Biweekly Payroll and Timekeeping Schedules


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Pay Period # Pay Period Begins Pay Period Ends Department EIBs for Payroll Deductions are Due by 10am^ All Data & Comp Changes Must be Approved by 5pm Date Time Entry & Approvals are Due by 5pm Last Day to Make Changes to Direct Deposit or Withholding Elections (W-4) Pay Period Closes by 10am Pay Date
1 12/23/23 1/5/24 1/4/24 1/5/24 1/5/24 1/7/24 1/8/2024 1/12/24
2 1/6/24 1/19/24 1/18/24 1/19/24 1/19/24 1/21/24 1/22/24 1/26/24
3 1/20/24 2/2/24 2/1/24 2/2/24 2/2/24 2/4/24 2/5/24 2/9/24
4 2/3/24 2/16/24 2/15/24 2/16/24 2/16/24 2/18/24 2/19/24 2/23/24
5 2/17/24 3/1/24 2/29/24 3/1/24 3/1/24 3/3/24 3/4/24 3/8/24
6 3/2/24 3/15/24 3/14/24 3/15/24 3/15/24 3/17/24 3/18/24 3/22/24
7 3/16/24 3/29/24 3/28/24 3/29/24 3/29/24 3/31/24 4/1/24 4/5/24
8 3/30/24 4/12/24 4/11/24 4/12/24 4/12/24 4/14/24 4/15/24 4/19/24
9 4/13/24 4/26/24 4/25/24 4/26/24 4/26/24 4/28/24 4/29/24 5/3/24
10 4/27/24 5/10/24 5/9/24 5/10/24 5/10/24 5/12/24 5/13/24 5/17/24
11* 5/11/24 5/24/24 5/22/24 5/23/24 5/23/24 5/23/24 5/24/24 5/31/24
12 5/25/24 6/7/24 6/6/24 6/7/24 6/7/24 6/9/24 6/10/24 6/14/24
13 6/8/24 6/21/24 6/20/24 6/21/24 6/21/24 6/23/24 6/24/24 6/28/24
14* 6/22/24 7/5/24 7/2/24 7/3/24 7/3/24 7/7/24 7/8/24 7/12/24
15 7/6/24 7/19/24 7/18/24 7/19/24 7/19/24 7/21/24 7/22/24 7/26/24
16 7/20/24 8/2/24 8/1/24 8/2/24 8/2/24 8/4/24 8/5/24 8/9/24
17 8/3/24 8/16/24 8/15/24 8/16/24 8/16/24 8/18/24 8/19/24 8/23/24
18* 8/17/24 8/30/24 8/28/24 8/29/24 8/29/24 8/29/24 8/30/24 9/6/24
19 8/31/24 9/13/24 9/12/24 9/13/24 9/13/24 9/15/24 9/16/24 9/20/24
20 9/14/24 9/27/24 9/26/24 9/27/24 9/27/24 9/29/24 9/30/24 10/4/24
21 9/28/24 10/11/24 10/10/24 10/11/24 10/11/24 10/13/24 10/14/24 10/18/24
22 10/12/24 10/25/24 10/24/24 10/25/24 10/25/24 10/27/24 10/28/24 11/1/24
23* 10/26/24 11/8/24 11/6/24 11/7/24 11/7/24 11/7/24 11/8/24 11/15/24
24* 11/9/24 11/22/24 11/20/24 11/21/24 11/21/24 11/21/24 11/22/24 11/27/24
25 11/23/24 12/6/24 12/5/24 12/6/24 12/6/24 12/8/24 12/9/24 12/13/24
26* 12/7/24 12/20/24 12/17/24 12/18/24 12/18/24 12/18/24 12/19/24 12/27/24


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Download the PDF Payroll Schedule Here
Download the Excel Payroll Schedule Here

Pay Period # Pay Period Begins Pay Period Ends Department EIBs for Payroll Deductions are Due by 10am^ All Data & Comp Changes Must be Approved by 5pm Date Time Entry & Approvals are Due by 5pm Last Day to Make Changes to Direct Deposit or Withholding Elections (W-4) Pay Period Closes by 10am Pay Date
1 12/21/24 1/3/25 1/2/25 1/3/25 1/3/25 1/5/25 1/6/25 1/10/25
2* 1/4/25 1/17/25 1/15/25 1/16/25 1/16/25 1/16/25 1/17/25 1/24/25
3 1/18/25 1/31/25 1/30/25 1/31/25 1/31/25 2/2/25 2/3/25 2/7/25
4 2/1/25 2/14/25 2/13/25 2/14/25 2/14/25 2/16/25 2/17/25 2/21/25
5 2/15/25 2/28/25 2/27/25 2/28/25 2/28/25 3/2/25 3/3/25 3/7/25
6 3/1/25 3/14/25 3/13/25 3/14/25 3/14/25 3/16/25 3/17/25 3/21/25
7 3/15/25 3/28/25 3/27/25 3/28/25 3/28/25 3/30/25 3/31/25 4/4/25
8 3/29/25 4/11/25 4/10/25 4/11/25 4/11/25 4/13/25 4/14/25 4/18/25
9 4/12/25 4/25/25 4/24/25 4/25/25 4/25/25 4/27/25 4/28/25 5/2/25
10 4/26/25 5/9/25 5/8/25 5/9/25 5/9/25 5/11/25 5/12/25 5/16/25
11* 5/10/25 5/23/25 5/21/25 5/22/25 5/22/25 5/22/25 5/23/25 5/30/25
12 5/24/25 6/6/25 6/5/25 6/6/25 6/6/25 6/8/25 6/9/25 6/13/25
13 6/7/25 6/20/25 6/19/25 6/20/25 6/20/25 6/22/25 6/23/25 6/27/25
14* 6/21/25 7/4/25 7/2/25 7/3/25 7/3/25 7/6/25 7/7/25 7/11/25
15 7/5/25 7/18/25 7/17/25 7/18/25 7/18/25 7/20/25 7/21/25 7/25/25
16 7/19/25 8/1/25 7/31/25 8/1/25 8/1/25 8/3/25 8/4/25 8/8/25
17 8/2/25 8/15/25 8/14/25 8/15/25 8/15/25 8/17/25 8/18/25 8/22/25
18* 8/16/25 8/29/25 8/27/25 8/28/25 8/28/25 8/28/25 8/29/25 9/5/25
19 8/30/25 9/12/25 9/11/25 9/12/25 9/12/25 9/14/25 9/15/25 9/19/25
20 9/13/25 9/26/25 9/25/25 9/26/25 9/26/25 9/28/25 9/29/25 10/3/25
21 9/27/25 10/10/25 10/9/25 10/10/25 10/10/25 10/12/25 10/13/25 10/17/25
22 10/11/25 10/24/25 10/23/25 10/24/25 10/24/25 10/26/25 10/27/25 10/31/25
23 10/25/25 11/7/25 11/6/25 11/7/25 11/7/25 11/9/25 11/10/25 11/14/25
24* 11/8/25 11/21/25 11/19/25 11/20/25 11/20/25 11/20/25 11/21/25 11/26/25
25 11/22/25 12/5/25 12/4/25 12/5/25 12/5/25 12/7/25 12/8/25 12/12/25
26* 12/6/25 12/19/25 12/17/25 12/18/25 12/18/25 12/18/25 12/19/25 12/26/25



Download the Full Schedule Here
Download the PDF Payroll Schedule Here
Download the Excel Payroll Schedule Here

Pay Period # Pay Period Begins Pay Period Ends Department EIBs for Payroll Deductions are Due by 10am^ All Data & Comp Changes Must be Approved by 5pm Date Time Entry & Approvals are Due by 5pm Last Day to Make Changes to Direct Deposit or Withholding Elections (W-4) Pay Period Closes by 10am Pay Date
1 12/20/25 1/2/26 1/2/26 1/2/26 1/2/26 1/4/26 1/5/26 1/9/26
2* 1/3/26 1/16/26 1/14/26 1/15/26 1/15/26 1/15/26 1/16/26 1/23/26
3 1/17/26 1/30/26 1/29/26 1/30/26 1/30/26 2/1/26 2/2/26 2/6/26
4 1/31/26 2/13/26 2/12/26 2/13/26 2/13/26 2/15/26 2/16/26 2/20/26
5 2/14/26 2/27/26 2/26/26 2/27/26 2/27/26 3/1/26 3/2/26 3/6/26
6 2/28/26 3/13/26 3/12/26 3/13/26 3/13/26 3/15/26 3/16/26 3/20/26
7 3/14/26 3/27/26 3/26/26 3/27/26 3/27/26 3/29/26 3/30/26 4/3/26
8 3/28/26 4/10/26 4/9/26 4/10/26 4/10/26 4/12/26 4/13/26 4/17/26
9 4/11/26 4/24/26 4/23/26 4/24/26 4/24/26 4/26/26 4/27/26 5/1/26
10 4/25/26 5/8/26 5/7/26 5/8/26 5/8/26 5/10/26 5/11/26 5/15/26
11* 5/9/26 5/22/26 5/20/26 5/21/26 5/21/26 5/21/26 5/22/26 5/29/26
12 5/23/26 6/5/26 6/4/26 6/5/26 6/5/26 6/7/26 6/8/26 6/12/26
13 6/6/26 6/19/26 6/18/26 6/19/26 6/19/26 6/21/26 6/22/26 6/26/26
14* 6/20/26 7/3/26 7/1/26 7/2/26 7/2/26 7/5/26 7/6/26 7/10/26
15 7/4/26 7/17/26 7/16/26 7/17/26 7/17/26 7/19/26 7/20/26 7/24/26
16 7/18/26 7/31/26 7/30/26 7/31/26 7/31/26 8/2/26 8/3/26 8/7/26
17 8/1/26 8/14/26 8/13/26 8/14/26 8/14/26 8/16/26 8/17/26 8/21/26
18 8/15/26 8/28/26 8/27/26 8/28/26 8/28/26 8/30/26 8/31/26 9/4/26
19 8/29/26 9/11/26 9/10/26 9/11/26 9/11/26 9/13/26 9/14/26 9/18/26
20 9/12/26 9/25/26 9/24/26 9/25/26 9/25/26 9/27/26 9/28/26 10/2/26
21 9/26/26 10/9/26 10/8/26 10/9/26 10/9/26 10/11/26 10/12/26 10/16/26
22 10/10/26 10/23/26 10/22/26 10/23/26 10/23/26 10/25/26 10/26/26 10/30/26
23 10/24/26 11/6/26 11/5/26 11/6/26 11/6/26 11/8/26 11/9/26 11/13/26
24* 11/7/26 11/20/26 11/18/26 11/19/26 11/19/26 11/19/26 11/20/26 11/25/26
25 11/21/26 12/4/26 12/3/26 12/4/26 12/4/26 12/6/26 12/7/26 12/11/26
26* 12/5/26 12/18/26 12/16/26 12/17/26 12/17/26 12/17/26 12/18/26 12/23/26


* - Denotes pay periods with early closures due to holiday falling on a payroll closing Monday. EIBs are due by 5pm on pay periods affected by early closures.
Dates and times are subject to change due to additional holidays, fiscal year-end, or emergency closings.

Last updated 2/2025.