Places to Report

Report a Concern

This website allows you to report information about concerning behaviors or incidents in our FAU community. Concerning behaviors and incidents include but not limited to sexual misconduct, hazing, discrimination, and general concerns. All concerns can be submitted at:

Dean of Students

All reports involving students can be submitted to this office. This office aids all students in need of support, advocacy, and care. Whether the incident occurred on or off campus, this office is here to assist. All reports can be submitted online at:

Reports can be submitted anonymously; however, we highly encourage you to include information on all parties involved and even yourself. It provides the Dean of Students (DOS) office the ability to follow up with the appropriate parties but also aid all students who could be affected. Responsible employees of the university must not submit anonymous reports. Responsible employees have a duty to immediately submit the report. If a report cannot be filed online, please visit the Dean of Students office located in Boca Raton on the 2nd floor of the Breezeway, Student Services Building (SS #8), room 226 or you can call 561-297-3542.

FAU Police Department

This department assists in all emergency and safety concerns on campus. Any reports can be made at the FAU Police Department (FAU PD) location, or they can be made via the phone. An officer can also meet you somewhere on campus to take a report. Any member within the FAU community or even non-members can contact FAU PD for any concerns or issues they may encounter regarding the FAU community. Reports can be made anonymously and non-anonymously. Filing a police report is not solely done to press charges. A police report can be filed as an informational in order to start a paper trail. In case of an emergency, please dial 9-1-1. If it is a non-emergency report, please call 561-297-3500. The FAU Police Department is located on all campuses. The following link will help determine which number to call or the location of FAU PD based on your campus:

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX (OCR9) promotes a working and learning environment free from any form of unlawful discrimination or harassment for all University community members OCR9’s primary responsibility is to oversee the investigations, response to, and resolution of all reports of prohibited discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. If you would like to file a report, please come to OCR9 in-person, or contact OCR9 by phone at (561) 297-3004. OCR9 9 is located on the Boca Raton campus in Room 265 on the second floor of the Kenneth R. Williams Administration Building. The office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for more information, visit OCR9’s website at:

After the report is filed, the department in which you filed with will follow up with you. As the FAU community, we want to support you and thank you for filing this report in advance. It takes strength and courage to do this.