Special Education

Larocque, M. and Darling, S.M.
Blended Curriculum In the Inclusive K-3 Classroom: Effective Methods for Teaching All Young Children / Edition 1

Taylor, R.
Assessment of exceptional students: Educational and psychological procedures
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Richards, S., Taylor, R., Ramasamy, R., & Richards, R.
Single subject research: Applications in educational and clinical settings
San Diego: Singular

Duffy, Mary Lou, Forgan, James
Mentoring new special education Teachers: A guide for mentors and program developers
Corwin Press

Taylor, R., Richards, S., Brady, M.
Mental Retardation historical perspectives, current practices, and future directions
Pearson Press

Brady, M., Rosenberg, H., Frain, M. (2006)
Job observation & behavior scale: Opportunity for self-determination (Jobs: OSD)
A self-evaluation of work performance and support needs by students and adult employees.
Wood Dale, IL: Stoelting Co.
Rosenberg, H., & Brady, M.
JOBS: Job Observation & Behavior Scale. A work performance evaluation for supported and entry level employees.
Wood Dale, IL: Stoelting.