SPA faculty research 2020-2022

Ali Farazmand


Kotchegura, A., De Martino, M., & Farazmand, A. (2022). Enhancing Competitiveness of the Russian Higher Education: The 5-100 University Excellence Program through the Lens of Efficiency and Performance. International Journal of Public Administration, 45(2), 185-197.

Dell, S., Subedi, M., Hsu, M. K., & Farazmand, A. (2022). Social Capital and Financial Performance in Nonprofits. Public Organization Review, 22(1), 193-210.

Lisyutkin, M., Farazmand, A., & Froumin, I. (2022). Declining Public Universities: Patterns and Lessons for Public Policy and Administration: A Russian Case Study. International Journal of Public Administration, 45(2), 157-170.

Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Yu, X., & Farazmand, A. (2021). The China-characteristic policy transfer: A case of establishing long-term care insurance.International Journal of Public Administration, 1-10.

Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., & Farazmand, A. (2021). Policy Transfer: The Case of Founding the Growth Enterprise Board in China’s Security Market. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(13), 1165-1174.

Zadorian, A., Szanyi, M., & Farazmand, A. (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue: The Rise of State Capitalism. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(14), 1195-1200.

Farazmand, A., & Danaeefard, H. (2021). Crisismanship under the most severe sanctions: lessons learned from the Iranian Government’s responses to the COVID-19. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(13), 1149-1164.

Farazmand, A., & Danaeefard, H. (2021). Iranian government’s responses to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): An empirical analysis. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(11-12), 931-942.

Farazmand, A. (2020). Trends in Public Administration Reforms: Assessing the Past and Looking into the Future; Rationales, Approaches, and Impacts. International Journal of Civil Service Reform and Practice, 5(1).

Subedi, M., & Farazmand, A. (2019). Membership Organization’s social capital and the impact on nonprofit sector management. International Journal of Public Administration, 42(10), 880-892.



Farazmand, A. (2021). Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy and governance. Routledge/Taylor and Francis.


Aleksey Kolpakov


  Kolpakov, A., & Boyer, E. (2021). Examining gender dimensions of leadership in international nonprofits. Public Integrity, 23(1), 68-81.

Kolpakov, A., & Anguelov, L. G. (2018). Decision-making approaches to contracting out. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 4(3), 148-166.


Clifford McCue


Atkinson, C., McCue, C., & Prier, E. (Accepted). Full and Open Competition in Public Procurement: A Noble Lie? International Journal of Procurement Management. August 13, 2022.

McCue, C., Boykin, E. & Prier, E. (2021). Competitive Public Procurement during COVID-19: The Unique Political and Policy Experience of the United States. European Journal of Public Procurement Markets, 3: 81-97.

Prier, E., McCue, C., & Csáki, C. (2021). Evaluating Decision Speed as a Measure of Public Procurement Performance in the European Single Market, International Journal of Public Administration, 44(13): pp. 1065-1075.

McCue, C., Lofaro, R., & Prier, E. (2021). Examining Year-end Spending Spikes in the European Economic Area: a Comparative Study of Procurement Contracts, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 33(5): pp. 513-532.

Fennimore, A. & McCue, C. (2021). Are Public Financial Managers Wired for Risk-Aversion? Public Finance and Management, Symposium on Behavioral Public Finance, 20(1): pp. 88-111.

Atkinson, C., McCue, C., & Saginor, J. (2021). The Best Disparity, or Lack Thereof, that Money Can Buy. Review of Black Political Economy. 48(2): pp. 228-250.

Prier, E., McCue, C. & Boykin, E. (2021). Assessing European Union Standardization: A Descriptive Analysis of Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency Notices. Journal of Public Procurement. 21(1): pp. 1-18.

McCue, C., Prier, E. & Steinfeld, J. (2020). Foundational Elements for a Public Procurement Body of Knowledge. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. 4(4): pp. 233-251.

Atkinson, C., McCue, C., Prier, E., & Atkinson, A. (2020). Supply Chain Manipulation, Misrepresentation, and Magical Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Review of Public Administration. 50(6-7): pp. 628-634.

Lofaro, R. & McCue, C. (2020). Salient Target Populations and the Subcategorization of Deviants in the Release of People Involved in the Criminal Justice System During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 42(3): pp. 379-393.


Book Chapters:

Matthews, D. & McCue, C. (2022). Protests and Disputes: A lighthearted look at a serious matter. In Vaidya, Kishor (Ed.), Teach Procurement and Supply with a Sense of Humor, Curious Academic Publishing.


Hugh Miller


Miller, H. T., & Lofaro, R. (2021). Political contestation in policy implementation: A narrative inquiry into a needle exchange program.Critical Policy Studies, 1-20.

Lofaro, R. J., & Miller, H. T. (2021). Narrative politics in policy discourse: the debate over safe injection sites in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contemporary Drug Problems, 48(1), 75-95.

Miller, H. T. (2020). Policy narratives: the perlocutionary agents of political discourse. Critical policy studies, 14(4), 488-501.



Miller, H. T. (2020). Narrative politics in public policy: Legalizing cannabis. Springer Nature.


Qiaozhen Liu


Liu, Q., & Kim, M. (2022). Benefit-based revenue streams and financial health: The case of arts and cultural nonprofits. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 51(4), 805-831.

Altamimi, H., Liu, Q., & Jimenez, B. (2022). Not Too Much, Not Too Little: Centralization, Decentralization, and Organizational Change. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Altamimi, H., & Liu, Q. (2021). The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle: Does Overhead Spending Really Impact Program Outcomes? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Book Chapters:

Kim, M., & Liu, Q. (2020). Financing nonprofit organizations. In A. Farazmand (Eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration (pp. 1-6). Springer.

Kim, M., & Liu, Q. (2020). Earned Income Strategies. In A. Farazmand (Eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration (pp. 1-6). Springer.


Tomas Olivier


Olivier, T. Senior Personnel. National Science Foundation Subaward. (2021-2023). “Cross-Scale Interactions & the Design of Adaptive Reservoir Operations.” PI: Margaret Garcia (Arizona State University). Co-PIs: David Yu (Purdue University) and Murugesu Sivapalan (University of Illinois). National Science Foundation Grant CIS-1913665. (FAU Share, $8,978.00).



Trimble, M., Olivier, T., Anjos, L., Tadeu, N. D., Giordano, G., Mac Donnell, L.., Laura, R., Salvadores, P., Torres, P., Mazzeo, N., Pascual, M., Jacobi, P., & Pahl-Wostl, C. (2022). How do basin committees deal with water crises? Reflections for adaptive water governance from South America. Ecology and Society, 27(2).

Olivier, T., & Schlager, E. (2022). Rules and the ruled: Understanding joint patterns of institutional design and behavior in complex governing arrangements. Policy Studies Journal, 50(2), 340-365.

Olivier, T., & Berardo, R. (2022). Birds of a feather fight together: forum involvement in a weakly institutionalized ecology of policy games. Policy Studies Journal, 50(1), 176-198.

Olivier, T., Tadeu, N. D., & Mac Donnell, L. (2022). Crisis de agua en el Cono Sur: aprendizajes desde Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay. Diálogos Socioambientais, 5(13), 20-27.

Bell, E. V., & Olivier, T. (2021). Following the paper trail: Systematically analyzing outputs to understand collaborative governance evolution. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Olivier, T. (2021). Mechanism Design in Regional Arrangements for Water Governance. International Journal of the Commons, 15(1).

Schlager, E. C., Bakkensen, L. A., Olivier, T., & Hanlon, J. (2021). Institutional design for a complex commons: variations in the design of credible commitments and the provision of public goods. Public Administration, 99(2), 263-289.

Trimble, M., Jacobi, P. R., Olivier, T., Pascual, M., Zurbriggen, C., Garrido, L., & Mazzeo, N. (2021). Reconfiguring water governance for resilient social-ecological systems in South America. In Water Resilience (pp. 113-135). Springer, Cham.

Pascual, M., Olivier, T., Brandizi, L., Rimoldi, P., Malnero, H. A., & Kaless, G. (2020). Análisis de Factibilidad de Fondo Agua Cuenca del Río Chubut, Argentina.


Book Chapters:

Trimble, M., Torres, P. H. C., Jacobi, P. R., Dias Tadeu, N., Salvadores, F., Mac Donnell, L., ... & Jobbágy, E. (2021). Towards Adaptive Water Governance in South America: Lessons from Water Crises in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. In Sustainability in Natural Resources Management and Land Planning (pp. 31-46). Springer, Cham.

Olivier, T., Scott, T. A., & Schlager, E. (2020). Institutional Design and Complexity: Protocol Network Structure in Response to Different Collective-Action Dilemmas. In Networks in Water Governance (pp. 267-293). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Palina Prysmakova


Prysmakova, P., & Evans, M. D. (2022). Whistleblowing motivation and gender: Vignette-based study in a local government. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 42(1), 165-190.

Prysmakova, P., & Lallatin, N. (2021). Perceived organizational support in public and nonprofit organizations: Systematic review and directions for future research. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 00208523211033822.

Prysmakova, P. (2021). Institutional antecedents of public service motivation: Administrative regime and sector of economy. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 32(1), 99-119.

Prysmakova, P. (2021). Public service motivation of public and nonprofit employees: Comparative analysis of social service providers in a centralized system. International Journal of Public Administration, 44(6), 513-529.

Prysmakova, P. (2021). Contact with citizens and job satisfaction: expanding person-environment models of public service motivation. Public Management Review, 23(9), 1339-1358.

Prysmakova P. (2020). Policy Diffusion of New Generation: Applying Margaret Mead’s Typology of Learning Cultures to International Learning Practices. Public Policy Studies 26(2), pp. 33-57.

Prysmakova, P., & Vandenabeele, W. (2020). Enjoying police duties: Public service motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of police and criminal psychology, 35(3), 304-317.


Book Chapters:

Prysmakova P. (2021). Public Service Lala-land: PSM research and its researchers. In Thomas Bryer (Ed.), Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and Management. Edward Elgar Publisher. ISBN: 978 1 78990 824 4.

Prysmakova P. (2021). Public Service Motivation and Nonprofit Organizations. In Ali Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, pp. 1-18.

Smith, R. and Prysmakova P. (2021). Ethics of Nonprofits. In Ali Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, pp. 1-15.

Uzochukwu, K. and Prysmakova P. (2020). Collaborative Community Development. In Ali Farazmand (Ed.) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, pp. 1 -16.


Alka Sapat


Sapat, A. Principal Investigator. (with K. Scarpinato, R. Ivy, C. Forbes, and E. Rezler).  “ADAPTATION: Enabling Minorities’ Prime Outcomes with Education& Research (EMPOWER) at Florida Atlantic University.” National Science Foundation, 2022-2025. HRD Grant # 2204462. Award Amount: $999,853.00

Sapat, A. Principal Investigator. Alka Sapat (PI) (with D. Mitsova and A-M Esnard). RAPID: “Health, Housing, and Hazards: COVID-19, Subjective Resilience, Vulnerabilities, and Policy Evolution in Hurricane Prone Counties.” National Science Foundation, 2020-2021. SES. Grant # 2028968. Award Amount: $ 175,848.

Sapat, A. Co-Principal Investigator. (with D. Mitsova, PI). “CRISP TYPE 2: Probabilistic Resilience Assessment of Interdependent Infrastructure.” National Science Foundation, 2016-2020. Collaborative Research Grant. CMMI # 1541089. 2016-2020) Award Amount: $296,793.


Sapat, A. Co-Principal Investigator. (with D. Mitsova, PI). Award Supplement to “CRISP TYPE 2: Probabilistic Resilience Assessment of Interdependent Infrastructure.” National Science Foundation, 2016-2020. Collaborative Research Grant. CMMI # 1541089 (Award Amount: $58,000) (2019-2020).


Articles & Reports

Sapat, A., Lofaro, R. J., & Trautman, B. (2022). Policy responsiveness and institutions in a federal system: Analyzing variations in state-level data transparency and equity issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction77, 103066.

Lofaro, R. J., & Sapat, A. (2022). Communication and leadership in times of crisis: analyzing the cultural competency of US state governors during the vaccine administration phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Public Leadership.

Sapat, A., Mitsova, D., Balilaj, A., & Esnard, A. M. (2021). Policy mandates and organizational compliance: A spatial analysis of the factors affecting the adoption and implementation of emergency power plans by nursing homes. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.

Mitsova, D., Esnard, A. M., Sapat, A., Lamadrid, A., Escaleras, M., & Velarde-Perez, C. (2021). Effects of Infrastructure Service Disruptions Following Hurricane Irma: Multilevel Analysis of Post-disaster Recovery Outcomes. Natural Hazards Review, 22(1), 04020055.

Campbell, N. A. Sapat, J. Schlegelmilch, and A. Jerolleman. (2021). Incorporating Lessons Learned during COVID-19 into Disaster Planning. National Academy of Sciences (Incorporating Lessons Learned During COVID-19 Into Future Emergency Planning (pdf, 363 KB)  

Mitsova, D., Sapat, A., Esnard, A-M, Lamadrid, A. 2020. Evaluating the Impact of Infrastructure Interdependencies on the Emergency Services Sector and Critical Support Functions Using an Expert Opinion Survey, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(2): 04020015, doi:


Book Chapters:

Sapat, A., Balilaj, A. and Esnard, A-M. 2022. Social Constructions and Displaced Populations. In Marshall, J. R. Rowberry (Ed.). Handbook of Disaster Law: Risk, Recovery, and Redevelopment. Cambridge University Press.


Arthur Sementelli


Dzhurova, A. & Sementelli, A. (2022), "Somebody is watching me: framing surveillance as rent-seeking behavior", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Garrett, T. & Sementelli, A. (2022). COVID-19, asylum seekers, and migrants on the Mexico–U.S. border: Creating states of exception. Politics & Policy 50(4), 872-886.

Garrett, T., & Sementelli, A. (2021). Lone Star Wars: LNGs, communities and globalization versus local resistance in the Laguna Madre region of coastal South Texas. Journal of Global Responsibility 12(4), 452-468.

Mastracci, S., & Sementelli, A. J. (2021). Neutrality narratives, gender, and fear of cuckoldry in public administration. Organization, 13505084211015381.

Sementelli, A. J., & Fennimore, A. K. (2021). Marking to remember: Territoriality and failure to forget. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 43(3), 302-320.

Sementelli, A. (2020) Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Simulacra and Border Narratives. Public Voices 17(1), 49-62.

Heilman, J. & Sementelli, A. (2020) Rethinking Habermas, from the ideal to the individual: a practical application of critical management theory. Administrative Theory & Praxis, DOI: 10.1080/10841806.2019.1678351.

Sementelli, A. (2020). Fear Responses: Intersubjectivity, and the Hollow State. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35(1), 99-112.

Sementelli, A. (2020). Life imitates art: Yojimbo, critical management, and contractors. Organization, 27(5), 755-766.



Sementelli, A. J. (2020). Public Administration and Epistemology: Experience, Power, and Agency. New York, Routledge.


Kaila Witkowski


Witkowski, K., Yeo, J., Belligoni, S., Ganapati, N. E., Corbin, T., & Rivera, F. (2021). Florida as a COVID-19 Epicenter: Exploring the Role of Institutions in the State’s Response. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-15.

Bustinza, M. & Witkowski, K. (2022). Immigrants, Deviants and Drug Users: A Rhetorical Analysis of President Trump’s Fear-Driven Tweets During the 2019 Government Shutdown. Policy & Internet.

Witkowski, K., Matiz Reyes, A., & Padilla, M. (2021). Teaching diversity in public participation through participatory research: A case study of the PhotoVoice methodology. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 27(2), 218-237.

Witkowski, K., Vertovec, J., da Silva, N. M., Awadzi, R. K., Yamini, F., Varas-Díaz, N., ... & Marr, M. (2021). Miami in Transformation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Participatory Visual Culture Analysis. eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the Tropics, 20(1), 157-181.

Witkowski, K., Remington, C. L., & Ganapati, N. E. (2021). Focus group research in disaster and emergency management. In Jason Rivera (Ed.), Disaster and Emergency Management Methods:Social Science Approaches in Application, (pp. 123-141). Routledge.

Witkowski, K., Valerio, R., Samad, A., Matiz-Reyes, A., & Padilla, M. (2021). Aging and thriving with HIV: a photovoice project with long-term HIV survivors in Miami, Florida. Arts & Health, 13(3), 329-346.

Whetsell, T. A., Siciliano, M. D., Witkowski, K. G., & Leiblein, M. J. (2020). Government as network catalyst: Accelerating self-organization in a strategic industry. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30(3), 448-464.