Faculty Spotlights

Dr. Maysaa Barakat
Dr. Maysaa Barakat
Dr. Maysaa Barakat is associate professor at the Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology, Florida Atlantic University (FAU). Dr. Barakat is Past President of the Florida Association for Professors of Educational Leadership (FAPEL) and has recently been appointed as Associate Director for International Initiatives for the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA). A Clark Scholar, Maysaa received her master’s and PhD in Educational Leadership from Auburn University, Alabama. She has over 15 years of school leadership experience, both in Egypt and the United States. Dr. Barakat’s research agenda focuses on culture and cultural competency, educational leadership preparation, and educational leadership within international contexts, with a special focus on education in Egypt. Dr. Barakat coordinates a partnership that fosters collaboration, intercultural exchange, and shared learning between FAU and Egypt. She also has been leading the development and delivery of various professional learning opportunities for over 15,000 educators in Egypt since 2016. Dr. Barakat is Co-Principal Investigator (CO-PI) on the “Preparing for Readiness and Academic Improvement for pre-School Els” (PRAISE) five year research grant.

Dr. Maria Vasquez
Dr. Maria Vasquez
Congratulations to Dr. Maria Vasquez for her selection as Associate Professor Scholar of the Year in the College of Education. Dr. Vasquez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology.

Dr. Salinas was interviewed by CNN about his research on the term Latinx.
Dr. Salinas was interviewed by CNN about his research on the term Latinx. In their piece they provided the link to his latest peer-reviewed article on the term Latinx. http://www.cnn.com/2020/08/12/us/latinx-term-usage-hispanics-trnd/index.html and his research on fraternity and sororities was noted in Good Morning America news: http://www.goodmorningamerica.com/living/story/pledge-racism-black-students-talk-experiencing-racism-college-71779145

Dr. Jennifer Bloom
Dr. Jennifer Bloom
Distinguished Teacher of the Year.

Dr. Ira Bogotch
Dr. Ira Bogotch
Congratulations to Ira Bogotch on being the recent recipient of the 2019-20 Outstanding Service Award from the Journal of Urban Ed. This award is given to a board member for their significant contributions during the academic year. Dr. Bogotch has been a member of the editorial board for this prestigious journal since the mid 90’s. Great job Ira!!

Congrats to Dr. Cristobal Salinas who received the 2019 Equity and Social Justice Award from National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE).