Supplemental Instuction Jobs

When you serve as a Supplemental Instruction Leader (or SIL, for short) you benefit from several advantages. SIL’s become intimately familiar with the content of the courses they are covering, leading to many academic benefits. Plus, a job like SI looks great on resumes or graduate school applications. Not to mention, the skills and techniques you learn as a SIL will go on to serve you through the rest of your academic and professional careers. The proof is in the pudding – check out our tutoring hall of fame.

What does an SIL do?

Working as an SI leader involves a fair degree of independent planning and performance of SI sessions, usually combined with tutoring hours, pre-semester training, and on-going CRLA and SI training. Supplemental Instruction leaders facilitate 3-4 collaborative, interactive peer study sessions per week. During these sessions, the SIL provides review of content as well as study skills through active and collaborative learning techniques. The SI leader also sits through the class lecture to refine their knowledge and prepare for the coming sessions in sync with the faculty! This highly interactive/collaborative workspace allows you to work with your peers as you help them through their coursework.     

Application Requirements

  1. Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  2. "A -" or better in the course(s) you’re planning to support.
  3. Must attend all training.
    • Two days of paid pre-semester training, plus ongoing training on Friday afternoons throughout the semester
  4. You must be available during and around (1 hour before and/or after) the scheduled class times for the course(s) you are planning to support. Including SI sessions, lecture, and planning, the base SI schedule requires a minimum of 8 hours per week. 
  5. A positive attitude with a desire to help your fellow Owls!

Ready to Apply?

Rolling Application

DEADLINES for Priority Review:

Spring - Early October

Summer - Mid-February 

Fall - Mid-May

Information and Tips for Interested Applicants!

  • Register for classes as soon as possible! Be sure to also consider the days/time of the course that you want to support, as SIL’s are required to sit in the lecture and facilitate sessions around that time (before/after class).
  • A priority review of applicants will occur at the date listed above, followed by additional review of the applicant pool thereafter as needs arise. To assure your application is considered, apply early! 
  • If you haven’t already, attend some SI sessions now! Get to know the SI model and the SI program at FAU. The more you know coming into an interview, the better off you'll be. Be prepared and ready to impress. The applicant pool is traditionally very competitive, so be ready to shine as brightly as possible.
  • Learn more about Supplemental Instruction by clicking here!
  • Be yourself! In your interviews and in your SI sessions, we want you to be open and authentic. Add your own flavor to the work and make your sessions that much more meaningful for the students!


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