Our Faculty
Our faculty are active members nationwide and in the South Florida theatre community. They are respected members of professional organizations including Actors’ Equity Association, Screen Actors Guild, Society of American Fight Directors, United Scenic Artists, National Dance Education Organization, Florida Dance Educators, Florida Association for Theatre Education, and the Voice and Speech Trainers’ Association. We have a wide breadth of training in performance techniques including certifications in several movement and voice disciplines including Laban, Alexander, Fitzmaurice and Linklater, as well as in Stage Combat.
Our ongoing professional work and association keeps us innovative and current in our classrooms, studios, and in our productions, and is a direct benefit to the strength of our undergraduate programs. It’s these connections that allow us to bring in the field’s top people for Master Classes and as Eminent Scholars, bringing their real-life knowledge to the curriculum.
Brandy DeMil, Instructor, Stage Management
Email: bdemil@bjrujiabj.com -
Ted deChatelet, Assistant Professor, Acting for Camera/Film
Email: edechatelet@bjrujiabj.com -
Desmond Gallant, Associate Professor, Acting, Directing, Script Analysis
Email: dgallant@bjrujiabj.com -
Rebecca Lucatero, Instructor, Technical Director
Email: nlucatero2018@bjrujiabj.com -
Lynn McNutt, Associate Professor, Acting, Musical Theatre, Shakespeare
Email: mcnuttl@bjrujiabj.com - Aidan Nettles, Assistant Professor, Dance
Email: nettlesa@bjrujiabj.com - Joel Rodriguez, Visiting Instructor, Voice and Speech
Email: rodriguezjoe2022@bjrujiabj.com -
Dawn Shamburger, Associate Chair, Associate Professor, Costume Design
Email: dshamburger@bjrujiabj.com -
Thomas Shorrock, Chair, Professor, Technical Design
Email: shorrock@bjrujiabj.com -
K. April
Soroko, Associate Professor, Scene Design
Email: ksoroko@bjrujiabj.com -
Lee Soroko, Associate Professor, Movement, Stage Combat
Email: lsoroko@bjrujiabj.com - Gretchen Suárez-Peña, Assistant Professor, Stage and Screen Writing
Email: gsuarezpena@bjrujiabj.com -
Ryan Townsend, Instructor, Musical Theatre Voice
Email: rtownsend@bjrujiabj.com
Adjunct Faculty
- Tim Bowman, Theatre Appreciation
Email: bowmant@bjrujiabj.com - Jill Carr
Email: carrj@bjrujiabj.com - Danielle Dale-Hancock, Dance
Email: daled@bjrujiabj.com - Gaynelle Gosselin, Ballet
Email: gcaldwe1@bjrujiabj.com - Dr. Joseph Mills, Modern Dance
Email: millsj@bjrujiabj.com - Dr. Kathryn Morris, Theatre Appreciation, Theatre History
Email: kmorri38@bjrujiabj.com - Scott Wells, Theatre Appreciation
Email: swells2012@bjrujiabj.com - Rachel Wresh, Voice
Email: rwresh@bjrujiabj.com
Caryl Ginsburg Fantel, Music Director/Music Coordinator
Email: cfantel@bjrujiabj.com - Elvira Figueras, Program Assistant
Email: efiguer1@bjrujiabj.com - Matt McCord, Scene Shop Manager
Email: mccordm@bjrujiabj.com - Tim Bowman, Costume Shop Manager
Email: bowmant@bjrujiabj.com - Vontrel Joseph, Sound and Lighting Tech
Email: josephv@bjrujiabj.com - Darius Rivera, Theatre Customer Service Manager
Email: dariusrivera@bjrujiabj.com - James McDonough, University Theatre Manager (SOTA)
Phone: 561.297.0464
Email: theatermgr@bjrujiabj.com - Jake Molzan, Assistant to University Theatre Manager
Email: jmolzan@bjrujiabj.com