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Florida Atlantic Career Fairs

Fairs are open to Florida Atlantic students and alumni only.

To register for events, individuals must have a Handshake account. Information about each fair can be found in Handshake, such as location, employers attending and specific information for each fair.

As you prepare to attend, the FAU Career Center is here to support you in your career exploration and internship/job goals. If you need any help with your resume or additional information about preparing for a fair, please make an appointment to speak with a career coach.

Check out the events below and REGISTER for the events that interest YOU!

Spring 2025 Career Fair Dates

Friday, January 24

The Accounting, Finance & Economics Career Fair

Grand Palm Room, Student Union
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Thursday, February 6

The Florida Atlantic Career Fair

Campus Recreation & Fitness Center
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Tuesday, February 11

Florida Atlantic Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Career Fair

The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Atrium
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Thursday, February 20

Internship and Part-Time Job Fair

Campus Recreation & Fitness Center
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Thursday, March 13

Technology & Engineering Career Fair

Campus Recreation & Fitness Center
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Thursday, March 27

Florida Atlantic Virtual Career Fair

Hosted on Premier Virtual
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Thursday, May 15, 2025

Virtual Statewide Job Fair

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

For information on how to view employers attending the Career Fairs in Handshake, click here.

Schedule an Appointment to Prepare for the Fair

Tips for Attending a Career Event


  1. Research companies of interest. For the most up-to-date list, visit Handshake and click on Career Events.
  2. Get your résumé and cover letter critiqued at the Career Center, and be sure to print extra copies on the day of the fair.
  3. Attend professional development workshops and career events prior to the fairs, click here to prepare for the fair.
  4. Make sure to prepare an outfit before the event. For tips on "what to wear", or if you need a professional outfit, visit the OWL Professional Clothes Closet.
  5. Schedule an appointment for a mock interview, to practice answering interview questions and to help prepare your 1- Minute elevator pitch.
During the Career Fair


  1. Arrive early, bring multiple copies of your résumé  and check in at the Career Center table for any questions while you are there.
  2. Establish eye contact, smile and present a firm handshake while introducing yourself and conduct yourself professionally the entire time, even when you are in line to speak to a recruiter.
  3. Display confidence, enthusiasm, and highlight 2- 3 selling points that make you qualified, such as your major and experience.
  4. Thank the employers for their time and ask for a business card for future contact.
  5. Visit multiple tables and walk the entire event before deciding to leave. You may be surprised and meet with a company you are unfamiliar with and learn about unique opportunities.


  1. Make notes on business cards collected during fair.
  2. Follow-up with a call, thank you e-mail or add the person you met on LinkedIn.
  3. Apply for on-campus interview or positions through Handshake (if required).
  4. Schedule an appointment for a mock interview, or attend an interviewing workshop to start preparing for the next step.
a person in professional clothes holding a folder and talking to someone

Professional Dress or Business Casual is highly recommended. Bring multiple copies of your résumé.