Bruce Taylor
Wednesday, Feb 01, 2023
Bruce Taylor is one of our newest alumni, who recently graduated in the Fall semester of 2022 with his master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the College of Education. Born and raised in Miami, Bruce has a background in business degrees and experience, first receiving his Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and International Business from Florida International University, then his Master of Business Administration in Finance.
In the last ten years, tragic events have taken place in his life, which motivated a shift in his career to one more meaningful. He had a challenging childhood growing up in the inner-city of Miami but was fortunate to have mentors, coaches, and teachers motivate him to finish high school and assist him in receiving a football scholarship to attend the University of Louisiana. These individuals significantly impacted his life, especially when it came to education.
Bruce wants to give back by affording resources and opportunities for all students no matter their nationality or demographic, especially those who may be underserved or less fortunate. "I want to help students become who they want to be in life at a higher level as an administrator. In this role, you have a greater reach on impacting students in the entire school," he said. As a graduate, he is actively pursuing an administrative opportunity as an assistant principal within Broward County Public School District.
Bruce chose Florida Atlantic University because "the university and program itself holds a high standard, the professors are great and the partnership with Broward County Public Schools caught my interest," he said.
Bruce started his master’s degree in March 2021 through the Principal Rapid Orientation and Preparation in Educational Leadership (PROPEL) Program. PROPEL is a state-approved partnership program between Broward County Public Schools and Florida Atlantic University. It is an accelerated program that folds in the BCPS LEAD (Leaders Experiences and Administrative Development) program for aspiring school leaders all in one program. Additionally, in the cohort model, students will progress through courses sequentially over 22 months. Once PROPEL is completed, students are automatically placed in the Assistant Principal talent pool, allowing them to apply for a position immediately following graduation. Bruce likes that the program is designed in a cohort from beginning to end. "It creates a family and togetherness, leaning on each other and providing support," he said.
Bruce started the program during covid, in a time of great uncertainty but was surprisingly relieved by the supportive community here at FAU. He is now a part of the Florida Association of School Administrators, which supports and spreads awareness to current and aspiring administrators. Within the next ten years, he plans to become a principal leading a school while continuing to inspire the next generation of leaders.
Bruce would describe himself as a driven, committed, detail-oriented person who lives by the three words of honesty, integrity, and faith. When Bruce is not studying or spending time with family, you may find him pursuing something fitness or photography related. Bruce wants students interested or currently pursuing a degree in his field to "identify and stay focused on your leadership ‘why’, the meaning behind why you are pursuing a leadership degree and the aspirations of your ‘why’. There will be challenges and hurdles but staying focused will always keep you motivated and your drive going," he said. Focusing on the end goal of inspiring and leading students, including the impact he can have on them, kept him focused on completion and doing his best throughout the program.