Spring 2015 Broward Undergraduate Research Grant

Catheryn Espino and Chris Sartori: Building Broward: A Centennial Exhibition
- Nominated by Dr. Vladimir Kulic, College of Design and Social Inquiry - Architecture
Joshua Conniff: Inhibitory Processing in Relation to Drinking Behaviors Among Young Adults
- Nominated by Monica Rosselli, College of Science - Psychology
Tarak Patel: Assessing Genetic Population Structure of Wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, on a Global Scale: Molecular Insight for Fisheries Management.
- Nominated by Dr. John Baldwin, College of Science - Neuroscience
Lexie-Ann Holgate: Validation of a New Protocol for Field Measurements of Standard Metabolic Rate in Fish.
- Nominated by Dr. Tim C. Theisen, College of Science - Biological Science
Krizia Kracker and Tasnim Mosabber: Public Awareness, Scientific Knowledge, and Grassroots Activism: The Risks, Benefits, and Technology of Genetic Modification in Florida
- Nominated by Dr. Patricia Widener, College of Arts and Letters and Science - Sociology and Psychology
Sharon Bhooshi: A Case Study of A Research High University’s Branch Campus Commuter Student Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding Institutional Choice and the Delivery of Academic Program Variety and Majors
- Nominated by Dr. Dianne A. Wright, College of Arts and Letters - Political Science
Laura Perez and Rebecca DePrisco: PBL Nano Comics
- Nominated by Dr. David Devraj Kumar and Dr. Sabrina Sembiante, College of College of Arts and Letters - Sociology and Multimedia Studies
Dietrich Vogel: Evaluation of the Chloride Threshold for a Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composite in Agressively Corrosive Environments
- Nominated by Dr. Francisco Presuel-Moreno, College of Engineering & Computer Science - Ocean Engineering
Genevieve Cann: The Emerging Multilingual Environment and Multilanguaging Practices of a Trilingual Toddler
- Nominated by Dr. Sabrina Sembiante, College of Education - Elementary Education
Zizah Wosseni-Blair: Evolution of Major Histocompatibility Genes in Common Snook
- Nominated by Dr. Colin Hughes, College of Science - Biological Science