | Development of Programs for the Training of Community Junior College Administrators and staff to Assist the Disadvantaged Student: MOTEC-JC at Florida Atlantic University | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1974 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11647 | Junior colleges--United States--Faculty, People with social disabilities--Education (Higher)--United States, Community colleges--United States. |
G. Tony | Tate | An Analysis Of The Property Insurance Programs In Operation In The Community Junior Colleges Of The State Of Florida | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11641 | School insurance--Florida, Community colleges--Florida. |
Kenneth | Woolf | The Characteristics of Non-Structured, Upper-Division, Baccalaureate Technology Programs | Dr. Smith, Lawrence E. | 1974 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11646 | Technical education--United States, Education, Higher--United States--20th century. |
Mildred B. | Augenstein | A Comparative Study of Ratings of Proposed Teacher Competencies for Middle School English | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11648 | English language--Study and teaching, Teachers--Rating of |
Leslie D. | Batts | An Awareness Model of Interpersonal Behavior in Educational Leadership Training | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11632 | Interaction analysis in education, Interpersonal relations. |
Dorothe Martin | Krayer | Factors That Inhibit Or Enhance Behavioral Remediation In Deviant Secondary School Students | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11630 | Problem children--Education, School discipline. |
Gloria A. | Kuchinskas | An Exploratory Study Of The Relationship Among The Cognitive Styles Of Teachers, Students And Their Reading Materials In Second And Fourth Grade Classrooms | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fau/fd/FA00000674 | Cognitive styles, Cognition in children, Reading comprehension. |
Jack D. | Prutsman | A Study of Organizational Climate within the Twenty-Four Middle Schools of Broward County, Florida | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11643 | Middle schools--Florida--Broward County, Education--Florida--Broward County, Educational planning--Florida |
Nolan G. | Skinner | Perceptions Of Florida Educators And School Board Members Regarding The Principals Role In Collective Negotiations | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11644 | School personnel management, Teacher-principal relationships, School superintendents, School principals. |
Charles H. | Whitledge | The Establishment Of A Model For Educational Administrative Development Programs | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1974 | SL | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11645 | School management and organization--United States. |
LeRoy A. | Church | A study of personal-social development programs for disadvantaged students in the community-junior college | Dr. Logsdon, James D. | 1973 | HE | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/11626 | College student development programs--United States. |