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Leadership and Ethics Achievement Program (LEAP)

Summer Camp for High School Students

Sponsored in part by the LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy and FAU’s School of Public Administration, this week-long summer adventure will emphasize leadership and ethics for the next generation.  

Today’s for-impact organizations as well as all levels of government require the highest standards of ethical decision-making and a solid foundation of leadership skills.

This summer camp will strengthen leadership skills such as communication and decision making through games and simulations, hearing from experts, and witnessing first-hand how ethics are applied in the real-world.  

The week-long day camp will be held

June 9th through June 13th, 2025

FAU, Boca Raton Campus

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

(Lunch and snacks will be provided)

Fee:  $450

Our registration link can be accessed here.

Please note that vehicle information is required if your camper will be driving themselves to campus and parking their cars. We will follow-up with further instructions once registration is complete.

For more information:  Please contact Dr. Robin Larson via email rlarson2@bjrujiabj.com.

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