Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction

The Ed.S. offers a flexible program of advanced study beyond the Master’s (M.Ed.). We welcome all educational professionals interested in research in curriculum and instruction.


Contact Information

Dilys Schoorman

Dilys Schoorman

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office Location: ED 47 - 467
Campus: Boca


Vision & Philosophy

The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction program is housed in the Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry (CCEI) within the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University. The Ed.S. program goal is to encourage advanced degree work beyond the Master’s (M.Ed.) level that has the ability to advance or change career goals without requiring the additional coursework and research dissertation of the Doctor of Education degree (Ph.D.).

The Ed.S. degree in Curriculum and Instruction explores issues of curriculum, instruction, and assessment that affect educators in every level of schooling and in educational organizations. As the field of education is diverse, this degree is structured, yet flexible enough to allow individuals to pursue their own inquiry and extend their professional expertise in ways most appropriate to their career goals. Some of our students pursue specific content fields such as mathematics, science, English/language arts, social studies, or arts education. Others design areas of specialization that focus on fields such as professional development in content areas, teacher leadership or technology.

This degree is highly recommended for those who want a balance of theory with practical applications through a balance of subject matter and pedagogical knowledge. The Ed.S. will help students to teach and will provide the groundwork to increase your impact on learning communities past the Master’s level.

Program Overview

The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction degree provides a theoretical and practical course of study in curriculum and instruction. The program is designed for teachers (with Professional Certification or established Temporary Certification), curriculum coordinators, corporate and agency curriculum planners, academics, and other professional educators who already hold a Master’s in Education degree.

The Ed.S.in Curriculum and Instruction is a 33 credit hour degree that enables students to develop a theoretical and conceptual framework for studying teaching and learning through 12 graduate hours in core courses, 6 graduate hours in research and evaluation, and 12 graduate hours in a selected area of specialization which allows the development of professional knowledge and practice in a selected field of study. The Ed.S. culminates with 3 graduate hours in its capstone course, Directed Independent Study in Community Engagement. This exciting course is designed by the Ed.S. student and her/his advisor and is intended to provide experience in a community organization, nonprofit, or school with a focus on collaborative inquiry and shared practice. The Capstone culminates in a manuscript to submit for publication or a poster/paper presentation at a conference.

Program Description

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Course Rotation Schedule