Master of Fine Arts in Visual Art: Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture and Book Arts
These programs are designed to incorporate courses in the area of concentration as well as other studio arts areas should the student desire this type of flexibility. Graduates of the programs will be prepared for careers as professional artists. The programs will provide opportunities for students to develop their interests and talents at the terminal degree level.
Click here for a downloadable brochure with important information about the Fine Art concentrations in the MFA program.
Master of Fine Arts in Visual Art: Graphic Design -- click here for the link to the web-pages that describe this concentration.
General Admission Requirements for the MFA Program
1. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts, or equivalent degree.
2. Graduate admission application submitted online via FAU’s Graduate College website.
3. Official college transcript(s) submitted to FAU’s Graduate College.
Applicants must submit the following in PDF format by e-mail to the departmental Graduate Coordinator for the respective concentration (Fine Arts, Graphic Design):
1. A statement of intent (stating area of concentration) and brief résumé.
2. Three letters of recommendation (preferably from previous instructors and/or professionals familiar with applicant’s academic and artistic background).
3. Portfolio of 20 digital images of recent work in the area of concentration. Applications for painting must include a minimum of two details. Each image should be identified with name, medium, size, date.
4. Copy of official transcript.
5. The deadline for applications for fall admission in Fine Arts and Graphic Design is February 1st; please contact the department regarding the deadline for spring admission in Graphic Design.
The Graduate College will be notified by the department of the evaluation results, and the Graduate College will notify candidates formally regarding admission. Only completed portfolios and application packets will be considered.
Click here for a downloadable brochure with important information about the Fine Art concentrations in the MFA program.
Click here for the link to the web-pages that describe the MFA concentration in Graphic Design.