Languages & Linguistics: Italian (AIE)

Languages & Linguistics: Italian students engage in language and comparative literature studies from the birthplace of the Renaissance and the modern world. Today, Italian is spoken throughout Europe and Northern Africa making it an effective means of communication for students interested in working with many organizations including the US government, non-governmental organizations and any organization affiliated or concerned with the European Union.
For more information about this major, please visit the following links from the FAU University Catalog:
Related Major Skills
Acknowledging value systems
Clarifying ideas
Comparing translations interpretations
Compiling/recording data
Computer skills
Evaluating information
Explaining ideas carefully
Gathering information
Lesson planning
Organizing materials/information
Reading critically
Summarizing ideas
Understanding historical language change
Writing and presenting
Writing clearly
Ability to teach and train
Ability to teach to different learning levels
Communicating between cultures
Dealing with parents or guardians
Decision making
Reading/writing another language
Speaking to groups
Team player
Understanding cultural diversity
Sample Career Titles
Sample Work Settings
Agency for International Development
Amnesty International
Armed Forces
Broadcasting Companies
Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Business and Industrial Organizations
Catholic Relief Services
Colleges and Universities
Cooperation Agency
Cultural Organizations
Customs Service
Department of Commerce
Department of State
Educational Institutions
Federal and State Government Agencies
Hotels and Resorts
International Banks
Libraries and Schools
Multinational Firms
National Security Council
Non-profit Organizations
Oxfam International
Peace Corps
Publishing Firms
Research Institutes
Travel Companies
US Information Agency
United Nations