FAU MAsters of arts in sociology

The Masters of Arts (MA) in Sociology offers students the opportunity to develop a strong sociological imagination, broad knowledge of the major debates and theoretical traditions of sociology, and practical skills in empirical research, analysis, writing, and critical thinking.  Through completion of a rigorous course schedule of sociological theory, research methods, and topical courses, students learn about the major subfields, methods, and debates in sociology.  The program also offers an optional thesis project for students interested in gaining further hands-on experience in designing and conducting original social research.  By working as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) for undergraduate courses, students deepen their sociological knowledge and gain concrete skills in working with students and classroom management.  Students who graduate with an MA in Sociology leave with a firm command of sociological thought and facility with practical research that will serve them well in PhD programs or careers in non-profits, government, education, law, public policy, and more.  


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