Find Tutoring for Business, Engineering or Foreign Language Courses

What is The BEL Tutoring Lab?

The BEL Tutoring Lab, a program housed in the Center for Learning And Student Success (CLASS) which is located on the 2nd floor of General Classroom South (GS), provides FREE small group tutoring by peer tutors in Business, Engineering & Computer Science, and Languages courses. 

How do I make an appointment?

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your FAU ID and password.
  3. Locate the widget titled “Schedule a Tutoring/Consultant Appointment” on the Dashboard.
  4. Choose the subject for which you’d like to make an appointment from the drop-down and press “Search”.
  5. Pick a time slot from the available choices; please be sure to scroll down to see more availability. Please note that in-person tutoring sessions in the BEL lab are color coded yellow. If you want help with the course content, please make sure you are selecting the yellow appointment blocks. If nothing is available, there is also an option to submit a request to our center. 
  6. Press "Confirm".
  7. You should be emailed a visit confirmation receipt. 


Viewing Upcoming Appointments and/or Canceling an Appointment

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your FAU ID and password.
  3. On your dashboard, you will see a widget in the top right corner with all your upcoming appointments.
  4. To cancel your appointment, click the "X" in the top right corner of the appointment box and click "Cancel Your Appointment".  (NOTE: that you will not be able to cancel your appointment within two hours of the appointment start time. If you'd like to cancel less than two hours before your appointment, please email

What kind of tutoring is available?

CLASS Tutoring is offered as small group sessions and appointments are strongly encouraged. Frequently supported courses include:


  • Accounting (ACG 2021 & 2071)
  • Economics (ECO 2013, 2023, 4223)
  • Finance (FIN 3403)
  • Information Systems (ISM 2000 & ISM 3011)
  • Quantitative Methods (QMB 3600)

Engineering & Computer Science 

  • Dynamics (EGN 3321)
  • Fluid Mechanics (EML 3701)
  • Programming 1 (COP 2220)
  • Programming 2 (COP 3014)
  • Statics (EGN 3311)
  • Strengths of Materials (EGN 3331)
  • And many more upper-division courses!


  • Spanish (SPN 1120 & SPN 1121)
  • Italian (ITA 1120 & ITA 1121)
  • French (FRE 1120 & FRE 1121)
  • Japanese (JPN 1120 & JPN 1121)

What about science tutoring?

Science tutoring is conducted in the Science Learning Center (SLC), in the Schmidt Family Complex. For more information about the SLC, click here

Who are our tutors?

Our peer tutors are successful students who have earned at least a A- in the courses they tutor, have been recommended by their professors, and have been trained in effective tutoring techniques through our intensive, CRLA Level 1 and 2 certified tutor training program.  Their goal is to help students review course content through the use of interactive learning strategies and to help students learn study strategies that will aid in their success in their future classes as well. 

What do I need for my tutoring sessions?

You will get the most out of tutoring if you prepare.  To enable the tutor to best meet your needs, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Complete all assigned reading and homework
  • Prepare questions
  • Bring the materials that you may need to the session which may include your syllabus, textbook, notes, study guides, a writing utensil and/or a laptop/tablet

Can I apply to be a peer tutor?

Join our team!  FAU's CLASS tutors are some of the finest students FAU has to offer.  If you are interested in learning more about the CLASS Tutoring program and being trained as a peer tutor, please complete the Tutor Application and submit it online.  Applications are accepted every semester.  Click  HERE to be directed to the application.

Interested in becoming a volunteer tutor?  Click here to learn more about the FAU Owl-to-Owl Volunteer Tutoring program and to apply as a volunteer tutor.