FAU Broward Campuses - Student Spotlight

May 01, 2024
In the heart of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, amidst a vibrant art scene, resides a visionary artist and designer, Narges Panahandeh. A multifaceted creative mind with a passion for visual storytelling and social impact, Narges...

April 01, 2024
Hans Gonzembach is an avid outdoorsman with a passionate interest in birds. As a PhD candidate in Florida Atlantic’s doctoral program studying integrated biology, he’s discovering how to merge his hobby and future career....

September 01, 2023
Karla Ramirez is gearing up to be a future DOUBLE owl. Having already earned her bachelor’s degree in communications with a minor in hospitality management at Florida Atlantic, Karla took a year off to work at OsteoStrong...

July 01, 2023
Hayley Knapp has loved dolphins for as long as she can remember. Growing up in Kansas, she didn’t really have many encounters with ocean marine life. Yet, she was captivated by everything under the sea. And it’s a passion...

June 01, 2023
Mary Louis is a senior at FAU who plans on graduating in the fall of 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in public health and a Minor in Health Administration. Mary is currently a part of the Medi Futures and Anime Club and recently...

April 01, 2023
Anell Velazquez, born in Texas and raised in Mexico, is one of FAU’s outstanding Johnson First Generation Transfer Student scholarship recipients studying studio art at the Davie campus. She holds certifications in fundamentals...

March 01, 2023
Luiz Maia’s zest for life and thirst for knowledge is contagious. He lights up the room with a simple smile, and when he speaks, it’s with poise and motivation. He’s a tenured businessman with a wealth of expertise....

January 01, 2023
Doctoral student Shanett Dean specializes in Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University. Her approach to instruction comes from a background in English Literature, Art, and Pedagogy....

November 01, 2022
Psychology major Filippa Lundin is passionate about her major but even more passionate about what she wants to accomplish with it. Fillipa wants to become a counselor working with children.

July 01, 2022
Duy Le was born in Vietnam and moved to Florida in 2004 when he was nine years old. Now at FAU, Le is majoring in architecture and is expecting to graduate in 2023. Le’s love of math, art, and geography also helped him...